A teaching hall in the Bai family.

Mu Chen explained the method of alchemy in an orderly manner above, and the alchemists below listened intently, his eyes full of excitement and desire.

Most alchemists will not lack primeval stones, but the inheritance of alchemy techniques.

Most alchemists cherish their brooms, and even masters and apprentices will not teach their knowledge of alchemy.

The so-called teaching the apprentice and starving the master to death is equally applicable in this world.

Like this, there is an eighth-level alchemist who teaches carefully and answers doubts without reservation.

Mu Chen is an alchemist who is about to enter the ninth level, and explaining some seventh-level alchemy knowledge is really overkill.

In the eyes of a seventh-level alchemist, a lot of alchemy knowledge that is difficult and incomprehensible is very simple and easy to understand to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen's explanation was riveting, penetrating, and thought-provoking. The alchemists below were amazed and held their breaths, fearing that they might have missed any of Mu Chen's words.

After explaining the alchemy technique for two hours to the alchemists, Mu Chen gave the alchemists an hour to ask questions freely.

The problems of all alchemists are similar, and Mu Chen usually solves the problem of one alchemist, and others can also benefit from it.

Three hours later, a group of alchemists walked out of the Gong Chuan Hall, full of contentment.

"Young Master Mu, it's really amazing. I think I can try it. The refining of the late seventh-level medicinal herbs." Huang Chengfeng stroked his beard and said excitedly.

Huang Chengfeng is an alchemist in the middle of the seventh level, and his alchemy skills are among the best among the alchemists recruited by the Bai family.

Since the relationship between the Bai family and Danta began to confront each other, people have been coming to poach corners, and the conditions raised are higher than the other.

Huang Chengfeng felt that the treatment given by the Bai family was not bad, and he had been favored by an elder of the Bai family, so he had never been tempted. It turned out that his choice was right.

No matter how good the treatment is, how can it compare to the improvement of his alchemy skills?

Previously, the Baijia ignored their alchemy masters, leaving others at the north corner, and Huang Chengfeng felt a little nervous in his heart, but it turned out that he was waiting here again.

"Listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books. The doubts that have been in my mind for decades are all solved now." Ying Fan was full of excitement, and his eyes flashed with a burning look.

"Now that old man Jiao Meng, how can he regret it?" Huang Chengfeng said with schadenfreude.

"You can't live by doing something wrong!" Ying Fan said with contempt.

Jiao Meng was the number one alchemist in the Bai family, a seventh-level senior alchemist.

Jiao Meng was arrogant, and he usually looked down on these mid-level seventh-level alchemists.

The Bai family invested a lot of resources in Jiao Meng, and the treatment they gave was much better than those of their seventh-level intermediate alchemists.

It's a pity that Jiao Meng is very ruthless and unscrupulous. When Danta's people came to poach the corners, Jiao Meng was the first to leave. Jiao Meng left by himself was not enough, and he even threw up several sixth-level and seventh-level alchemists from the Bai family. Master, go with him.

Jiao Meng once received the life-saving grace of an elder in the family. If the Bai family had not supplied enough spirit herbs, Jiao Meng would not have become a seventh-level senior alchemist.

It's just that the ungrateful white-eyed wolf is unfamiliar no matter how you raise it.

"I want to listen to Master Mu for a few more days. My alchemy skills will be able to catch up with Jiao Meng." Huang Chengfeng clenched his fists and said in high spirits.

No matter how good the treatment is, how can it be compared to the rise of alchemy! If the alchemy technique rises, the treatment will naturally also rise.

"The question we raised is that none of them can beat Young Master Mu. What level do you think Master Mu's alchemy skills are?" Huang Chengfeng said mysteriously.

"The soul-returning pill that Qu Xinyang takes is a late eighth-level pill. What level do you think Mu Shao's pill is?" Ying Fan said with a wry smile.

Huang Chengfeng touched his chin and said, "Young Master Mu is a late eighth-level alchemist, it's really embarrassing!

"That's not true. When I saw Young Master Mu, I suddenly felt that I had lived in vain for hundreds of years." Ying Fan shook his head with a wry smile.

"That's not true. However, we don't need to compare with someone like Mu Shao who defies the sky. Mu Shao is so young and his alchemy skills are so high that he might be able to step into the legendary ninth-level alchemy master's realm." Huang Chengfeng Thinking about the road.

Ying Fan frowned and said, "This? It seems a little early to talk about this now."

Ye Shi took Dabao and Xiaobao and walked towards them.

Seeing the person coming, Huang Chengfeng and Ying Fan said respectfully, "I have seen Young Master Yanxing."

The identity of Ye Shi's Bai family's young master was not very important to the two, but Bai Yanxing's identity as Mu Chen's partner made them respect them from the bottom of their hearts.

"Have you seen Mu Chen?" Ye Shi asked the two of them.

"Young Master Mu, you should still be in the Chuan Gong Hall at the moment." Ying Fan said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's ok, you guys are busy, I'll find him."

Huang Chengfeng looked at Ye Shi's back, full of sighs and said: "Bai Shao is indeed a person with top-quality spirit pattern eyes! This eyesight is good."

Ying Fan nodded in agreement and said, "No."

"Mu Chen." Ye Shi called out.

Seeing Ye Shi, Mu Chen's expression softened a bit, "You're here, come in."

