Bai Xifeng was sitting in the room and the old god was drinking tea on the ground, his expression vaguely revealing some indescribable excitement and pride.

Bai Xifeng is in charge of the general affairs of the family, and the alchemist is also under his jurisdiction. Before the alchemists left one after another, Bai Xifeng was under enormous pressure.

Now, the alchemists in the family have been promoted one after another, and the alchemists who have left before have asked to return, and Bai Xifeng only felt proud.

"Mu Chen, you are really amazing! Thanks to you, there are now twelve seventh-level alchemists in the family." Bai Xifeng said with a smile.

Before the danta poaching happened, the family was only seven seventh-level alchemists.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "The departure of those alchemists from the Bai family is somewhat related to me. It is also appropriate to do something for the family."

Bai Xifeng smiled disapprovingly, and said, "Those alchemists are ungrateful, pick up Gaozhi and leave, how can they say it has something to do with you."

The most hateful thing is Jiao Meng, and the Bai family treats him well! As a result, this guy just left, and he incited others to go with him. After leaving the Bai family, Jiao Meng continued to speak ill of the Bai family. The elder who saved Jiao Meng's life made Jiao Meng angry. almost vomited blood.

Now, those alchemists who left with Jiao Meng must hate Jiao Meng, right?

Mu Chen tapped the table lightly, and said, "I plan to be Bai, and each of the Ling family will train an eighth-level alchemist out."

Bai Xifeng spurted out a sip of tea, "Mu Chen, you... Actually, you don't have to force it."

That was an eighth-level alchemist! There are also several eighth-level alchemists in the dan tower, and Mu Chen actually said that he would train an eighth-level alchemist for each of the Ling and Bai families.

Mu Chen glanced at Bai Xifeng and said, "Don't force it. Actually, an eighth-level alchemist is not that mysterious."

The inheritance of the alchemy technique of the alchemy tower is basically controlled by the life clan. If the alchemy technique of the alchemy tower is released, the eighth-level alchemist in Central Continent will not be the only one.

Bai Xi smiled dryly and said, "Just do your best, don't force it too hard."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I understand, I heard that many alchemists who had left recently asked to come back."

Bai Xifeng smiled coldly, and the smile was full of irony, "Yeah! It's just that our Bai family can come when they want, and can leave when they want to go?

He admitted that the treatment the Bai family had given to these people before was not bad. Of course, the treatment offered by Danta was better. However, according to the information he had heard, many of the promises made by Danta were not fulfilled when they poached.

There are many alchemists in Danluo, and the competition pressure is also great. Many alchemists who have left the Bai family have heard that they are not very good.

Danding Pavilion.

"Grandpa, the Bai family's alchemists have been promoted one after another. Now there are twelve seventh-level alchemists, and this number is still growing." Jing Ming frowned, a little depressed.

Jing Lifeng squinted his eyes and said, "Mu Chen is really not easy to mess with!

Danta's front foot implemented a closed policy on the Bai family, and the back foot Mu Chen created so many seventh-level alchemists. People died for money, and birds died for food. The alchemists left by the Bai and Ling families are now chasing them away. Go, they are reluctant to leave.

Jing Ming nodded in agreement, "Yes!

Before, the alchemists who left the Bai and Ling families are now regretful, but unfortunately, it is of no use.

Those alchemists who had left and then wanted to return were rejected by the two families without exception.

With Mu Chen around, Danta's strategy of not selling medicine pills to the Bai and Ling families did not work.

It is said that after Mu Chen's return, both the Ling family and the Bai family received hundreds of eighth-level medicinal pills, and the overall strength of the Ling and Bai families was greatly improved.

Now, the alchemists outside are all envious of the good luck of the two alchemists Ling and Bai, and there are many alchemists who want to join the two.


Dan Valley.

Dan Chen shook the fan in his hand and said, "Mu Chen, it's really amazing."

Dan Miao nodded and said, "That's natural."

There were so many seventh-level alchemists from the Bai and Ling families, and Dan Tower's blockade of the Bai and Ling families seemed like a joke.

"I heard that many alchemists outside want to join the Bai and Ling families?" Dan Chen asked.

Dan Miao nodded and said, "Yes! Mu Chen is too capable. The seventh-level alchemists left by the Bai and Ling families have all advanced to the late seventh-level. Except for Mu Chen, there is no way for others to do it. So many alchemists have been cultivated all at once!

What is fame? As long as the Bai family can provide enough benefits, no matter how bad the reputation is, it doesn't matter.

"The Bai family and the Ling family don't accept alchemists at all. The alchemists who originally left from the two families have no regrets now." Dan Chen shook his head and said.

Dan Miao smiled bitterly. In order to poach the alchemy masters of the Ling and Bai families, Dan Miao offered a very high salary, which was a lot higher than that of the original alchemy masters in the Dan tower.

It's just that there are so many alchemists in the alchemy tower, and the alchemy masters from the Ling and Bai families may not have a higher level of alchemy than the original alchemists in the alchemy tower. I am afraid that the original alchemist of the Pill Tower will not be convinced.

Dan Miao played with the wine glass in his hand and said, "Danta, I'm afraid I can't hold back Mu Chen."

It is possible for Qiu Zhengrong to rely on the identity of the tower master to suppress Mu Chen, but it is possible for a while, but it will be difficult if he wants it for a long time.

Mu Chen's alchemy skills were much higher than that of Qiu Zhengrong, and perhaps Mu Chen didn't pay attention to Qiu Zhengrong at all.


