Mu Chen and Ye Shi walked out of the spiritual tower and found that in Bai Jixue's palace, only Bai Koi was left behind.

"Are you out? Are you resting?" Bai Koi looked at the two of them and asked jokingly.

"Ancestor, what about the others, why are you the only one left?" Ye Shi asked.

"Everyone else has gone to deal with the beast tide." Bai Koi said with a smile.

Ye Shi was stunned for a moment, and said puzzledly: "The beast tide, the beast tide, is it starting now?"

The white koi shook his head and said, "That's not true. It's only a small scale at the moment. It's just that... the monster seems to have the characteristics of a monster, and it has become several times more fierce than before."

It has been tens of thousands of years. In the past, if you didn't provoke monsters, you could protect yourself. But now the curse is about to erupt again, and there will inevitably be a battle between humans and monsters.

Ye Shi and Mu Chen couldn't help looking at each other.

"Then it shouldn't matter." Ye Shi muttered.

"It won't happen for the time being, and it's not these monsters that need to be worried." White Koi said worriedly.

"Then you need to be careful, what kind of monster!" Ye Shi said puzzled.

"The curse broke out as early as tens of thousands of years ago. At the beginning, there were many monsters who were lost in the birthplace of the curse. At first, everyone thought or deceived themselves and hoped that those monsters were dead, but, in fact... ...." White Koi said with a wry smile.

"Actually, those monsters might still be alive?" Mu Chen asked.

The white koi nodded and said, "Yes! If some of those monsters are still alive and have adapted to the curse, I don't know how powerful these guys are now."

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks and said a little depressingly, "How come things seem to be getting more and more troublesome!"

Mu Chen smoothed Ye Shi's hair and said, "Don't worry, there is a tall person on the top of the sky."

Bai Koi looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and thought: Mu Chen doesn't really need to comfort Ye Shi, everyone else is dying of anxiety, but Ye Shi, you really don't seem to be in a hurry, eat what you should eat, and sleep Sleeping like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

"Monster beasts are really annoying. You can't kill them if you kill them," Ye Shi said in distress.

The white koi rolled his eyes secretly in his heart, what time is it, this guy, Ye Shi, only knows how to eat.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yeah! The curse content in the flesh of the monsters here is too high, and the taste is not good. It's really not easy for the ancestors to stay in the secret realm for so long!"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! It's too pitiful to have no meat to eat."

White Koi: "..." Is this the time to discuss such a thing?

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Just bear with it, you'll be able to eat well when you go out."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Okay."

The white koi couldn't help squinting, waiting to go out? Is there any hope of going out?

Mu Chen followed Bai Koi to the top of the tower.

A monster with countless eyes all over its body is particularly conspicuous among the beasts.

There are thousands of pairs of eyes on the monster beast, sometimes open and sometimes tightly closed. Every time the monster beast's eyes are opened, Ye Shi feels dizzy.

"Thousand-eyed beast." Mu Chen muttered.

Ye Shi frowned and said, "Mu Chen, have you found this monster before!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, this guy's eyes are used as medicine, which is very beneficial to soul power."

He once acquired this kind of monster in Central Continent. The thousand-eyed beast is very rare. In the outer domain, he acquired a monster that was worthy of entering the eighth level. This is probably the late ninth level.

Generally speaking, the soul power of monsters is much weaker than that of monks of the same level, but this is not the case with thousand-eyed beasts.

The Soul Power of the Thousand Eyes Beast is very powerful, and the eyes of the Thousand Eyes Beast can shoot death rays.

Ye Shi felt dizzy just after being swept away by several death rays emitted by the Thousand Eyes Beast, which showed how terrifying this monster was.

"That monster seems to be tricky!" Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen frowned. Thousand-eyed beasts are best at soul attack. Fortunately, they are blocked by city walls. If they encounter them in the wild, they are faced by thousands of eyes of thousand-eyed beasts. Eight-star Martial Saint is also a dead end. Unable to hold back the sharp "eyes" of this monster, Wu Zun, who had fainted one by one, was carried to the side.

"You are here." Bai Xiongtao walked over and said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! Ancestor, isn't that thousand-eyed beast a little tricky!"

Bai Xiongtao nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't expect that this kind of monster appeared at the beginning of the beast tide. This thousand-eyed beast has strong soul power and strong defense power. Someone was facing this guy just now. I used a ninth-level talisman, and I didn't break this guy's shell."

Mu Chen squinted, the Thousand Eyes Beast not only has a strong defense, but also has a strong regeneration ability even if it is injured.

"This guy's action seems to be very slow, but the death rays emitted by those eyes on his body are not vegetarian, and ordinary cultivators can't get close to him at all." Bai Xiongtao said helplessly.

"Leave it to me." Mu Chen said confidently.

Bai Xiongtao glanced at Mu Chen in surprise, "I leave it to you, do you have a solution?"

Mu Chen smiled mysteriously and said, "Of course."

In this world, there is something called a nemesis. When he was in the secret realm, he once absorbed the soul power of a ninth-level alchemist. The alchemist's soul fragment told him that the thousand-eyed beast has amazing defense, amazing resilience, and amazing soul power. However, he has a weakness. , he is afraid of fire, especially of strange fire.

