"You killed Murong Feng while you were in chaos, what about the others?" Ye Shiman asked curiously.

"Murong Feng died, and the others broke through and disappeared all of a sudden." Lie Xing Tian said lightly.

"Where's Zhuang Jin?" Ye Shi asked.

Hearing Ye Shi's question, Mu Chen couldn't help but be a little more curious. Before, Zhuang Yu was like a cockroach that couldn't be killed. Now, this Zhuang Jin... I don't know if life is tough enough.

"Zhuang Jin escaped, he escaped the most easily." Lie Xing Tian sighed.

Ye Shi said inexplicably, "He escaped the most easily? Isn't he the weakest?" Zhuang Jin's little white face seems to be a Martial Emperor!

Lie Xing Tian nodded and said: "That's right, he should have something like a teleportation talisman on him, and this thing will activate when his life is in danger."

Mu Chen raised the corners of his mouth and said sarcastically, "After all, he is a member of the Ming clan. The real Ming clan's own people, the Ming clan, will always give him some means to save his life."

"What about Murong Yu and the others?" Ye Shi asked.

Lie Xing Tian said with some disdain: "The five of them joined forces and their strength was greatly reduced. Now they are running for their lives, and many people are chasing and killing them."

Ye Shi nodded and said smugly, "It seems that as long as there is enough time, everyone can be defeated." Murong Feng died, and the others should not be too proud for long.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. When dealing with those people before, three Martial Sects died." Lie Xing Tian frowned.

Mu Chen sighed lightly and said, "That's really... a pity."

Lie Xingtian's face was very dull. Murong Feng and others were really easy to deal with, and Mu Chen would not offer such a high reward. Martial artists fought against Heaven, and no one knew when they would die.

If you want an eighth-level medicinal pill, how can you not take risks.

Mu Chen checked Murong Feng's head and made sure that there was nothing wrong, he raised his head and said to the tortured heaven: "The eighth-level pills I have now are only Jinyang Pill, Lingxin Pill, and Zunyi Pill. Which?"

Lie Xing Tian suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "I want Jin Yang Pill and Zun Yi Pill."

Mu Chen nodded and handed the two medicinal pills to Lie Xing Tian.

Lie Xingtian took the medicine pill, and his mood was up and down. After getting the Jinyang Pill, he should be able to become a three-star Wuzong soon. Not long ago, he was still struggling to enter Wuzong, but now, he has With a broader future, Xing Xingtian always felt like a lifetime when he remembered the days before.

The Zunyi Pill that Lien Xingtian wanted was prepared for his master Yin Nitian. Yin Nitian was already an eight-star Wuzun and could not use it. However, Yin Nitian had a long-sought lover, a one-star Wuzun. , Thinking of the painstaking efforts that Master has invested in himself over the years, Li Xingtian felt a burst of excitement in his heart.

The Lie family has already given up on themselves, but the master has always been very kind to himself.


A spiritual pagoda was ingested by Mu Chen from Murong Feng's head, and the pagoda floated out and quickly swallowed Murong Feng's spiritual pagoda.

After Murong Feng's spiritual tower was absorbed by Ta Ling, Ta Ling suddenly became much slimmer.

"Great, just a few more." Taring blinked his yin and yang fish eyes, full of unfinished words.

Ye Shi looked at Taring and comforted: "The others will be delivered soon, don't worry."

Ta Ling shook the gourd all over his body, "There are a lot of high-grade primeval stones in that dan tower, tsk tsk, it should be given by the life clan, the tower spirit of that dan tower told me that the life clan treats it very well, high-grade primeval stones Eat fast, Master Tower Master, you really should learn from the family, you would rather have a little white face, a fuel oil bottle with a small white face, and don't want to support me, just know that you are perfunctory with cheap goods, woo woo …”

Ye Shi: "..."

Mu Chen: "..."

After absorbing Murong Feng's spirit pagoda, the level of the tower spirit rose a lot, and Mu Chen's strength also rose a lot.

Outside the secret, several Wu Zun saw Murong Feng's body dead, and Mu Chen absorbed Murong Feng's spiritual tower, each with his eyes splitting.

"You bastard, bastard." Several Wu Zuns of the Ming clan cursed through gritted teeth.

Bai Chenxing looked at the faces of several Wu Zongs over the Ming family, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which he deserved.

Outside the secret, other Wu Zun looked at several Wu Zun of the Ming clan, and couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune.

"The fate of the clan is considered to be the end of the organization. They have cultivated so many masters, and no news has come out. As a result, one died before they became famous." Wei Bai Lou said.

"Isn't it, my life is not good!" He Xian shook his head.

If there is no Mu Chen, with the strength of these people, who would dare to provoke them. Unfortunately, there is Mu Chen. Both Shengyu, He Shengliang!

"Murong Feng's death is just the beginning," Wei Bai said.

He Xian nodded and said, "Yes."

Murong Feng and the others' joint efforts were broken, and their combat power was greatly reduced.

Inside the secret.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart, "Mu Chen, do you know something, or are you guessing something?"

Mu Chen was full of curiosity and said, "Why do you think so." Ye Shi seemed to be enlightened all of a sudden!

"It's just an intuition." Ye Shi said, "What are you suspecting?"

