
"Someone! Let me out, let me out!" Lin Yu raised her voice and kept shouting.

"Miss Eight, stop screaming, you have caused so much trouble for the family, can't you stop?" The guard in charge of guarding Lin Yu was full of disgust.

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and felt a bit of resentment in his heart.

Lin Yu has been pampered since she was accepted as an apprentice by Luo He, respected and held by the family. Now her face has been ruined and her cultivation has been abolished.

The attitude of the people in the family towards her has also changed. Before, the elders of the family had always been kind to her, but now they are more hideous than the others.

Lin Yu looked at the guards outside and clenched her fists. If this person dared to speak to her like that, she would have killed him long ago, but now, she can only be abused and powerless.

"It's so noisy outside, what are you doing?" Lin Yu gritted his teeth and asked.

"Miss Eighth, why are you asking so much? This matter has nothing to do with you." The guard gave Lin Yu a sideways glance and said disdainfully.

Lin Yuqi was trembling all over, but there was nothing he could do.

A woman with a charming but haggard face came over with a heavy heart, "Wang Huwei, I want to have a few words with Yu'er."

Wan Ling secretly stuffed a space ring for the other party while talking. The guard's soul force should not be swept away on the space ring.

Lin Yu looked at the person who came, frowned and asked, "Mother, is there any happy event at home? It's beating."

A bit of resentment and jealousy flashed across Wan Ling's face.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Lin Yu asked.

"Lin Xie married today, he married Mu Yuanfeng." Wan Ling said with jealousy.

"What?" Lin Yu clenched his fists, and his eyes suddenly seemed to be poisoned.

Lin Xie actually married that person. Her plan for Lin Xie at the beginning ended up fulfilling Lin Xie. If she knew earlier, why would she do such an unnecessary thing.

"Lin Xie grew up like that, why did Mu Yuanfeng like it?" Lin Yuman said unwillingly.

"Lin Xie, his appearance has recovered." Wan Ling pursed her lips and said, Lin Xie's appearance was no worse than Lin Yu's. This time, after taking Fu Yan Dan, her appearance was even better than before.

"What?" Lin Yu exclaimed with gritted teeth.

Although she had expected it in her heart, it was confirmed that Lin Yu was still a little bit unbearable. It was obvious that the person had fallen into the dust, and it was obvious that that person should not be able to turn over in his life. She thought that Lin Xie was disfigured, and he would never be able to stand up in her life. If you want to be despised by others, even if you get married, you will be despised by others.

"Lin Xie, is he getting married today? Is he back?" Lin Yu asked unwillingly.

Wan Ling lowered her head, a look of difficulty flashed in her eyes. Lin Xie never returned to the Lin family after she got married. Ling Chen of the Ling family accepted Lin Xie as his adopted son. Therefore, Lin Xie married directly as Ling Chen's adopted son. .

Lin Xie got married, but Mu Chen and the others didn't show up. The Bai family only sent a housekeeper over and delivered two seventh-level medicinal pills.

The two seventh-level medicinal pills were also given away to Mu Chen, who was also losing money.

If the person who married Lin Xie was someone else, two seventh-level pills, that would be a big face, but who is the person who married Lin Xie! That's Mu Yuanfeng! Mu Chen, this nine The father of a high-level pharmacist!

Two seventh-level medicinal pills, to Mu Chen, that is drizzle!

As far as she knew, Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie got married, and there were many guests who came to celebrate.

Guang Muchen and Ye Shi gave Lin Xie and Mu Yuanfeng two spiritual veins, eighty-eight six-level pills, eighteen seven-level pills, and eight eight-level pills.

If it wasn't for the low cultivation level of Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie, Mu Chen would have given them too much.

Wan Ling shook her head and said, "No."

The elders of the family thought that when Lin Xie got married, he would definitely come back. As long as Lin Xie came back, there was nothing the family could say.

