Ye Shi watched Qu Kun's promotion, and his eyes flashed with deep joy, "Grandpa Qu has been promoted, great, grandpa will be a master in the future."

Qu Kun sneered secretly, thinking dully: If he can beat this guy Ling Chuan to the ground, he can be considered a master. He is not at the early stage of Wu Zun now. Ling Chuan wants to flatten him and round him. What a master!

Following Mu Chen, Ling Chuan, Bai Chenxing, and Qu Kun are also well-informed. They know that Wu Zun seems to be very powerful on the bright side of Zhongzhou, but in fact, there are many Wusheng in Zhongzhou.

As if he knew what Qu Kun was thinking, Ling Chuan smiled and said, "Baby, although you are very powerful now, you are still a lot worse than me, don't worry, I will definitely protect you in case of danger. ."

Qu Kun's face was distorted, and he secretly said: He is already old, and Ling Chuan still calls himself a baby, this person is getting more and more disgusting.

Knowing that he couldn't beat Ling Chuan, he quarreled with Ling Chuan, which would only make Ling Chuan take advantage. Fortunately, Qu Kun ignored Ling Chuan.

No matter what Qu Kun looked like, Ling Chuan always had a smile on his face, which made Qu Kun always feel like he punched out and hit a dead pig with a thick scalp.

"It won't be long before you can advance to Martial Sovereign." Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi and said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes."

Before, when he was pregnant with the baby, he didn't dare to use the medicinal pills indiscriminately. A lot of the primordial stone energy he absorbed flowed into the baby's body. Now that he gave birth to the baby, his training speed has recovered. Ye Shi is not short of medicinal pills. There is no shortage of primeval stones, and the progress of cultivation is of course very fast.

Ling Chuan frowned as he looked at the communication talisman in his hand.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?" Ye Shi asked.

Ling Chuan put away the communication talisman and said, "It's no big deal, people from Dan Valley, who are trapped, send me a message."

This message should have been sent out long ago, and it was only when he left the previously sealed palace that it reached him.

"They had an accident?" Ye Shi asked.

Ling Chuan smiled helplessly and said, "Yes! As we expected, we were trapped."

Ye Shi thought for a while and said, "Then shall we help them?"

Mu Chen sighed lightly and said, "I'm afraid it won't be easy."

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen suspiciously, and said, "It's not easy?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I passed through the last door, and I can easily take you back from the original road, but I don't have the ability to open other doors." This is what he absorbed Zhuang Tianyang. Know after memory.

Zhuang Tianyang can only go back the same way he came from. If he takes another way, he can only go hard.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Then they can only wait to die."

Ling Chuan said indifferently: "This is not in a hurry, it is important to find the ninth-level pill book first. As for the people in Pill Valley, if you can rescue them, try your best. If you can't rescue them, there is nothing you can do."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's true."

"Let's go, go to Dan Shu first, do you know where Dan Shu is?" Bai Chenxing asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I know."

Mu Chen and others soon arrived at the location of the ninth-level pill book. An ancient jade book was placed on an altar. The ancient book exuded colorful rays of light, revealing an indescribable mystery.

"How? Can this formation be broken?" Ling Chuan asked Bai Chenxing.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "I'm afraid I can't break it."

Ling Chuan glanced at Bai Chenxing, full of disgust: "You are really useless!"

Bai Chenxing glanced at Ling Chuan lightly, and said slowly: "This formation is a ninth-level intermediate-level ancient formation, and it is an inexorable formation."

Ye Shi frowned. The so-called "no solution" means that there are no flaws and no weaknesses. If the formation is forcibly broken, the level may be counterattacked by the formation, and it may also destroy the ancient jade book.

Ye Shi looked at Bai Chenxing and said, "In this case, we won't get the ninth-level pill book?"

Bai Chenxing shook his head and said, "That's not the case. This formation does not prevent the penetration of soul power. Mu Chen can penetrate soul power into it and read the contents of the pill book."

Ling Chuan probed his soul power into it and found that he had not read anything.

"No way!" Ling Chuan said.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "It may be that father-in-law, your soul power is too low."

Ling Chuan: "..." Is Bai Chenxing underestimating him?

Bai Chenxing's gaze crossed Ling Chuan and looked towards Mu Chen, "How about you try?"

Mu Chen nodded, and carefully probed his soul power into it. As soon as Mu Chen's soul power came into contact with the ancient jade book, the ancient book shone brightly.

Ye Shi opened his eyes wide in excitement and said, "Mu Chen is amazing."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan, full of schadenfreude and said, "You are really useless!"

Ling Chuan: "..."

Bai Chengfeng looked at Ling Chuan, and said in his heart: The so-called feng shui rotation is probably like this.

Mu Chen withdrew his soul power, and Bai Chenxing looked at Mu Chen and asked, "How is it?"

Mu Chen frowned and said, "I can read it, but it seems that this ancient book cannot be taken away."

Ye Shi was a little depressed and said: "The people in the Pill Palace are really stingy. They only show them, not take them away."

"Actually, we took advantage of the Pill Palace. If it wasn't for this restriction, maybe the ancient books have been taken away by the last wave of people. In fact, there are still other people's soul power on the ancient books. It can be seen that there are people before me. I have come into contact with ancient books."

"Zhuang Tianyang has never touched an ancient book. Zhuang Yaoyue should have read the contents of the ancient book. If this ancient book can be taken away, then Zhuang Yaoyue will be the one who succeeds." Mu Chen said with a sullen face.