Mu Chen released the little fire dragon and the little tiger, and one person and one tiger rushed towards the thousand-eyed beast at the same time.

The thousand-eyed beast, who had been leisurely and calm all along, screamed violently as soon as it came into contact with a dragon and a tiger, and thousands of pairs of eyes flashed randomly.

The flames were burning, and the thousand-eyed beast immediately made bursts of sharp screams.

Thousand-eye beast's proud soul attack has no effect on the strange fire. The action of the thousand-eye beast is slow, and it is completely unable to avoid the attack of the strange fire.

Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen and couldn't help but said, "It's still Chen'er, you have a solution."

Mu Chen smiled and didn't speak. The soul power and soul threads were pulled into Mu Chen's sea of ​​consciousness. Only the thousand-eyed beasts of the ninth level and above will condense into soul threads, which is a priceless treasure.

A strand of soul silk was absorbed by Mu Chen and merged into the sea of ​​​​knowledge, and Mu Chen's soul power rose rapidly.

Under the burning of the strange fire, the thousand-eyed beast soon only had a bunch of eyeballs left.

Mu Chen threw out the spiritual tower and put away the eyes of the thousand-eyed beast.

This wave of beasts is not big or small, and several nine-star Martial Saints have not shot.

The most troublesome thousand-eyed beast was solved by Mu Chen with the strange fire, and the other monsters were nothing to worry about.

After the beast swarm ended, Mu Chen was called away by Bai Jixue.

"I saw that you absorbed the soul silk of the thousand-eyed beast?" Bai Jixue asked Mu Chen straight to the point.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "That's right."

"Did you absorb the soul silk of the Thousand Eyes Beast, did you gain some memories of the Thousand Eyes Beast?" Bai Jixue continued to ask.

Mu Chen raised his eyes, glanced at Bai Jixue lightly, nodded, and said, "Yes, my ancestor."

Bai Jixue looked at Mu Chen, clenched his fists, and asked nervously, "What are you doing?"

Mu Chen was silent for a while, and his face was solemn: "There are many monsters in the birthplace of the curse, and they have fully adapted to the curse, and the thousand-eyed beast can also absorb the curse and cultivate, but the transformation is not complete, the atmosphere over there is like your ancestor. There are no less than twenty of such powerful monsters."

Bai Jixue closed his eyes, took a long breath, and said, "You don't want to reveal this news for now."

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I understand." When the news spread, I was afraid that people's hearts would be unstable.

Bai Jixue looked at Mu Chen helplessly and said, "Chen'er, look at this time, can you pass?"

Mu Chen smiled and said, "It's up to people, why should the ancestors be discouraged."

Bai Jixue looked at Mu Chen, and Mo Ke smiled helplessly, and said, "Chen'er, restricted area, can you escape this disaster? I hope it's all up to you."

Mu Chen: "Old Ancestor, you've ruined me..."

Bai Jixue looked at Mu Chen and said, "The old ghost of the life clan, who predicts that those who are in the restricted area this time will suffer disasters, and no one will be spared, and you are the only variable."

Mu Chen: "..." That old ghost of the Ming clan really looks down on him!

Ling Cang's palace.

"The survival of everyone in the secret realm depends on Mu Chen. The old monster of the life clan, it's not because he wants to be lazy, so push things to Mu Chen." Ling Qi muttered.

Ling Cang shook his head and said, "Zhuang Yitian, you won't make fun of this kind of thing."

"Speaking of which, Mu Chen is really powerful. If he hadn't found a way to remove the curse, the cultivators in the city couldn't bear to self-destruct as soon as the curse broke out. We wouldn't have had the game with monsters to attack the city."

"The wave of monsters this time is too exaggerated. It's just the beginning, and there are very difficult monsters appearing."

"That thousand-eyed beast, I'm afraid it's at the late ninth level. If it weren't for Mu Chen's strange fire, it would just be able to restrain it, it would be really difficult to deal with."

"Although Mu Chen is only a five-star martial sage, but with a strange fire and a strong soul, the role he plays is probably second only to the ancestors."

Ling Cang shook his head and said, "Although Mu Chen is only a five-star martial sage, his soul power is much stronger than mine. His artifact belongs to one hand, and it perfectly combines the power of five arts and various origin patterns. Even if I meet him, he may not be able to gain the upper hand, he also has a different fire, Mu Chen's strength, I am afraid that he is already above me."

"Old Ancestor, it's not like that." Ling Qi muttered, Mu Chen is only twenty-two years old! Ling Cang has practiced for tens of thousands of years.

"Mu Chen's cultivation is progressing very quickly. I see him, and there is still room for improvement. Even if he is still a little short, it won't take long to catch up with me." Ling Cang said. "Okay, let's not talk about Mu Chen, Mu Chen is amazing, but we old men can't put all the responsibilities on Mu Chen as a child."

Ling Lichen moved his wrists, smiled bitterly, and said, "I'm very ashamed. I've been afraid and cursed all these years. Most of the time, I've stayed in the city. I almost forgot how to kill monsters."

Ling Qi smiled bitterly and said, "Who said no."

Ling Cang squinted his eyes and said, "These days, if there is a small beast swarm, you should get used to it individually. Don't be caught off guard when a large swarm erupts."

"Old Ancestor, don't worry." Ling Qi and the others said in succession.

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