
"Sister Lin Xian, what kind of people are attending the wedding! I heard that a lot of big people have gone?" Several juniors of the Lin family surrounded Lin Xian and asked curiously.

Lin Xian nodded and said, "Yeah! The pagoda masters of the Five Pagodas, in addition to the tower master of the Dan Tower, all the other spiritual tower masters have come to the door. Besides, the people from the Danding Pavilion and the people from the Dan Valley, There are also a lot of Wu Zun, a large number of prestigious families in Zhongzhou, and many have gone..."

"So many great people! If it were me, I would have passed out happily." Lin Qing held her face, her face full of envy.

"Qing'er, I'm thinking of spring." Lin Xia glanced at Lin Qing narrowly.

Lin Qing glared at Lin Xia and said angrily, "Sister Lin Xia, don't just talk about me! You are not the same."

Lin Xia's face was blushed, and she was speechless for a while.

"Sister Lin Xian, there should be a lot of young talents from the Bai and Ling families. You didn't take the opportunity to meet one or two." Lin Qing asked.

The girls from the Lin family all turned their attention to Lin Xian for a while.

Lin Xian smiled bitterly, he thought, but those people ignored her at all! The difference in status is too great, not everyone can have the same luck as Lin Xie.

"Lin Xie, his legs must be weak when he receives the gift." Lin Qing couldn't help but said.

Lin Xian nodded and said, "Yes! Those big men are richer and richer than the other, the eighth-level spirit grass, and the colored glass concentric ornaments! Eighth-level magic tools, eighth-level array flags, everything, those people brought Primordial Stones, It's a gift of 1,2000 yuan, and I don't use the primeval stone as the primeval stone at all."

Lin Xian twitched her fingers. The primeval stones that their family gave to their juniors to cultivate in a year were only one or two top-grade primeval stones.

Several girls looked at each other, "Then Lin Xie has become rich?"

"Of course." Lin Xian nodded. There are so many good things, just as casually, it is enough for the seniors of the family to be hot.

"Sister Lin Xian, Lin Xie, when will you be back?" Lin Qing asked.

"I don't know either." Lin Xian frowned.

Lin Xie became a member of the Ling family, and Mu Chen took advantage of the situation to give all the betrothal gifts to Lin Xie to the Ling family. The Lin family has nothing to gain now, but the Ling family has taken a big advantage. What does Mu Chen mean! He looked down on their Lin family at all.

It's true that the twins who got married, the water that was poured out, so did Lin Xie. Mu Chen treated the Lin family like this, and he didn't help him say a word or two. Of course, Lin Xian just thought about it in her heart. Lin Xie's current situation The identity is not what it used to be, and it was not because of her offending.

"Where's Lin Yu?" Lin Xian asked.

"Still going crazy? Yelling and yelling at the person guarding her, does she think she's still the eldest lady who used to be the eldest in the Lin family?" Lin Qingman said with disdain.

Lin Xian sighed lightly and said, "Lin Yu, it's true, Lin Xie is also the seventh brother. As a result, she turned against Lin Xie everywhere, and even robbed Lin Xie's fiancé, and now she was punished."

"She thought she did a perfect job. Who doesn't know that she treated Lin Xie well on the surface, but she was always plotting against Lin Xie behind the scenes, and the elders of the family were taking care of her.

"Her life is too hard. Her master gave her the cruelty, and her husband gave her the cruelty. Why do the elders of the family still keep her! If we keep her, our whole family will have an accident." Lin Feixue couldn't bear it. He muttered sullenly.

Wan Ling listened to the conversation of several people from a distance, her face extremely stiff.

Wan Ling clenched her fists, Lin Feixue clearly saw her, but this girl found her, but said so on purpose.

"Feixue, it's hard to say that, Sister Lin Yu, it's already pitiful enough." Lin Qing said.

"She's pitiful, what's so pitiful for her, the family cut our expenses in order to train her, and she knew the trouble of looking for the seventh brother. The crew invested so much in her, and she didn't see any return from her. Said to be a sixth-level alchemist, she made a few sixth-level medicinal pills for the family!" Lin Feixue said with dissatisfaction.


White House.

"Father, is mother and father awake?" Mu Chen asked Ye.

The auction has harvested a lot of ninth-level spirit herbs and ninth-level pill recipes. During this time, Mu Chen has been familiar with the refining of ninth-level pill recipes.

"I don't know! I don't dare to use my soul power to go in and explore. My name is Dabao, and Xiaobao will go and have a look. However, they have been in for a long time, and they haven't come out yet."

Mu Chen helped his forehead helplessly, "Your name is Dabao, Xiaobao secretly looked at it, there are a lot of delicious food in the room of father and new mother and father, if you don't eat all the food, he is afraid that he will not be able to. from."

"Ah!" Ye Shi exclaimed and asked, "What should I do now?"

"Then look, father, are the new mother and father awake?" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen smiled bitterly and said, "I should have woken up already." Dabao and Xiaobao, these two guys, will rush to eat at the end of the meal, and they will fight after rushing to eat. When they fight, there must be a lot of movement.

Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie walked out with a milk baby in their arms.

Dabao and Xiaobao rubbed against the two of them affectionately.

Ye Shi and Mu Chen stepped forward embarrassedly and hugged Dabao and Xiaobao.

"Father, mother and father, I'm sorry, Dabao and Xiaobao like to run around." Mu Chen took Dabao and said.

Mu Yuanfeng smiled and said, "It doesn't matter."

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Ye Shi, smiled, and said, "The stone is really powerful. If you hold two at a time, there will be someone in the Mu family."

Ye Shi scratched his head and said, "Father has won the prize."

Mu Chen took out the two space rings and gave them to Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie, "Father, I have already divided the congratulations from all the people, and I've put them into the two space rings almost equally. , requires the soul power of both you and your mother and father to open."

Lin Xie was stunned for a moment, then quickly shook his hand and said, "I can't ask for it, give it to your father."

Mu Chen said in disapproval, "Since mother and father are married, I should treat you both equally."

Lin Xie was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help but feel a little stunned. Up to now, he is still a little confused.

Mu Yuanfeng took a ring and put it on Lin Xie's ring finger.

I took another one and put it in my hand.

"Father, what are your plans next?" Mu Chen asked.

Mu Yuanfeng said: "The elder Bai family said, let's stay in the Bai family, the alchemist of the Bai family, everyone can exchange their experience in alchemy together, Lin Xie's adoptive father said, let's live in the Ling family, the Ling family has a fire pool, It can improve the success rate of alchemy and alchemy."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Bai family and Ling family are both good. Father and mother and father can stay in both families."

Mu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I want to go back to Outer Territory."

Although Zhongzhou is good, it is difficult to leave the homeland after all. Although the Bai family and the Ling family are good, they are not the real Bai family and Ling family after all.

Mu Chen frowned, the Outer Territory is now in a state where he can only go out and cannot enter. Of course, Mu Chen can find a way to repair the teleportation array and send Mu Yuanfeng to Outer Territory, but Mu Yuanfeng has been exposed, and Mu Chen is really serious Don't worry.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen and said, "Father just said it casually."

Mu Chen looked at Mu Yuanfeng, clenched his fists, and said, "Father waited for me for a few years, then, wherever you want to go, I will do it for you."

Mu Yuanfeng patted Mu Chen on the shoulder, and said, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, it doesn't matter to your father."

Lin Xie stretched out his hand and held Mu Yuanfeng's hand.


Qu Kun took a piece of pastry and sprinkled a thick layer of jam on the pastry.

Ling Chuan's intuition was tired of watching it from the side. Ling Chuan looked at Qu Kun and thought to himself: Qu Kun is so good at eating, maybe this time not only one, maybe two, but also three.

"Do you want something to eat?" Qu Kun asked Ling Chuan.

Ling Chuan shook his head and said, "No need, just eat it." He didn't like sweets very much.

Qu Kun squinted at Ling Chuan, and said proudly and in detail, "If you are educated, I didn't plan to give it to you."

Ling Chuan: "..."

"Ah! Mu Yuanfeng made a lot of money from this marriage! I heard from Shi Shi, there are more than twenty plants of the eighth-level spirit grass sent by all the guests, tsk tsk, I thought this auction would be profitable, but I didn't expect it to be held. Weddings are more profitable!" Qu Kun said while nibbling on jam pastries.

Ling Chuan nodded and said, "Yes! Yes! Weddings are very profitable. If you marry me, you can also make a lot of money."

Qu Kun glanced at Ling Chuan disdainfully, "Who do you think you are! People give so much to Mu Chen's face. If you can compare with Mu Chen, you can dream."

Ling Chuan: "...Actually, I'm not bad."

Mu Chen is a ninth-level alchemist, and he is a ninth-level alchemist. Although an alchemist is a little more popular than an alchemist, it's not much worse.

Qu Zi snorted lightly and said, "It's not bad, it's far from bad, you're a blacksmith, and you want to compare yourself with other people's alchemy, you're just wishful thinking!"

Ling Chuan: "..."

Qu Shen ate the cakes and said, "I said, you are so treacherous! I will say that you are so polite, how could you make Ling Chen recognize Lin Xie as his adopted son? It was Lin Xie's dowry idea. , the betrothal gift that Mu Chen prepared for Lin Xie,

It's in your Ling family's pocket. "

Ling Chuan waved the fan in his hand, and said triumphantly, "Isn't the fat water flowing into the fields of outsiders? What kind of thing is the Lin family, the family is smoky, how can Mu Chen's betrothal gift cheapen them in vain."

Qu Kun looked at Ling Chuan's proud smile, and suddenly became angry, "The Lin family is not a good thing, and your Ling family may not be a good thing either..."

Ling Chuan said innocently: "Akun, you are wrong about this, our Ling family are all good sons like me!"

Ling Chuan swallowed a piece of cake, nodded, and said with disgust: "It turns out that your Ling family is a dead scum like you, co-authoring your Ling family is a wolf's den!"

Ling Chuan: "..."

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