The little tiger looked at Ta Ling, full of schadenfreude and said, "Fatty Tower, have you been kicked out?"

Taring's weight has become more and more serious recently, and a pair of yin and yang fish eyes will be squeezed out of sight.

Ta Ling shook the gourd covered in his body, full of resentment and said: "Lord Tower Master, too stingy, isn't it just him rolling around with Lord Little White Face? What's the big deal? You have to bring me up and don't allow me to enter. ."

The little tiger looked at Ta Ling and said, "Yo, fat tower, you also know how to roll around."

Ta Ling shook the gourd all over his body and said proudly: "Of course, this uncle has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and he knows everything, the tower master and the little white face, I will eat you, you will eat me, nibble and nibble... "

"You said that the Lord of the Tower is usually the one who decides to kill and kills without blood, but when you eat Lord Xiaobailian, it's too tedious. You take a bite of me, I bite you, and I can't even leave a tooth mark. When I came down, it was just a piece of blue and a piece of purple, the skin was not broken, it was too gritty." Taring said with disdain.

"You don't understand this. Lord Xiaobailian has high body refining skills and a great body. How can he break the skin so easily! Besides, Lord Tower Master is actually a little whiteface, and he is indecisive when facing Lord Xiaobailian. How can he compare to me! The Huo Ling girls I like are all in my stomach." The little tiger patted his stomach triumphantly.

Ta Ling said angrily: "...Not only sister Huo Ling, but brother Huo Ling, they are all wrapped up for you, you are both male and female!"

The little tiger scratched his chin and said, "This tiger is good for both sexes."

Taring: "..."

Several people in the shop, with their heads lowered, eavesdropped on the conversation between Taring and the little tiger with strange expressions.

Taring looked at several people in the store and said angrily: "You, you, what are you looking at, those who want to buy something, hurry up to buy, otherwise, it is time to increase the price."

"Lord Taling, Lord Bai Yanxing, are you there?" A Martial Emperor couldn't help asking.

"Why are you looking for Lord Little White Face!" Old God Ta Ling said in the presence.

"I heard that Bai Shao's formation is very powerful." When Zu Yang and others approached Mu Chen and Ye Shi before, many people were watching. Ye Shi was in charge of upgrading the formation for Zu Yang and others. , Many people are secretly paying attention.

Seeing Zu Yang and others advancing to Wuzong one after another, many nine-star Wuhuang couldn't sit still.

Unfortunately, Mu Chen and Ye Shi disappeared after Zu Yang and others were promoted to Wu Zong.

Taring nodded and said: "That's right, that's right, Lord Xiaobailian's formation level is very high, just like he is stupid, he doesn't seem to be able to do anything else, but it's no wonder Lord Xiaobailian, who Let him have a stupid father, this is hereditary!"

"His father, hahaha... A Martial Lord, let a martial artist play around, I have never seen someone more idiot than him... Hahaha..."

Taring's exaggerated laughter echoed in the store, causing everyone else in the store to have their scalps numb.

The Wu Zun outside may be paying attention to the situation here all the time. Fortunately, if Ta Ling and Huo Ling are concerned, the Wu Zong outside cannot tell the difference.

"Lord Taling, Lord Bai Yanxing, when will you come out!" a Martial Emperor asked.

Ta Ling blinked his yin and yang eyes and said, "I don't know! Lord Tower, don't hold back for a long time. It is said that if a man holds back for a long time, it is easy to go crazy. Why do you want me to urge you?"

"No, no, no, no." Wu Huang, who asked the question, said quickly.

"Don't worry, I don't dare to rush. I heard that men will become very irritable when they are interrupted. At that time, he will not be willing to shoot the innocent and lovely Ben Taling to death. Maybe he will shoot you to death with one palm. , In fact, death is heavier than Mount Tai and lighter than a feather, if you die in the hands of a genius and little white face like the tower owner, you can be considered a life in vain." Ta Ling flickered with yin and yang eyes, waving excitedly. Wing Road.

"Lord Taring, I remembered, I still have something to do, I will go first."

