At midnight, all is silent.
At the most luxurious hotel in the city centre, the top-floor presidential suite.

  Xia Qingshu opened his eyes, staring at the ambiguously colored crystal chandelier overhead, and then glanced at his body that didn’t have a stitch of clothing and fell into contemplation.

  He had transmigrated into a book!

  This is a danmei kind of book where the gongs are ranked in no particular order. The title of the book is “Exclusive Favour”. The protagonist is favoured by seven men, all at the same time, and he, in the book was abused and died as the spiteful cannon fodder in humiliation and with a tragic end.

  He is a super nympho in the book, and his arrogance was higher than the sky. Because he is always compared with the protagonist shou, he delusionally wanted to capture all the men under the protagonist.

  The men who adore the protagonist shou disdain him greately, and no one knows whom he offended as he was designed to be sent to the bed of the villain, Chen Zhiyu.

  Now was the part when he is supposed to sleep with the villain, Chun Zhiyu.

  [Xia Qingshu is lying on the big bed, his flushed face is full of lust, he twists his body, in a concave graceful shape… Chen Zhiyu’s aura is cold and noble, but no matter how cold and evil people are, they can’t resist “the spring breeze blowing the trumpet” drug’s effect…]

  Thinking of the bleak future, Xia Qingshu sniffed and wanted to cry.

  However, now was not the time to cry, he sluggishly sat up and looking for clothes.

  Chen Zhiyu, the ruthless and gloomy villain in the book, is also the most charming man in the book.

  But, unsympathetic is the synonym given to him by the outside world, ruthless is his motto, and some even say that he also has a serious cleanliness problem.

  If Chen Zhiyu found out that he not only defiled his bed, but also tried to defile his body, the consequences would be inconceivable.

  Xia Qingshu looked around and found no clothes.

  Who is so excessive?!

  There is a floor-to-ceiling mirror beside the bed, reflecting a white figure.

  What kind of hotel was this, how come there is a mirror standing beside the bed?

  Xia Qingshu’s face instantly turned red.

  Suddenly, he heard the door slam open, someone came in. In order to avoid embarrassment, he got into the bed again.

  At this time, the door was suddenly opened.

  Chen Zhiyu stood at the doorway, and among his impeccable facial features, his dark and cold eyes were particularly evident.

  ”What are you doing in my bed?!”

  The flames were burning in Chen Zhiyu’s eyes. He strode forward purposely, casually picked up the golf club by the door, and approached the bed step by step.

  Xia Qingshu was embarrassed and scared. He pulled the quilt up, his body smoldering with heat.

  ”If you don’t want to get up, you don’t have to get up.”

  Five seconds later, Chen Zhiyu walked to the bed, with a grim smile on his mouth, picked up the phone and prepared to call the bodyguard.

  Such dirty things are not worth his time.

  When he looked at Xia Qingshu again, it was as he was looking at a dead thing.

  ”Hehehe.” Xia Qingshu smirked, showing a head, blinking his eyes twice as if to please.
  A complicated crystal chandelier hangs in the center of the room, the warm orange light refracted on the white face, like a soft light filter.

  With the shaking of his head, the bangs on his forehead was shaken away, revealing a smooth and polished forehead.

  Chen Zhiyu was stunned for a while, his face was blank, his eyes were full of black fog, and he asked, “What tricks are you playing?”

  Xia Qingshu drooped his long curled eyelashes, trying his best to pull out a faint smile.

  Although he was smiling, his stiff face revealed his nervousness, and with his clueless expression, it looked extremely pitiful.

  ”Brother, I am your fan.”

  At this moment, the air condensed.


  Chen Zhiyu walked to the bed, his critical gaze seizing up this person who was wrapping himself into a stick of firewood.

  His eyes were cold, sending chills through Xia Qingshu’s body.

  Seeing that the other party didn’t speak, Xia Qingshu was very flustered. He took a deep breath and said tentatively, “Brother, I like you very much, you are handsome and powerful…”

  He opened his big watery eyes and forced himself to look directly at the other party, “Brother, it’s true…”

  Chen Zhiyu looked at him and his heart trembled, the hand holding the golf club loosened, the golf club lost its support and fell to the ground.


  Realizing his abnormality, Chen Zhiyu sternly interrupted the other party.

  He took a step forward, and lifted the person onto the ground, “Don’t pretend to be crazy with about me!”

  In the book, Chen Zhiyu is described as ruthless and cruel, playing tricks in front of him, will lead to your skin being peeled off without dying.

