Not long after Qu Kun's promotion, Ye Shi's promotion was soon ushered in.

The thunder calamity attracted by Ye Shi was huge, but Ye Shi had a special physique, strong Yuan strength, and was used to being split by Dan robbery, so he could handle it with ease.

After Ye Shi was promoted to Wu Zun, all kinds of eighth-level medicinal herbs that promoted Wu Zun's cultivation base could be used. Ye Shi's physique was very good at absorbing the power of medicinal herbs, and his cultivation base rose rapidly.

Afraid that the two sons would be bored in the pagoda, Ye Shi released the two sons to bask in the sun.

Ever since Ye Shi banned Dabao and Xiaobao from playing the game of you peeing on me and I pissing on you, Dabao and Xiaobao have played the game of you hitting my head and I hit your head.

Ye Shi watched Dabao and Xiaobao push up and down, and shouted enthusiastically, "Come on," "Come on."

Qu Kun looked at Ye Shi with some helplessness, the corners of his mouth twitched. He had seen an unreliable father, and he had never seen such an unreliable father.

Qu Kun frowned and said, "Stone, Dabao, Xiaobao, is this okay?"

Ye Shi smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter! Dabao and Xiaobao are both martial masters." Dabao and Xiaobao absorbed a lot of energy in Ye Shi's body, and they became martial masters as soon as they came out.

Qu Kun rolled his eyes, thinking to himself: It's because they are all martial artists that he can't be relieved! "What if it breaks?"

Ye Shi said proudly: "Dabao, Xiaobao is strong, child, you must start exercising from the baby, and cultivate the fighting consciousness from an early age, so that you will not suffer in the future."

Qu Kun frowned and said suspiciously, "Who told you that!"

"Mu Chen!" Ye Shi said of course.

Qu Kun looked at Mu Chen with a bad expression on his face, Mu Chen reluctantly turned his head away, the conscience of heaven and earth! He only said, "Education should start from the baby", but he didn't expect that when he said such a sentence, Ye Shi understood that he wanted to teach two little devils from an early age! He really didn't mean that!

"Dabao, Xiaobao, it looks like a good material for practicing Iron Head Gong." Ye Shi said with the best expression on my son's face.

Ling Chuan said cheerfully, "Tietou Gong, that's not bad. I remember that the Ling family had a Tietou Gong. They practiced it to the fullest. The head is harder than the ninth-level magic weapon.

Qu Kun hurriedly said: "You can pull it down, Dabao, Xiaobao, you can't be as thick-skinned as you are." That's true.

Ling Chuan: "..." What's wrong with thick skin, thin skin, and being a bachelor for a lifetime, that's shameful.

Mu Chen looked at the two chubby buns gently, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These two of my own still don't know how to use the Yuan force in their bodies. They are very aggressive, not many. The two milk dolls probably still know how to deal with each other.

Mu Chen looked at Dabao and Xiaobao, and sighed lightly.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "It's nothing, it's just that they were born too fast, I haven't made the Tianling Bone Plastic Pill yet."

The pill recipe for Tianling Bone Plastic Pill was given by Qu Qingyin. It is said that it can increase the probability of his son being promoted to the Martial Saint in the future. It should have been too late, but... Ye Shi stayed in the spiritual tower for too long.

This medicine pill is only effective when the child takes it in Ye Shi's belly. Now that the child has fallen to the ground, the medicine pill is refined, and it is useless...

Ye Shi said in disapproval, "It doesn't matter, the conditions for them are too good, and there is nothing good. It is easy to cause their lack of xinxing. When I started, the conditions were so difficult, and now I have not climbed to this stage."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "That's right."

Although he said so, Mu Chen secretly made up his mind that he must refine the Tianling Bone Plastic Pill as soon as possible, lest Ye Shi be pregnant again, and he was caught off guard.


During this time, Mu Chen's alchemy skills advanced by leaps and bounds, and it was no longer a problem to refine the mid-level 8 pills.

The eighth-level spirit herbs that Mu Chen had collected earlier, the spirit herbs in the Martial Saint Space Rings of the two unlucky guys from the Ming clan, were successively turned into elixir by Mu Chen.

The pill tribulation above the secret realm echoes almost every day.

A violent wave of Yuan force came over, and Mu Chen's face couldn't help but turn cold.

"Father-in-law showed it." Mu Chen said in a hurry.

Ling Chuan didn't say a word, and rushed towards the place of the accident.

Although Ling Chuan always had no good words for Bai Chenxing, Bai Chenxing was Ling Chuan's twin-in-law after all, so Ling Chuan could not ignore it.

Mu Chen took Ye Shi and others into the spiritual pagoda and rushed over.

When Ling Chuan arrived, Zhuang Yaoyue had already left.

Bai Chengfeng was severely injured, his whole body was covered in blood, and Bai Chenxing's condition was not much better.

"Father-in-law, are you all right?" Mu Chen looked at Bai Chenxing and asked worriedly.

Zhuang Yaoyue was probably dissatisfied that their days in the secret realm were too smooth, and while Bai Chenxing was breaking through the formation, he sneakily attacked Bai Chenxing.

Zhuang Yaoyue made a sneak attack on the soul. If they fought head-to-head, Bai Chenxing might not be able to defeat Zhuang Yaoyue.

However, the soul attack used by Zhuang Yaoyue was also a sudden attack when Bai Chenxing was cracking the formation. Unpredictable, Bai Chenxing's soul power was severely damaged.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "It's okay, thanks to your ninth uncle, but I'm afraid I'll have to rest for a while."

Deciphering the formation requires the use of soul power, but now he has a splitting headache when he runs his soul power. In the short term, he is afraid that he will not be able to use the formation.

