The sun was shining brightly, but the sky was still bright.

It was not good to probe into a stranger's fate, so Tang Yu smiled and nodded to him, then looked at the horizon.

Now, the sun had already appeared halfway, and the surrounding clouds were set off in red and gold, and the scenery was quite magnificent...

The Purple Qi boss stood three steps away from her.

As the two watched, the sun slowly rose...

Tang Yu couldn't help but smile...

When the sun completely jumped out of the horizon, Tang Yu looked at it for a while, then turned his head, nodded to the man next to him again, and prepared to go down the mountain.

As soon as she took a step, she heard a man's anxious voice coming from not far down the mountain: "Old man! What's wrong with you?! Old man, wake up!"

Tang Yu was slightly startled, and then quickened his pace down the mountain.

At first, he was still walking fast, but later, he heard the man's voice getting more and more anxious, so he ran.

To be honest, if you run down the mountain, it is very easy to lose control and fall down.

But this is not a problem for Tang Yu at all!

She was like a swallow, with her toes lightly touching the ground, and then she flew down.

After running for less than a minute, she saw a figure in the distance.

An old man in a red Tang suit fell to the ground, and a middle-aged man in a gray Zhongshan suit sat on the ground, holding the old man's upper body, shouting anxiously.

Tang Yu took out the needle bag he had put in his storage ring in advance.

"Don't move. I'll help the patient with acupuncture." Standing in front of the two, Tang Yu squatted down and spoke with a serious face.

The man in the tunic suit was overjoyed, but when he saw that it was a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, he was dumbfounded again...

"No, little girl, do you... know medical skills?" the man stammered.

"I do." While Tang Yu was speaking, the silver needle had already "swish swish" into the old man in the tunic suit in the arms of the man in the tunic suit.

She was very fast, as if she didn't need to think, and she seemed to be very familiar with the acupuncture points.

The man in the tunic suit hesitated for a moment, but it was too late to stop him.

After more than ten seconds, Tang Yu took a long breath and stood up.

"Is it... okay now?" The man in the tunic suit looked up at Tang Yu.

"Yes, it's okay." Tang Yu nodded.

The man in the tunic suit was in doubt.

On the one hand, he was afraid that Tang Yu's medical skills were not good enough and would make the old man sicker, but on the other hand, he hoped that the girl's medical skills were as strong as her confidence and could help the old man out of danger.

Just now, he had notified the old man's personal doctor, who should be here soon.

Just when the man in the Zhongshan suit was in great pain, the old man in the Tang suit in his arms sighed softly and opened his eyes.

The man in the Zhongshan suit was overjoyed: "Old man, are you awake? How do you feel now? Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I'm fine." The old man said in a hoarse voice, and looked at Tang Yu, "Little girl, thank you for saving me."

Although he was in a coma just now, he could still sense what was happening outside and knew that it was the little girl who saved him.

"Old man, if you have a bad heart, don't climb the mountain. It's very dangerous." Tang Yu said.

The man in the Zhongshan suit looked at Tang Yu in astonishment: "Do you know that the old man has a bad heart?"

Tang Yu: "..."

"Sorry, I was just too surprised." The man in the Zhongshan suit saw Tang Yu's speechlessness and apologized quickly.

"The little girl is very good at medicine. She knew that my heart was not good without asking me." The old man in the Tang suit said with a smile.

"Leave the needle for a while, and you can remove it." Tang Yu said.

"Okay, okay." The old man nodded.

A burst of hurried footsteps came, Tang Yu turned around and saw Ziqi boss walking down the mountain anxiously.

"Mr. Feng." The man in the Zhongshan suit greeted.

"Xiao Yan, why are you coming down the mountain?" The old man also looked at Ziqi boss.

Do these three people know each other?

Tang Yu looked at the old man, then looked at Ziqi boss...

Ziqi boss also looked at her...

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