Mu Yuanfeng looked at the worried Lin Xie and asked, "What happened?"

Lin Xie put away the communication jade pendant in his hand, showed a smile, and said, "It's nothing."

Lin Xie lowered his head. He was originally surprised that the Lin family seemed to be too quiet. Seeing the few sparse communications on the communication jade pendant at the moment, Lin Xie finally realized that his communication should have been manipulated. The hands and feet should also be for his own good.

"The Lin family sent a message?" Mu Yuanfeng looked at Lin Xie and asked.

Lin Xie nodded and said, "Yes!"

Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie have gotten along, and he knows Lin Xie's situation in the Lin family, "If you embarrass him, I will let Chen'er..."

Lin Xie hurriedly shook his head and said, "Chen'er is a person who does big things and is also very busy. Why bother him with such a trivial matter? I think the Lin family is probably not satisfied with Chen'er's betrothal gift. It's not a big deal."

Mu Yuanfeng frowned and said, "Chen'er, I wouldn't have given such a small amount, but..."

The Lin family is indeed not kind, but it is Lin Xie's mother's family, and Mu Chen gave so little to people who didn't know the inside story. I was afraid that Lin Xie would be ungrateful and fell for Mu Yuanfeng, even forgetting his parents.

Lin Xie nodded and said, "I understand that what Chen'er has given is too much.

If that alchemist didn't die accidentally, maybe, I..."

Mu Yuanfeng frowned and said, "Alchemist?"

Lin Xie shook his head and said, "Nothing."

Mu Yuanfeng frowned, Mu Chen told Mu Yuanfeng about Leng Yan, but Mu Yuanfeng didn't dare to tell Lin Xie, Mu Yuanfeng originally thought that Lin Xie didn't know, but at this moment he found out that Lin Xie But it seems to know everything.

Mu Chen only gave the Lin family two level seven medicinal pills. Originally, Mu Yuanfeng wanted to persuade Mu Chen to give a little more, but, knowing about Leng Yan, Mu Yuanfeng immediately dismissed the idea.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Lin Xie and said, "What did the Lin family say?"

Lin Xie frowned and said, "I told my father to meet at the restaurant next to the Bai family area."

Mu Yuanfeng thought for a while and said, "Am I going with you?"

Lin Xie shook his head and said, "No, I'll go alone." It was also time, and it was time to make a break. Lin Xie glanced at Mu Yuanfeng and said, "If you go, my father may fall for it. you."

"Then you can do it yourself." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Lin Xie nodded and said, "I will handle it."


"Father is here?" Mu Chen looked at Mu Yuanfeng and asked.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen and said, "Lin Xie, he seems to know about that Leng Yan thing."

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and said, "The new mother and father are smart people, but don't worry, father, the new mother and father are very affectionate and good people."

"I know Xiao Qi's character very well, but the Lin family...the Lin family is too shameless." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen squinted, this kind of family, in the beginning, can't give them too much benefit, otherwise, they can't get rid of it.

"His father seems to be looking for him." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I know, I think the new mother and father will solve it."

Mu Yuanfeng nodded and replied, "Yeah."


Lin Xie walked into the box of the restaurant, Lin Ze looked at the person in front of him, and a burst of anger suddenly surged in his heart.

"It's really not easy to see you now." Lin Ze couldn't hold back his anger.

Lin Xie calmly walked to the opposite of Lin Ze, sat down, and said indifferently: "I thought my father was not happy to see me, after all, five years ago, when I returned from training and asked to see you, didn't you say, let me I'm fine, don't shake in front of you, are you afraid of being frightened?"

Lin Ze's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, "You hold revenge?"

Lin Xie poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "It's not about revenge, just telling the truth."

Lin Ze looked at Lin Xie's indifferent expression, and his mood suddenly went up and down.

He has not seen this son well for more than ten years. In his impression, this son is a little withdrawn, a little gloomy, and a little dull.

Lin Ze took a few more glances at Lin Xie and found that Lin Xie's cultivation level actually rose two stars in a row. He secretly said: Mu Chen is really good to Lin Xie.

It's a pity that Mu Chen was so kind to Lin Xie, but he was stingy to share some of the leftover soup and water in the Lin family.

Lin Ze didn't speak, and Lin Xie followed suit. After a while, Lin Ze couldn't take it anymore.

"You married Mu Yuanfeng, and the Bai family only sent a small butler to deliver two seventh-level medicinal pills, did you know?" Lin Ze asked.

That little manager didn't care about the Lin family at all.

Lin Xie shook the teacup in his hand and watched the tea leaves float up and down in the cup. He smiled and said, "Two seventh-level medicinal pills are not a lot, aren't they?"

"How did you talk?" Lin Zeman patted the table angrily.

Lin Xie smiled wryly, raised his head, looked directly at Lin Xie, and said, "I'm just talking about things, father, you must know how much I should be worth, before Yuanfeng appeared, you didn't always think that I was selling at a low price. , is it a money-losing product that can't be sold?"

Lin Ze: "..."

"Seventh brother, how can father and son have an overnight feud! Haven't all those things passed away? You are married so well now, why should you take a family with you!" Lin Feixue couldn't help but interrupt, and said earnestly. Lin Xie said.

