Seeing the hideous-looking monsters being smashed into patties by the chubby spiritual pagoda, the spiritual pagoda suddenly became tall and sacred in the minds of Ling Qi and others.

"Chen'er, your spiritual tower is really amazing!" Ling Qi couldn't help but said to Mu Chen.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Mu Chen regards the spiritual pagoda more as a magical tool for cultivation and academic arts. In fact, this guy is used to fighting, and it is also invincible. In the end, it is something from the hands of a magician, which is different from an ordinary ninth-level magical tool. .

"Although it's powerful, it's also a lot to eat!" Ye Shi couldn't help but said in pain.

"What is he eating!" Ling Qi asked curiously.

"Prime Stone." Ye Shi said.

Ling nodded and said indifferently, "It's nothing to eat tens of thousands of primeval stones for such a powerful spiritual pagoda."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes. Thousands, tens of thousands of primeval stones were not enough for him to stick between his teeth!

Lingta let go of the belly to eat, one spiritual vein a day is not enough.

This guy Taring, who stole so many top-quality primeval stones, is always dissatisfied with shouting, "Ah! You actually gave the noble Bentaling a rubbish primeval stone like top-grade prime stone."

Even though they eat so much, they always shout that Bentaling is the most economical, saying that they are prodigal.

The spirit pagoda smashed around on a group of monsters, and the group of monsters couldn't stop the attack of the spirit pagoda.

"Chen'er, were you nearby before you?" Ling Lichen asked Mu Chen.

"We're on the third line." Ye Shi said.

"Over there? So far? How did you know that something happened to us." Ling Lichen said in a puzzled way.

"Mu Chen sensed it." Ye Shi said without hesitation.

"Chen'er's soul power is really powerful." Ling Lichen muttered.

Ye Shi nodded solemnly and said, "Yeah!" If it wasn't for Mu Chen's greatness, Ling Lichen and the others would have been more fortunate.

"Ancestor, why did you come out?" Ye Shi asked.

"I came to find some refining materials to build the city wall. Who knows, there are so many monsters squatting in that place. Fortunately, I met you." Ling Qi said with lingering fears.

"Why do these monsters look so weird!" A Martial Saint who was walking with Ling Qi frowned.

"It's mutated, maybe it's a group mutation." Mu Chen said.

"The weakness of this new type of monster is hard to find. The previous one was shot in the head, and it still didn't die. The wound healed quickly, but the head was missing, and it was alive and well." A martial sage said gloomily.

"The situation is a little tricky." Not everyone has the ability to see through the weaknesses of monsters like Ye Shi.

After helping Ling Qi and others to solve the monster, Mu Chen and Ye Shi parted ways with Ling Qi and others, and continued to look for Yuanyuan Wen.

"Brother Ling, this junior Mu Chen from your family is really powerful. In my opinion, even senior Ling Cang is not necessarily Mu Chen's opponent."

Ling Qi smiled and said: "The ancestors did say that Chen'er has already surpassed the blue."

Mu Chen's Yuan strength may not be as strong as Ling Cang's, but he has a strong soul, a body of strange fire, a spiritual tower, and is proficient in five arts. In some respects, the ancestors really can't match Mu Chen.

"The elder of the Ming clan said that whether the people in the restricted area can survive this time depends on Mu Chen. It seems to be reasonable."

"We are all people who have lived for tens of thousands of years. We can't put all the burden on Mu Chen and Ye Shi."

"That's true, but Mu Chen really doesn't look like a man in his twenties."

"Mu Chen, the ancestors are too good." Ye Shi muttered.

Mu Chen smiled helplessly, and said, "It's not easy to say that." The enemy is strong and I am weak, so it is inevitable that we will be confused, "Stone, you should write down the weaknesses of each monster, go back and make a document and give it to the public. An old ancestor for reference."

Ye Shi nodded and replied, "Okay."

Mu Chen squinted, Ling Qi and the others were at a disadvantage, largely because they didn't understand monsters. If these new types of monsters mixed with several types of monsters could not attack their weak points, then they would attack harder. For them, it doesn't matter.

In front of Ye Shi, Taring spun around in a circle, "Ben Taring just made a big show of power, now you know how powerful Ben Taring is."

Ye Shi looked at Taring, was silent for a while, and said, "You... dirty."

Tarling suddenly became furious, "You also said, you also said... It's all because of you that Ben Tarling is so dirty, woo woo... Ben Tarling, it should be the most beautiful tower."

Ye Shi blinked and said disapprovingly, "The most beautiful, no, you are so fat?"

Tarling: "..."

"Old Ancestor." Ling Qi walked up to Ling Cang and respectfully presented dozens of animal cores.

Ling Cang was taken aback when he saw the beast core that Ling Qi sent over.

"So many, how many monsters have you killed?" Ling Cang asked suspiciously.

"We didn't kill them. When I met Mu Chen and Yan Xing, most of them were killed by Mu Chen. If it wasn't for this, I'm afraid this trip would be a lot worse." Ling Qi said with lingering fears.

There is a lot of curse in the core of these monsters, and they can't absorb it at all, but this thing can be used as the energy of the magic crystal cannon, and the power is amazing.

Ling Cang nodded and said, "Are the two of them alright?"

