Mu Chen stumbled into the door and said excitedly, "Stone, are you looking for me?"

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen's reckless appearance, smiled secretly in his heart, nodded, and said, "Yes!"

"What are you looking for from me!" Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi eagerly and asked.

"I'll see you!" Ye Shi said with wide eyes.

Mu Chen's mood suddenly soared, Mu Chen licked his face, approached Ye Shi and asked, "Stone, did you miss me?"

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen, nodded, and said, "Yes!"

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Ye Shi at a loss.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but lift.

"Your face is not very good!" Ye Shi said, looking at Mu Chen's face.

Mu Chen rubbed his face, "In the alchemy room, it was smoked by fire. It was too hot in the alchemy room." Mu Chen shook his head and said.

Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Your strength is still low. If you often go to the alchemy room, will there be a problem!" According to Ye Shi's knowledge, if the alchemist accidentally invades the fire poison, it will is very troublesome.

Mu Chen said indifferently: "I only stay in the alchemy room for two hours a day, and there will be no problem with my father watching."

"That's good." Ye Shi took out the food box and said, "I brought you something to eat."

Mu Chenman said happily, "That's great, I'm just hungry."

"Oh, two roasted chickens." Mu Chen muttered happily, and secretly said: When Ye Shi gave himself two chickens, was he reminding himself that he should order one more chicken for him every day.

"It's lotus leaf chicken, which is more expensive than roast chicken." Ye Shi frowned and argued.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Oh, is it a lotus leaf chicken? Stone, you are so kind to me."

"Hurry up and eat." Ye Shi said.

Mu Chen nodded, and in front of Ye Shi, he began to eat a lot. After coming to this world, Mu Chen's appetite increased day by day. Two hours of alchemy consumed a lot of Mu Chen's vitality. As far as Mu Chen was concerned, it wasn't too much. After a while, Mu Chen ate everything.

"I've finished eating all the stones." Mu Chen smiled at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi pouted, looked at Mu Chen with a faint gaze, and complained a little: "Yes, you have finished eating, and there is not even a chicken leg left."

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi's lost expression and was embarrassed.

Mu Chen patted the top of his head fiercely in his heart, he seemed to have done something stupid and ate his daughter-in-law's share.

"Have you eaten the cake I asked someone to give you? I added a lot of honey. I heard that you like sweets." Mu Chen changed the subject.

Thinking of that cake, Ye Shi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, "That cake, share it with me."

Mu Chen was stunned for a moment, looking at Ye Shi's sad expression, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, "If you divide it, divide it up. I'll make another one for you another day."

"You...why are you being so nice to me!" Ye Shi raised his head, looked at Mu Chen nervously and asked.

"Because I like you! So naturally, I have to treat you well." Mu Chen said as a matter of course.

"Why do you like me!" Ye Shi said, looking straight at Mu Chen.

Mu Chen shrugged and said, "I like you when I see you, no reason!"

Ye Shi frowned and looked at Mu Chen suspiciously.

Seeing Ye Shi's face coming towards him, Mu Chen couldn't help but leaned in and kissed Ye Shi's forehead.

Ye Shi backed away in embarrassment, "You... Where's your grandfather?" Ye Shi couldn't help but probe.

Mu Chen didn't think too much, and said indifferently, "Grandpa, he has retreated."

"Retreat?" Ye Shi was stunned.

Mu Chen nodded and said, "Yeah! Grandpa often retreats. Only when there is a big family event or when he encounters a huge auction will he leave."

"How long will he be in seclusion?" Ye Shi asked with his head sideways.

"I don't know! Months, years, decades are possible." Mu Chen shrugged.

Ye Shi nodded thoughtfully and said, "Is that so!"

Ye Shi lowered his head and thought: Zhuang Yu really lied to him, if Mu Chen's grandfather retreated for decades, then Mu Chen didn't like him, and everything he did would be in vain.

Looking at Ye Shi's expression, Mu Chen asked in confusion, "Why did you suddenly ask about Grandpa?"

Ye Shi lowered his head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just curious. I heard that your grandfather and my grandfather have a good relationship."

"Yeah!" Mu Chen leaned into Ye Shi's ear and said, "My grandfather decided to marry you."

Ye Shi's face suddenly became hot.

"Master, a guest has arrived." Ren San walked in and said.

Mu Chen frowned and said, "Guest, who are you!"

"It's Lan Ruofeng who appeared at the auction." Ren San said.

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