"That's Xiao Qi." An elder of the Lin family looked at Lin Xie next to Bai Chenxing and said.

As soon as Bai Chenxing and others appeared, they were the focus of everyone's attention.

"It should be." Lin Xie's disfigurement has been ruined for more than ten years. At this moment, Lin Xie has recovered his original appearance, and several elders of the Lin family are almost unrecognizable.

"Xiao Xiechang is really good!" A long side couldn't help but sigh.

In the past, Lin Xie, before his disfigurement, looked good, but he was a little reserved and looked a little petty.

Now I don't know if I let it go, or because it is more beautiful than before, and it has a taste of peerless elegance.

"Xiao Qi, together with Senior Bai and Senior Ling, entered the auction venue together." An elder of the Lin family muttered.

The third elder Lin sighed lightly, the poor family put so much effort into Lin Yu, and now the bamboo basket is empty.

Lin Xie, who has been treated badly by the family for a long time, has now become the only savior of the family. Unfortunately, these years, the Lin family has been too cold to Lin Xie, and Lin Xie should have given up on the Lin family.

Lin Xie followed Bai Chenxing and others into the Bai family's box.

The guests of the auction venue entered the venue one after another. The various invitations that the Bai family had previously auctioned were high-end and low-end. The Lin family got the lowest-level ones. With the existence of Wu Zun level, they got more invitations from the box.

The boxes reserved for the Bai and Ling families at the auction are naturally the best.

Bai Chenxing and Ling Chuan arrived, and the person in charge of the auction immediately delivered a cake and fruit plate.


Inside the box.

"Young Master Lin, you and Master Mu Dan look very married!" Ling Chuan said to Lin Xie a little narrowly.

Lin Xie gave a stunned smile, and said a little embarrassedly, "Senior Ling is joking." Ling Chuan was a man of high interest in Zhongzhou. In front of such a senior refiner, Lin Xie couldn't help being restrained.

"When are you going to get married!" Ling Chuan asked.

Lin Xie hesitated for a moment, widened his eyes, and said in a panic, "Senior Ling, this is too fast..."

Ling Chuan proudly faced Lin Xie and said, "It's not too soon. Back then, A Kun and I fell in love at first sight as soon as we met.

Qu Kun originally watched the cakes come up, so he stuffed it into his mouth. Hearing Ling Chuan's words, he was suddenly out of breath.

Qu Xinyang handed Qu Kun a glass of spiritual water, "Father, are you alright?"

Qu Kun shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Love at first sight, love at first sight to your sister, he didn't see Ling Chuan's appearance clearly at that time, okay?

Lin Xie smiled awkwardly and said, "Senior Ling is an expert, I can't reach your height..."

"That's true." Ling Chuan said.

Lin Xie: "..."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan and said, "Shut up, don't say a few words." Damn bastard, is it worth complimenting the overlord to bow as soon as we meet?

Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun with a smile and said, "Okay! If you want me to shut up, I will shut up..."

Qu Kun: "..."

Lin Xie looked at Mu Yuanfeng, rubbed his hands, and said to Mu Yuanfeng, "Senior Ling and Senior Qu have a really good relationship."

"The two seniors are old husbands and wives, and their relationship is naturally good." Mu Yuanfeng replied as a matter of course.

Bai Chenxing twitched the corners of his mouth, Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie's voice transmission was naturally not concealed from Bai Chenxing, and also strolled Qu Kun and Ling Chuan.

Qu Kun's face was twisted, and Ling Chuan's face was smug.

Qu Xinyang saw Bai Chenxing's smiling face, and pinched Bai Chenxing for unknown reasons.

Bai Chenxing smiled at Qu Xinyang in embarrassment.


A group of cultivators entered the venue one after another, holding invitations.

Well-trained auction staff led a group of monks to their respective seats.

Lin Xie accidentally found the figure of the elder of the Lin family in the crowd. The elder of the Lin family, the Seven Stars Martial Sect, had a high position in the Lin family. Lin Xie could not easily see Lin He's face. The strength of the character may not be comparable to that of a chief guard of the Bai family.

Thirty eight-level medicinal pills were divided into three auctions, and the opening was the auction of ten eight-level medicinal pills.

Although there are eight-level alchemists in the Pill Tower, they seldom refine elixir. In this auction of the eighth-level elixir, all the Wu Zuns are full of enthusiasm.

"Grandpa, this auction is really lively!" He Jingyue looked at the humanity outside.

He Xian nodded and said, "Yes!"

There are dozens of Wu Zun masters who came to participate in the auction this time.

Mu Chen was good to He Xian, and He Xian bought two eight-level pills from Mu Chen at a low price.

As soon as the eighth-level medicinal pill appeared, the price rose rapidly.


The first elder of the Lin family, sitting on the seat, couldn't help being a little restless.

The rapidly rising quotations at the venue made the elders of the Lin family tremble.

The eighth-level spirit grass, the ninth-level spirit grass, the spirit veins, all kinds of genius treasures... have all been reported. Anything is enough for the Lin family to go bankrupt.

"Master Mu, this time, we're going to make a profit." The second elder of the Lin family couldn't help saying.

Lin He smiled wryly, and said, "No." Not to mention this auction, it was the auction invitations before, so I made a lot of money.