Mu Chen smiled and said, "As far as I know, the people who conquered the Five Spirit Pagodas two hundred years ago from the Ming clan were all from the Ming clan, and the aptitudes of those five people were even more outstanding. Although his ability is good, his performance is much worse than that of the five people from the Ming clan."

"Then what?" Ye Shi asked.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi blinked and asked, "Why is it strange?"

"Do you think that with the aptitude of Murong Feng and others, you can reach the late eighth level before the age of 30?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No."

The aptitudes of Murong Feng and others are good, but they are far behind Mu Chen. Although these people's abilities are good, it is too difficult to reach the eighth level or the later stage before the age of 30.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Mu Chen's face, "Five people who used to be better than Murong Feng and others have all failed. Now, they will count on Murong Feng and others to master the Five Pagodas in Central Continent. If the Five Pagodas in Central Continent are truly legendary It is so powerful that the Ming clan will let it fall into the hands of others?"

"What kind of race is the Ming clan? This race has high self-esteem. Even if Murong Feng and others have this ability, will the Ming clan sincerely help them?" Mu Chenman said with disapproval.

Ye Shi blinked and said, "Do you suspect that the Ming clan has another purpose?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "That's right."

Ye Shi frowned, "What's the purpose?"

"Isn't what the Ming clan is best at occupying magpie nests?" Mu Chen said coldly.

Inheriting the Five Pagodas in Central Continent requires a bone age of no more than 30 years old. Murong Feng and others are weak in strength, but none of the bone age is more than 30 years old. If, two hundred years ago, the people who inherited the spiritual pagoda of the Ming family put Murong Feng and others have all taken the house?

Two hundred years ago, the life clansmen who won the five towers of the outer domain, do not know whether they have reached the late eighth level. If all these people have achieved it, it seems to meet the conditions. Late eighth grade.

However, the risk of taking the house is very high, and the current strength of Murong Feng and others may not be able to withstand the huge soul power of those people.

Perhaps, the people around Zhuang Jin are all candidates. If Zhuang Yu is also successful, then the life family will have half of the candidates, but unfortunately Zhuang Yu failed.

Ye Shi thought for a while, and said, "You mean, in order to get the spiritual pagoda, the Ming clan will find someone to take away Murong Feng and the other five."

"It's just possible." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Fing clan is a bunch of bastards, and they can't do anything good. You know, they are familiar with things like seducing people and seducing people."

Seeing the shape of Ye Shi's mouth, Wu Feng's face suddenly became tense. According to the way of life of the family, this is really possible.

Many people present, looking at the faces of several Wu Zuns of the Ming clan, suddenly became strange.

Several Wu Zuns of the Ming clan, their faces were ashen with anger, and their eyes looking at Bai Chenxing were full of badness.


Not long after Torture Day left, Zu Yang, Mu Beifeng and other five people came together. The five people brought the heads of Zeng Mo and Jiang Zhaolin.

Ye Shi looked at the two with admiration and said, "You guys are lucky!"

"TOEFL." Zu Yang said with a smile on his face.

Mu Beifeng took out two space rings and handed them to Mu Chen, "This is the space ring of Zeng Mo and Jiang Zhaolin."

Mu Chen's soul power swept across the space rings of the two, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Two space rings for an eighth-level medicinal pill, what do you want?"

Zu Yang and the others looked at each other in dismay, and then said, "Five Zunyi Pills, I don't know if I can."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Yes."

"Thank you, Young Master Mu." Zu Yang and the others were full of surprises.

Outside the secret realm, a group of Wu Zun suddenly exploded, "Five Zun Yi Dan, five Zun Yi Dan!"

Mu Chen's soul power swept to the space ring, and suddenly thought of something facing Ye Shi, and said: "Stone, your Honoring Pill, borrow it first, another day, I will refine it again, and then give you one."

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said at a loss, "That medicine pill, that medicine pill was lost..."

Mu Chen: "..."

Bai Chenxing: "..."

Wu Feng flickered his eyes, looking at Ye Shi in disbelief, did he really eat it.

Zu Yang and the others looked at Ye Shi with strange expressions on their faces.

Mu Chen's expression turned cold, "Did you secretly eat it while I wasn't paying attention?" Ye Shi had the habit of stealing medicinal pills, and Mu Chen had long known that the physique of the Spirit Race was different from that of ordinary people. In addition, Ye Shi didn't have any problem eating, Mu Chen kept one eye open and one eye closed.

Ye Shi's eyes wandered left and right, "It's lost."

Mu Chen grabbed Ye Shi's wrist, "I told you that you can't eat it, so why didn't you listen?" Why did he suddenly soften his heart and give Ye Shi the Zunyi Pill?

Ye Shi was full of grievances and said, "Mu Chen, don't kill me!"

Mu Chen let go of his hand, his face still ugly, but he said slowly, "I'm sorry, but..."

Ye Shi said a little aggrieved: "I seem to be sick, I'm hungry! I ate a lot, but I can't get enough. When I see Zunyi Dan, I want to eat it..." However, after eating Zunyi Dan, it feels much better. , not always hungry.

Mu Chen frowned and said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen uneasily and said, "You've been busy all the time."

Mu Chen: "...Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "No!"

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