“Ahh…so sore…”
As the day dawned, Xia Qingshu opened his eyes and meditated in his heart,


No one responded.


No one responded.

After waiting for a long time without a response, Xia Qingshu whispered, “System, I will give you one last chance, if you don’t grasp it, there will be no more…”

“Tuk tuk tuk.” There was a knock on the door, Xia Qingshu immediately stopped calling in his heart and held his breath.

Are the systems coming through the front door nowadays?!

It doesn’t feel very proper.

He crept up to sit up, resisting the soreness of his body, as he slowly moved around.

Although the system was late, if he was to get a an extremely thick golden finger, he will not feel at loss because he would now be a rich lord without lifting a finger ha ha.

After finally being serpentine to the door, Xia Qingshu looked through the peephole and saw two big men in black clothes and black pants.

Xia Qingshu was overjoyed, this golden finger look very advanced at first glance, and he gets two for one, if they can be driven by him, the physical attack value alone would not be low ah.

Unfortunately they might look human but only composed of data and liquid x. What a pity

He watched the two vigilantly through the peephole when suddenly he heard the conversation between the two outside the door.

“It’s already this time of today, why isn’t the president awake yet?”

“Hey, hey, there is someone in the president’s room.”

“Fuck, it’s finally going to rain, the president finally acting like a normal man! Why didn’t you say so earlier, I just knocked on the door, I wouldn’t want to disturb the president’s good time.”

“Let’s stay away lest we hear sounds that shouldn’t be heard…”

Xia Qingshu: Wuu, I was thinking too much~~

He moved back slowly and found clothes in the bathroom to put on. As he was leaving, he looked back at Chen Zhiyu on the bed.

Chen Zhiyu slept properly, lying flat on his back with his hands on the sides of his legs, motionless.

As peaceful as a corpse.

He couldn’t be dead, could he?

Xia Qingshu walked over, stretched out his index finger, and placed it in front of Chen Zhiyu’s nose.

There was air.

Chen Zhiyu moved a little, and Xia Qingshu was so frightened that he took a step back and almost fell.

Chen Zhiyu rolled over and fell back to sleep.

Xia Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief and tried to recall the plot of the book.

In the book, after he had succeeded in climbing into Chen Zhiyu’s bed, he woke up and tried to continue to make love with him. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, Chen Zhiyu was furious, grabbed him and shook it back and forth, “Return my innocence!”
Chen Zhiyu is a moral standard bearer, an example of male virtue, and immediately went on a rampage after losing his virginity.

He kicked Xia Qingshu out of bed with a look of disgust, and said gloomily, “Don’t you like to seduce people, I’ll take you to a good place.”

The original owner had a low IQ, thinking that Chen Zhiyu wanted to hide him in a golden house, happily got up from the bed, not expecting to be sent to a male brothel, where he was tortured to death.

In front of life, everything is a floating cloud.

Thinking of his tragic fate, Xia Qingshu’s waist was no longer sore, his legs were no longer weak, and he had no energy to dwell on the fact that he had slept with someone.

With his long legs, he ran away, tremblingly and shaking.

Just as he got into the car, Xia Qingshu felt an uncomfortable tear somewhere in his body, as if a small nut had been violently squeezed in by a large bolt.


He was so miserable.


Xia Qingshu comes from a family of actors and actresses. His mother was a three-golden globe actress, and his father was a big man in the medical field. He grew up following his mother to shoot commercials, and became famous very early. He was pampered at home and in the entertainment industry. How could he have suffer like this?

But the fact that he had transmigrated into a book cannot be reversed, and Xia Qingshu can only be strong and live on.

He found his home according to the address, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw that the house was full of people.

Seeing him enter the room, the people in the house stared at him with bulging toad-like eyes, with a glint in their eyes.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

So soon…had he already been discovered?

When he was leaving, he clearly saw that Chen Zhiyu was sleeping peacefully, it didn’t look like he’d be up for another two hours.

“Ahem.” He clenched his hands into fists, cleared his throat, and whispered, “Excuse me…”

Because he was cannon fodder, the book does not focus much on his family, and this is a blind spot in his knowledge.

“Qingshu, you’re back.” A white-haired old lady on the sofa spoke, “Just as well, everyone is here, let’s go and get it over with.”

Saying that, she grabbed a handful of big red candies and put them in his hand?!

Xia Qinshu was bewildered.

“You didn’t forget all about it, did you.”

Xia Qingshu nodded sluggishly.

“You haven’t woken up yet?!” The old lady sneered, peeled off a piece of candy, and stuffed it into his mouth.

It tasted like strawberries.

Xia Qingshu bit the candy: “…please say it again, okay?”

It turned out that the old lady was his grandmother, and the one sitting on the rattan chair next to her was his grandfather. His grandparents gave birth to two sons, and his father was the second born.

The eldest uncle’s family was lazy, and the two sons they had were idle all day long.

In his grandma’s words, the uncle’s family is not a nibbling family, but that they were accumulating, after all, it is through accumulation that one can develop.
His father is the second child of the Xia family. Today, the whole family gathered together because Xia Qingshu turned eighteen. Grandpa wanted Xia Qingshu to marry the elder cousin Xia Sang, and then they would successfully take over a house and a piece of land in Xia Qingshu’s name

The house was bought by Xia Lao Er his father in the early years, and written in Xia Qingshu’s name. The land was left to him by Xia Qingshu’s grandparents. It was not worth much at first, but because of Guo Jiaz’s policy changes, his grandparents’ hometown was designated as a special economic zone, and that land suddenly increased in value by hundreds of times and it was said to be worth a lot of money.

After Xia Qingshu heard this, his three world views were broken.

