"Stone, these are the two roast chickens you want." The head chef of the restaurant said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded and said with satisfaction, "Okay."

Ye Shi put two lotus leaf chickens into the food box, and the aroma of the lotus leaf chickens wafted out.

Chen Da watched Ye Shi come out with the food box, frowned, and said helplessly, "Shi Shi, you can bring two roast chickens to see Master Mu Chen."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes!"

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi helplessly and said, "Is it too shabby?"

"It's not shabby! Two roast chickens and six primeval stones cost me six days' wages. I hope Mu Chen doesn't have much appetite, and there is one roast chicken left for me to eat." Ye Shi flickered his eyes and muttered. .

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi with a pale face.

Ye Shi looked at Chen Da and said puzzledly, "Uncle Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Da shook his head and said, "It's nothing. When you see Young Master Mu Chen, don't talk nonsense."

Ye Shi blinked and said, "Why am I talking nonsense?"

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi with a helpless expression.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and whispered, "Uncle Chen, yesterday's cakes were all divided."

Chen Da nodded and said, "Yeah! If you say you can't eat it, I'll divide it up." He originally wanted to keep a little bit, but everyone liked it so much that he couldn't keep it even if he wanted to.

Ye Shi bit his lip and said, "What a pity."

The spiritual fruits on the cake are all second-grade spiritual fruits. If you buy them, you need five or six primeval stones!

The ingredients of the cake should also be secondary ingredients. When you eat it, it is full of spiritual energy. Yesterday, I was too impulsive, and I blame that Zhuang Yu. If it hadn't been for him to come over and talk about the mess, how could I not think about it.

Ye Shi left with the food box, and Chen Da frowned worriedly as he watched Ye Shi's retreating back.

Ye Shi carried the food box to the door of Mu's house and knocked on the door.

Thinking of the last encounter, Ye Shi couldn't help frowning.

A servant came out, saw Ye Shi, was stunned for a moment, and then said, "You are Ye Shi, Young Master Ye."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yeah! Do you know me? Are you new here?" Ye Shi remembered the little servant last time, his eyes were on the top of his head, and looking at his expression, he was full of disgust.

The servant nodded and said, "Yes! I'm new here. My name is Wang Da. The servant last time was sent away by the second master because you were disrespectful to Young Master Ye."

Ye Shi couldn't help stunned when he heard the little servant's words, was he sent away? "Who is the second master?"

"It's Mu Yuanfeng, Second Master Mu!" said the little servant.

Ye Shi nodded, "Oh". Ye Shi rolled his eyes, but he never thought that Mu Yuanfeng would appoint a servant for him.

"You're here to find Young Master Mu Chen, come in first." Wang Da gave way and said earnestly.

Ye Shi was confused by the servant's respectful attitude, and followed Wang Da in embarrassedly.

Seeing that Ye Shi was brought in by Wang Da, Ren San's face suddenly became a little more joyful, "Young Master Ye, you are here, are you looking for Master Mu?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! Is he there?"

"Master, he followed the second master to alchemy. It will take a while to come. I will take you to the master's study for a meeting. If the master knows that you are here, he will be happy." Ren Sandao.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said, "Mu Chen, is the alchemy still going well?"

Ren San smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know very well about this. It shouldn't be very smooth. However, alchemy cannot be smooth in the first place. My young master just started to learn."

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Also, everything is difficult at the beginning, has he been working hard lately?"

"Yeah! The young master has changed sex recently, and it's not the same as before." Ren Sandao.

In the past, Mu Chen was busy with cockfights and horses. Now, Mu Chen is either studying alchemy books all day long, or studying alchemy with Mu Yuanfeng, or he is cultivating the body. He is very busy all day long.

"When will Mu Chen come out?" Ye Shi asked.

"Master Mu Chen's strength is too low. He can only stay in the alchemy room for two hours at a time. He should be out soon." Ren San replied respectfully.

"Why can you only stay for two hours!" Ye Shi wondered.

"Because there is fire poison in the Earth Fire and Fire Vessels, if you stay for a long time, it will affect the cultivator. Young Master Mu Chen's strength can only stay in it for two hours a day." Ren Sandao.

"Then is there any way to solve the fire poison?" Ye Shi asked, frowning.

