Ye Shi walked out of the spiritual tower. There was no one around him. Ye Shi said something to the "air" beside him, as if he was talking to himself, and the scene looked very strange.

The mirror image that recorded Mu Chen's image suddenly shattered.

The cultivators present were shocked when they saw this scene.

"What's going on! Why did Mu Chen's image explode?" Bai Chengfeng asked at a loss.

"Mu Chen should be promoted to the Six-Star Martial Sect." Wu Feng pondered for a while.

Wu Zun has the ability to spy on the fate of others. Once Wu Zong is promoted to six stars, he will have the ability to shield the secrets.

Bai Chengfeng blinked and said, "So fast? Tsk tsk, the 20-year-old six-star Martial Sect is amazing, amazing, Chen Xing, your son-in-law, his aptitude is even better than yours!"

"However, how can it be so fast? I know, Shuangxiu, it must be Shuangxiu who helped him, double repair is really a good thing! Double repair, it will make rapid progress..."

"Strange! Why didn't Yanxing make the cut! Yanxing must be too comfortable and forgot to practice."

Bai Chenxing looked at Bai Chengfeng with gritted teeth and said, "Shut up."

Bai Chengfeng held a tattered palm fan and fanned it loudly, "Chen Xing, don't be so serious! You are so serious, you have no affinity!"

Bai Chengfeng didn't know that Mu Chen's promotion to the six-star martial arts sect this time did have the factor of double cultivation. However, it was more of the gradual restoration of the strength of the little tiger and the spiritual tower, which led to the rise of Mu Chen's strength.

Wu Feng looked at Bai Chengfeng, thinking thoughtfully, Bai Chengfeng is a nine-star martial sect, with the help of the formation created by Lingxin Dan and Ye Shi, the Bai family, maybe there will be another martial arts.

Inside the secret.

Ye Shi asked Mu Chen, "Mu Chen, how many kinds of medicinal pills do you plan to make, which eighth-level medicinal pill should you make first! Are you sure?"

At the place where the alchemists gathered, when everyone saw Ye Shi's mouth shape, they suddenly felt dark and filled with resentment.

Since Mu Chen refined the eighth-level medicinal pills for the third time, many alchemists have rushed out. Seeing that Mu Chen may have to open the furnace to make pills again, but Mu Chen has been promoted to the six-star martial arts sect, and Mu Chen has blocked it. Heavenly secret, the people present could no longer watch Mu Chen concoct alchemy.

At the place where the alchemists gathered, there was a lot of complaints, but Bai Chenxing secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of the relationship between Ye Shi and Mu Chen, Bai Chenxing has long regarded Mu Chen as his own, watching Mu Chen concocting alchemy for free again and again, although Bai Chenxing feels honored, but more of a feeling of being at a disadvantage .


The little tiger looked at Ye Shi and Mu Chen, smiled sinisterly, and said, "Oh, it's not easy for you to finally get out! I thought you were biting around, biting out fire, and biting each other to death. Woolen cloth."

Ye Shi's face was a little red and he said, "What do you know!"

The little tiger was full of displeasure and said: "This deity has lived for so long, what do you understand? You two are you eat me, I eat you, eat and eat, little white face, do you have tooth marks all over your body now? "

"Shut up." Ye Shi said angrily.

The little tiger was full of dissatisfaction and said: "It was you who asked what the deity knows, the deity understands, and you are angry again."

Ye Shi blushed and said, "Shut up, shut up, don't talk."

The little tiger was full of depression and scratched his neck, "Lord Little White Face, you are too rude, it's not good, it's not good..."

"Lord Little White Face, a lot of people have come looking for you recently. Ta Lingdao.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Look for me, what are you looking for?"

"I'll find you to use the formation, and advance!" Ta Ling said as a matter of course.

Ye Shi said puzzledly: "If you want to use the formation, it should be at least the Nine-Star Martial Emperor! Where did you get so many Nine-Star Martial Emperor?"

Mu Chen said helplessly: "Do you think that your cultivation has stopped moving? It will take more than a month, which is equivalent to a year outside. There are so many good things in the secret area, and you are a four-star martial arts sect. Others can naturally go up."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's right, what should we do now?"

"Let's make alchemy first. If someone comes with a human head and doesn't have the elixirs to exchange for them, it will be bad." Mu Chen said without hesitation.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Well, that's what I said."

"Little white face, the tower master, you are about to make alchemy again, and you will be struck by lightning again, aren't you very happy!" asked the little tiger.

Ye Shi said angrily, "You know as much."

The little tiger said proudly: "Of course, this deity knows a lot more than you, this deity knows everything, you say, you people are really strange! Not only do you like to roll around, you bite me, I bite you, and I like to be struck by lightning, otherwise, you two-legged monsters deserve to be beaten."

Ye Shi: "..."

With a dark face, Mu Chen looked at the little tiger and said, "Tiger cub, I'm not here, are you talking nonsense?"

The little tiger was full of resentment and said: "Damn, what is your name? You are just a cub."

Mu Chen snorted coldly and said gloomily, "I'm asking you something, don't change the subject."

The little tiger Nuonuo said: "This deity didn't talk nonsense." At most, it means your little white face, and maybe you don't lift it... What does it mean to not lift it? It seems scary not to lift.