Ye Shi walked up to Mu Chen, stuffed the big treasure into the Muchen cup, hugged the little treasure, and asked, "Did the lecture go well?

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's going well."

In the previous world, he used to give lectures to teachers. In this world, he gave lectures to so many people. It was the first time that he had a group of old students in class. Stone asked.

"Although my alchemy skills are mediocre, my aptitudes are mediocre, and my comprehension is mediocre, but it is better than having a strong thirst for knowledge and a willingness to learn." Mu Chen smiled and said.

Bai Chengfeng stood at the door, listening to Mu Chen say three flat words in a row, the corner of his mouth twitched, and when he heard Mu Chen say that these people are eager to learn, the corner of his mouth twitched again.

"Uncle Chengfeng, you are here." Mu Chen raised his head and said.

Bai Chengfeng smiled at Mu Chen, and said, "Chen'er, you are really amazing! Those alchemists who see everyone have their eyes above their heads, but they are obedient to you. of."

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's just for everyone to give face."

To be honest, with his current level of alchemy, the group of alchemists from the Bai family and the Ling family are just a dispensable existence to him. The alchemist who left, if you leave, you will suffer.

"That's also because of your strength, so everyone gives you face, Mu Chen, how long do you plan to teach these people! After the class, what level do you think these people can reach?" Bai Chengfeng rubbed his hands together, Some expect authentic.

Mu Chen pondered for a while, and said: "When all the alchemy masters are finished, the eight seventh-level alchemists should all be able to become late-stage seventh-level alchemists. Among the sixth-level alchemists, eleven or twelve seventh-level alchemists will be drawn out. It's not a problem either."

Bai Chengfeng's eyes widened, and he said, "That's great." Bai Chengfeng's face flushed with excitement, nearly twenty seventh-level alchemists were about to develop.

"Several seventh-level alchemists, what's the big deal, Uncle Chengfeng, why are you so excited?" Ye Shi said in puzzlement.

Bai Chengfeng rubbed his nose and thought to himself: You have found a talented alchemist as your partner, you can't finish eating the pills, you don't even look at the middle-grade pills, glance at the top-grade pills, and only the top-grade pills can enter your eyes. , I don't know how hard it is for ordinary people to lack pills!


Mu Chen taught the alchemists of the Bai and Ling families for six days, and the seventh-level alchemists from the two families suddenly sprang up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

"It's done."

Another seventh-level alchemist was released, and several alchemists stepped forward to compliment.

"Brother Zuo Yue, it's amazing!

"Congratulations, Brother Zuo Yue has become a seventh-level alchemist!

"Brother Zuo Yue, it's really a lot of accumulation!

Zuo Yue smiled and said, "It's all thanks to Master Mu."

Zuo Yue was originally an alchemist in the middle of the sixth level, and he was very inconspicuous among the alchemists of the Bai family. During the course of this lecture, Mu Chen found that this person was very spiritual in the process of alchemy, so he raised a few more points. , Zuo Yue's alchemy technique immediately jumped up like a rocket.

Zuo Yue looked at the elixir in the furnace, and his face was a little happy.

Zuo Yue also imagined that he would become a seventh-level alchemist for the seventh-level medicine pill, but he just thought about it, Zuo Yue never thought that this day would come so soon.

Zuo Yue lowered his head. When Jiao Meng left, Jiao Meng's apprentice persuaded him to follow Master Jiao and leave together. Zuo Yue felt that the Bai family treated him well, so he did not leave.

After Jiao Meng left, Jiao Meng's apprentice called him several times to tell him how good Danta's treatment was and how stupid he was to stay in the Bai family.

Zuo Yue looked at the medicine pill in Huzhong, smiled, and secretly said: Fortunately, he didn't leave.

"Zuo Yue, do you know? Hu Qiong came back." An alchemist said.

"What is he doing here?" Zuo Yue asked.

Hu Qiong was one of Jiao Meng's apprentices, a sixth-level senior alchemist. At that time, Jiao Meng left, and Hu Qiong left with Jiao Meng.

There is a small difference in alchemy masters, and the status is also very different. Hu Qiong used to rely on alchemy skills to be higher than Zuo, and he often took Joe in front of Zuo Yue.

"What else can I do? I want the Bai family to accept him." An alchemist said sarcastically.

"I'm afraid the Bai family won't agree." Zuo Yue said.

"That is, let the Bai family sneer and sneer and drive them out of the house. Just kidding, the Bai family still refuses to accept those ordinary alchemists, not to mention those who have a criminal record."

Zuo Yue squinted his eyes and said thoughtfully: "I don't know, Hu Qiong came, whether it was his own intention or Jiao Meng's intention." Now that they are in such a situation, Jiao Meng is also worried.

"Actually, Jiao Meng is not a big deal, but a seventh-level senior alchemist. I heard that Mu Shao will help the original seventh-level alchemist to reach the seventh-level advanced level." An alchemist was mysterious and mysterious. typical.

Zuo Yue smiled and said, "Jiao Meng's alchemy skills are nothing compared to Mu Shao."

"That's natural. How can Jiao Meng compare with Mu Shao, he is not worthy to give Mu Shao shoes."

Zuo Yue lowered his head, Jiao Meng thinks too much of himself, takes Qiao too much, and with Mu Chen around, what are these people?

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