Bai Chengfeng's eyes widened, his eyes tightened, and he muttered: "This child Yanxing, how can you eat so messily!"

Before, he also suspected that Yanxing would steal it, but he just thought about it, and it turned out that this guy really took it.

The elders of the Bai family were all dumbfounded.

Bai Chenxing looked at Ye Shi and cursed angrily, "Mu Chen is an idiot."

Bai Chengfeng: "..." You must have scolded the wrong person.

This matter doesn't seem to have much to do with Mu Chen. If you want to be an idiot, Yanxing is also an idiot. Mu Chen should have reminded Yanxing. That is an eighth-level medicinal pill!

Yeon-sung, he ate it just because he was hungry, damn it, he was hungry, couldn't he eat?

He clearly remembered that before entering the secret realm, Yanxing put a lot of barbecued meat in the space ring, so much barbecued meat, isn't it enough? If you have to chew on the eighth-level medicinal herbs, it doesn't matter if you are full.

Wu Feng looked at Bai Chenxing and comforted: "You don't have to worry, Yanxing has the bloodline of the Spirit Clan, the physique of the Spirit Clan, and it is easy to absorb all kinds of spirits from heaven and earth, let alone swallowing the eighth-level medicinal pill, Even if you swallow the ninth-level medicinal pill, you should be fine."

Mu Chen was holding Ye Shi's wrist, his eyes were tight, Ye Shi's body was normal, Ye Shi was in Wu Zong's cultivation base, and he ate Zunyi Pill, it should be a little wrong.

Mu Chen clenched Ye Shi's wrist and stared at Ye Shi, "Tell me honestly, what's wrong with your body."

Ye Shi blinked and said, "There's nothing else, it's just easy to get hungry." No matter how many pills he swallowed, he didn't seem to feel it.

"Young Master Mu, why don't I take a pulse for Young Master Bai." Lu Yun hesitated for a moment.

Mu Chen looked at Lu Yun, "You..."

"Let's learn a little about medical skills." Lu Yun said hurriedly.

Mu Chen nodded, let go of Ye Shi's hand, Lu Yun counted Ye Shi's pulse, and said, "Young Master Mu, I think Young Master Bai has it."

Mu Chen's face brightened, and he said, "You said, the stone is there."

Lu Yun nodded and said, "It shouldn't be wrong, I read a lot of historical records, the physique of the Spiritual Race is special, once pregnant, it is easy to get hungry, that Respect Pill should be absorbed by the child in Bai Shao's belly. ."

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and then said with joy and worry, "Did he absorb it?"

Lu Yun nodded and said: "It should be possible, the physique of the Spiritual Race is special, the fetus seems to be able to transform the medicinal properties of the medicinal pill, and the Reverence Pill should be used to improve the physique of the fetus."

Mu Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

"However, even if the physique of the Spiritual Race is special, the medicinal properties of the eighth-level medicinal herbs are still stronger. In the short term, taking one is enough." Lu Yun said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I see."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes in a guilty conscience, touched his stomach, and had a sweet smile on his face.

Out of secrecy.

"Oh, the raw rice is actually cooked, Chen Xing! You are about to have a grandson, congratulations, congratulations!" Bai Chengfeng said with a smile on his face.

Bai Chenxing breathed a sigh of relief, his face ashen, "Shut up."

Bai Chengfeng rolled his eyes helplessly, and said, "I'm congratulating you! You actually told me to shut up, Chen Xing, you really know how to retaliate!"

Bai Chenxing: "..."

Wu Feng saw Bai Chenxing and Bai Chengfeng, Ye Shi was pregnant with Mu Chen's son, and the relationship between Mu Chen and the Bai family was unclear. If the Ming clan attacked Mu Chen, the Bai family would definitely come forward.

Mu Chen used to be very kind to Ye Shi, but now that Ye Shi is pregnant with a child, ordinary people will definitely not be able to pry Ye Shi's corner.


In the secret realm, Taring shook his body and said, "It's over, it's over, little white face, he has secretly kept a tow oil bottle, and now another oil bottle is coming, what can we do!"

Mu Chen said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Ta Ling was full of resentment and said: "Who is talking nonsense, I mean it! Lord Tower, you are so poor and so many oil bottles, how do you support them?"

Mu Chen sneered and said, "How can I raise it? I can't afford it. It would be better if I sold you."

Taring: "..."

Mu Chen took out five Zunyi Pills and gave them to Zu Yang and others.

"It seems that we have to refine another pot of medicinal pills as soon as possible, otherwise, the eighth-level medicinal pills will not be enough." Mu Chen smiled and said.

Xiao Qinghu looked at Ye Shi and said, "Little white face! You have a monster in your stomach."

Ye Shi glared at Xiao Qinghu viciously, "No more noise, no more noise, I'll bake you."

Little Qinghu: "..." It's a fire spirit! It was undercooked.


Absorbing Zeng Mo and Jiang Zhaolin's spiritual pagoda, Mu Chen's strength has stepped into the level of seven-star Martial Emperor.

"Let's continue to study the formation." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

Mu Chen looked at the formation in front of him, and felt a little more sense of responsibility in his heart. Ye Shi was pregnant, and he was about to have a baby. He must protect Ye Shi and the child. Gotta go for it.

After being empowered by the spirit of the book, Mu Chen's array spells have advanced by leaps and bounds, and they have a tendency to reach the eighth level.

Ye Shi touched his stomach, his heart full of excitement.

