Mu Chen walked out from the forest of stone monuments in the spiritual pagoda. Ye Shi saw Mu Chen, and a little joy flashed in his eyes, "Did you understand?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "The ninth and tenth steles have all been comprehended, and the eleventh stele has also comprehended a lot." Only half of the content of the eleventh stone tablet was comprehended.

"How long has it been?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi shrugged, and said, "It's been four days outside." For the four days outside, it will be more than forty days for the Spirit Pagoda.

Mu Chen's eyes looked around and asked suspiciously, "Where are Grandpa Qu and Grandpa Ling?"

"Grandpa Qu thought his strength was slow to enter the country, so Grandpa Ling asked Grandpa Qu to pick him up, and the two went to repair." Ye Shi rolled his eyes left and right.

Mu Chen's eyes widened suddenly, Shuangxiu went, and he actually went to Shuangxiu.

"Grandpa Qu has gone to pick up Grandpa Ling?" Mu Chen asked suspiciously.

Ye Shi nodded solemnly, "Yes."

"Grandpa Qu will agree?" Mu Chen couldn't help asking.

"Grandpa Ling wants Grandpa Qu to pick up Grandpa Ling, Grandpa Qu shouldn't pick up Grandpa Ling, Grandpa Ling insists that Grandpa Qu pick and supplement Grandpa Ling, Grandpa Qu should not pick up Grandpa Ling, Grandpa Ling desperately wants Grandpa Qu to pick up Grandpa Ling. "Ye Shi thought for a while.

Mu Chen: "..." The tongue twister, the translation is, Grandpa Qu is not picking up Grandpa Ling, Grandpa Ling is overpowering the bow.

Grandpa Ling is really shameless, but Grandpa Ling is shameless, and according to Grandpa Qu's awkward temper, he can only be a vegetarian for the rest of his life.

"When did it happen?" Mu Chen asked.

"Not long after you went to study the stele, the two grandfathers went to double repair." Ye Shi whispered with blinking eyes.

"So, I retreated and they went to double cultivation. It's been so long, have they ever come out?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "It seems not."

Mu Chen said hesitantly, "So for such a long time, they are still..." What about Shuangxiu?

Ye Shi nodded and said worriedly, "Yes! I wonder if the two grandfathers will be hungry."

Mu Chen: "..." Qu Kun is Wu Zong, Ling Chuan is Wu Sheng, so he can't starve to death in such a short time.

"Are you going out to break the door? Then I'll call them?" Ye Shi hesitated.

Mu Chen hurriedly grabbed Ye Shi and said, "No, no, no need to call them, from the experience of the two times, this time the door is opened, and at most there will be some monsters at the level of Wu Zun, and we can handle it. , Shuangxiu is a major event in life, we don't want to disturb the two grandfathers' double cultivation."

Ye Shi nodded, thought about it, and said, "Okay."

in the information room.

Qu Kun was lying on the bed, looking at Ling Chuan who was sleeping beside him, his eyes were full of anger, beasts, dead beasts.

It is said that he was rude when he was drugged. This bastard, rudeness is rude, and it has nothing to do with the lack of traditional Chinese medicine.

Qu Kun wanted to kick him, but thinking about the consequences of waking Ling Chuan up, Qu Kun still didn't move.

Qu Kun looked at the closed door and frowned. It's been so long, Bai Chenxing and Mu Chen didn't even show their faces, what the hell are these people doing!

Qu Kun stared at Ling Chuan's neck, a bit of coldness flashed in his eyes, Ling Chuan is copper skin and iron bones, even his neck is harder than ordinary people, I don't know if it can be pinched down. strangle each other to death?

Ling Chuan opened his eyes, looked at Qu Kun, smiled sweetly, and said, "You're awake."

Qu Kun was startled when he saw Ling Chuan open his eyes, and looked at Ling Chuan with a gloomy face.

Ling Chuan rubbed his face and said, "Why are you looking at me like that? I found out that I am handsome."

Qu Kun closed his mouth tightly and said in his heart, "It's shameless to die.

The genius of Central Continent, Bai Chenxing is an idiot with a flawed brain, Ling Chuan is a bastard full of lies, the genius of Central Continent is at this level, I don't know, where did the people in Central Continent look down on people from other regions, I really don't know what to say.

"Go away." Qu Kun cursed.

Ling Chuan smiled at Qu Kun, and said, "It's really heartless, you will throw it away after you use it."

Qu Kun's face was gloomy, and he said with his teeth and claws: "Your skills are too bad, you can't lose it, just find someone who is better than you, are you an idiot?"

