Jiang Feng and his party.

"Jiang Shao, I heard that Mu Shao issued a reward order, Zhuang Jin's pedestrians, except Shi Jingtian, each headed two eighth-level medicinal pills, for those ten eighth-level medicinal herbs, everyone in the secret realm has gone crazy. ."

"Zhuang Jin's gang is so dragging! No one dares to provoke them. Now, I heard that they were surrounded, chased and intercepted. They were like mice crossing the street. I laughed to death."

A cold smile appeared on Jiang Feng's mouth. In fact, with the strength of Murong Feng and others, there were not many people who could beat them head-on. The people in the middle are crazy, and all kinds of inferior means are eager to greet each other.

The means of many sects in Central Continent are hard to guard against. Murong Feng and the others should be in a state of embarrassment right now. I don’t know what happened to Shi Jingtian, so he should not have a good time.

"By the way, the Slaughtering Immortal Sword Violent Xingtian was promoted to Wuzong and re-emerged. It seems that Murong Tian was injured in his hands."

"Among Zhuang Jin's group, this guy is the most attractive. At the beginning, if he hadn't relied on the Spirit Pagoda, he wouldn't have been able to beat Bai Shao, who is the emperor.

"I didn't expect Lie Xingtian to be able to advance to Wu Zong." Jiang Feng muttered.

Lie Xingtian failed the third promotion at the beginning. Lie Xingtian's master once took him to the eighth-level alchemist elder of the Pill Tower. The elder said that there was no cure, and he would stop at Martial Emperor for life. I didn't expect...

"It is said that it was Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and Zu Yang and other five nine-star Martial Emperors who had failed to advance to the Martial Sect, all went to Mu Chen and Ye Shi... The six consecutive thunder tribulations that day were caused by a few people."

Jiang Feng smiled and said: "What is impossible, just ask Master Mu, there is a possibility of turning Huan."

"Yeah! Mu Chen, this freak, is really scary."

"Actually, I don't quite understand what kind of friendship Shi Jingtian has with Mu Shao, why did Mu Shao just let him go."

Jiang Feng lowered his head, he knew very well that Mu Chen and Shi Jingtian had no friendship. Mu Chen did this, it can be said that Shi Jingtian's situation was not a human being inside or outside.

"Young Master Mu must do this because of Young Master Mu's own considerations." Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, you are about to be promoted to Wuzong." A girl beside Jiang Feng asked.

Jiang Feng had a lot of adventures during this time. He used the news of two spiritual veins in exchange for two medicinal pills.

"Yes." Jiang Feng nodded.

"Xiang Bai Shao, borrow the formation method, Jiang Shao, you will be promoted to Wu Zong, and you will be sure of it."

Jiang Feng said helplessly: "The spring night is so short and the day is high. Since then, the king will not go to court early. After Mu Chen and Ye Shi helped Lie Xingtian advance, they retreated. I don't know when they will come out."

Hearing Jiang Feng's words, several people's faces were a little strange.


Wu Jinque looked at the communication jade pendant in his hand, and a helpless smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Mu Chen can't afford to offend him!"

A young girl beside Wu Jinque nodded and said, "No, Zhuang Jin is so arrogant! No one else is allowed to reach out for the spiritual objects that he likes. In the end, Mu Chen didn't have to do it himself, just a The password, someone will rush to deal with this group of people."

"In the secret realm, a lot of masters have appeared recently! Especially the day of torture, I heard that Murong Feng and others have played against him head-on, and they didn't take any advantage."

Wu Jinque shook her head helplessly, Lie Xingtian's master, Yin Nitian was a lunatic, and in her heart, she failed the third promotion, Aunt Wufeng secretly rejoiced, what did she say, there was one less scourge, and the result... Mu Chen this Guy, let this guy come back to life again, and in the future, there will be another troublesome character in Central Continent.

Wu Jinque put away the jade pendant in her hand, and secretly said: Fortunately, Aunt Wufeng didn't tear up with Mu Chen when she suspected that Yihuo was being attacked by Mu Chen. This little white face, Mu Chen, is really cruel!

He could obviously do it himself, but he didn't do it himself. With his hand, he pushed a large part of the forces belonging to the Martial Emperor in the secret realm to the opposite of the Ming family.

"I heard that after helping Lie Xingtian enter the Emperor Wu, Mu Chen and Ye Shi went to bed, and they haven't come out yet." Wu Jinli said with a strange expression.

"You're young and full of energy." Wu Jinque said with a smile.


Inside the Ling Pagoda, Ye Shi was lying on top of Mu Chen, his eyes fixed on Mu Chen.

"What are you thinking?" Mu Chen asked with a smile.

Ye Shi lay beside Mu Chen, blinking his eyes, and said, "Mu Chen is getting more and more handsome."

"Is there?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! Mu Chen is so handsome. Going out, I don't know how many people will care about it." Earlier, Mu Chen's alchemy should be seen by many people outside. There are many people who are thinking about it.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I'll tell you a way, watch me!"

Ye Shi blinked and asked angrily, "What!"

"Just squeeze me dry!" Mu Chen whispered in Ye Shi's ear.

Ye Shi's face suddenly turned red, and he puffed out his cheeks and said, "Don't come here, my waist is weak."

Mu Chen took two bites on Ye Shi's mouth and let him go.

"Mu Chen, do you think Murong Feng and the others have already been killed?" Ye Shi asked.

