Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun with hurt, how could you be so ruthless.

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan's bleak face, only to feel that the sky was dark. It turns out that this world can be so absurd. He is the victim, and he is the one being oppressed!

Back then, he was almost crushed to death by this guy, but now this person appears to be a victim, appearing in front of him... is there a mistake!

Qu Kun took a deep breath, turned his head to Ye Shi, and said softly, "Stone, let's go."

He managed to survive by luck back then, and if he continued to talk to the guy, he would be disgusted to death by this guy.

Ling Chuan grabbed Qu Kun's hand and said sadly, "Have you missed me for so many years? Have you ever dreamed of me? You are in my dreams every night! "

Qu Kun only felt a fever in his head. Back then, he and this guy were haunted by nightmares for a long time after being absurd for a few days.

Qu Kun kept dreaming that he was entangled by beasts, the beasts crushed him, and then he ate his bones and ate him, and then he died with no ashes left...

"Shut up." Qu Kun gritted his teeth.

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "That means you have a dream of me, and I know that you still care about me. I am very happy with your deep love and responsibility."

A bit of shyness appeared on Ling Chuan's face, and Qu Kun looked straight.

"As soon as I close my eyes, I can see you, but whenever I wake up from a dream, I realize that everything is just a dream. How sweet the dream is, how empty it is when I wake up."

Qu Kun's eyes widened, and he secretly said: Co-authoring with this guy back then, it's not a matter of suppressing himself to the point of being half-dead.

Ye Shi: "..." This grandpa is a little pitiful!

Qu Kun puffed out his cheeks, widened his eyes, looked at Ling Chuan who looked like a "love saint", and took a deep breath.

"Back then, it was just a... misunderstanding. It's actually quite common for things like Chunfeng once! You don't have to take it too seriously, and I didn't take it too seriously." Qu Kun said viciously.

Ling Chuan said quickly, "I'm not such an irresponsible man."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan, and felt that it would be impossible not to take the medicine, "I actually have a lot of people, a lot of men, and a lot of women."

As soon as Qu Kun's voice fell, Ye Shi didn't have time to be shocked by Qu Kun's rich emotional history, but felt a strong murderous aura coming towards him.

Ling Chuan frowned, looked at Qu Kun a few times, and his brows slowly stretched out.

The breath on Qu Kun's body is very clear. If, as Qu Kun said, he has many people, the breath on his body will become very mixed. Obviously, what he said by himself is not true.

Ling Chuan said tolerantly: "I believe that I must be the most memorable one of yours. I don't mind if you have other people."

Qu Kun: "..." Unforgettable, that's not it, I almost killed him, not unforgettable! In fact, when he gave it to Ling Chuan for the first time, and Ling Chuan almost killed him, Qu Kun had a shadow over that matter, and since then, no matter men, women, or twins, they have all stayed away.

Ye Shi's eyes widened in surprise, and he secretly said, "This grandfather is really powerful.

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan, I was the most generous, and I was the most responsible, rolled his eyes, and secretly said: The so-called beasts are roughly like this. If you speak insincerely, what you say is just and righteous. Compared with Ling Chuan, Bai Chenxing is actually... It's not bad, of course Bai Chenxing is not bad, but compared to Ling Chuan, who is a special beast.

"I don't like you." Qu Kun said.

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun helplessly. Said: "We all have grandchildren, and we are about to have great-grandchildren, but you say such a thing, it makes me chill."

Qu Kun: "..."

Seeing that the topic turned to himself, Ye Shi couldn't help being stunned.

Ling Chuan looked at Ye Shi's belly with a smile on his face and asked, "When did you give birth!"

Ye Shi touched his belly and said, "I'm a spirit clan, and the pregnancy period is relatively long, and it's still a long time."

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "No hurry, no hurry, I heard there are two?"

Ye Shi nodded and replied, "Well, two."

"Many sons and more blessings, Yanxing is really powerful." Ling Chuan said.

Ye Shi nodded, "Mmm".

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan, and suddenly felt tired.

Ling Chuan took out a space ring, gave it to Ye Shi, and said: "There are two eight-level eight rare sparrows inside, which have been prepared. I heard that you like to eat eight-level animal meat, and it was specially prepared for you. "

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he said, "Thank you..." Ye Shi didn't know whether to call him grandpa or senior, and suddenly choked.

"You're welcome." Seeing Ye Shi's embarrassed look, Ling Chuan said with a good-natured smile.

Ling Chuan smiled sadly at Ye Shi, and said, "Yanxing! Your grandfather misunderstood me a bit, you have to help me talk!"

Ye Shi glanced at Qu Kun, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

Qu Kun rolled his eyes angrily, Ye Shi, an idiot, was dazed after being poured into two bowls of ecstasy soup.

"What happened to your mother and father, do you want me to help?" Ling Chuan asked with frown.

Referring to Qu Xinyang, Ye Shi's face suddenly became solemn, "The alchemy formula for returning to the soul has already been obtained, and now we can only wait for the Muchen alchemy technique to enter the late eighth level."

Ling Chuan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Isn't the Danta that good?"

"That's the one from the Fate Clan, no way." Ye Shi shook his head and said.