The ninth-level alchemy masters have different reactions in the end. As soon as they make a move, they will make a lot of money.

The little thing that came out between Mu Chen's fingers was worth the thousands and hundreds of years of struggle of the entire Lin family.

"Have you seen Xiao Qi?" Lin He asked, frowning.

"No, I should have gone to the box," said the second elder of the Lin family.

"I think so." Lin He sighed.

There were so many masters in the venue that Lin He didn't dare to release his soul power to test anything.

The competition for the eighth-level medicinal herbs was like fire, and the Wu Zun strongmen were blushing and their necks were thick, and the Wuzong strongmen did not dare to make a sound.

The auction of the seventh-level medicinal herbs is also like fire.

Lin He originally thought it was more than enough to buy a Moon Soul Pill for the things that the Lin family brought, but he knew that there were too many great people present. As soon as each pill came out, the price went up wildly, and the auctioneer at the auction gave a little encouragement. , the price of the medicine pill quickly broke through the limit.

Lin He smiled bitterly, even if Lin Yu was not abolished, with the strength of their Lin family, they couldn't afford the Moon Soul Pill.

"What happened to Xiao Qi and Mu Yuanfeng? Does Mu Yuanfeng have a good impression of Xiao Qi?" The second elder of the Lin family couldn't help asking.

If Lin Xie catches up with Mu Yuanfeng, even if it's just a side room, he can still get a lot of benefits from coming to the Lin family.

Ling Chuan looked at Lin Xie and said, "Xiao Xie! My seventh brother has always wanted a twin, but he has never been able to give birth. Why don't you adopt him as a son."

Lin Xie was stunned for a moment and said, "Is this okay?"

"Of course, I think that my seventh brother will definitely like you." Ling Chuan said as a matter of course.

Lin Xie lowered his head and couldn't help but hesitate.

Mu Yuanfeng reached out and held Lin Xie's hand, and said, "Seniors have said so, so you should agree." Ling Chuan would not harm Lin Xie, Lin Xie was born a little low and became Ling Chen's righteousness Son, Lin Xie's background has improved.

Lin Xie heard the words, nodded towards Ling Chuan, and said, "Thank you, Senior Ling is kind."

Ling Chuan smiled and said, "You're welcome, everyone will be a family from now on."

Qu Kun looked at the smile on Ling Chuan's face, only to feel that this man's smile was full of treacherousness.


White House.

"Mu Chen, the auction has been going on for a while." Ye Shi walked into the spiritual pagoda and said.

"I know." The initial auction proceeds have been sent back to him one after another.

Ye Shi tilted his head and said, "Are you going to take a look?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "No need, it's fine with my father-in-law and my grandfather. It doesn't matter if I go or not."

"That's not necessarily true. Mu Chen, you are popular. If you go there, maybe the price of the medicinal pill can be doubled." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "Are you all crazy when you think of those Wu Zuns who participated in the auction?"

Ye Shi: "..."

"Elders, if we want to exchange feelings, we don't have to go." Cai Chen said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's right!"

"By the way, do you know what's going on with Luo He, the Lin family, and the Yu family?" Mu Chen asked.

Ye Shi shrugged and said, "Luo He is ruined, I don't know where this meeting went, Yu Jin of the Yu family has a broken leg, and Lin Yu of the Lin family heard that she was disfigured by her opponent..."

Mu Chen squinted, Luo He was abolished, and Yu Jin was miserable. For a cultivator, the lingering words of life are more uncomfortable than death, and the future of these two people will not be good.

It's a pity, Lin Yu... This woman is really too cheap, she's just disfigured, it's too cheap for her.

It's just that this woman is the half-sister of his future mother and father! It's troublesome when it comes to blood.

"If my father marries Lin Xie, shall we give the Lin family a dowry?" Ye Shi asked.

The Lin family is really not likeable, but, after all, it is also Lin Xie's mother's family. If they don't give anything, Lin Xie will be despised.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Just give it a little bit."

"How much are you going to pay?" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Two seventh-level medicinal pills."

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Will it be too stingy?"

Mu Chen sneered, and said, "I want to be bold, but the Lin family has to be worthy too!"

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said, "Mu Chen, do you know any secrets!"

Mu Chen sighed, "Lin He knows a seventh-level alchemist Leng Yan, that alchemist is brutal and likes to study the alchemy technique of the side. He likes to use the soul to make alchemy. It is the poison alchemist that people should avoid among alchemists."

"Could it be that this poison refiner had Lin Xie's idea?" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Almost so. Back then, Lin Xie was just a Martial King, and the alchemist seemed to want to use Lin Xie's soul for refining, hoping that Lin Ze would sell Lin Xie to him, two sixth-level pills. s price."

Ye Shi widened his eyes and said, "Lin Ze won't agree."

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know either. The person who asked Xiange said he was hesitant at the time, and the alchemist gave Lin Ze a month to think about it. As a result, in that month, the alchemist was arrested for alchemy. Backlash, he was approached by the enemy again, and he died."

Ye Shi suddenly felt a creepy feeling that Ye Xun treated him badly, but that was because he was not Ye Xun's parent and son, but Lin Xie...

Ye Shi frowned and asked, "Does Lin Xie know about Leng Yan?"

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know either, maybe I don't know."

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