"Lord Tower Master, you are the most promising cultivator I have ever seen." Ta Ling looked at Mu Chen with his eyes full of flattery.

Ingestion of the source array pattern is of great benefit to Ta Ling. Taking people's mouths short, Ta Ling praised Mu Chen without hesitation.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Master Tower, you are the smartest, the most temperamental, the most talented, and the most powerful..." Lingta continued.

Mu Chen looked at Ta Ling, and found helplessly that Ta Ling usually doesn't like to hear bad words, but now when he speaks good words, he is panicked, and he is so difficult to speak.

"Master Tower Master, you must make persistent efforts and continue to find the source pattern!" Ta Ling reminded.

Mu Chen: "..." This guy Taring has finally returned to normal.

"I see." The situation outside was not quite right recently, and he had to consolidate his strength before going out.

"Master Tower Master, the so-called "beautiful beauty is bad, and heaven is jealous of Yingcai, you must take care!" Ta Ling was full of worry and said that Mu Chen couldn't help but darken his face, and heaven was jealous of Yingcai, he can understand, what the hell is a benevolent life .

"Thank you for your concern, I will definitely pay attention to safety and let myself live a long life." Mu Chen gritted his teeth.

Ta Ling shook his body and said; "If so, then I can rest assured, Lord Tower, if you are finished, how many years will I have to wait before I can wait for the next master who is like you, wise and unparalleled in the world? !"

Mu Chen: "..."


Mu Chen ignored Ta Ling's tricks and seized the time to understand the origin pattern. On the map, except for a few places where the origin pattern was too dangerous, it was not available. Dozens of other origin patterns were available.

The collection of Origin Patterns lasted for a month, and Mu Chen took this poison for the elders who followed him.


After receiving the message from Ye Shi, Mu Chen immediately put the anxious Ye Shi into the spiritual tower.

"You said the curse erupted?" Mu Chen muttered while looking at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's what my ancestor said."

Mu Chen squinted and was silent for a long time, then said, "I see."

Ta Ling shook his body, looked at Mu Chen helplessly, and said, "Lord Tower Master, you really have a bad fate!

Mu Chen squinted, Zhuang Yu was the protagonist in the original book! Now that the guy has been killed by himself, the protagonist will naturally have to do the things that belong to the protagonist. The protagonist, saving the dying, slaying demons and eliminating demons, the protagonist will encounter all kinds of difficult problems, and then solve them one by one, and finally hug Beauty returns.

"Mu Chen, what do you think?" Ye Shi leaned over and asked.

"It's nothing, the pings will block it, the water will cover the earth, the sky will fall, and there is a tall one on top of it, no hurry..." Mu Chen smiled and said.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen's calm expression, nodded, and said, "Mu Chen said there is no rush, so don't worry."

Mu Chen lowered his head and said in his heart: The art book and Origin Pattern he has in hand must be digested quickly, and those medicinal pills that can save his strength can also try to refine some more, otherwise, he might die. It's not easy to be a protagonist!

"Ancestor, Zhuang Yitian of the Ming clan is here to visit." Bai Jixue pointed at the Ye Shi formation, and Bai Qi walked to the two of them.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, then muttered sullenly, "Old monster of the life clan, what is he doing here?"

Bai Qi shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it's an important matter to discuss."

Bai Jixue narrowed his eyes. Although they were in the same restricted area, Bai Jixue and Zhuang Yitian had always had little interaction.

"Please come in." Bai Jixue said.

Zhuang Yitian came to the door in person, thinking that it was no small matter, and he couldn't help but give Zhuang Yitian this face.

"Brother Bai is so lucky! The younger generation of the family is so promising." Zhuang Yitian looked at Ye Shi with a bit of jealousy.

Bai Jixue smiled and said, "Brother Zhuang, please take a seat, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, Brother Zhuang, you should not come here just to praise my unworthy grandson.

Zhuang Yitian smiled and said: "Brother Bai is a sensible person, so I'll cut to the chase. Brother Bai wants to come and find out. Recently, the monsters have become more and more manic, and the curse has become a bit more active than before. I calculate. For a moment, eight months as fast, as slow as a year, and a curse eruption is about to occur."

Bai Jixue's face changed suddenly. Zhuang Yitian was not a man of lip service. The Ming family was good at calculating fate, and he was good at predicting the future. He was good at a lot.

"I figured it out, it won't be long before I die." Zhuang Yitian continued.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Zhuang, why bother to say such depressing words."

"My own body, I know very well, I won't live for long, but I have to leave a way for them to stay here, and I also ask Brother Bai to make it happen." Zhuang Yitian handed over and said solemnly.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Zhuang, what are you talking about?"