"Let's go, let's go." Ta Ling looked at the back of the emperor with disdain, "I'm so cowardly, so cowardly, actually, I'm still a emperor."

"Are you looking for an excuse to go in and take a peek?" Tiger asked.

Taring waved his wings and said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about, you stupid tiger, is Ben Taring this kind of person?"

The little tiger squatted on the crystal cabinet where the eighth-level medicinal pills were placed, smiling without saying a word.

Inside the spiritual tower, Mu Chen and Ye Shi's black hair were entangled with red waves.

"Mu Chen, will Taring and Tiger be fooling around outside?" Ye Shi asked panting.

Mu Chen lay on Ye Shi's body and said, "No matter what they do, they will at most destroy the Pill Shop."


In the secret realm, because of a sky-high bounty, the pot exploded.

A Wuzong head, exchanged for two eighth-level medicinal pills, if this reward is placed outside, it will definitely provoke countless Wuzun shots. No matter how powerful Wuzun is, he will not survive for a day.

However, this is within the secret realm, and within the secret realm, Wu Zong is the strongest.

Murong Feng and the others are very powerful. The five of them are all Martial Sects, and they have the Spirit Pagoda as their support. When they join hands, their combat power is doubled, and they are impeccable.

According to the original situation, when the general forces encountered Murong Feng and others, they would avoid it if they could.

However, a reward offered by Mu Chen changed this situation. Five people, ten eight-level medicinal herbs, and the price of exchanging eight-level spirit grasses for eight-level medicinal herbs has risen to three eighth-level spirit herbs for one. , This makes the eighth-level medicinal pills double in value, and all the martial arts powerhouses in the secret realm are eager to move.

The eighth-level elixir in Central Continent is extremely rare, and it is impossible for ordinary martial sects to obtain eighth-level elixir.

Knowing that fighting alone will not yield results, the various martial sects and emperors quickly formed an alliance.

Although Murong Feng and the others are powerful, all the talents in Central Continent are not vegetarians.

Setting traps, poisoning, poisoning... all kinds of methods emerge one after another.


"These goddamn things." Murong Feng covered the wound on his hand, full of anger.

Zhuang Jin's beautiful face was full of grievances and panic, "What the hell is going on with those people, everyone has no grievances and no grudges, why did they commit such a vicious attack?"

"It's not because of Mu Chen's reward." Murong Feng said angrily.

Two eighth-level medicinal pills replaced heads, this guy Mu Chen is really... willing to spend all his money!

"For the sake of the eighth-level medicinal herbs, that group of people is so indiscriminate and disregarding morality. It's too much." Zhuang Jinman said resentfully.

There was a sneer in Murong Feng's heart, morality, what kind of thing is that, can I eat it?

Murong Feng's eyes turned towards Shi Jingtian, his eyes were icy cold.

Zhuang Jin followed Murong Feng's line of sight and saw Shi Jingtian, and a bit of grievance flashed in his eyes.

Mu Chen also offered him two eighth-level medicinal pills, but only Shi Jingtian was spared.

"Who is that sword-wielding person today! I've never heard of such a powerful person in the secret realm!" Murong Yu muttered.

That person is too powerful. He fights alone. Even if he relies on the spiritual tower, none of them is his opponent. The blood sword in his hand is not of ordinary quality. Fortunately, Shi Jingtian was promoted to Wuzong. Back off the group.

"That person should be Tortured Heaven." Shi Jingtian said.

Murong Feng frowned, and said, "It's the one you said before, the one who failed to advance to Wuzong three times."

Shi Jingtian nodded and said, "Yes!" Waste material? Lie Xing Tian had already broken through Wu Zong, and the Slaughtering Immortal Sword was known as the number one sword in the world. It was invincible at the same level, and Murong Feng actually underestimated others.

"I didn't expect him to turn over." Murong Feng said angrily.

"Seriously, Shi Jingtian, what kind of friendship do you have with Mu Chen! We are all offering two eighth-level medicinal pills, even A Jin, but Mu Chen just let you go." Murong Yu said with a bad expression. .