Ling Chuan squinted his eyes, and said in his heart, "Sure enough, he only thought that the Danta Pagoda's master was a member of the life clan, and he didn't expect even the Supreme Elder.

"Otherwise, you can give me a copy of the magic pill, and I will try to see if I can prepare another copy of the spirit grass." Ling Chuan thought for a while.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Alright."

Seeing this, Qu Kun didn't object to anything. For refining the spirit grass of the spirit-returning pill, it's not too much to prepare a few more copies. After all, Qu Xinyang is this person's... son.

Ling Chuan and the two talked a few more words and left reluctantly.

When Qu Kun saw Ling Chuan leave, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Shi watched Ling Chuan walk away, with a faint smile on his lips, "Grandpa! Actually, this grandpa is pretty good too."

Qu Kun rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said, "You really have a pair of tricks for nothing." Ye Shi actually felt good about such a glib, disgusting thing.

Ye Shi: "..."

"Grandpa, in fact, this grandpa has a lot of affection for you. He doesn't mind if you have other people. However, grandpa, you really have so many people, and there are men and women, both men and women?" Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun with a strange expression.

Qu Kun secretly said: There are men and women, where did they come from! He was just a slap in the face and a fat man. If it wasn't for that bastard Ling Chuan, who made him have a shadow over that matter, how could he not be able to hug other people?

Qu Kun coughed lightly and said, "Your grandfather, I am in the Outer Territory, that's considered a top expert, and there are a lot of things that people throw in their arms..."

Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun with admiration and said, "Grandpa, you are really amazing!"

"It's okay, it's okay." Qu Kun waved his hand with a proud face.

Ye Shi: "..."

"Grandpa, do you really want to ignore this grandpa?" Ye Shi asked regretfully, frowning.

Qu Kun said annoyed: "Yes! Why do you like him?"

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said, "I think he's pretty good!"

Qu Kun pouted and sneered in his heart, "He's not bad, what do you think he's good at!"

Ye Shi held his fingers and said, "Strong strength, wealth, good forging skills, good looks, affectionate, approachable, tender like water, generous, informal, that grandfather said, he misses you very much, always dreaming about you..."

Qu Kun: "..." Ye Shi was really obedient, that person asked him to say something nice, and he really said it.

"Stop talking." Qu Kun couldn't help interrupting Ye Shi.

Ye Shi said inexplicably, "Why!"

Qu Kun rolled his eyes and secretly said: He was disgusted by the bastard Ling Chuan, and he didn't expect to make this heartless grandson disgusted.

Qu Kun's face was dark, and he said: "No reason."

Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun and cautiously asked, "Grandpa, what impression do you have of this grandpa!"

Qu Kun's face twisted for a while, "Shameless, despicable, shameless, human-faced, beast-hearted, glib, dishonest, double-edged sword, sweet-mouthed sword, early death and early life..."

Ye Shi: "..."

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi's dumbfounded expression and asked, "Do you have anything else to ask?

Ye Shi said blankly, "No more..."


Ling's house.

"Seventeenth brother, you're back!" Ling Chen looked at Ling Chuan and asked.

Ling Chuan nodded and said, "Yes!"

"You went out to meet Qu Kun?" Ling Chen continued to ask.

"Yes." Ling Chuan's mouth curled into a faint smile.

"Why did you suddenly think of going to see him?" Ling Chen asked in confusion.

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "Everyone is going to the secret realm. I'll go find each other and get in touch with each other."

"I was shamed again?" Ling Chenman said with schadenfreude.

Ling Chuan set a ban, and outsiders could only vaguely see the three people in the ban. Ling Chen didn't know what Ling Chuan and Qu Kun said, but I heard that when Qu Kun left, his face was gloomy and scary. .

Ling Chuan rubbed his chin, smiled lightly, and said, "The other party is a little temperamental, and it's not easy to please."

"Seventeenth brother, did you teach him a lesson by speaking harshly?" Ling Chen asked with great interest.

Ling Chuan said disapprovingly, "How could it be? How could I speak harshly to him? Are you thinking too much."

Ling Chen: "..."


White House.

"Grandpa looks very angry, you have met Ling Chuan." Mu Chen said with a strange expression.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! I met another grandfather, so my grandfather was in a bad mood, but, in fact, that grandfather was pretty good."

"Okay, where is it?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said, "He gave me roast meat to eat, the eight-level eight rare bird, I really want it to be delicious."

Mu Chen: "..." Because he was given food, he was a good person? He was originally worried about Ye Shi's rations, but now it seems that he doesn't need to worry too much.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen's face, and said quickly, "Oh, it's not because he sent barbecue meat that he was said to be a good person."

Mu Chen: "..."

"Did that grandpa say anything?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! He said that back then, he was too rude, and I'm sorry for Grandpa. He said that he had always missed Grandpa. When he asked Grandpa if he wanted him, he said he would be responsible for Grandpa."

Mu Chen: "..."

Ye Shi tilted his head and said, "Actually, this grandfather is very good, very gentle, and very affectionate."

Mu Chen stared at Ye Shi, something was constantly churning in his heart, Mu Chen smiled dryly, and said, "It's better for the elders to deal with it by themselves, and we don't want to interfere."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

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