Ling Chuan's eyes flashed a bit of gloom, and then he smiled.

"If you have poor skills, just practice slowly! Practice makes perfect. My poor skills are all because of my defense for you." Ling Chuan leaned over and suppressed Qu Kundao.

A bit of fear flashed on Qu Kun's face, and he said, "Don't mess around!"

Qu Kun gritted his teeth and turned his head away, a little unwilling and a little embarrassed: "I can't take it anymore."

Ling Chuan let go of his hand, smiled, and said, "Get up." After so long, it was time for Mu Chen to leave.

When Qu Kun saw Ling Chuan withdraw his hand, he couldn't help but flash a bit of surprise in his heart.

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun's surprised eyes and asked, "Why can't you bear me?"

Qu Kun kicked Ling Chuan with one foot, tugging at the wound on his body, grinning in pain.

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun's appearance, and said with distress: "Can you still stand up? Do you want me to hug you! I'm sorry, it's all my fault, obviously thinking about being gentle, as soon as I get on you, I will It's like taking drugs, you can't help it."

Qu Kun grabbed the primeval stone at his hand and smashed it towards Ling Chuan, "Get out, get out."

Ling Chuan stood on the spot, motionless, letting Qu Kun throw the Primordial Stone at him, "Akun, don't be so willful!"

Qu Kun gritted his teeth and thought to himself: Ling Chuan's screaming is really disgusting.

Mu Chen opened the fourth door, and there were dozens of Wuzun-level monsters running out of the door. Although it was a bit tricky, the situation was still under control with the presence of Wusheng-level Bai Chenxing.

It took a lot of effort for Mu Chen to remove the soul imprint on all the puppet beast soul stones.

As soon as Mu Chen solved the puppet beast, he received a message from Ling Chuan.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shi asked, looking at Mu Chen's strange face.

"Grandpa Ling has sent a message and said that he will come out." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi's eyes widened, "Huh." He said, "Have you gotten up yet?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Get up."

Bai Chenxing pursed his lips and said in his heart, "It's finally up. If Ling Chuan doesn't come out, he will act like Qu Kun and bring Ling Chuan to life."

Ye Shi nodded and sighed, "It's really not easy."

Bai Chenxing nodded and said in his heart: That's not it.

The time flow in the spiritual tower is slow, so many days have passed outside, let alone inside. Ling Chuan was probably suffocating and getting carried away. He didn't know what happened to Qu Kun.

Mu Chen released Ling Chuan and Qu Kun.

Qu Kun's robe fluttered, and he was proud of his immortal style.

Looking at the smile on Qu Kun's face, Mu Chen felt obscene.

Qu Kun's gloomy eyes swept across Bai Chenxing, Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and Bai Chengfeng were not spared either.

"Fellow Daoist Qu, your strength seems to have improved a lot! You are really amazing, and your cultivation talent is really good!" Bai Chengfeng said with full of compliments.

Qu Kun's eyes flashed coldly, "Go away."

Bai Chengfeng: "..." Did he say something wrong? He is complimenting people! What did Qu Kun do to him, the fifteenth brother's father-in-law, it's really not easy to serve him! Compliments will be scolded.

Qu Kun blushed and snorted lightly.

Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun and said, "Grandpa, you are the pinnacle of the Nine Stars Martial Sect!"

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "This place is too special to isolate thunder tribulation, otherwise, Grandpa Qu, you will be able to advance to Wu Zun now."

Ye Shiman said in amazement, "Shuangxiu is so powerful."

Bai Chengfeng blinked, thinking in his heart: So it was Shuangxiu? No wonder, no wonder the cultivation base is progressing so fast.

Ling Chuan carried his hands on his back, and said proudly, "Whether the double cultivation is severe or not, it depends on who the double cultivation target is."

Qu Kun clenched his fists, looked at Ling Chuan angrily, and said, "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb."

Ling Chuan accompanied the smiling face and said in a low-lying manner: "I didn't say anything, I just talked about the matter."

Qu Kun clenched his fists. Damn it, why couldn't he beat this person? If only he was a Martial Saint, he would beat Ling Chuan into a pig's head.

Damn, why didn't he think about it in the first place, and promised Bai Chenxing to investigate what happened back then.

If Bai Chenxing hadn't taken the ring to inquire about the news, Ling Chuan would not have suspected him.

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan and said in his heart: It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun, touched his chin, and said to himself: It seems that he should study the technique of double cultivation, otherwise, Qu Kun will hate himself if the bed is not harmonious.

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