Ye Shi opened his eyes wide and said, "The witch knows the contents of the ancient book."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It should be."

Zhuang Yaoyue is very talented in soul. Even though Zhuang Tianyang's strength is much stronger than Zhuang Yaoyue, her soul power is inferior to Zhuang Yaoyue. In this regard, Zhuang Yaoyue takes a step from Zhuang Tianyang and enters the center of the palace. can be seen.

Zhuang Yaoyue should have memorized all the contents of the pill book.

An old monster like Zhuang Yaoyue always has two brushes.

If Zhuang Tianyang hadn't been too complacent and had a strange fire in his body, then he would have never known about such an old monster and died several times.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "That woman is cheap."

Mu Chen smiled bitterly, "It's us who really take advantage!"

Ye Shi was a little depressed and said, "Is Zhuang Yaoyue an alchemist?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, he is still a ninth-level alchemist."

Ye Shi was a little depressed and said: "If the pill book falls into her hands, then..."

Mu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "This is also impossible."

If the Ming clan is so easy to deal with, it will not be the Ming clan. This time, it is a worthwhile trip to make the Ming clan lose two Martial Saints.

Bai Chenxing looked at Mu Chen and said eagerly, "If you understand this ancient jade book, can your alchemy skills reach the late eighth level?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I think it should be possible."

He learned the soul skills on the stone tablet and fused with Zhuang Tianyang's soul. Although a large part of Zhuang Tianyang's soul was burnt down in a hurry, there are still a good part left, many of which are about Alchemy.

Mu Chen felt that his current alchemy skills should be at the mid-level eighth level.

"Then you should stay here to comprehend the book of pills." Bai Chenxing said without thinking.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay."

"There is a spirit medicine garden in the center of the palace. There are many eighth-level and even ninth-level spirit grasses, which can be found to train Mu Chen. However, there are formations guarding the periphery of this spirit grass." Ling Chuan looked at Bai Chenxing said.

Bai Chenxing said without hesitation, "I'm going to break through the formation and collect spirit grass. With Lao's father-in-law here to protect Mu Chen, Yanxing is here."

Ling Chuan nodded and said, "Okay, don't worry."

Bai Chenxing took Bai Chengfeng away, and Ling Chuan and others stayed behind.

Mu Chen's soul force passed through the formation, deciphering the ancient jade book.

Ling Chuan looked at Ye Shi who was holding the doll, leaned forward, and said, "Stone, what do you think the doll is called!"

Ye Shi said proudly, "The big treasure is called Mu Ziyu, and the little treasure is called Mu Zihan."

Ling Chuan blinked, and said pitifully, "Both of them are surnamed Mu?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Of course, I gave birth to Mu Chen's baby!"

Ling Chuan said with a bitter face, "You don't intend to pity your grandfather."

Ye Shi looked at Ling Chuan and said earnestly, "Grandpa, it's better to ask for help than to ask for help about the baby. Grandpa's spirit of a dragon and horse is in his prime, are you still afraid that he won't have a son?"

Ling Chuan suddenly woke up like a dream, yes! He can give birth by himself, what can he grab from his grandson?

Ling Chuan glanced at Qu Kun, smiled, and said, "Stone, you're right."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's natural. Grandpa Ling and Grandpa Qu are both young, so you can have a few more to make up a table of mahjong."

Ling Chuan: "..."

Although Qu Kun looked elsewhere, he was listening carefully to the conversation between Ling Chuan and Ye Shi, and when he heard Ye Shi's words, Qu Kun suddenly became angry.

Being oppressed by Ling Chuan is already annoying enough. Ye Shi actually planned to let him have a child for Ling Chuan.

Seeing Ling Chuan's meaningful eyes looking at him, Qu Kun's hair stood on end, Ling Chuan was a dead bastard.

Ye Shi looked at Qu Kun and whispered, "Maybe, Grandpa Qu is already pregnant."

Hearing Ye Shi's words, Ling Chuan suddenly widened his eyes.

Ye Shi secretly said: Back then, the two grandpas got pregnant after a few days of rolling. Now, when Grandpa Ling has nothing to do, he just rolls around with Grandpa Qu. Although, the higher the strength, the harder it is for the offspring, but there are so many rollings. , it is still possible to be recruited, after all, Grandpa Ling looks really fierce!

Qu Kun shivered in anger.

Ye Shi glanced at Qu Kun and whispered: "Grandpa Ling, Grandpa Qu is very powerful, likes to be a hero and fight for justice, there are countless people who like Grandpa Qu, and there are countless people who throw their arms around, but if you are pregnant , Grandpa Ling, you have to watch more, you can't let Grandpa Qu mess up again, it's very dangerous."

Qu Kun: "..." The family is unfortunate, the family is unfortunate! How could his family Xinyang give birth to such an idiot, it's all the idiot of Bai Chenxing, dragging him down!

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "Stone, what you said makes sense and makes sense. I will definitely be optimistic about your grandfather, and I will never let him mess around."

Qu Kun: "..."

Although most of Mu Chen's mind was on the ancient jade book, he still set aside a part of his mind to pay attention to the movements of Ye Shi and others. Hearing the conversation between Ye Shi and Ling Chuan, Mu Chen's heart couldn't help but toss for a while. Yes...talent!

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