Ling Qi shook his head and said: "They are very good, ancestors, the curse has been active a lot recently, and many strange monsters have appeared. These beast cores are not from dozens of monsters, but from dozens of monsters. , a monster has several beast cores."

Ling Cang nodded, sighed lightly, and said, "I see, it should be a fusion monster."

The fusion monster appeared recently, causing a lot of trouble to Ling Cang and others.

"Chen'er and Yanxing didn't come back with you?" Ling Cang asked.

Ling Qi shook his head and said, "No."

"It's already so late? They don't want to spend the night in the wild, right?" Ling Cang muttered.

Ling Qi smiled wryly and said, "It's really possible." Mu Chen and Ye Shi are both bold, others may not have the courage, but these two little devils can do anything.

As soon as Ling Qi's voice fell, Ling Cang received a summons.

"Ancestor, what's the situation!" Ling Qi asked.

"It's nothing, Mu Chen said, they found a place to stay in the wild and decided to spend the night in the wild, let's not worry."

Ling Qi smiled bitterly and muttered, "That's true."

Ling Qi originally thought that Mu Chen and Ye Shi would come back after spending a day outside, but after waiting for several days, neither Mu Chen nor Ye Shi showed up.

Mu Chen and Ye Shi wandered outside for ten days, harvested dozens of Origin Patterns, and killed many monsters by the way.

After Mu Chen absorbed dozens of origins, every time he went to a place, if there was an origin pattern, he could immediately feel it. By sensing, Mu Chen found more than a dozen origin patterns that were not marked on the map.

city ​​within a city.

"I'm finally willing to come back." Bai Jixue looked at Mu Chen and Ye Shi, and said helplessly.

Ye Shi smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "The place we are going is a little far."

Bai Jixue said helplessly: "Okay, just come back."

"Ancestor, I heard that the tide of monsters broke out again." Ye Shi asked with a frown.

Bai Jixue nodded and said, "That's right, the tide of monsters is small for the time being, so it's not difficult to deal with, but there are a lot of strange monsters that I haven't seen before."

"Yanxing, have you encountered any monsters?" Bai Xiongtao asked.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! There are many monsters."

"Beast cores are being collected in the city, and the Magic Crystal Cannon needs a large supply of beast cores to activate." Bai Xiongtao said.

Ye Shi nodded and said, "I have a beast core! Just for whom!"

"Just give it to the people from the Ling family." Bai Xiongtao said.

The magic crystal cannons are basically built by the people of the Ling family, and they are also used by the people of the Ling family.

Several people were talking when Ling Qi came over and said, "Yanxing, come back, why do you have a lot of beast cores in your hands?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ye Shi waved his hand, and more than a hundred high-level beast cores were thrown out.

Ling Qi twitched the corner of his mouth. With so many beast cores, how many monsters did these two guys kill? No wonder, the beast tide is not very fierce, and the monsters must be killed by Mu Chen and Ye Shi.

Ye Shi looked at Ling Qi and said, "Ancestor, what's wrong?"

Ling Qi smiled dryly and said, "It's nothing, nothing, Yan Xing, your batch of beast cores has solved the urgent need."

"It's good to be useful." Ye Shi said.

"Ancestor, this is the weakness of the new fusion monster that Yan Xing has sorted out. Although the weaknesses of monsters are different, there should be some rules to follow." Mu Chen handed over a jade slip.

In Ye Shi's jade pendant, images of various monsters were recorded, and the weak points were marked with red dots.

"This thing is very useful." Ling Qi's face suddenly became a little surprised.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "It's good if it's useful."

Ling Cang's palace.

Ling Lichen played with the beast core in his hand and muttered, "This fellow Mu Chen is really strong in combat!"

Ling nodded and said, "That's not it."

With so many of them, they fought back a wave of beasts, and the harvested beast cores were similar to what Mu Chen and Yanxing had harvested in ten days. In order to fight back the beast tides, they spent a lot of their stored beast cores. what!

"Have you seen the jade slip that Yan Xing gave you? There are quite a few terrifying monsters in it. As a result, these two guys were killed." Ling Lichen said.

"Mu Chen, that's a little evil star! It's like killing a Buddha when you meet a Buddha, and killing a ghost when you meet a ghost." Ling Lichen said with affection.

"In the beginning, you actually thought that Mu Chen was a little white-faced person who eats soft rice." Ling Lichen looked at Ling Qi, full of jokes.

Ling Qi said with a dark face, "It's been so long, why do you still mention it? Besides, you didn't think so at the beginning."

"I heard that this guy Mu Chen is in retreat again." Ling Lichen said.

Ling Qi pouted and said with some jealousy, "Yeah! I heard from Yan Xing that Mu Chen's cultivation is about to reach a bottleneck, and he is about to be upgraded to a six-star Martial Saint. I really don't know how this guy can rise so fast. ."

Ling Lichen shrugged and said, "Chen'er, you are already against the sky, I guess you can't figure it out. If he takes a step up, he really wants the ancestors to be no match."

Ling nodded and said, "Yes!" In this situation, the more powerful Mu Chen is, the better.

"How come there are so many strange monsters suddenly?" Ling Lichen muttered.

Ling Qi shook his head and said, "I don't know, Yan Xing said, it may be due to the mutation caused by the curse, and this mutation may be contagious."

Ling Lichen sighed lightly, and his face became a little dignified.

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