Shi Jingtian frowned and said, "I don't know what happened."

"You don't know? Why don't you know? Mu Chen is the ugly ghost from the original Array Master Guild. You seem to have been to the Array Tower. At that time, didn't you see what was wrong with Mu Chen? I listen. Said, Jiang Feng suddenly found out that something was wrong with Mu Chen, did you have any agreement with him?" Murong Yu asked coldly.

Shi Jingtian frowned. When he was in the Array Mage Guild, he did meet with Mu Chen. At that time, he also felt that there was something wrong with this Chen Mu.

He was hiding his strength at the time, his identity was special, and he couldn't say much. Originally, he wanted to investigate Chen Mu, but as a result, someone inexplicable attacked him, causing him to reveal his strength. It's about Chen Mu, if I had known... Chen Mu's identity was so special.

"I have nothing to do with Mu Chen." Shi Jingtian said.

At first, he couldn't understand who he had offended and led to inexplicable attacks, but now he vaguely figured it out, he found something wrong with Mu Chen, but Mu Chen also found something wrong with him.

At the beginning, the person who attacked him was probably someone from the Bai family. Mu Chen was Bai Chenxing's quick son-in-law. Bai Chenxing would definitely help him. He later traced the identity of the person who attacked him, but found nothing. On top, only the Bai family can do it so neatly.

Murong Feng snorted coldly and said, "The person who used the sword today had a chance to seriously injure you, but he easily let you go."

Shi Jingtian frowned and said, "Why did he do this, I am also at a loss."

The reward offered by Mu Chen gave everyone the illusion that Shi Jingtian and Mu Chen had a good relationship, so when he started, Li Xingtian was worried about Mu Chen and let Shi Jingtian subconsciously.

Jiang Zhaolin folded his arms and said, "Okay, I think Jingtian should have nothing to do with Mu Chen, Mu Chen just wants to divide the relationship between us, we must not fall for his tricks."

Shi Jingtian smiled gratefully at Jiang Zhaolin. Jiang Zhaolin should also be suspicious of him. The reason why he spoke for him was because, without him, the combat power of the five people would drop significantly.

Shi Jingtian looked towards Zhuang Jin. Back then, when he hurriedly glanced at the outer domain, he was astonished by the youth, such as pearls and jade, alluring the country and the city, like an elf.

Shi Jingtian thought at first that if he got this person, he might have nothing else to ask for in this life.

Later, he finally got Zhuang Jin, but later, he knew that Zhuang Jin was far more than him.

In the end, the five of them had been guarding Zhuang Jin and obtained the spiritual pagoda. However, Murong Tian and the others were full of smugness, and Shi Jingtian felt more uneasy in his heart.

Fate, what kind of race is that! Murong Feng and the others were taken by the people of the Ming clan. After pouring a few bowls of yellow soup, they forgot everything, but Shi Jingtian was very clear about the hypocrisy of the Ming clan.


Bai Chenxing looked at Shi Jingtian and the others in the image, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his nest turned upside down. Shi Jingtian was a fool. A young talent from Central Continent, he was suppressed by a few guys from the outer domain. Out of breath.

Before, that fellow Murong Feng actually gave Shi Jingtian the Blood Dragon Pill, but fortunately Shi Jingtian didn't eat it, otherwise...

Bai Chenxing looked at Shi Wei's livid face, and his heart was weird. His beloved grandson was being targeted in such a way, and Shi Wei must be very uncomfortable.

According to Ye Shi, the Five Spirit Pagodas are the key to inheriting the Five Pagodas in Central Continent. With Murong Feng's wine bags and rice bags, is it really possible to inherit the Five Pagodas in Central Continent?

Bai Chenxing looked in the direction of the Ming clan. The Ming clan is a race that is exhausted, ungrateful, and shameless...

Is such a race just because Zhuang Jin is a member of the Ming clan, so the Ming clan will do everything possible to help his five partners obtain the Five Towers of Central Continent, which is not in line with the behavior of this race.

Maybe the Mingzu has other plans, so it's hard to guard against it! Bai Chenxing secretly said.

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