Zhuang Yu, Zhuang Jin had so many men, and they didn't get pregnant. She got pregnant first. Sure enough, Zhuang Yu and Zhuang Jin were trash, and so were their men.

Mu Chen turned his head, looked at Ye Shi, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Shi put away the smile on his face and said, "It's nothing, I'm happy."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Just be happy."

Xiao Qinghu looked at the excited Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and said, "These two idiots are about to give birth to a little idiot.

Xiao Qinghu flew into the spiritual pagoda and lay on top of the sun seed. It could not absorb the sun seed before. Recently, Xiao Qinghu has been able to absorb it slowly. Seeing that the tower spirit is getting stronger and stronger, Xiao Qinghu can't bear it. Can't help feeling a little more urgency.

Ye Shi walked into the spiritual pagoda and saw the little green tiger lying on the sun seed. He blinked and said, "Tiger, are you hatching eggs?"

Little Green Tiger: "..."

Ye Shi leaned on his waist, looked at the little green tiger, and said earnestly: "You have to hatch well, treat others well after hatching, and don't eat it ruthlessly, you hatched, but your son."

Little Qinghu: " bastard."

Ye Shi said disapprovingly: "You really don't know anything! I kindly told you, you call me a bastard, but I'm in a good mood not as knowledgeable as you."

Xiao Qinghu watched Ye Shi leave, and secretly said: This guy Ye Shi is getting more and more stupid, this guy Mu Chen dares to let Ye Shi get pregnant, he is not afraid that Ye Shi will give birth to an idiot for him, but Mu Chen is an idiot himself. It is estimated that there will be no smart ones.


After Mu Chen refined a pot of eighth-level medicinal pills again, Murong Yu's head was sent to Mu Chen.

After absorbing the four spiritual towers, Ta Ling's body actually returned to the past, but there were no less than the gourds on the eaves of the towers.

Ye Shiman said in surprise, "Xiaota, you've lost weight! The more you eat, the thinner you become!"

Ta Ling shook his body and said: "Because I have absorbed all the primeval stones, the tower master, there is the last spiritual tower left, you should think of a way!"

Mu Chen squinted, the last spiritual pagoda was in the hands of Shi Jingtian. There was no such person in the bounty he posted before. This person should still be at ease now.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "That's weird! Murong Feng and the others were all arrested, but Zhuang Jin disappeared."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "If you're gone, you're gone. There's no need to kill them all."

Lingta looked at Mu Chen's sanctimonious face and rolled his eyes.

Ye Shi touched his chin and said, "What a pity."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes, Murong Feng and the others were all dead, even if Zhuang Jin survived, it would not be anything but Shi Jingtian.

Mu Chen squinted, he didn't really care whether Shi Jingtian died or not. The problem was that he had to get the spiritual pagoda in Shi Jingtian's hands, otherwise, the balance of the spiritual pagoda would be broken and the room for improvement would be limited.

"Are you really going to let Shi Jingtian go?" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen sneered and said, "That's not true."

Five spiritual pagodas form a set of their own. He absorbed four of them, and there is one left. He can automatically sense the position of the last spiritual pagoda. The strength of his seven-star Martial Emperor, with the spiritual pagoda and the different fire in his hand, this secret realm Among them, no one was his opponent, and when he dealt with Shi Jingtian, he was not in a hurry.

"It's better, let's go to Shi Jingtian first, there is no hurry about the formation, I have a business to discuss with Shi Jingtian." Mu Chen said.

If this eighth-level formation is broken, he doesn't know what will come out. Before, he didn't mind taking some risks, but now, he can't help but worry about the child in Ye Shi's belly.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay!" Anyway, there has been no progress in the recent formation.


Mu Chen found Shi Jingtian in the secret realm listening to Yuxuan. Shi Jingtian laughed lightly when he saw Mu Chen.

"Young Master Mu and Young Master Bai are finally here?" Shi Jingtian said indifferently.

Ye Shiman looked at Shi Jingtian curiously and said, "You guessed we would come."

Shi Jingtian smiled and said, "I don't think that my friendship with Young Master Mu is worth it for Young Master Mu to give up the spiritual pagoda in my hand." Mu Chen didn't offer his reward, most of them were uneasy and kind.

"Why don't you hide!" Ye Shi asked in confusion.

"The spiritual pagoda of Murong Feng and others is all on Mu Shao's body, how I escape is in vain." Shi Jingtian said lightly.

"Sorry, actually, I don't want to kill you, but the things on you are too important to me." Mu Chenman looked at Shi Jingtian helplessly. The little tiger looked at Mu Chen's pretentious expression and rolled his eyes.

Shi Jingtian looked at Mu Chen and asked, "What if I am willing to give up the spiritual tower voluntarily?"

Mu Chen looked at Shi Jingtian and said, "Are you willing?"

Shi Jingtian smiled and said, "Young Master Mu, you are so smart, don't you understand that the spiritual pagoda is just a reminder to me?"

Ye Shi's heart skipped a beat, and the talisman reminded him, "Seize the house?" Ye Shi couldn't help but look at Mu Chen.

Shi Jingtian's eyes narrowed, and he said calmly, "It seems that Young Master Mu has already suspected it."

Mu Chen smiled and said: "It's just a little guess, in fact, I always feel that compared with Murong Feng and others, Shi Shao, you are the most clear-sighted, I have always been very surprised that Murong Feng and the others are actually in Shih's place. Before I lost you, I was promoted to Wuzong."

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