If it wasn't for Bai Chengfeng who blocked a lot of attacks for him and bought a little time for Bai Chenxing, Bai Chenxing would have been hurt more seriously.

Mu Chen fed Bai Chengfeng an eighth-level healing elixir, and poured Yuan force into Bai Chengfeng, which saved Bai Chengfeng's life.

Ye Shi was busy facing Bai Chengfeng and said, "Thank you Jiu Bo."

Bai Chengfeng was a little flattered, "You're welcome, you're welcome."

Because before Ye Shi's identity was exposed, the Bai family took a suppressive attitude towards Ye Shi, so apart from Bai Chenxing, they didn't have much affection for everyone in the Bai family.

Looking at Bai Chengfeng's dying appearance, Mu Chen sent Bai Chengfeng into the spiritual pagoda.

"That bitch." Ye Shi scolded angrily.

"Zhuang Yaoyue, why do you want to do this?" Qu Kun frowned, was it just because they were not pleasing to the eye.

Mu Chen frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "Perhaps the existence of my father-in-law greatly harmed Zhuang Yaoyue's interests."

The most precious things in the secret realm are the Lingcao Garden and the ninth-level pill book. Zhuang Yaoyue may have read the pill book, but he may not have memorized them all.

Before, the Lingcao Garden was occupied by my father-in-law, and the elixir was always dominated by myself and Ling Chuan. It was probably because the people on my side continued to advance, and I could not stop refining the elixir successfully. Therefore, Zhuang Yaoyue Will not be able to restrain the shot.

"Father-in-law, when will your soul power recover?" Mu Chen asked.

Bai Chenxing frowned and said, "Under normal circumstances, I'm afraid it will take two years."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes. There is a time limit for entering the secret realm of the Pill Palace. After about seven or eight months, they will be teleported out. Of course, the previous palace blocked teleportation. If they reach the teleportation time, they will stay there. Among them, it cannot be sent out.

If, according to the normal situation, Bai Chenxing would not be able to break the formation even if Dao was teleported out of the secret realm. I think this is the purpose of coming to Zhuang Yaoyue.

Mu Chen pursed his lips and said, "Father-in-law, let's advance to the Spirit Pagoda."

Bai Chenxing nodded and said, "Okay."

The flow of time in the spiritual tower is slow, and the two years that Bai Chenxing said must be outside time.

The Spirit Pagoda is only two or three months old, but two or three months is not too short. Mu Chen's alchemy technique is now approaching the late eighth level, and he can completely refine some medicinal pills that can help restore his soul power.

It's just that Bai Chenxing's soul has been injured. If he is alchemy, the only person who can protect him is Ling Chuan. It is difficult to protect the woman Zhuang Yaoyue from making any noise. An extremely tricky woman.

Ye Shi bit his lip, and his eyes couldn't help but show a strong anger, "I'm going to kill that woman."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi gently, and said, "Don't worry, there will always be opportunities in the future."

Ye Shi bit his lip and said, "My father-in-law will be in a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to break the formation, so it's up to you to break the formation."

Ye Shi nodded solemnly and said, "I understand."

Although Bai Chenxing can't use the formation method now, he can still give some pointers to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi's cultivation base has improved, and now it's the right time to learn array spells.


Zhuang Yaoyue observed Mu Chen's movements from a distance, and there was not much pride in her eyes. Compared with the loss of the Ming family, Bai Chenxing was only injured, which was nothing.

In this secret realm, in addition to the ninth-level pill book, there is also the Lingcao Garden. In fact, there are many good places. However, as long as something has a little value, there is a prohibition and protection, but among the five arts, Her formation technique is extremely weak.

Most of the restrictions could not be broken. Seeing that those things were about to fall into the hands of Bai Chenxing and others, Zhuang Yaoyue was naturally unwilling.

Bai Chenxing is now seriously injured. In the short term, I am afraid that she will not be able to use the formation technique. She cannot get the things in the secret realm, and Mu Chen and the others will never succeed.

Zhuang Yaoyue remembered Ye Shi's sullen face, and a trace of panic flashed in her heart. Does Ye Shi want to seek revenge for herself?

For some reason, Zhuang Yaoyue felt a chill in her heart for no reason.

Zhuang Yaoyue shook her head and said to herself: She has been getting worse and worse recently, Mu Chen and Ye Shi are just two little devils, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that Mu Chen is already a six-star Wu Zun, and if he doesn't clean up, he is afraid that he will become a disaster. Mu Chen absorbed Zhuang Tianyang's soul power, and he doesn't know how much he knows, so he has to guard against it!

After leaving the secret realm, she must convince the other martial sages in the clan to kill Mu Chen at all costs. This person is too terrifying and cannot be controlled at all.

Originally, the Ming clan kept Mu Chen in order to wait for his Dao Wuzun to seize the house. As a result, Mu Chen practiced the soul-snatching technique and paid Zhuang Tianyang in vain.

Since Mu Chen has practiced Soul Reaper, then stealing Mu Chen's body will become empty talk.

How on earth did Mu Chen's cultivation rise so fast, he is obviously a person with ordinary aptitude! It must have something to do with the tower.

It is a pity that the Ming clan obtained the five spiritual pagodas from the other side, and they were integrated into one.

Thinking of Zhuang Yu, Zhuang Jin, and Zhuang Yaoyue, she suddenly felt annoyed, hateful, and the family had been deployed for many years, but as a result, they all made wedding dresses for Mu Chen.

The clansmen outside don't know yet, Ling Chuan and Bai Chenxing have become in-laws, and when these two get married, the Bai and Ling families will definitely stand on the same front. Go back, inform the clan as soon as possible, and make plans early.

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