The people of the Bai family and the Ling family are all good at fighting. There are six people in the group, each of which is strong and almost invincible.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi rushed to the front. As the skill level continued to rise, Mu Chen's artifact was brought into one hand, and he used it with pure skill. With this move, it was difficult for a seven-star martial sage-level monster to escape.

Mu Chen's astonishing combat power has provoked the two families; the old monster was amazed again and again.

The first thing they found was the original inscription, and Mu Chen easily used the spiritual tower to incorporate the original inscription.

"Chen'er, your tower is not bad!" Bai Xiongtao said, looking at the spiritual tower in Mu Chen's hand.

Ye Shi smiled proudly and said, "Of course, this tower is perfect for smashing people." Back then, in the secret realm, Mu Chen used this tower to smash Zhuang Jin's concubines. , to avenge himself, at that time, the Bai family who came out with him were stunned.

"It's really strong." Mu Chen smiled.

Bai Aotao: "..."


"There's something wrong with the situation!" Ling Qi's soul force swept around.

Ye Shi looked at Ling Qi and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ling Qi frowned and said, "There are more monsters than a few years ago, and they seem to be more active."

Ye Shi said as a matter of course: "Monsters can be born more than humans! Of course there will be more and more."

Ling Qi frowned and said in his heart, "That's true. The cultivators in the secret realm have much lower fertility than the monsters. In this kind of place, it is much more difficult for a cultivator to grow up than the monsters. The upper monsters are more capable of cursing than the cultivators, and one trades off the other. Sooner or later, the restricted area will be dominated by monsters.

On that day, perhaps, the people in the restricted area will be the meal on the plate of the monster.

In fact, there have been martial sages who have thought about joining forces to kill monsters on a regular basis. However, the overall strength of monsters is stronger than that of cultivators, and no one dares to pick this one.


It is rare to see the source pattern outside, and it can be seen everywhere in the secret realm. The first day he went out, he gained a lot of money. Mu Chen quickly fell in love with this feeling.

After integrating the Origin Rune into the object, Mu Chen's fighting strength increased by several points again.

Mu Chen and others went out frequently, which attracted the attention of many people.

"The Bai family and the Ling family went out recently, and they went out very diligently!"

"I heard that Mu Chen needs the source pattern, so the people from the Bai and Ling families will follow to protect them."

"I heard that when they went to Tieshi Ridge, the intensity of the curse in that place is not low! However, there are three origin patterns in that place."

"The people from the Bai family and the Ling family are too indulging in Mu Chen. Although the origin pattern is good, it is too risky to take such a risk."

"What do you know, this Mu Chen, he seems to be able to pull out the curse."

"Just kidding."

"However, for the people of the Bai and Ling families, the curse really hasn't happened for a long time."

"Besides, you see, if Mu Chen doesn't have any skills, how can he let the Bai and Ling families accompany him to make trouble."


The bored cultivators in the city chatted enthusiastically, and Mu Chen and others, who had no idea that they were exploring the source pattern outside, finally encountered the first real trouble.

A large number of monsters rushed towards Mu Chen and others.

Dozens of ninth-level monsters look more ferocious than the other.

Mu Chen's soul power turned to the extreme, aiming at Mo Yu Wuying Xiao in the sky.

The Mo Yu Shadowless Owl is the most hated flying monster for cultivators. This bird's flight speed is several times that of the Jiuxing Wusheng's full-strength flight. It is extremely cunning and good at sneak attacks.

It is impossible to catch up with Wuying Xiao by speed, only by soul power, Mu Chen's soul skills are very superb, strangling Wuying Xiao with his soul power is almost equal to one slaughter.

With Mu Chen restraining Wuying Xiao, the others have no worries, and it is a lot easier to deal with monsters.

After several hours of hard fighting, a few people finally got rid of the monsters that were chasing after them.

Seeing that the monster was not chasing after him, Ling Qi Wusheng breathed a sigh of relief, "Damn, those monsters are crazy."

Ling Qi said sullenly.

"It's really crazy." Bai Xiongtao muttered.

Ye Shi patted his chest, and said with some lingering fears and some excitement: "It's really thrilling, I haven't been so exciting for a long time."

Bai Xiongtao: "..." Exciting!

"This time the consumption is a bit big, or we will rest for a few days before continuing." Ye Shi said still.

Ling Qi looked at Ye Shi's excited face, rolled his eyes, Ye Shi actually wanted to continue, and sure enough, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they are old!

"Mu Chen, you are really amazing!" Ling Qi couldn't help saying.

The so-called fire refining real gold, although a few people have long known that Mu Chen is powerful, but until encountering a real crisis, a few people realize how strong Mu Chen's explosive power is.

"Mu Chen, of course it's amazing. Mu Chen killed more monsters than your ancestors combined." Ye Shi said proudly.

When Bai Xiongtao heard Ye Shi's words, he immediately felt ashamed.

Mu Chen glared at Ye Shi helplessly, and said, "It's exaggerated, not so much, don't talk nonsense."

