Bai Chenxing looked at Mu Chen and asked, "Is your cultivation stable?"

Mu Chen nodded, smiled confidently, and said, "It's almost there."

Mu Chen had already been promoted to Wu Zun a few days ago. Mu Chen was promoted at the Bai Family altar, and most of the power of thunder tribulation was concealed by the formation of the altar.

The promotion of Mu Chen was the top secret of the Bai family, and only a few people in the Bai family knew about it.

Bai Chenxing looked at Mu Chen and said worriedly: "If you are promoted to Wu Zun, you will meet the requirements of Wu Sheng to seize the house. If you let the people of the Ming clan know, those old guys will not be able to restrain themselves from attacking you, Danta. Master two map fragments, there are ten places, and there will definitely be people from the fate family."

Mu Chen smiled, his eyes flashed a bit of wickedness, "I know, I'm afraid he won't come to take me."

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "I know you have your own plans, but, no matter what, you should be more cautious."

Among the jade slips that Lied Xingtian gave to Mu Chen, there were not only the pill recipes for the soul-returning pill, but also a soul-snatching technique, which specialized in the application of soul power to capture the souls of others.

In general, it is very difficult to capture other people's soul power, but if the other party intends to leave the body and seize the body, then for Mu Chen, who has practiced soul capture, it is like sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "It's better to be careful."

Mu Chen smiled and said calmly, "I'm measured, if the other party doesn't provoke me, I won't mess around."

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "That's good."

Mu Chen hesitated for a while, and asked, "Have Ling Chuan's affairs been found out?"

"I asked about Yanxing, it should be him, but Ling Chuan has not revealed his relationship with Qu Kun." Bai Chenxing said lightly.

Mu Chen's heart eased a lot. As long as Ling Chuan didn't take the initiative to speak, it would be difficult for others to guess that Ling Chuan and Qu Kun had an affair. After all, one was from Outer Territory and the other was from Central Continent.

If Ling Chuan can stand on their side, then they will be able to help more.

"The Spirit Race is looking for me again." Mu Chen frowned.

Bai Chenxing asked with a cold face, "What do they want to do?"

Mu Chen shrugged and said lightly, "I want a place to enter the secret realm."

Bai Chenxing said with a sullen face, "Don't pay attention to them."

Of course, Qu Kun has the blood of the Spirit Clan, but it is only a combination of interests. Since it is a relationship of interests, we should pay attention to fairness. Obviously, the current situation of the Spirit Clan is to take advantage of it, and it is not enough.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I know..." Qu Quan wants Qu Kun's place, just kidding, what is Qu Kun's identity, that is Bai Chenxing's father-in-law, Ling Chuan's concubine! His place, that can be easily moved?

"That Ququan seems to be a seventh-level senior alchemist." Bai Chenxing said.

Mu Chen frowned, no wonder Qu Quan begged Bailai for a spot, the remains of the Pill Palace are a great opportunity for the alchemist!


"Bastard, I want him to look good." Qu Kun said fiercely.

Ye Shi flickered his eyes, looked at Qu Kun and said, "Grandpa, it's better to get out of a relationship than to get married. Even if you don't want to be with him, you don't have to worry about killing him!"

After ten years of cultivation, they can cross the boat together, and after a hundred years of cultivation, they can sleep together.

Qu Kun frowned, looking at Ye Shi with a wicked look, "What kind of drug did you get drunk by him, and you keep talking for him?"

Ye Shi smiled shyly and said, "I don't have it anymore. Grandpa, do you want to eat jerky? It's delicious!"

Qu Kun said angrily: "Eat, eat, and you know how to eat."

Ye Shi said innocently, "It tastes really good."

Qu Kun: "..."


A few days later, people from the four forces of Danta, Dangu, Danqi Pavilion, and the Bai family gathered on Mingfeng Island to discuss the opening of the secret realm.

When Bai Chenxing and others arrived, people from other forces had already arrived.

As soon as Mu Chen and the others walked in, Jing Ming and Jing Lifeng from the Pill Pavilion smiled and nodded to Mu Chen and the others.

The other two people in the Pill Artifact Pavilion responded indifferently, and Qu Quan was given the last place to enter the secret realm in the Pill Artifact Pavilion.

Mu Chen looked at Qu Quan beside Jing Ming, frowning, the Bai family did not agree to give Qu Quan a place, so Qu Quan went to Dan Ding Pavilion.

Qu Quan was able to get on the Pill Ding Pavilion so quickly. He should have been connected with the Pill Artifact Pavilion a long time ago. Thinking about it this way, maybe the Spiritual Race had planned to be born.

Seeing Bai Chenxing and the others, Qu Quan lowered his eyes, and a bit of gloom flashed in his eyes.

Mu Chen's eyes swept across Qu Quan, a seventh-level alchemist like Qu Quan, in the early stage of Wu Zun, was not worth his attention.

On the other side of Pill Valley, Mu Chen and others, Mu Chen knew a Ling Chuan who did not belong to Pill Valley.

