in the tower.

Ye Shi held his face and blew at the little tiger in a depressing manner. The little tiger's fur was swayed by Ye Shi.

The little tiger gave Ye Shi a fierce look and said, "Little white face, don't blow it! You messed up Ben Hu's handsome hairstyle."

Ye Shi looked at the braids on the little tiger's head and said disdainfully, "What kind of hairstyle is a tiger cub, it's best to shave his head."

The little tiger jumped into a rage and said, "You tasteless bastard."

Mu Chen looked at the depressed Ye Shi and said, "What's wrong?"

"Ancestor told me that you are everyone's savior, and it is up to you to get through this difficulty." Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen and said.

Mu Chen smiled, looked at Ye Shi, and said, "Aren't you happy that I am everyone's savior?"

Ye Shi shook his head and said, "Of course not, it's just that I originally thought that I could be lazy by leaning against the big tree to enjoy the shade, but now, people treat us as big trees."

"In the end, it's better to ask for others than to ask for yourself." Mu Chen said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "We are so unlucky!"

Mu Chen smiled bitterly, aren't they unlucky?

Those old guys in the secret realm have lived for thousands of years, ten thousand years, and they have lived enough.

Tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of years, for such a long time, you have to live and don't want to live.

As for him, he is only twenty-two years old! It's pity that he was shameless and gnawed the seventeen-year-old "minor" Ye Shi, but it was only five years of happiness, and he and Ye Shi were separated for half a year.

It is rumored that if you become a Martial Saint, you will be able to sit back and relax, live a long life, be invincible in the world, and make a fortune... The rumors are really outrageous!

"Everything will be fine." Mu Chen smiled at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Of course I believe it."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi, a certain resolute color flashed in his eyes.

Ye Shi and Mu Chen were tired for a while, then Ye Shi ran to the formation room to study the formation.

Ta Ling looked at Mu Chen and said, "Mu Chen, there are many powerful monsters in the place where the curse originated!"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "I saw it." Ta Ling is Mu Chen's spiritual pagoda, and what Mu Chen saw, Ta Ling also saw.

"Master Tower Master, you are really born to work hard!" Ta Ling said with pity.

Mu Chen smiled bitterly, and said, "Isn't that true?" Since crossing over, he has no time to spare.

After finally getting from Wu Zong to Wu Zun, and then to Wu Sheng, I thought that when I arrived at Wu Sheng, I could enjoy the happiness, but as a result, I was thrown into such a precarious place again.

"Master Tower Master, the old guy of the Ming family said you are the son of destiny." Ta Ling giggled.

Mu Chen smiled bitterly. It was rumored that Zhuang Yu was the son of destiny, but this would actually be him.

Ta Ling said with sympathy: "That old man of the Ming family is not kind! The rafters who are in their early days, die first!"

Mu Chen squinted his eyes and shot the first bird. He is not a hero. At that time, he can't escape. He and Ye Shi hide in the spiritual tower and find a place to bury them. Although useless, it is better to die than live!

Ta Ling looked at Mu Chen, and said with some contempt: "Master Tower, what are you thinking about? Are you thinking about making progress!"

Mu Chen glanced at Ta Ling disapprovingly, and said disdainfully, "What do you know, this is called Mingzhe's protection."

Of course, hiding in Taring is nothing but a solution. If there is a chance, he will not allow himself to be like this.

"Hurry up, practice hard." Ta Ling looked at Mu Chen with sympathy.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "I see, if something goes wrong with me, how many years will you have to wait for a wise master like me!"

Ta Ling looked at Mu Chen with contempt, and said, "Lord Tower Master, you are becoming more and more shameless."

Mu Chen ignored Ta Ling and turned to refining the soul silk.

Although Mu Chen only has a five-star martial arts cultivation base, his soul power is stronger than Bai Jixue and others.

Bai Xiongtao looked at Mu Chen and said in disbelief, "What did you say, you want to go out to find the origin pattern? At this time?"

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes."

"Chen'er, what are you thinking? Are you crazy!" Bai Xiongtao said.

Mu Chen shook his head and said, "Of course not, it's just that I need to improve my strength, and now it happens that the tide of monsters doesn't break out very often. Besides, the seniors of the Ming clan said that I am the son of destiny, and I will be fine."

Bai Xiongtao rolled his eyes and said, "You can believe the words of those from the Fate Clan!"

Ye Shi looked at Bai Xiongtao and said, "Although you can't believe the words of those old men of the Ming clan, Mu Chen is indeed very powerful!"

Bai Jixue unexpectedly agreed with Mu Chen's plan to go out.

"Ancestor, how could you let Mu Chen leave? What if something happened?" Bai Xiongtao looked at Bai Jixue and said a little depressedly.

Bai Jixue smiled bitterly and said, "Don't let them go out while the tide of monsters is not frequent, should we wait for the monsters in the birthplace of the curse to run out before letting them go out? Chen? Son is not an ordinary person, he must go out after careful consideration."