Danta branch.

After the Bai Family's Item Refiners left, most of them were arranged in several branch halls of the Dan Pagoda.

"Have you heard that there is another alchemist in the late seventh level in the Bai family."

"I heard that not only the Bai family, but the Ling family also has two mid-level seventh-level alchemists who have become late-level seventh-level alchemists.

"How can it rise so fast? And so many people's alchemy skills are rising at the same time."

"Mu Chen Dantang teaches, and answers all questions carefully. There are alchemists in the late eighth level who are willing to give pointers. How can those alchemists make unhappy progress."

"The alchemists of the Bai and Ling families are very lucky."

"That's not true, unfortunately, the Bai family and the Ling family do not recruit alchemists now, otherwise..."

"It's strange to say that a mid-level alchemist and an advanced level 7 alchemist have very different requirements for soul power. How did those people's soul power suddenly improve..."

"Mu Chen has refined dozens of soul-boosting pills, and the alchemists of the Bai and Ling families can buy them from Mu Chen at a low price. With this pill, why can't his soul power rise!

"The soul-bending pill is a seventh-level high-level pill. I heard that the success rate of refining is extremely low!

"No matter how difficult it is to refine the soul-boosting pill, it's only a seventh-level high-level pill. For Mu Chen, it's nothing."

"Mu Chen is also very good to those alchemists, he is not afraid of these people turning back."

"Do you think they are stupid? There are so many alchemists who are against the water, and they still don't want to keep one. After Mu Chen gave the alchemists of the two families one day of class, he made it clear that he wanted to listen to the next five days of class, and he would talk to the two alchemists. The Bai family or the Ling family signed the death contract, if you don't sign it, you won't be able to take the next class."

A death contract is also a life contract. Signing this contract means that you will serve that family for the rest of your life. Alchemists have a high status and generally do not sign this contract, and generally no family will require alchemists to sign this contract, because Such a contract is disrespectful to the alchemist, and it is easy to anger the alchemist.

"Although the death contract is a bit excessive, if it is in exchange for the careful guidance of an eighth-level alchemist, it's still worth it," said a mid-level seven-level alchemist.

"That is to say, the alchemists of the Bai family and the Ling family have this kind of treatment. I heard that in just three days, there were ten sixth-level alchemists in the Ling family and the Bai family, and they were promoted to the seventh-level alchemist. Mu Chen is the real wife. Amazing."

"I said that the alchemists from the Bai family and the Ling family left one by one. There was no response from the two families. It turned out that they were waiting here. Mu Chen may have hoped that those alchemists with bad intentions would leave." An alchemist said sourly. .

"No, I heard from the Bai family that Mu Chen felt that there were too many people and the teaching was too tiring, so when the alchemists left, Mu Chen let the Bai family and the Ling family let them go. There are eight-level alchemists here, what are those alchemists who have left?”


Jiao Meng listened to the eloquent talk of the alchemist in the alchemy tower, and his face was red and his ears were red, and he felt ashamed.

Hu Qiong stayed by Jiao Meng's side, his face turned pale.

"Master, let's go, don't listen to their nonsense." Hu Qiong said cautiously.

Jiao Meng glanced at Hu Qiong, then turned and left.

Hu Qiong went to the Bai family in an attempt to return to the Bai family, and Jiao Meng knew all about being kicked out.

At the beginning, Hu Qiong secretly left. Although Jiao Meng knew it clearly, he did not stop him. He released Hu Qiong, which was considered a throwing stone to ask for directions. However, the Bai family drove Hu Qiong out without any hesitation.

Hu Qiong looked at Jiao Meng and couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

The reason why he decided to join Jiao Meng was that he hoped that Jiao Meng would teach him a little knowledge of alchemy, but Jiao Meng was very precious. Usually, he was often sent to do this and that, but he didn't show any words in alchemy.

There were originally several alchemists in the Bai family who were not as good as him, but now they have been promoted.

Even Zuo Yue has been promoted to a seventh-level alchemist. Zuo Yue has a humble background, has no background, and is pedantic. Hu Qiong has always looked down on him. However, it is said that this person has the blue eyes of Mu Shao, and his alchemy skills have skyrocketed. , the cultivation base is also rising.

Zuo Yue is now a seventh-level low-level alchemist, and it is said that there will be more promotions in the future.

Hu Qiong secretly said: Zuo Yue, a sixth-level intermediate alchemist, can become a seventh-level alchemist in a short period of time. If he is still in the Bai family, he should at least be a seventh-level alchemist.

As far as he knew, all the sixth-level senior alchemists of the Bai family had become seventh-level alchemists, except for a few who were not enlightened.

Money is hard to buy. I would have known that if I hadn't followed Jiao Meng at the beginning, everything would have been different now.

Jiao Meng looked at Hu Qiong's ugly face, and felt depressed in his heart. He didn't need to think about it, he also knew that Hu Qiong was resenting him. Jiao Meng knew very well that it was not only Hu Qiong who blamed him, but those who left with him at the beginning. , also blame him. In fact, Jiao Meng didn't regret it in his heart.

At first, when he heard that Mu Chen Dantang was teaching, Jiao Meng still thought that maybe the Bai family would come and invite him back. Of course, his alchemy skills cannot be compared with Mu Shao, but he is much stronger than those alchemists left by the Bai family. Afterwards, the alchemists of the Bai family were promoted one after another, and the Bai family did not give a single one to the alchemists who left. The words completely broke Jiao Meng's fantasy.

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