On the Danta side, there was Qiu Zhengrong, who had a conflict with Mu Chen, and Ge Yi was there. Beside Qiu Zhengrong, there was an old man in a gray robe, who was probably the Supreme Elder of the Danta.

Not all of Danta's people were from Danta, but there were a few people who were shrouded in black robes. They should be foreign aid that Danta had invited. Mu Chen was very sure that there were people from the Fate family.

Mu Chen frowned, although he is a martial master, his soul power has reached the level of a martial sage.

However, in this hall, he couldn't find out the cultivation base of many people, and he didn't know how many Martial Saints were there.

Qu Kun's eyes turned around, and the old god Ling Chuan was sitting in the team of Dangu. Seeing Qu Kun's eyes turn around, Ling Chuan immediately smiled at Qu Kun implicitly, provoking De Qu Kun. His face was ugly.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's start." Danta Supreme Elder Mo Lixuan opened his eyes and said lightly.

Bai Chenxing and others came together, and the five map fragments were spliced ​​together.

As soon as the fragments of the map came together, the colorful rays of light shot straight into the sky, the sky was full of brilliance, the golden dragon took off, the real phoenix soared, and the unicorn phantom roared past...


A huge palace emerges from the sea.

The five map fragments each wrapped around five people and plunged into the secret realm.

After twenty-five people entered the secret realm, the secret realm sank into the sea again.

Watching the secret realm disappear, a bunch of cultivators who were secretly watching appeared.

"They've all left!"

"The inheritance of the sky is only open to the younger generation. The inheritance of the Pill Palace is indeed for everyone, but there are too few places."

"I don't know, what's in that secret realm."

"The secret realm left by the Dan Palace must have high-end Dan Dao inheritance. Blessed are those who enter."

"That's not it."

"What is Bai Chenxing thinking about? The only person he brought in is Mu Chen, an alchemist. Let alone his cousin Bai Chengfeng, his twin, his father-in-law, did he bring his family to travel? Bai Yanxing He is still pregnant with a child, how could Bai Chenxing waste his quota?" A cultivator said strangely.

"I don't know Danta, what people went in, and there are several unfamiliar faces."


As soon as he entered the secret realm of the Dan Palace, a strong Dan Xiang wafted out.

Ye Shi took a deep breath and said, "It smells so good."

Bai Chenxing smiled, "The Pill Palace used to be the holy place of alchemy in Central Continent. It is rumored that millions of years ago, there were as many level eight alchemists as there are now seven level alchemists. The tenth-level alchemist exists."

Ye Shi blinked and muttered, "A tenth-level alchemist? And a tenth-level alchemist?"

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Yeah! However, it's all about the ancient times. Now, it's hard to find an eighth-level senior."

Mu Chen's soul power swept around, the five map fragments were sent to different places, and the rest of the people didn't know where they were sent.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and asked, "Mu Chen, where are we going now!"

The huge soul force was released, swept around, and Daxian put up a row of stone tablets.

"Soul skill." Mu Chen muttered.

"Where is this thing?" Bai Chenxing asked.

If you want to become a ninth-level alchemist, you must master a soul skill. It is said that the refining of ninth-level medicinal herbs will definitely be used. When the technique reaches the late eighth level, only when Mu Chen's alchemy technique reaches the late eighth level can he hope to awaken Qu Xinyang.

"Over there." Mu Chen pointed at Dongfang Road.

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Let's go."

"Okay." Mu Chen said.

Mu Chen and the others quickly arrived at the location of the stele. In the forest of steles, there are a total of twelve steles, and the recorded soul skills range from shallow to deep.

Except for Mu Chen, other people didn't understand it very well.

Bai Chenxing frowned, and suddenly felt that he had overlooked something. Apart from them, the other three forces had a high proportion of those who came in. Many things in the Pill Palace were only useful to Pill Masters, such as this soul skill. , can only comprehend, can not burn, although it is a good thing, but it is of no use to them.

However, this is nothing, the so-called thousand troops are easy to obtain, one general is hard to find, and Mu Chen is here, it is meaningless for him to bring a few seventh-level alchemists.

"Go." Bai Chenxing said to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen nodded and replied, "Okay."

Bai Chengfeng folded his arms and said thoughtfully: "Once the process of comprehending soul skills is interrupted, it may cause serious injuries to the alchemist, so let's guard it here."

Ye Shi suddenly widened his eyes when he heard Bai Chengfeng's words and nodded.

Mu Chenzhan stood in front of the stone tablet, and his mind sank all of a sudden.

"Father, is your soul skill very powerful?" Ye Shi asked.

Bai Chenxing nodded, "It's very powerful, all the alchemy masters with a certain level of skill in ancient times have mastered soul skills, and soul attacks are invulnerable and impossible to guard against."

"It is said that an eighth-level alchemist can instantly kill an eighth-level monster with his soul power. However, soul skills are basically lost now. If not, the status of an alchemist would be higher. In fact, it is fortunate that most of the soul skills have been lost. Otherwise, this world is the world of alchemists."

Ye Shi's eyes widened, not only was he dazzled.

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