"How's it going?" Ling Chuan asked Mu Chen and the others.

"The fifth door has been opened, and there are several bones inside, probably belonging to cultivators who are tens of thousands of years old." Ye Shi said with a frown.

"We may not be the first group of people to come to the ruins of the Pill Palace. Someone should have come in before." Mu Chen said coolly.

The group of people who came in earlier were trapped here, unable to move forward or retreat, and finally all were trapped here and died silently.

Ling Chuan's eyes swept lightly over the bones, frowned, and said, "Three Wu Zuns and two Wu Zongs are not too strong." Being trapped to death is normal.

Ye Shi murmured: "Dill Valley, it seems to be about the same, it is this strength."

Ling Chuan frowned, thinking to himself, "That's true, the people from Dan Valley probably wanted to seize the opportunity and go first, and now the situation is not known.

"What happened to the sixth gate? Can it be broken?" Ling Chuan looked at Mu Chen and asked.

Mu Chen frowned and said, "This gate will use the content on the twelfth stele, and I'm still a little short."

Comprehension of the content on the twelfth stone tablet requires very high soul power, and his soul power is not strong enough.

There are a total of twelve stone tablets outside, and this lock will use the content of the twelfth stone tablet. It should break through this gate and enter the innermost central hall.

Ling Chuan looked at Mu Chen and said, "Take your time, don't rush."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I understand."

Dan Valley group.

"How's it going!" Dan Chen asked Dan Hong a little uneasily.

Dan Hong shook his head and said gloomily: "No, it can't be broken, this gate will use the content of the ninth stone tablet."

There was an ominous premonition in Dan Miao's heart, "Then why don't we quit first."

Dan Hong sighed lightly and said, "I'm afraid, we can't get out."

Dan Chen bit his lip, full of fear: "Will we be trapped here?"

Dan Miao frowned, a look of unstoppable worry on his face.

"It's all my fault for being too hasty. We should understand all the stone tablets before entering." Dan Hong shook his head regretfully.

Dan Chen said helplessly: "The content on the stone tablet is more difficult and difficult to understand. Even if we stay outside, we may not be able to understand it."

The four forces belonged to their Pill Valley with the worst strength. At that time, they were the first to leave because they wanted to give it a try.

Dan Miao smiled bitterly and said: "Even if we can understand the contents of the ninth stone tablet, breaking this gate may not be a good thing. You have also seen that every time the gate is opened, puppet monsters will appear. These The puppet monster is not afraid of life and death, and it is extremely difficult to deal with. When the door opens, the puppet monster that comes out, I'm afraid we can't deal with it at all."

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, what are we going to do?" Dan Chen said in a lonely voice.

"It would be great if Senior Ling Chuan was here." Dan Hong couldn't help but said.

Dan Chen sighed lightly and said, "Yeah!" Ling Chuan was here, maybe they could try to break through.

"Can we just stay here and wait to die?" Dan Chen said a little lonely.

Dan Hong glanced at Dan Chen, whose face was full of horror, and comforted: "It shouldn't be that bad. Let's not scare ourselves first. The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge, and there may be other ways."

Fire flashed in Dan Chen's eyes, "Really? Is there any other way?"

Fan Hong smiled reluctantly and said, "I have sent a message to Senior Ling. If he sees it, he may help us."

The faces of Dan Chen and others suddenly softened a bit.

Dan Hong sighed helplessly in his heart, there is no way to send a message in this ghost place. Although he tried to send a message to Ling Chuan, the communication talisman did not move, and most of it was not sent. However, this matter cannot be communicated with. others said.

Pill Pavilion and his party.

"Grandpa, how is it?" Jing Ming asked Jing Lifeng.

Jing Lifeng sighed lightly and said helplessly: "This lock requires the use of the soul skill recorded on the tenth stone tablet. My ability is limited and I can't open it."

Jing Ming pursed his lips, there is a ninth-level treasure in the Pill Pavilion, the reincarnation plate of heaven.

The Reincarnation Disk of the Heavenly Dao is one of the few instruments that can record soul skills. Although the Reincarnation Disk of the Heavenly Dao has recorded the content of the soul skills, they cannot comprehend it.

Jing Ming frowned. With his ability, he only realized the eighth stone tablet. Every time he touched the ninth stone tablet, he felt a splitting headache.

The stone tablet of comprehension must match its own strength. If it is forced to comprehend, it may cause the soul to collapse.

Jing Ming frowned and said, "Then we can only be trapped here? I don't know where Danta's people and Mu Chen have come. If this goes on, then Dan Shu will be killed by Mu Chen and the others. The people from Danta got there first."

Jing Lifeng narrowed his eyes, sighed lightly, and said, "Take a step, take a look."

Qu Quan frowned. He only understood the content of the seventh stone tablet. Before he came in, Mu Chen had an epiphany about the content of the ninth stone tablet. Now, Mu Chen and his party don't know where to go.

Thinking of Mu Chen, Qu Quan couldn't help frowning.

The direct lineage of the Spiritual Clan has always looked down on the collateral lineage. Qu Quan, as one of the most perfect sons of the Spiritual Clan who inherited the blood of his ancestors, actually left the Spiritual Clan long ago for Ye Shi. The descendants of the branch line didn't pay much attention to him, and he didn't even pay attention to Mu Chen.