"I know that the Ming clan is outside, and I have had a lot of festivals with your two grandchildren and grandson-in-law, but once the ancestral curse breaks out, it will be a racial crisis, and I ask Brother Bai to take the overall situation seriously and look at my old face. Come on, don't care about the past." Zhuang Yitian bowed to Bai Jixueshen.

Bai Jixue couldn't help frowning, "Brother Zhuang, it's too outlandish."

"Little friend Bai, if there is any offense in my life, I will look to Haihan." Zhuang Yitian turned and bowed deeply to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi was at a loss for a moment. Ye Shi thought about the hideous faces of countless life clans, but he didn't expect the chief elder of the life clan to bow to him.

"The grievances between the juniors are nothing. If the curse is really going to erupt again, in the face of racial justice, that little grievance is not worth mentioning." Bai Jixue said.


in the tower.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "You said the old monster of the Fate Clan, come and admit your mistake."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! The ancestor said, let's try not to care about it."

"The ancestor is right." Mu Chen nodded.

Ye Shi frowned, "Ah!"

Mu Chen lowered his head. There are no eternal hatreds in this world, only eternal interests. People are all fighting for their own interests. How many Chinese people were killed by Japan in those days, and how many inhumane murders were committed. After that, it wasn't all right.

Mu Chen smiled indifferently, and said, "The strength of the Ming clan is very strong. If the curse really breaks out, their strength is also indispensable."

Ye Shi nodded and said: "I know, I will focus on the overall situation, to Mu Chen, the ancestor said, if it proves that the curse breaks out, you may need to remove the poison for the practitioners in the whole secret realm, so as to avoid the time. They go crazy and hurt their own people by mistake."

There was once someone, the curse broke out, could not bear to self-destruct, and involved all the surrounding people. This curse outbreak will be more terrifying than the last time.

Mu Chen rolled his eyes, how many people were in the restricted area! This detoxification can't be finished in one go, it's going to kill him!

"How can I be so free? You can help me and the two ancestors talk to each of them, and let each of them learn the treatment methods from me. I will transfer a few swallowing worms to them." Mu Chen thought for a while and said. .

Helping people in the restricted area to remove poison is a great favor! There is no need for him to enjoy such a great favor alone.

Ye Shi nodded, clapped his hands, and said, "Okay! This will save trouble. You don't need to do everything yourself, Mu Chen. In fact, I hate it. Mu Chen, you are fiddling around with other men."

Mu Chen: "..." Touching and touching, that is pushing the palace to bleed!

"It's all a bunch of bad old men, you're still jealous." Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi helplessly.

Ye Shi blushed and said, "No, I'm just talking casually, joking."


The news that the curse would erupt again was soon confirmed. After the news came out, all the people quickly entered a state of preparation.

"You're quite leisurely!" Bai Xiongtao couldn't help but say sourly when he looked at Mu Chen who was ventilated.

After Mu Chen handed the technique of removing the curse to the Bai and Ling families, he disappeared without a trace.

The people from the Bai and Ling families were so busy that their feet did not touch the ground.

This Mu Chen has been hiding for more than a month. Mu Chen has always been a non-stop, but he suddenly calmed down, which made Bai Xiongtao very unaccustomed.

"Your cultivation is a five-star Martial Saint?" Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen who walked out of the spiritual tower with a strange expression.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!

"How on earth did you cultivate!" Bai Xiongtao said in disbelief. At this rate, we must catch up with our ancestors.

It took him thousands of years to get a star only occasionally, but Mu Chen's cultivation level is like drinking cold water, and this guy is too heaven-defying.

"I took some medicinal pills and refined all the Origin Patterns I recently collected." Mu Chen said lightly.

The levels of the little tiger and the little fire dragon have also increased, and the curse has no effect on the strange fire. After Mu Chen released the dragon and the tiger, he could feel the strength of the two strange fires increase every day.

Bai Xiongtao: "..." It's that simple.

"The training speed seems to have slowed down recently." Mu Chen sighed lightly.

Bai Xiongtao rolled his eyes, even though his cultivation speed was this fast, Mu Chen was still too slow, this guy really deserves a beating.

Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen, only to feel that Mu Chen had a little more temperament of Bai Jixue, overlooking the world, no one could match.

Bai Xiongtao shook his head and secretly said: I seem to be thinking too much, Bai Jixue is the peak of the Nine Stars Martial Saint, and he is only one step away from the Martial God.

Ye Shi walked in excitedly and said, "Mu Chen, you're out!

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes! Where have you been?"

"I help my ancestors set up a formation to defend against monsters." Ye Shi said.

"Stone is really capable." Mu Chen praised.

Ye Shi scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "I'm just fighting my ancestors."

"Mu Chen, do you want to go out with me to see, the small town has changed a lot." Ye Shi Xianbao said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay!"

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