"Be careful with me." Mu Chen said gloomily.

The little tiger looked at Mu Chen angrily, but didn't say anything more.

"Let's go." Mu Chen said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay!"


The image of Mu Chen was completely invisible. People outside the secret area could only see Ye Shi singing a one-man show.

"Ah! Yanxing is arranging the formation, it seems that Mu Chen is going to concoct alchemy." Bai Chengfeng muttered.

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Yes!"

Bai Chenxing looked at the place where the alchemists gathered, the faces of all the alchemists were sullen, secretly amused in their hearts.

Bai Chengfeng patted Bai Chenxing on the shoulder and said, "Chenxing! After a while, Mu Chen and Yanxing will come out. You go to Mu Chen and ask him to give me two Spiritual Heart Pills."

"Why do you want me to say it!" Bai Chenxing frowned.

Bai Chengfeng said as a matter of course: "Isn't this because you are his father-in-law? If I were his father-in-law, where would I need you..."

Bai Chenxing: "..."

"Tsk tsk, if I had a daughter, I would have to let him marry a man like Mu Chen. No wonder, the Bai family's chasing after your son, your son, if you see one fight, how can those people's rank be comparable to Mu Chen? !"

Bai Chenxing: "..."

Bai Chengfeng looked at Ye Shi guarding outside the formation, the formation was empty, and there was nothing.

"There is nothing in the formation." Bai Chengfeng said.

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Yes! But, I'm not sure, Mu Chen has already started."

Bai Chengfeng nodded and said, "Yes."

The faces of the cultivators on the Dan Tower were distorted, and Bai Chenxing looked at the expressions of regret, hatred, and scratching his heart from all the alchemists, and his heart was darkened.


"Little white face, this is the information on the spiritual vein that was sent recently." Ta Ling handed a jade slip to Ye Shidao.

Ye Shi looked at the information in the jade slip and said, "So much information about primeval stone veins! There can't be any fakes."

Taling shook the gourd full of pride, and said: "You are too underestimated by this deity, but some people want to deceive this deity, but Ben Taling can see at a glance that this guy has a ghost, that idiot, let the tiger Burned the third leg."

Ye Shi looked at Taring with a strange expression, and said, "Do you still know what the third leg is?"

Taring shook his head, flickering his eyes and said, "I don't understand! Everyone who sees it next to me says so."

Ye Shi: "..."

Ye Shi looked at the sky and said, "Thunderclouds are coming."

Ta Ling looked at Ye Shi curiously and asked, "What kind of medicine did Mu Chen refine this time?"

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Listen to Mu Chen, it's called Zunyi Dan, which can help Wu Zun to cultivate, but it seems to be only useful for Wu Zun below five stars, and it is useless for Wu Zun above five stars. My father is already a nine-star Wuzun, and this medicinal pill is of little use to my father."

Ta Ling said with disdain: "It's actually this kind of useless medicine pill, which is refined, and no one wants it. The tower owner likes to refine this kind of cheap goods, but there is no way, who will let the tower The Lord's level is not enough."

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Don't talk nonsense, how could Zunyi Dan be useless, no one wants it, many people will grab it."

Taring was full of disapproval and said, "Someone wants it, who is it! Are you? Tsk tsk, you don't pick up your mouth, you like to eat anything cheap."

Ye Shi looked at Taring and said, "Shut up."

Taring: "..."

Out of secrecy.

"Who is Yanxing talking to? Someone told him that Zunyi Pill is useless, no one wants it!" Bai Chengfeng asked curiously.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "It should be that Tower Ling."

Bai Chengfeng blinked his eyes and said: "Oh, this dead tower spirit is really ignorant! No one wants it, I want it! I don't dislike how much you give me."

Bai Chenxing rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of mess are you thinking about, if it really is Zunyi Dan, it's your turn?"

Bai Chengfeng: "..."

"Dan Jie is coming" someone said next to him.

Although Mu Chen was completely invisible to him, through Ye Shi's image, he could still see the dense clouds of dan clouds in the sky.

Although Mu Chen's movements were completely invisible, not many people from the Alchemy Guild left.

"Dan Yun, eight pill clouds! Eight pills are about to be born."

Bai Chengfeng's face couldn't help showing a bit of a strange color, "It seems that the refining of Zunyi Pill is more difficult than that of Lingxin Pill? Why did eight pills come out all of a sudden? Mu Chen's alchemy technique, again Has it improved?"

Bai Chenxing narrowed his eyes and said, "Maybe so, after all, Mu Chen's strength has improved."

Bai Chengfeng took a deep breath, this guy Mu Chen is really amazing! The medicinal pill is refined once, and it is made once.

"Chen Xing! You have a good relationship with this Mu Chen, this Yi Dan, you have to keep one for your uncle anyway!"

"Chen Xing! Third grandpa, I have been staying at the two-star Wuzun for decades. Whether you can advance to Wuzun depends on you."

"Chen Xing! The fat water doesn't flow into the field of outsiders, why do you want to give me one of this elixir for your grandfather!"


Although Bai Chenxing is strong, but at a young age, his seniority in the Bai family is small, and all the seniors of the Bai family rushed up, causing Bai Chenxing to laugh or cry.

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