Xia Qingshu was thrown to the ground, revealing a pair of long legs under the white quilt. The long legs were straight and slender, with well-proportioned muscles.

  He shuddered as he was blown by the cold wind from the air conditioner.

  The delicate body curled up on the ground, like a crescent moon in the sky, trembling, lonely, and lovable, enough to provoke pity.

  Xia Qingshu endured the embarrassment, tucked his legs into the quilt, and asked for help like a lost kitten, “Brother, I don’t want this either, my clothes are missing.”

  Chen Zhiyu pressed down the sliding knot in his Adam’s apple, pulled a stool, and sat aside.

He coldly looked at the “fan” who rolled on the ground and continued to wrap himself into a baby silkworm, and mockingly asked, “I threw it?”

  Xia Qingshu: “…”

  ”No, it was thrown by the bad guys.”

  He blinked and opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of tears, and his eyes were red.

  ”Brother, I was bullied.”

  ”I’m not your brother, brother.” Chen Zhiyu’s voice was not as cold as before, but he was still inhuman, and asked, “Who brought you here?”

  Chen Zhiyu has a sensitive sense of smell. After getting close to the other party, he smelled a lemon aroma, mixed with a hint of milk.
  Seductive fragrance.

  Inferior, cheap, no class.

  It hard to smell.

  Chen Zhiyu frowned, he subconsciously wanted to take a step back,but he raised on his legs, and stood still.

  Xia Qingshu didn’t dare to look directly, and looked at him from the corner of his eye.

  He sucked his nose: “I don’t know, I drank sweet water, my eyes closed and when I opened them again, I found myself here.

  Chen Zhiyu: “…you better not lie to me.”

  His voice was still impersonal, but it was more than half better than the vicious and sinister tone at the beginning.

  Xia Qingshu finally breathed a sigh of relief and explained in a soft voice, “Brother, don’t worry, anyone with an IQ over 60 will not be deceived by me. Brother, what is your IQ, is it 70?”

  ”Brother, you look smart, and your IQ should be at least 85, right?”

  ”Brother, why don’t you speak?”

  Chen Zhiyu: “…”

  He stared at Xia Qingshu’s face. The other party looked stupid. He seemed to really think that 85 was considered a high IQ.

  ”Brother, my name is Xia Qingshu, I know you, your name is Chen Zhiyu, right?”

  Chen Zhiyu ignored him, turned around, and called the bodyguard to bring a set of clean clothes.

  Xia Qingshu was wrapped in a quilt, closed his eyes, tried his best to calm his breathing and reduce his sense of existence.

  ”Do you remember what the bad guy looks like?”

  Chen Zhiyu is vicious and a ruthless person, if he is so tricked, he will definitely take revenge.

  ”I don’t remember very clearly.” Xia Qingshu glanced at him, and seeing that the other party’s face was not very good, he quickly added, “But brother, he is definitely not as good-looking as you.”

  The corners of Chen Zhiyu’s dark lips seemed to evoke a lightness.

  Xia Qingshu made persistent efforts, with sincere light flashing in his eyes, “Brother, you are the most beautiful person I have ever met.”

  Chen Zhiyu sighed, saw a few shiny stones scattered around his feet, and picked them up by hand, “Yours?”

  Xia Qingshu lowered his eyes and nodded.

  In the book, because of his greed and vanity, he was tempted by these artificial rhinestones of 251 jins and 420 jins in the wholesale market, and that’s how he fell into the current situation.

  Chen Zhiyu snorted softly, “Just for this, sell your body?”

  Xia Qingshu glanced at the red artificial rhinestone in the other’s hand, lowered his eyes and whispered, “Brother, I’m not doing it for gems.”

  I can’t help myself. I’m not in my own body

  You will never understand the pain of someone who suddenly transmigrated.

     The long eyelashes fluttered and trembled, his eyes dodged, and at first glance, he felt guilty.
  Chen Zhiyu sneered, knowing it in his chest.

  Another one came for him.

  Although Chen Zhiyu has a ruthless personality, his appearance is quite good, with a natural grace in his gestures, even though doing the most sinister business, he is still extremely elegant.

  He receives confessions from strangers almost every day. He has topped the cantaloupe rich list for three consecutive years, and has been named the world’s most worthy man for life.

  He was absolutely certain that this little idiot liked him, but was used the bad guys.

  Chen Zhiyu stared into his eyes, his eyes indifferent, “No matter how much you like me, you can’t use this method. Even if…you have to keep yourself clean and know shame.”