"But... Old Ancestor, you can't let Chen'er go alone! How many people will you send with him?" Bai Xiongtao said.

Bai Jixue looked at Bai Xiongtao and said, "Who is it, you! Do you think you can beat Mu Chen?"

Bai Xiongtao twitched the corner of his mouth, is it necessary to look down on people like this? Although this is true.

Bai Jixue looked back and said, "Don't talk about Mu Chen, Yanxing, you may not have beaten him."

Bai Xiongtao: "..." Not Mu Chen's opponent, Yan Xing, he should be able to fight.

outside the city.

The spiritual pagoda turned into the size of a hill, and hit a monster the size of a hill.

The brilliance of the spiritual pagoda flickered, and as soon as it hit it, the various source patterns turned into torrents, and the monsters that rushed over were smashed into pieces.

"The Spirit Pagoda is really powerful. Before, I thought it was just a leisurely meal." Ye Shi muttered with wide eyes.

Ta Ling fluttered his wings and said: "Now you know how powerful my uncle is. You, a blind guy, actually thinks that Benta is just a freelancer. Before, the dangers you encountered were nothing, and Benta was too lazy to do it. Now, if Ben Taling doesn't make a move, you will be finished."

"Mu Chen, have you upgraded this tower?" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "No wonder, this tower is so powerful."

Taring looked at Ye Shi depressedly, and said, "Little white face, what do you mean, Benta is already very powerful."

"You made it so powerful, will the conditions for conquering the five towers in Central Continent rise again!" Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It should be." However, at the moment, he can't take care of it too much, and his life is gone, so what about the Five Pagodas in Central Continent.

Ye Shi gave Ta Ling a fierce look, and Ta Ling blinked the yin and yang fish eyes, looking at Ye Shi fiercely.

"This monster looks really weird." Ye Shi turned away from the topic and said to Mu Chen.

The monster they encountered had four heads, nine legs, and sarcomas on its body. It was very deformed, but it had the strength of an eight-star Martial Saint.

"Mu Chen, there's something wrong with this monster!" Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Indeed."

Such monsters may be formed by several monsters swallowing each other. The four heads of this monster are different, and the nine legs are also thick and thin, and their appearance is different. .

"This monster, fused with immortal and demonic energy, is not good enough." Mu Chen squinted.

The level of monsters is very strict, the birthplace of the curse, the monsters with the perfect fusion of fairy spirit, have become the kings of monsters, and these deformed monsters can only be regarded as defective products at most.

"Let's go, it's important to find the source pattern." Taring flapped his wings and said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "That's right."

The source pattern is also graded, some are high, some are weak.

"Mu Chen, the curse seems to be very knowledgeable!" Ye Shi said.

"Why do you say that?" Mu Chen asked.

"Beside the powerful source pattern, there are always a lot of curses and monsters." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It seems to be, don't worry about it, just get killed when you meet him."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes."

"Someone over there was caught by a monster." Mu Chen frowned and said suddenly.

There are not many people going out of the city now, but in order to collect materials for building the city, many people inevitably have to come out.

The battle took place thousands of miles away, and the curse could block the exploration of soul power. If not, Mu Chen absorbed the soul silk of the thousand-eyed beast and could not find it.

"Are you going to help?" Ye Shi asked.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes, let's go over quickly. Among those people, there are two people from the Ling family."

Mu Chen and Ye Shi held hands and launched the teleportation. The two joined forces and arrived at the scene of the incident after a while.

Ling Lichen, Ling Qi, and other six Martial Saints were chased by more than a dozen strange-shaped monsters. Ling Lichen and Ling Qi kept throwing the ninth-level Sky Thunder Orb backwards, hindering the movement of the monsters behind.

When Mu Chen and the others arrived, a few people fled very embarrassedly.

"Go." The small pagoda instantly grew into the size of a hill, and was directed by Mu Chen to smash into each monster.

"Ouch, it hurts to death."

"Ouch, it's dirty."

"Ouch, I hate it to death."

"Ouch, my poor waist!"

Every time the small tower hits a monster, that monster will be seriously injured in an instant. Ye Shi's spiritual eyes can decipher the weakness of the monster. Mu Chen always directs the small tower to attack the monster. Weakness to start with.

While the small tower wailed, he spared no effort to smash the monster.

Ye Shi looked at the small tower that was jumping up and down like a flea, and thought to himself: Poor waist? Can this guy have a waist even if he is so fat?

Ling Qi looked at the beasts that were chasing them, and were smashed into meat patties by a tower. He was surprised and panicked at the same time.

"The little tower is amazing!" Ye Shi couldn't help saying. Ordinary ninth-level magic tools, but there is no small tower that can be played like this, Ye Shi secretly said: In the future, I can no longer treat the tower spirit as a rice bucket.

"Yes!" Mu Chen said.

The monsters chasing Lingqi and others are all powerful, but these monsters also have very prominent weaknesses. Once you start with their weaknesses, it is much easier to deal with them.

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