Who knows, Lin Xie didn't even show a face, and directly married from the Ling family as Ling Chen's righteous son.

The other families also watched the dishes. They knew that Lin Xie married from the Ling family, and everyone knew what Mu Chen meant. No one was too close to any family or the Lin family.

Lin Yu suddenly thought of something, raised his head suddenly, and looked at Wan Ling.

"Mother, Lin Xie is married to Mu Yuanfeng. He has to do something for the family. You ask your father to help me go to Lin Xie to get a revival pill. Father listens to you the most, and he will definitely agree." Yu looked at Wan Ling as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

Wan Ling's heart suddenly burst into a bitter smile, easier said than done!

She used to be able to gain face in front of Lin Ze because of Lin Yu's high spirits and was favored by a seventh-level alchemist, but now the situation has changed, Lin Yu has become a sinner of the family, and Lin Ze sees her as eyes, not eyes, nose Not the nose.

In fact, among the medicinal pills sent by the Ling family this time, there was a Fuyan Dan, but no one wanted to give this medicinal pill to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu had a big disaster this time, and the family couldn't tolerate her at all. It was a fluke that Lin Yu could save his life now.


"Why are you here?" Lin Ze looked at Wan Ling with disgust.

There are dozens of concubines in Lin Ze, and Wan Ling is just one of them. In the past, because of Lin Yu, her status was always above everyone else. Now, everyone can step on her.

Wan Ling looked at Lin Ze and said in a panic, "I'll see Yu'er."

"Look at her? What's so beautiful about her? There's a death star, a father and a mother." Lin Ze said with disgust.

Lin Yu couldn't help blushing, and her heart twitched. Lin Ze has always been in love with her. Lin Yu never thought that Lin Ze would say such a thing.

Lin Yu originally wanted to complain to Lin Ze coquettishly, but now those words are all stuck in his throat.

Wan Ling gritted her teeth and said, "How can you say that?"

Lin Ze gritted his teeth and scolded: "If you don't say that, how can you say it, if it wasn't for her, Lin Xie would have been disfigured at the beginning, if it wasn't for her looking for trouble with Lin Xie, what would happen now? Then a dowry."

Lin Ze paused and said angrily, "Everyone outside now knows that Mu Chen doesn't take the Lin family seriously at all."

Since the news of Lin Xie and Mu Yuanfeng's marriage spread, Lin Ze kept sending messages to Lin Xie, but Lin Xie didn't reply.

Lin Ze didn't know that Lin Xie's communication talisman was manipulated by Mu Chen, and all messages would be sent to Mu Chen's communication talisman in advance, and Mu Chen would filter all the information.

Wan Ling frowned and complained in a low voice, "Mu Chen is stingy, what does it have to do with Yu'er."

"Mu Chen is stingy? How can Mu Chen be stingy? He hates our Lin family because of your good daughter." Lin Ze looked at Wan Ling with hatred.

Lin Ze frowned. Among the seventh-level medicinal pills that Mu Chen sent over, one of them was Fuyan Pill, which was a hot potato. Lin Yu not only had a problem with his face, but also had problems with his cultivation. It's a waste, and the other one is the Blood Yang Pill, which can improve the strength of Wu Zong.

Wan Ling frowned, "If it wasn't for Lin Xie chewing his tongue in front of Mu Chen, Mu Chen wouldn't be like this."

Lin Ze's face changed drastically, and he slapped Wan Ling on the face, "Shut up, Xiao Qi, you are the one who scolded you."

Who is Xiao Qi now, Mu Chen's stepmother! Even if Mu Chen saw it, he still called "Mother and Father", Wan Ling, a bitch, thought Lin Xie was the one who could let her handle it before.

Lin Yu's heart sank as she watched Wan Ling being beaten.

Lin Yuyi felt that Lin Ze loved her and her mother very much. At this time, Lin Yu suddenly woke up. The only thing that could make Lin Ze tempted was profit. The family members all respected Lin Xie, so she naturally became an abandoned child.

