The old man in Tang suit said, "Xiao Yan, it was this little girl who saved me." The old man in Tang suit introduced immediately.

"Thank you for saving this old man." Feng Yan said to Tang Yu.

"You're welcome." Tang Yu smiled and shook his head.

The next moment, Feng Yan frowned and looked at the old man in Tang suit: "I just told you that you can just stroll downstairs, don't come up. The road is not easy to walk, but you don't listen to my advice."

"I want to see the sunrise, too." The old man in Tang suit smiled, and he really didn't listen to my advice.

"You can see the sunrise from downstairs." Feng Yan disagreed.

"It's so frustrating to be downstairs." The old man in Tang suit still looked so stubborn that it made people's teeth ache.

Tang Yu didn't get involved in their argument. She squatted down and began to remove the needles one by one.

"Thank you, little girl." The three of them thanked at the same time.

"You're welcome, three of you. You can help the old man sit up." Tang Yu put away her needle bag and held it in her hand.

So the man in the Zhongshan suit helped the old man in the Tang suit up, let him sit on a stone, and then half-knelt beside him to help him.

"The old man has a serious heart problem. Find a good doctor to treat him. Don't climb the mountain anymore. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first." Tang Yu said.

Tang Yu is not very good at dealing with strangers, and she does have something to do. The most important thing is that the old man is fine now.

However, others obviously don't think so...

"Wait a minute, little girl, the old man may be in danger. Can you wait until our private doctor comes before leaving?" Feng Yan quickly stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Yes, yes, yes, I just called the old man's private doctor, and he will be here soon. Wait a few more minutes." The man in the Zhongshan suit also agreed.

"Okay." Tang Yu nodded.

"Xiao Li, do you have my business card? Give me one, I'll give it to you, little girl." The old man in Tang suit said.

"Yes, yes, yes." The middle-aged man in Zhongshan suit took out a business card from his jacket pocket and handed it to the old man in Tang suit.

The old man in Tang suit handed it to Tang Yu solemnly.

Tang Yu took it without refusing.

The business card was made of metal, black, white and gray. Only the name and phone number were printed in the center of the front, without any identity or position. It was very simple and neat.

Xiao Wanting, Tang Yu glanced at the name that was written in a flourish.

"Little girl, my name is Xiao Wanting. You saved my life. If you have any problems in the future, you can find me. Even if I am gone in the future, you can find my family. As long as it does not break the law and does not violate moral standards, our Xiao family will definitely help you do it." The old man in Tang suit said.

"My name is Xiao Li, and I'm the old man's secretary. Here's my phone number. If you can't contact the old man, you can contact me." The man in the Zhongshan suit said immediately.

Tang Yu glanced at it and saw that the secretary Xiao Li's phone number was indeed attached below.

Tang Yu felt a little embarrassed because he was so serious, thinking that it was just a small favor.

"Little girl, my name is Feng Yan, and this is my business card. If you have any problems in the future, you can also find me." Just as Tang Yu was thinking, Feng Yan on the side also handed over a business card.

Tang Yu took it and looked at the business card in his hand.

It was also made of metal, with black, white and gray as the main colors, and a little gold embellishment.

In the center of the business card, the two words "Feng Yan" were written in a flamboyant style.

"Little girl, keep it well. My nephew is very aloof and usually doesn't give business cards to people. He has some skills, so if you have any problems in the future, you can also find him." Old Master Xiao said with a smile.

Tang Yu knew that he was being modest.

It was obvious that the Purple Qi boss was not a person to be trifled with.

"Okay, thank you. Then, old man, if you feel unwell, you can also find me. I'm live streaming nearby recently. Normally, I might be in the nearby Lindi Town." Tang Yu decided to return the favor.

"Okay, okay." Old man Xiao nodded with a smile.

"Secretary Xiao, Secretary Xiao, how is the old man?" Just then, a panting voice came.

"Doctor Liu, we are here." Xiao Li waved his hand and shouted loudly.

Then, several people ran over panting.

"Everyone, you are busy, I'll leave first. Otherwise, I will be late for work." Tang Yu nodded to everyone and left in a hurry.

She had to go back quickly. Today's live broadcast was early, starting at 7:30, and she had to film the guests getting up, washing, cooking, and eating breakfast.

"Okay, okay."

"Little girl, take care."

"Call if you have something."

Xiao Wanting and the other two said one after another.

"Okay." Tang Yu

While answering, he left quickly.

The doctor hurriedly gave the old man a simple examination.

"Xiao Liu, it was that little girl who saved me." Xiao Wanting said with a smile.

"What happened?" Doctor Liu was curious.

Doctor Liu was in his forties. He graduated from a famous medical school in China and later studied at a first-class medical school abroad. He was a very good cardiologist.

Xiao Li briefly explained the situation.

"Chinese medicine?" Doctor Liu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Then, he slowly frowned, and frowned more and more tightly!

"What's wrong, Doctor Liu, the old man's condition won't be very bad, right?" Xiao Li suddenly became nervous.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let that little girl do it!

The old man's body is so precious and fragile, he must not let a teenage girl mess around!

It's all his fault that he couldn't stop it!

Feng Yan on the side couldn't help but show a trace of nervousness...

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