Bai Chenxing and the others waited beside Mu Chen, Mu Chen looked at the stone monument intently, and golden light flashed continuously in his eyes.

As soon as Mu Chen's mind sank into the stone stele, his whole body suddenly felt as if his soul was too empty.

Bai Chengfeng touched his chin, looked at Mu Chen, and said with some admiration, "Mu Chen is about to have an epiphany!" It's really amazing to have an epiphany so quickly.

"Someone is here." Bai Chenxing said solemnly.

The people from Danta and Dangu arrived almost at the same time.

"Soul skill." Ge Yi looked at the stele, and immediately geared up, his face full of excitement, his eyes fixed on the stele without blinking.

Bai Chenxing glanced at Ge Yi, and a bit of helplessness flashed in his heart. Ge Yi, this guy can't take his eyes away when he sees his soul skill. He's really... a idiot, it seems that what happened before Ge Yi It was indeed used.

Many people from Danta have set their sights on Bai Chenxing and others.

Several alchemists in Pill Valley were also dazzled when they saw the stone tablet.

"Have an epiphany." An alchemist in Dangu couldn't help but looked at Mu Chen with some envy.

Standing in front of the stone monument, Mu Chen was unaware of everything around him. His soul force Hua Chen sent hundreds of flying knives, and the flying knives were constantly changing their formations.

"What a talent!" Dan Li looked at Mu Chen and couldn't help but envy the authentic, Mu Chen should have never learned soul skills, but suddenly entered the state of epiphany, it is really amazing, Dan Tower, Dan Hong, Dan Li and others will all be His eyes were fixed on the stone tablet.

Ling Chuan didn't understand the alchemy technique, so he held his arms and stood on the side boredly, with a languid look.

Ye Shi stood beside Qu Kun, and when he saw Ling Chuan coming, he glanced at Ling Chuan secretly from time to time like a thief.

Feeling Ye Shi's sneaky gaze, Ling Chuan couldn't help but smile in his heart.


"Fellow Daoist Bai, you tried so hard to ask Master Mo to take action before, and you were willing to use Suxin Dan's formula in exchange. What's the point of regretting it when things came to an end? Don't you believe Master Mo's alchemy technique?" The man in robe came out and asked.

Bai Chenxing frowned. In the end, he still came. Danta was deliberately provocative. There were three people in Danta who could not tell the depth of their cultivation, and they should all be strong at the Martial Saint level.

"Fellow Daoist is overthinking it, but it's just because the supplements are not ready." Bai Chenxing said.

"Fellow Daoist Bai, this is not right. The main thing is already in hand. Are some of the auxiliary medicines not available in the Bai family? Fellow Daoist Bai, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to be perfunctory like this."

Ye Shi's face was cold, and Bai Chengfeng was held back. At this time, they overreacted, and they just gave the other party a slap in the face.

Bai Chenxing smiled bitterly and said, "The adjuvant requires phoenix blood and dragon marrow, so it's not easy to make it together."

"Fellow Daoist Bai is joking? The ninth-level medicinal pill, I'm afraid it won't use phoenix blood, dragon marrow, you are too ridiculous to say that." The gray-robed man said.

Bai Chenxing sighed lightly and said, "Then it is what I need, what can I do."

"Fellow Daoist Bai, it's too much. Using such an excuse to avoid it, Master Mo's alchemy technique is so unattractive to you?" The gray-robed man said step by step.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "Then you have to be provocative?"

When the people from Danding Pavilion rushed over, the atmosphere had reached the point of tension.

"Harmony makes money, harmony makes money, why do you all do this?" An old man from the Pill Pavilion came out and said in a roundabout way.

"It's not that I don't like to value peace, but that fellow Daoist Bai has changed the order and despised Master Mo. I must seek justice for Master Mo." The man in gray said, and he slashed towards Bai Chenxing with a palm.

Bai Chenxing's heart was gloomy and cold, saying so much, the ultimate goal is just to do it.

Baichenghang's sleeves swelled, not to be outdone, and met the attack of the person who came.

Seeing that the two were fighting, everyone else withdrew.

"So strong!" Jing Ming murmured, "It doesn't look like Wu Zun at all."

With the help of Jing Mingzi and Mu Chen, after being promoted to Wu Zun, he became much more confident. At this moment, seeing Bai Chenxing and the man in gray robe fighting, Jing Ming's self-confidence was severely hit.

These two were not Wu Zun in the first place. "Jing Li Fengdao.

Hearing Jing Lifeng's words, Jing Ming's eyes suddenly widened.

When Bai Chenxing waved his hand, one by one complicated formations flew out of his hand.

The gray-robed man's Shoushan has a black hill mark, and when driven, the lethality is astonishing.

The two fought in the dark, and the ground shook.

Ye Shi's hand couldn't help touching the formation book in his sleeve.

Ling Chuan squinted, looking at Bai Chenxing and the gray-robed man who were fighting, a bit of darkness flashed in his eyes.

"Chop." Ye Shi drove the formation book and launched an attack on the gray-robed man.

When the man in gray robe saw Ye Shi's shot, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The origin pattern is powerful, but unfortunately, his cultivation is too low, he is just a Martial Sect, if Ye Shi is a Martial Lord, it can cause a lot of damage to him.

The gray-robed man flicked his sleeves and easily blocked Ye Shi's attack.

Two golden beads quietly approached the man.

"Boom" The moment the gray-robed man blocked Ye Shi's attack, two golden beads exploded at the same time.

The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the gray-robed man's attention was all on Bai Chenxing and the others. He didn't expect Ling Chuan to suddenly make a plot.

For a time, the gray-robed man's body exploded with blood, and Bai Chenxing made a move to cut his neck.

