Ye Shi took Mu Chen to the outer city and walked around.

A large number of forts have been built, and the ninth-level formation can be seen everywhere. Most of the cultivators in the city are busy strengthening the layout of the towers.

Ye Shi said to Mu Chen, "The ancestor said that after the formation of the great formation is completed, there will be six entrances left, and each entrance will be guarded by experts."

In Mu Chen's eyes, a little admiration flashed, and he said, "Amazing."

They are all old monsters that have lived for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years. They don't seem to wake up on weekdays. When life and death are at stake, they are amazingly active.

Mu Chen looked at the brand-new tower, and couldn't help but feel up and down.

"The inscription, the ninth-level advanced inscription." Mu Chen looked at the inscription on the city wall, and a bit of shock flashed in his eyes.

"Does anyone in the restricted area understand the inscriptions?" Mu Chen muttered.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! I thought it wasn't, but who knows, there are actually people who understand the inscriptions, and there are still many people, most of the inscription materials contain a lot of curses, so before, the inscription master's Many of the inscription techniques have been abandoned, and now that the curse can be removed, these people will have less scruples."

"Young Master Mu, you've come out! It's been a long time since I saw you." The grocery store owner walked up to Mu Chen with a smile.

"Really? It's been that long?" Mu Chen asked strangely.

"It's been a while." More than a month was nothing to the old monsters in the city. The problem was that the timing of Mu Chen's disappearance was too coincidental.

"Young Master Mu, if you don't show your face again, everyone will think that you offended Master Bai and you will be locked up for domestic violence." The boss in Baiyi said a little narrowly.

Mu Chen: "..."

Ye Shi: "..."

Mu Chen has been hiding from his face, and the matter of removing the curse has been handed over to the people of the Bai family and Ling family.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, then muttered in a depressing tone, "How could I do that!"

Mu Chen changed the subject and said, "Senior, do you know who drew the inscription on this tower?"

"How does Mu Shao look at this inscription?" the boss in white asked.

"Fantastic workmanship, if I'm not mistaken, there are two kinds of inscriptions on the inscription on the tower. One is protection, which can enhance the defense ten times. This kind of inscription is quite satisfactory. It can absorb attacks and bounce back." Mu Chen said with some respect.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment and said, "It sounds amazing!"

"Young Master Mu, your eyes are like torches, which is admirable!" said the boss in white.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I'm nothing, but an inscriber who can draw this inscription is even more admirable."

The boss in white said with a smile on his face: "Young Master Mu, you are really knowledgeable and insightful. No wonder everyone says you are flamboyant. Nowadays, there are not many people who are knowledgeable like you."

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Boss, you haven't said yet, who drew this inscription?"

The white-clothed boss touched his beard and said, "Ashamed to say, this inscription was drawn right below."

Ye Shi: "..."

Mu Chen: "..."

The white-clothed boss turned his head, proudly facing the black-clothed man behind him, and said, "Nigger, now you know, the things I drew are not some ghostly talismans."

Mu Chen: "..."

A ninth-level senior inscription master, in the restricted area, can only open a grocery store, relying on "spoofing" to deceive some primeval stones, complacent for thousands of middle-grade primeval stones...

Mu Chen felt that his cognition had collapsed all of a sudden. The Martial Saint in the restricted area was really mixed up... it was too miserable.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi circled around the tower, and soon became acquainted with several high-level magicians.

"Mu Chen, what are your plans next?" Ye Shi asked Mu Chen.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "My cultivation seems to be at a bottleneck. I want to refine another batch of ninth-level medicinal herbs."

Ye Shi nodded and said: "That's good, I have asked my ancestors, the contaminated ninth-level spirit grass in the secret realm can still make medicinal pills, but medicinal pills will be mixed with curses, but since there are now There's a way to extract the curse, and it's no big deal."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "There are a lot of spirit grass in the secret realm, and it's very cheap! I missed the opportunity to go out, but there is no such good opportunity."

"Yes!" Ye Shi said.

There are many ninth-level magicians in the restricted area. In order to prepare for the battle, there are various thunder tribulations every day. Mu Chen refines the ninth-level medicinal herbs. At first, not many people pay attention. The frequency is too high, and it won't take long for everyone to not pay attention.

"Yanxing, Mu Chen is a mid-level ninth-level alchemist? I heard that he has refined a lot of medicinal pills recently." Bai Xiongtao said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Why haven't I heard you say it?" Bai Xiongtao asked.

Ye Shi frowned, full of disapproval: "Why didn't I say it, I told you already, Mu Chen understands everything, and Mu Chen understands alchemy, formations, forgings, inscriptions, and talismans. record."

Bai Xiongtao: "..." You only said that he did things half-heartedly, but you didn't say that he was actually a mid-level ninth-level alchemist!