"It's not that easy! Only slow work can produce fine work, take it slow." Mu Chen smiled.

Ye Shi said a little disappointedly: "Zhuang Jin's life is very hard, I don't know how Zhuang Jin is."

Mu Chen: "..." No matter how tough Zhuang Jin's life is, he has to find a way to get rid of this annoying person.


"Here it is." Murong Feng threw the medicinal pill to Murong Yu, Zeng Mo and Jiang Zhaolin, hesitantly gave the last pill bottle to Shi Jingtian.

Shi Jingtian opened the pill bottle, took out the pill and took it. Inside the pill bottle was a detoxification pill.

"Brother, your medicinal pill doesn't seem to have much effect!" Murong Yu muttered.

Murong Feng frowned, "This poison is very biased, and it's pretty good if it has some effect."

Shi Jingtian pursed his lips. It was the cultivators in the Valley of the Poison King who poisoned them. The Poison King Valley was rampant with poisons.

Zhuang Jin took the medicine pill and sat silently to adjust his breath. Among the six people, only Zhuang Jin had not been promoted to Wuzong, the weakest and the most severely injured.

Not all cultivators are like Murong Feng and others, who love fragrance and jade. Many cultivators see Zhuang Jin as the weakest, so they start with Zhuang Jin.

Zhuang Jin has always been held in the palm of his hand by several people, but now he is being chased and killed all day long, not only physically but also mentally.

"Shi Jingtian, are all of your cultivators in Central Continent so shameless? They only use some sideways means?" Murong Feng asked coldly.

Shi Jingtian closed his eyes and ignored Murong Feng.

As the pursuit became more and more intensive, the relationship between several people became more and more rigid.

There was a cold smile on Shi Jingtian's mouth. Murong Feng and the others, no matter how big their opinions were on him, in order to survive, they still had to tolerate him, and he was already tied to Murong Feng and others. On the boat, one is prosperous, and one is damaged. He cannot leave, and Murong Feng and others will not let him leave.

Shi Jingtian closed his eyes, the good memories left by the years of fighting side by side outside the territory have been gradually consumed by the contempt of several people.

Shi Jingtian looked at Zhuang Jin. He had devoted all his love, perhaps, it was just a game for others.

Shi Jingtian looked at Zhuang Jin, his still beautiful face, and his mood was no longer as turbulent as before.

Murong Feng lowered his head. Originally, those cultivators detoured when they saw them, but now those cultivators see them like hunters seeing fat sheep, their eyes are full of greed, these bastards actually look at him with that kind of eyes.

Murong Feng originally thought that cultivators like Lie Xingtian were the most difficult to deal with, but after getting his hands on it, he discovered that those cultivators who like to use poison and Gu are the most difficult to guard against. Although Lie Xingtian is strong, at least he is open and upright.

Seeing Shi Jingtian's half-dead appearance, Murong Feng felt gloomy. Thinking of relying on Shi Jingtian's power, Murong Feng gritted his teeth and suppressed the resentment in his heart.


Outside the secret, Bai Chenxing looked at Murong Feng and the others in a state of embarrassment, and his heart was filled with joy.

Bai Chenxing couldn't help but secretly said: Mu Chen did a good job in this matter.

When Murong Feng attacked Ye Shi in the secret realm, Bai Chenxing decided long ago that if this person came out alive, he must find a way to let him die.

"Mu Chen, this guy, can't afford to offend him! Murong Feng's people must be strong, and as a result, Mu Chen has become like this." Wu Feng muttered.

Bai Chenxing carried his arms on his back and snorted coldly, "This fellow Mu Chen knows he is lazy and thinks he is a good-fortune boy. He offers a reward for an eighth-level medicinal pill, and the reward is so high.

Wu Feng smiled and said, "Mu Chen is an eighth-level alchemist! These eighth-level pills are precious to us. For Mu Chen, in fact, it's just a matter of refining two more pots..."

Bai Chenxing snorted coldly and said, "Don't talk for him, he's just lazy."

"Chen Xing, don't scold Mu Chen like that! How can Mu Chen be lazy, he is busy making you a grandson? How can it be important to help you make a grandson when dealing with Murong Feng's gang of wine bags and rice bags? You say so." Ride the wind.

Bai Chenxing said angrily, "Shut up."

Bai Chengfeng blinked innocently, "I'm telling the truth! I'm telling the truth! Chen Xing, if such a quick son-in-law of Chenglong runs away, what if your son also runs away with them? ?"

Bai Chenxing said bitterly, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"I'll be honest, there's no nonsense. If Mu Chen leaves, see if your son stays with you, the old man, or runs after Mu Chen." Bai Chengfeng pouted.

Bai Chenxing glared at Bai Chengfeng angrily, and said, "Don't think about my grandson so much, if you are free, be your own son."

Bai Chengfeng: "..."

Bai Chengfeng rubbed his nose and said, "Seriously, Mu Chen and Ye Shi have been in the spiritual pagoda for a long time! I heard that they were going to roll the sheets, why haven't they come out yet."

"Is it strange? They used to enter the spiritual pagoda often." Bai Chenxing said.

There must be something wrong with Mu Chen's spiritual pagoda. Every time Mu Chen and Ye Shi enter the spiritual pagoda, their cultivation will improve very quickly. Ye Shi stayed in the spiritual pagoda for a long time before breaking through to become an eighth-level array mage. .

"Come out, come out." Bai Chengfeng said excitedly.

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