"I heard that if you can find a special flame and keep it for your own use, you don't have to be afraid of fire poison. However, special flames are something you can't find but can't ask for." Ren San shook his head and said regretfully.

Ye Shi nodded thoughtfully and said, "That's it!"

Mu Chen stayed in the alchemy room, and there were many first-class spirit herbs next to him.

Mu Chen concentrated on refining the pill, and now, Mu Chen no longer needs Mu Yuanfeng's demonstration.

The three first-level spiritual liquids and fifteen first-level medicinal herbs that Mu Yuanfeng had mastered, Mu Chen had already learned.

Mu Chen controlled his soul power and condensed the medicinal liquid in the pill furnace into medicinal pills.

"Okay." Seeing Mu Chen finish alchemy, Mu Yuanfeng couldn't help but high-five, "Chen'er, the quality of the elixirs you made has improved again."

Mu Chen smiled, full of humility: "It's all my father who taught me well."

Mu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly and said, "I don't dare to take credit, it's all your own creation."

Mu Chen's talent is too high. He can learn all the medicinal pills by just reading it once. After learning, Mu Chen can constantly make adjustments and gradually improve the quality of the medicinal pills to the top grade or even the top grade. Mu Yuanfeng's talent, don't say he has seen it, he has never heard of it.

Regarding Mu Chen's achievements, Mu Yuanfeng was pleased on the one hand, but on the other hand, he felt that the hero was dying.

"Chen'er, your talent in alchemy must not be exposed to the outside world, understand?" Mu Yuanfeng said solemnly.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Father, I understand."

Mu Yuanfeng nodded, Mu Chen's talent was too great, and if such talent was exposed, not only other families in Mocheng could not tolerate it, but also those big alchemy families in the imperial capital.

"It's almost time, let's go out." Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay, by the way, father, what should I do with the medicinal pills I made."

Mu Yuanfeng carried his hands on his back and said, "I will ask someone to sell it in batches, and I will say that I made it to the outside world."

Mu Yuanfeng, a third-level alchemist, can refine first-level medicinal pills in batches, and it is not unusual to take out so many first-level medicinal pills at once.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Okay."

"Don't worry, the primeval stones sold by the alchemy will all hit your account." Mu Yuanfeng patted Mu Chen's shoulder and said with a smile.

Mu Chen smiled shyly, and said, "With your father protecting me, I have nothing to worry about."

Mu Chen followed Mu Yuanfeng out, Ren San saw Mu Chen coming out, he immediately stepped forward and said, "I have seen Er Ye, Chen Shao."

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Ren San who was in a hurry, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Is there anything I can do with your young master?"

"It's not a big deal, Young Master Ye Shi is here." Ren San said respectfully.

A look of joy suddenly appeared on Mu Chen's face, "What did you say, when the stone came, why didn't you tell me earlier? Where is he now?"

Looking at Mu Chen's excited look, Mu Yuanfeng said helplessly, "Take it easy."

"Young master, you are concocting alchemy. I didn't dare to disturb you. I arranged for Young Master Ye to wait for you in the study. I told the kitchen to deliver cakes to Young Master Ye Shi." Ren San replied immediately.

"Father, I'll go first." Mu Chen greeted Mu Yuanfeng and hurried away.

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen's back, and shook his head helplessly, "He's really stunned, frizzy, and when he has a daughter-in-law, he forgets his father."


Inside the study.

"Master Ye, do you need any more cakes?" a maid asked respectfully, staring at Ye Shi secretly from time to time.

Ye Shi blinked and said, "Is there that cake?"

The maid frowned and said, "Cake?"

Ye Shi nodded and said, "Yes! Mu Chen brought it to me to eat."

"That's the young master's unique craftsmanship, even the chefs in the kitchen don't know it." The maid shook her head.

Ye Shi opened his eyes wide and said, "It's really what Mu Chen did!"

The maid nodded and said, "Yes! The kitchen master said that Master Mu Chen has the talent to become a senior spiritual chef. However, Master Mu Chen doesn't seem to have much interest in becoming a senior spiritual chef."

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and thought, "I really misunderstood Mu Chen, it turns out that guy really knows how to make cakes.

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