"I heard that Mu Chen has a high success rate in alchemy?" Bai Xiongtao said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! Mu Chen is the best at controlling soul power. Not only does he have a high success rate in refining medicinal pills, but also the quality is good."

"Mu Chen is really amazing!" Bai Xiongtao said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "That's right." Ye Shi squinted at Bai Xiongtao, and said with some disdain, "You actually only now know how powerful Mu Chen is."

Bai Xiongtao: "..." Well, he is indeed blind.

"Yanxing, can you tell Mu Chen to give me two pills!" Bai Xiongtao rubbed his hands together.

Yan Xing rubbed his hands together and said, "Okay! Wait for me to eat it and see if there's any leftovers."

Bai Xiongtao: "..." Your appetite is so good, when you eat it, there will be no slag left.

Before everyone could be shocked by Mu Chen's alchemy technique, Mu Chen began to play the talisman again, and a large number of ninth-level talismans were refined.

Mu Chen spends every day in alchemy and talisman refining. Every time he exhausts his soul power, exhausts his vitality, and returns to the spiritual pagoda to repair, Mu Chen can feel the growth of his vitality and soul power.

Ye Shi's hands were kneading on Mu Chen's body. For Mu Chen's sake, Ye Shi had specially learned the technique of massage.

"Mu Chen doesn't need to work so hard." With Ye Shi's kneading, a stream of pure vitality poured into Mu Chen's body, and Mu Chen felt that all the flesh in his body relaxed.

Mu Chen couldn't help thinking: He doesn't want to work so hard either, it's better to work hard than to die!

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said, "Be prepared, the ancestors have said that this curse eruption is very unusual. Not sure, it will kill a lot of people."

Ye Shi lowered his head and sighed lightly, hesitating in his heart.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi, a dim light flashed in his eyes, "What's the matter, miss Dabao, Xiaobao?"

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment and said, "No, no more."

"I haven't said it yet, it's all written on my face." Mu Chen pulled Ye Shi over, pressed Ye Shi under him, smiled, and said, "Let's give birth to a sister for Dabao and Xiaobao. ."

Ye Shi bit his lip and thought: Mu Chen is not serious at this time. Although his heart was depressed, Ye Shi softened his body and let Mu Chen act.

Looking at Ye Shi's appearance, Mu Chen couldn't wait to tear off Ye Shi's clothes.

Ye Shi's skin was as white as jade, smooth and flexible to the touch, and Mu Chen couldn't put it down.

Seeing the infatuation in Mu Chen's eyes, Ye Shi felt a little joy in his heart, and he was still somewhat charming.

Ye Shi secretly said: Although many people in Central Continent think he looks good, but many people in Outland think he is ugly. He has been worried that Mu Chen's taste has changed and he is ugly.

"Yeah." Ye Shi snorted, and glanced at Mu Chen with a bit of anger, and then went on a rampage without saying hello.

Mu Chen giggled in Ye Shi's ear, always thinking wildly, some didn't.

Ye Shi opened his eyes and looked at Mu Chen. The once handsome young man had become more and more manly, but he was still the same Mu Chen.

"Where's Mu Chen?" Bai Jixue asked Bai Xiongtao.

"Back to the spiritual pagoda, Mu Chen's spiritual pagoda is like Shiquan Dabu pills. It doesn't take long for Mu Chen to come out full of energy each time he enters." Bai Xiongtao muttered.

Bai Jixue smiled and said, "It's not Shiquan Dabu Wan, but it should be able to delay time."

Bai Xiongtao was stunned for a moment, "Delay the time?"

Bai Jixue nodded and said, "Yes!"

For a person like Bai Jixue, whose strength has almost been finalized, tens of thousands of years are just a flick of a finger. However, Mu Chen is still on the rise, and the most important thing is time.

"I said, no matter how talented Mu Chen is, it is impossible for him to be promoted to five stars and become a five-star Martial Saint within two months! That's how it is." Bai Xiongtao said with a sigh of relief.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "Even if the spiritual pagoda has the effect of delaying time, Mu Chen is still a genius, much better than you."

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "That is, that is, how can I compare with Mu Chen! As for Yanxing, didn't he learn the formation technique with your ancestor recently?"

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "When Mu Chen was not free, he followed me to learn the formation technique. When Mu Chen was free, he didn't bother to care about me, an old man."

Bai Xiongtao raised his eyebrows, and muttered strangely, "Yanxing and Mu Chen are very generous."

Bai Xiongtao secretly said: These two people should have gone to bed. They were all dying of anxiety, but Mu Chen and Yanxing went away happily.

Bai Jixue smiled and said very understandingly: "After all, you are young! You are full of vitality, and besides, there is no harm in double cultivation."

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said, "That's right! It's too hard for Mu Chen to come to such a place at such a young age."

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