However, only from comprehending soul skills, Qu Quan could feel the gap between him and Mu Chen.

Qu Quan has always had a high self-esteem, but in every aspect, he has been suppressed by Mu Chen more than once, and he couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

"I don't know, the people who will fall on the dan tower are still in the hands of Mu Chen." Jing Ming gritted his teeth.

Jing Lifeng glanced at Jing Ming, a little helplessness flashed in his heart, and he could see that his grandson had not completely given up on the ninth-level pill book.

Jing Ming didn't know that Jing Lifeng actually had no hope for the ninth-level pill book, and what Jing Lifeng was worried about now was whether they would be able to retreat.

The vitality in the palace is very thin. Although they brought in a lot of primeval stones, their cultivation base is not low and they need a lot of primeval stones. Once the primeval stones are exhausted, their vitality will gradually dry up.

Mu Chen is here.

After the fifth door was opened, Mu Chen found several eight-level pill books and five or six bottles of pills. Whether it was pill books or pills, they were of great benefit to Mu Chen.

In order to open the sixth gate as soon as possible, Mu Chen drilled into the forest of stone steles again.

There is no time to cultivate, Mu Chen is in the forest of stone monuments, and it takes more than thirty days to cultivate.

"You came out?" Qu Kun looked directly at Mu Chen and said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! Is there something wrong?"

Qu Kun nodded and said worriedly, "Yes! Ye Shi is about to give birth."

Mu Chen widened his eyes and said, "So fast."

Qu Kun sighed lightly and said, "It's a bit fast, but it's almost time to count. After all, the flow of time in the spiritual pagoda is slow, and the stone is very well raised." Eating eighth-grade jerky every day When eating, the food is so good, the child in the stomach will inevitably grow fast.

"I'll take a look." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi was lying on the bed in the living room of the Spirit Pagoda, holding his stomach. Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's chubby belly and said to himself, "It really is a lot rounder.

"Mu Chen, you're out of the border." Ye Shi immediately called out happily when he saw Mu Chen.

Mu Chen walked over, held Ye Shi's hand tightly, and said, "Don't be afraid."

Ye Shi smiled and said proudly: "I'm not afraid, I'm not even afraid of Martial Saint, I'm not afraid of the two little devils in my stomach who haven't even grown together."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! Stone, the bravest."

Ye Shi touched his stomach, frowned, and said, "These two little devils are always fighting in my stomach. I want to give birth to them quickly and let them fight in another place."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said in a somewhat unkind tone, "Did they toss you?"

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "It's okay, I feel like they're coming out. I hope they'll be neat when they come, otherwise I'll beat them up."

Mu Chen raised the corners of his mouth, smiled, and said, "I'll beat you together."

Ye Shi glared at Mu Chen and said, "I'm talking nonsense, don't mess around, they are still young and don't understand anything."

"Akun." Ling Chuan called softly.

Qu Kun frowned and said defensively, "Is there something wrong?"

Ling Chuan said apologetically, "Back then, when you were cherishing your heart, what did you feel? It must be very hard."

Qu Kun squinted at Ling Chuan and said, "It didn't take a lot of hard work, I didn't even realize that I was pregnant, and I still traveled all over the world to fight for chivalry. You don't know, I'm a top expert in Outland. , there are countless people who throw their arms around."

"You know, the people who devote themselves to me are more enthusiastic than each other, and it is difficult to accept the kindness. I sleep with people everywhere, sleep with women, and sleep with men, and I don't even realize that I am pregnant."

Bai Chenxing turned his face away and said in his heart: Your father-in-law is really brave! With the heart of the sun, we are everywhere.

Ling Chuan said innocently: "You are obviously very jerky too!"

"That's because I've always been the one who sleeps, and I'm not used to being slept in." Qu Kun gritted his teeth.

Ling Chuan blinked his eyes, full of tolerance: "Akun, I know that you and those people are playing together, I won't mind."

Qu Kun sneered and said, "Whether it's a man or a woman, it's better than you in terms of personal skill, don't you feel ashamed?"

Ling Chuan said earnestly: "Akun, look how good I am, I can help you cultivate, those wine bags and rice bags will only drag you down..."

Qu Kan gritted his teeth and said, "I don't see how good you are, but how thick your skin is, you can easily see it."

Ling Chuan said tentatively, "When you gave birth to Xinyang, did it hurt? I feel guilty when I think of you alone giving birth to me outside!"

Qu Kun said with a dark face, "Xinyang is very good, and he came out all at once. If you really feel guilty, just kill yourself."

"How can it work? I'm dead, who will take care of you! You are so cute, everyone wants you, I must protect you, and I won't let you be eaten by others." Ling Chuan said worriedly.

Qu Kun darkened his face and said irritably, "You alone are more terrifying than a group of people..."

"Akun, you always praise me like this, I'm embarrassed for complimenting, in fact, there's nothing wrong with what you said, I've always used one to a hundred, those wine bags and rice bags, not to mention a hundred, a thousand are not My opponent." Ling Chuan said proudly.

Qu Kun: "..." Isn't he a compliment? Ling Chuan is a bastard, a dead scum.

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