Lin Xie glanced at the delicate and timid beauty next to Lin Ze, a bit of disgust flashed in her eyes, Lin Feixue looked at Lin Xie's expression and couldn't help but grabbed the corner of her clothes.

There was no deep conflict between Lin Xie and Lin Feixue, but Lin Feixue had a faint shadow of Lin Yu, which made Lin Xie very uncomfortable.

Lin Xie glanced coldly at Lin Feixue, and Lin Feixue closed her mouth a little aggrieved.

"Xiao Qi, father, it's not just for the family, Mu Chen only gives so much, our Lin family has no light, and your face is not good-looking! You don't know, there are some rumors outside, although, although Mu Yuanfeng I married you, but I didn't take you seriously." Lin Ze said euphemistically.

Lin Xie sneered and said casually: "My rumors are just rumors after all. Back then, so many people scolded me, I was ugly, and I died quickly. If I care, how can I live now."

"Xiao Qi, are you so heartless?" Lin Ze clenched his fist and said.

Lin Xie's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes were as straight as stagnant water. "Back then, if that alchemist surnamed Leng hadn't died, how many pills would my father want to exchange for me?"

Lin Ze's hand shook suddenly, and the teacup in his hand overturned on the table.

Looking at this scene, Lin Feixue couldn't help showing some doubts.

Lin Ze lowered his head. He was always worried that Lin Xie knew about this, but he didn't expect that Lin Xie knew it. Mu Chen only gave two seventh-level medicinal pills. Did he also know something.

"Father, why would you do that? I didn't agree." Lin Ze said.

"Because his bargaining chip is low, your psychological price is three sixth-level medicinal pills, you didn't agree at that time, you wanted to delay, you wanted to raise the price, but unfortunately, that person's life was too short, he died, his body All of the things that you had were taken away, you took everything, and then you regretted it, didn't you?" Lin Xie said with a wry smile.

Lin Ze gritted his teeth and said shiveringly, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Isn't it? You didn't say it. If I had known, it would be better to sell a sixth-level medicinal pill?" Lin Xie said lightly.

Lin translation: "..."

Shortly after Leng Yan's death, Lin Xie left the family and went around for several years.

Lin Ze looked at Lin Xie, and felt an indescribable feeling of disapproval in his heart. He always felt that this son was stupid. In fact, Lin Xie's mind was better than anyone else.

Lin Xie looked at Lin Ze's expression from shocked, ashamed, guilty... gradually to normal, and his face did not change.

Lin Xie shook the teacup in his hand. He had long been desperate for Lin Ze, and naturally he would not be disappointed again.

Lin Feixue looked at Lin Ze's face, only to feel that the atmosphere between Lin Ze and Lin Xie was a bit tense.

Lin Feixue couldn't help but wonder, who the alchemist with the surname Leng was, actually caused his father to be so shocked.

Lin Xie was silent for a long time, raised his head, and said sarcastically: "Actually, father, compared to Alchemist Leng, Chen'er is much more generous, isn't it? Two seventh-level pills are enough to be worth dozens of six pills. Grade medicine pill, isn't it?"

Lin Ze: "..."

Lin Xie took out a pill bottle, handed it to Lin Ze, and said, "There are two seventh-level pills in it. In the future, don't come to me."

Lin Xie stood up and walked out.

Lin Ze gritted his teeth and did not stop.

Lin Feixue gritted his teeth and said, "Father, the seventh brother actually left like this. After all, you are also his father! He doesn't take you seriously." Two seventh-level medicinal pills are too few. .

Lin Zeman glanced at Lin Feixue angrily, and said, "Shut up, don't you think the house is not messy enough?"

Seeing Lin Ze's ugly face, Lin Feixue couldn't help but shut her mouth embarrassingly.

Originally, Lin Ze said that if there was a chance, he would introduce her to Lin Xie. If she could follow Lin Xie into the Bai family, she would have more opportunities to contact the Bai family in the future.

Unfortunately, Lin Ze didn't speak, and Lin Xie looked at her with disgust.


Lin Xie walked out of the restaurant and accidentally found the figure of Mu Yuanfeng.

"Why are you here?" Lin Xie asked in surprise.

Mu Yuanfeng smiled and said, "I can't rest assured."

"It's nothing, I can handle it." Lin Xie lowered his head and said.

Mu Chen gave him a great face, and he would not be unpopular, pulling the Lin family's smoky family.

Mu Yuanfeng took Lin Xie's hand and said, "Let's go then."

Lin Xie grabbed Mu Yuanfeng's hand and said, "Okay!"

Lin Xie looked at Mu Yuanfeng's profile, and there was tenderness in his heart. Lin Xie originally thought that he was unfortunate in the first half of his life, and that this misfortune would accompany him all his life. At this moment, holding Mu Yuanfeng's hand, Lin Xie thought. Xie suddenly had a feeling that maybe his misfortune in the first half of his life was just to wait for his present luck. When he met Mu Yuanfeng, the previous hardships seemed not worth mentioning.

Lin Feixue stood on top of the tall building, watching Mu Yuanfeng and Lin Xie leave hand in hand, with deep envy in his eyes.

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