Ye Shi grabbed Mu Chen's arm and said, "Then you and I have killed more monsters than all of them."

Bai Xiongtao and others: "..."

Mu Chen glanced at Ye Shi helplessly, and said, "Stone is the most powerful."

"Yes! Yes! Yanxing is the most powerful." Ling Qi said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I recently realized two Origin Patterns, which have become much more powerful."

Seeing Mu Chen and his party coming over, the people who were talking at the gate of the city were all silent.

It wasn't until Mu Chen and the others walked away that the crowd started talking again.

"Several seniors, why do you seem a little embarrassed!"

"It must have been a group of monsters. Recently, it has become more and more uneasy outside the city. Several seniors went out two days ago, but they never came back."

"Everyone said that the monsters have been active a lot recently."

"Young Master Mu is really brave! At this time, he kept running out."


Zhuang Yitian's palace.

"Ancestor, there are rumors outside that Mu Chen can remove the curse." Zhuang Sifeng said.

"Rumour?" Zhuang Yitian asked tiredly, rolling up his sleeves.

"Although it's just a rumor, it seems that everyone from the Bai family and Ling family has already pulled the poison." Zhuang Sifeng said with a frown.

Mu Chen has a good relationship with the Bai family and the Ling family, but he is in a state of conflict with their Fate Clan. If they really go against each other, their Fate Clan will be at a disadvantage.

Although Zhuang Yitian and Zhuang Yifeng are both nine-star martial sages, their bodies have already gone downhill, especially Zhuang Yitian, who is about to die.

Mingzu and Mu Chen and Bai Yanxing have deep grievances. If Mu Chen can really remove the curse and refuse to help, then their Mingzu... Zhuang Yitian lowered his head and said, "There is no eternal grace, and there is no eternal grace. The hatred, only eternal interests, find a time, I will talk to Bai Jixue."

"Ancestor, Bai Yanxing hates our Ming clan." Zhuang Sifeng said.

"It's okay, let go of my old face, I think Bai Xue will give me a little face." Zhuang Yitian said.


White Festival Snow Palace.

"You have encountered a group of monsters." Bai Jixue asked, looking at Bai Xiongtao, who was covered in embarrassment.

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "Yes! Fortunately, Mu Chen is very good, otherwise, he might not be able to come back." Yanxing said before that he didn't know who was protecting whom, so he was right!

"These days, I persuade Mu Chen not to go out." Bai Jixue pondered for a while.

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "Mu Chen also said to stop." Mu Chen stopped, but Ye Shi still thought about "going out to play." However, Ye Shi listened to Mu Chen the most, Mu Chen couldn't say it, he Will definitely listen.

"Mu Chen said to stop?" Bai Jixue asked Bai Xiongtao somewhat unexpectedly.

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "Yes, he said, he should rest for a while, digest the recent gains, and improve his strength."

Bai Jixue nodded and said, "It's okay to stop, by the way, did you find anything wrong when you went out recently?"

"It seems that the number of monsters has become more and more manic, and it seems that there are some characteristics of monsters recorded in ancient books." Bai Xiongtao said worriedly.

"Characteristics of monsters?" Bai Jixue said with a dark face.

"Yeah! However, I didn't participate in the war that year, I just guessed randomly." Bai Xiongtao touched the back of his head and laughed.

Bai Jixue frowned, his face not relieved at all.

"Ancestor, you seem to be frowning a little lately, are you worried about something?" Bai Xiongtao asked.

"I think something is wrong recently, maybe the curse is about to erupt." Bai Jixue took a deep breath and said.

Bai Xiongtao was stunned for a moment, his face changed greatly, "It's not so."

This day is just a little bit hopeful, if the curse erupts, how will I live!

"What happens when the curse erupts?" Ye Shi walked to the door, just overhearing the conversation between the two.

Bai Xiongtao sighed lightly and said, "The concentration of the curse in the vitality will instantly increase many times, and the curse of the cultivator may occur at the same time."

"Monster beasts don't move close to the town on weekdays, but when the curse erupts, there may be monster beasts besieging the city."

"The curse eruption happened once in the history, and that time, a lot of people died."

Bai Jixue took Bai Xiongtao's words and added: "If the curse erupts again this time, it will be more troublesome than the last time. At that time, the strength of the cultivator was comparable to that of the monster. However, after so many years, the cultivator because of Afraid of death, he gradually loses his vigor, but the strength of the monster is constantly improving."

Ye Shi's eyes widened, and he thought to himself, "Isn't he so unlucky, even if he is unlucky to enter this ghost place, he has to encounter the eruption of a curse that is rare in ten thousand years.

Bai Jixue looked at Ye Shi's pale face and said, "You don't have to worry too much, it may just be my precise test."

Ye Shi's face didn't improve at all, "I... I went to find Mu Chen."

Bai Xiongtao looked at the back of Ye Shi's embarrassed departure, smiled helplessly, and said, "Yanxing seems to be frightened!

Bai Jixue shook his head and said: "It's hard for him, he's only so old, but he has to encounter this kind of thing." Twenty years old!

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