  Being ridiculed. But still not feeling the least bit ashamed, Xia Qingshu’s eyes darkened.

  He was a little angry, angry and aggrieved!

  Does he think he wanted this? He is also very inexplicable!

  ”Brother, I’m pure.” He squirmed a few times under the quilt and stretched out his arms, “Look.”

  He stretched out his arm, revealing his arm like a bright moon.

  A bright red cinnabar mole grew six inches above his wrist, like a plum blossom in the snow.

  ”Do you see it?”

  Chen Zhiyu: “…there is a mole.”

  ”Brother, this is not a mole, this is Shougongsha representing purity. Brother, do you have one?”

  Chen Zhiyu: “…I don’t.”

  It was midsummer, and Chen Zhiyu was wearing a navy blue short-sleeved shirt, showing arms clean and bare.

  Xia Qingshu blinked, but did not speak, raised the corners of his lips proudly, shook his head, and his expression seemed to say, “See, I am pure.”

  You are the lewd one. Dang, you have no shame, do you think he hasn’t seen the tricks that several of you guys are playing with the protagonist?


  Chen Zhiyu’s expression stiffened.

  At this time, the little fool is still proving his virginity to him.

  You don’t have to.

  In the face of admirers, Chen Zhiyu has his own way of politely refusing. He said lightly, “I am a celibate, understand? If there are no surprises, I should be pure for a lifetime.”

  He lifted his eyelids and glanced at the bean wrapped in the quilt.

  Xia Qingshu’s skin was cold and white, shrouded in the dim light, like a little jasmine blooming from the darkness.

  Wrapped tight in the quilt, he was sweating slightly from the tip of his nose, and his face was flushed.

  His facial features are the kind of gorgeous beauty, the bright and thick face is matched with the ignorant eyes, which reduces two enchanting points but  adds three points of innocence, as if making a silent invitation that people can’t refuse.

  Chen Zhiyu was lost in thought for a moment, his tone suddenly became serious,
  ”If you get married, intimacy should only happen after marriage, so protect yourself.”

  ”You have to tell your parents before you fall in love, you understand, don’t be fooled.”

  ”Are you an adult? You can only fall in love when you are an adult…”

  After he finished speaking, he realized he has been talking to a fool.

  ”I know, brother, I’m an adult, I’m smart.”

  Xia Qingshu looked down up at him, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

  Chen Zhiyu is abstinent and indifferent to marriage and sex, but in the end he was crazy for the protagonist, and made an exception for the protagonist.

  Now he keeps saying that he doesn’t want to fall in love or get married. In the end, in order to get the protagonist’s crazy exception, he repeatedly lowers his bottom line.

  Really admirable ah!

  Noticing Qinshu’s complicated gaze, Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath and played with his phone.

  Don’t argue with idiots.

  After a while, the bodyguard brought the clothes. Chen Zhengyu instructed the bodyguard with a few words and threw the clothes to Xia Qingshu.

  Xia Qingshu was wrapped in a quilt and jumped crookedly to the toilet to change clothes.

  The bathroom of the suite is very large, and as soon as the door is opened, a strong fragrance hits, with a hint of abnormal sweetness.

  The boss’s taste is weird.

  Xia Qingshu quickly put on his clothes. There is a large full-length mirror in the bathroom. After getting dressed, he had time to examine his appearance.

  In the mirror, his facial features are bright, especially the pair of peach blossom eyes, the ends of the eyes are hooked, and there is a tear mole the size of a grain of rice in the bottom of the eye, which has a natural allure.

  And because his eyes held a bit of ignorance and clear, his beauty was suppressed by a few points, adding a bit of innocence.

  It was similar to his previous facial features.

  ”Are you dressed?” Suspecting that he had delayed for too long, Chen Zhiyu was a little impatient and came over.

  The toilet of the high-end hotel has an automatic door so when Chen Zhiyu walked into the toilet, the door closed automatically, “Why is your face so red?”

  ”Is it red?” Xia Qingshu rubbed the corners of his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror.

  The pink and tender face is like a May Begonia, delicate and dripping, not only graceful, but the knitted brows and smile tug at the heartstrings.

  Not only was his face was blushing, he was felt hot.

  Oh no, spring, wind, blow, play, small, la, ba!

  Xia Qingshu felt sore all over, staggered a few steps, sat down in the bathtub, and watched Chen Zhiyu stride towards him.

  ”Don’t…don’t come here…”

  Don’t, that’s my foot…


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