"Didn't that Mu Chen and Bai Yanxing give a lot to Mu Yuanfeng and Xiao Xie?" Wan Ling said.

Lin Ze's expression kept changing, yes! Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie got married, and there were dozens of Wu Zun strong people who came to congratulate him.

Mu Chen didn't know if it was intentional or not. The invitations he sent were only given to the first and second elders of the Lin family. They didn't have any invitations from him. He was Lin Xie's father! They didn't even invite him.


In the Bai family, Lin Xie stiffly faced the powerhouses who came to Hexi.

On weekdays, the strong man on one side is congratulating himself with a smile on his face at this moment, and Lin Xie has a feeling of being in a fog.

Lin Xie looked at Mu Yuanfeng and smiled. Lin Xie and Mu Yuanfeng had been in love with each other. Knowing that Mu Yuanfeng was from an outer domain, he was very nervous to deal with such a scene. Mu Yuanfeng might not be as good as himself.

Because Mu Chen's letter did not invite Lin Ze, Lin He didn't dare to let Lin Ze come over, but just called a few juniors in the family.

Lin Xie was surrounded by a group of Wu Zun powerhouses. Those powerhouses became more famous and stronger. Looking at those people, Lin He didn't have the courage to get close to them, so he could only stand on the side.

"Brother Lin Xieqi, it's so beautiful!"

"Seventh brother is really lucky!" Compared with Mu Yuanfeng, Yu Jin is nothing!

"Seventh brother is really amazing." Lin Xian looked at Lin Xie who was surrounded by the crowd, her eyes were red with jealousy, Lin Xie's luck was too good, Mu Chen's father had chosen his seventh brother for so long. Woolen cloth?


Outside the Bai family, there is a monk who is responsible for singing the list.

"Ms. Wu Feng, Wu family, give me a pair of concentric colored glaze pendants, one thousand top-grade primeval stones."

"Dan Ding Pavilion Jingming Jing is less, send an eighth-grade spirit grass, a thousand-year-old cold jade, and two thousand top-grade primeval stones."

"Master Dan Miao of Dangu, send me two eight-level spirit grasses, ten seventh-level spirit grasses, and two thousand top-grade primordial stones."

"The tower master of the formation tower, senior He Xian, sent a set of eighth-level formation flags, one thousand top-grade primeval stones."


The heroes of Central Continent, who are rarely seen on weekdays, gather together, looking at those noble people, the people of the Lin family, they are envious, excited, and uneasy...

Lin Xian listened to the bills outside, her eyes were blood red, there were so many things, a gift from just one person was worth the ten years, or even decades, of their Lin family's business.

It's a pity that Lin Xie was married as Ling Shen's righteous son of the Ling family. Otherwise, they would have to share some of the gifts with them.

Mu Chen really knows how to make money! I don't know how much I made in the previous auction, and now I don't know how much I can make in this wedding.

Lin Xian felt a little weird when she saw Mu Chen and Bai Yanxing's smiling faces.

Mu Yuanfeng married Mu Chen a stepmother, but Mu Chen was not angry at all, but was a happy son.

Dabao and Xiaobao are wearing red hats and red anal pockets, and they look like two lovely New Year's dolls.

At the wedding, it was very lively. Dabao and Xiaobao also ran around as if they were happy, getting jam and cream on their faces.

From the very beginning of their wedding, Lin Xie and Mu Yuanfeng were surrounded by powerful people from all walks of life.

After being persuaded by the crowd, he kept drinking, and he was dizzy.

Lin Xie originally thought about how much to say hello to the Lin family, but after being poured a few jars of wine, he was dizzy and couldn't remember anything.

Lin He and others waited until the wedding was over, but did not find a chance to talk to Lin Xie.

Lin He and others originally wanted to wait for Lin Xie, but the Bai family's attitude towards them was really not good, so Lin He had to leave in despair.

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