Ye Shi looked at the gray-robed man's body that had been blown open, and felt a burst of pride in his heart.


The battle ended in a flash of light and flint, and everyone was stunned.

"Level 9 Explosive Flame Orb." Jing Lifeng looked at Ling Chuan in disbelief.

The ninth-level magic weapon is a very precious thing, especially such a one-off, and it is a treasure that is hard to find. How could Ling Chuan suddenly take action? Still so vicious.

The people in the Dan Ding Pavilion were shocked, and Ye Shi was surprised when they invited Ling Chuan's people in the Dan Valley.

Danta's people were surprised and looked at Ling Chuan angrily.

Except for Bai Chenxing, Qu Kun, Ye Shi, and Mu Chen, who was envious of the epiphany, everyone present thought that Ling Chuan would stand by.

Jing Lifeng frowned. According to his investigation, Ling Chuan and Bai Chenxing's father-in-law seemed to have a strange relationship. Ling Chuan seemed to have a favorable impression of Bai Chenxing's father-in-law and even gave Qu Kun a sword. Not very sympathetic.

Jing Lifeng originally thought that even if Ling Chuan really had a crush on Qu Kun, the most he could do was stand up and make a round of it.

"Senior Ling, what do you mean, you..." Qiu Zhengrong frowned.

"Itchy hands, who is this person! He's strong, but he's not from Danta, he's too busy." Ling Chuan smiled and said calmly.

Ge Yi frowned. Several people who entered the secret realm of the Pill Palace this time were invited by Qiu Zhengrong and Mo Lixuan. Ge Yi had doubts in his heart, but the others were soft-spoken and didn't ask any further questions.

Leaving his eyes squinted, his eyes swept past the people in Danta.

On the Danta side, there were originally three martial arts masters in the public, and on the Bai family side, even if he was added, there were only two people, and he had to deal with one in order to maintain balance.

Jing Lifeng looked at Bai Chenxing, Bai Chenxing's face was very dull, and he didn't seem surprised that Ling Chuan would shoot.

Ye Shi looked at Ling Chuan with admiration in his eyes, Qu Kun's face was blue and purple, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Bai Chengfeng really didn't know, and his expression was surprised.

"Senior Ling, you..." Dan Chen's throat seemed to be choked, and he looked at Ling Chuan in surprise.

One of the Ling family and the Bai family is a family of artifact refining and the other is a family of formations. The two families have always had a shallow friendship. Ling Chuan's such a resolute shot is too strange.

Could it be that the two secretly formed an alliance, why did she not receive any news at all.

"Senior Ling, you said that others are nosy, don't you mind your own business?" Qiu Zhengrong said gloomily.

Ling Chuan glanced at Qiu Zhengrong coldly, suddenly smiled, and asked Ye Shi, "Yanxing, tell me, am I meddling with my business?"

Ye Shi hurriedly shook his head and said excitedly, "No, no, grandpa didn't meddle in his own business."

Ling Chuan smiled lightly, stood beside Qu Kun, and said proudly, "Yanxing called me grandpa, so you should follow me too."

Qu Kun's face turned blue and white for a while.


Jing Lifeng looked at Qu Kun and Ling Chuan, only to feel that the atmosphere between the two was indescribably strange.

"Senior Ling, you...what the hell is going on here!" Dan Chen looked at Qu Kun in confusion.

Why did Ye Shi call him Grandpa Ling Chuan? Ling Chuan and Qu Kun are a pair? How is this possible, Qu Kun has just come from Outland, how could he have something to do with Ling Chuan?

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Qu Kun only felt that his face became hot for a while.

Dan Chen looked at Qu Kun's expression and found it strange. Looking at the atmosphere between Ling Chuan and Qu Kun, it seemed that Ling Chuan was posting backwards.

Ling Chuan looked at a few people in Dangu and said, "The soul skills are right in front of you. What are you doing staring at me instead of studying soul skills?"

Hearing Ling Chuan's words, Dan Chen and the others woke up like a dream.

"Ah! Yes, soul skills." Dan Chen muttered.

Among the ruins of the Pill Hall, there is a huge palace. The entrance to the palace is prohibited and needs to be opened with a specific soul skill.

Only by comprehending the soul skills of the stone tablets in the ruins can they break the restriction and enter the palace.

Dan Chen glanced at Mu Chen with some envy. In the current situation, whoever realizes the soul skill first will be the first to open the gate of the palace and enter the interior of the palace. In other words, whoever is faster will have the first chance. .

Jing Lifeng looked at Ling Chuan and said tentatively, "Fellow Daoist Ling, I didn't expect that Young Master Bai is your grandson? In this way, Fellow Daoist Bai is actually yours..."

Ling Chuan smiled and said proudly: "Yes! It's my son-in-law! Chen Xing, aren't you going to call me father-in-law?"

Bai Chenxing glanced at Ling Chuan and said, "If you search for your father-in-law's marriage, I will call you."

I don't know why, Bai Chenxing can call the father-in-law of Qu Kun at the level of Wuzong, but Bai Chenxing can't say anything about Ling Chuan at the level of Wusheng.

Ling Chuan glanced at Bai Chenxing with some disdain, and said, "You bastard, you really have no eye for it. When my son wakes up, I will let him stay away from you."

Bai Chenxing glanced at Ling Chuan lightly, and said, "Xinyang, he may not be willing to recognize you."

Ling Chuan looked at Bai Chenxing without a smile, and said, "How did the Bai family teach you! You don't respect your elders at all, yes, Xinyang may not be willing to let me, but he doesn't recognize me, I It's still his father, you'd better pray that he is willing to take care of you, if he doesn't want to take care of you, he can remarry, boy, do it yourself."

Bai Chenxing: "..."

Ye Shi: "..."

Qu Kun: "..."

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