Other transmigraters could turn danger into success and turn the tide; the salted fish transmigraters can become popular even if they don’t work, reaching the pinnacle of life even while lying down.

Why is it that when he transmigrated, he encountered the 18+ plot on the first day, followed by such a terrible plot. His eyes were red, and he argued,

“Grandma, Xia Sang and I can’t get married, it’s illegal.”

This damn novel is really out of line.

“Don’t worry, it can’t be found it out.” Grandpa said.

In the early years, because the family was poor, he couldn’t afford to support his two sons, grandpa took the second child out, and he was registered under someone else’s household. Later, when the family conditions improved, the old man asked Xia Lao Er to come back.

According to the law, Xia Qingshu and his uncle are really not related.

Xia Qingshu: ??

He lowered his head and pondered, could there be something wrong during his birth?

He looked at Xia Lao Er and his mother Li, Xia Lao Er bowed his head and didn’t speak, while Li Xiao wiped away her tears.

It is said that the emperor loved the eldest son, the people love the youngest son, but the grandfather favoured the eldest uncle, because he was the eldest son of the Xia family.

Grandpa Xia’s great-grandmother’s surname was Aixinjueluo, and she was a serious child. Their whole family has royal blood, and the Xia family has a “knighthood” to inherit.

The second child Xia Lao Er grew honest and was not talkative since childhood. He got married to Li and they had two sons, Xia Qingshu who was very flamboyount and bent to the core and Xia Qingqiu who was not in good health and is sick. It is hard to say whether he will grow up to adulthood and continue the pure blood of the Xia family.

The only way to carry on the Xia family’s legacy was to rely on the uncle’s family so that the Xia family’s fine lineage can flourish.

Xia Qingshu’s buttocks hurt, so he didn’t dare to sit straight, he just leaned crookedly on the sofa and surveyed the crowd.

The grandparents took it for granted, and put up a front that Xia Qingshu wouldn’t leave until he and his cousin got their marriage license today.

The eldest uncle and his wife stood behind the grandparents, pinching the shoulders of the two old people, as they looked around the house like it’s theirs.

His elder cousin in the lobby has a pair of triangular eyes and was sneaking glances at Xia Qingshu with his mobile phone, smiling lewdly. The second cousin stood in the dining room and put the cigarettes, wine, and tea that Xia Lao Er bought into the bag he brought with him.

“The shoe cabinet at the entrance is too small. Tomorrow I will ask the master to measure the size and make a bigger one.”

“Yes. The master bedroom has a bathroom, which is reserved for mum and dad, so it is convenient to get up at night.”

“The wine cabinet in the living room was removed, and there are only two bottles of wine. It’s better to drink it directly. My house is not a place to store wine.”

“All the flowers on the balcony will be thrown away, they take up space and I’ll be too lazy to take care of them.”

Li Xiao daughter-in-law listened and sobbed aside. Those flowers she took care of for many years and spent a lot of effort, people said they would throw them away. They hadn’t received a certificate yet, but are already treating this place as their home.

Xia Lao Er is stupid and filial. He listens to everything from his grandparents say, but he is honest and diligent, and has no bad habits. Li Xiao daughter-in-law cried and cried, she really couldn’t bear to divorce. She strongly opposed it at first, but the old man brought the entire Xia family to make trouble. She couldn’t bear the reputation of “disrespecting elders”, and finally gave in.

The old man said that Xia Qingshu cooperated to give up the house and land, in exchange, Xia Sang would take care of Xia Qingshu for the rest of his life.

Li, his mother was heartbroken by her stupid son, and she acquiesced in this matter. She had only one request—the house would remain in the name of Xia Qingshu, and the uncle’s family could live in it, but it could not be changed.

The whole incident was too complicated that Xia Qingshu felt dizzy after listening to it. He was so sleepy that he yawned several times. He briefly spoke to his parents and went back to the bedroom.

He buried his head in the quilt and fell asleep next to the pillow.
As he drifted off to sleep, he was vigorously shaken awake.

Xia Qingshu opened his eyes and saw that the old man was looking at him furiously, his mouth thundering with curses.

He ws scolding him for being unfilial son, daring to let “Master Xia” wait outside for so long, and disrespecting his elders.

Treating the legacy of the Xia family as child’s play is disloyalty.

Simply disloyal and unfilial.

“Believe it or not, I will expel you from the Xia clan?!”

Usually, as long as the old man said this, everyone would be afraid, and immediately admit their mistakes and repent.

After all, this is the inheritance of “knighthood!!”

Unexpectedly, Xia Qingshu rubbed his eyes, sleepy-eyed, and said lazily, “By all means, grandpa.”

Xia Qingshu had been rudely woken up, yelled and cursed at by someone. He was very upset, his face flushed red, and he lowly hummed,

Grandpa, chase, chase, chase, chase…

Chasing the dream showbiz circle circle circle circle…

Yikes, he almost sang it out loud.

Master Xia: “…..”

Why doesn’t he react like a normal person this unfilial grandson!

“You…you..!” Grandpa Xia said in a high voice, “Expelled, huh?”

Xia Qingshu shook his head in confusion, and swore with two fingers, “Grandpa, I will sell the land tomorrow, take the whole family abroad, go far away, and never disturb me with your Xia family’s title succession.”

When the uncle and aunt heard that he was going to sell the land, they hurried over to persuade him, “Dad, what Qingshu said was out of anger, we will persuade him.”

Eldest aunt turned her head and smiled at Xia Qingshu, “Qingshu, auntie knows that you are a good boy. If you admit your mistake to Grandpa, he will take it easy and pretend that this never happened.”

Lord Xia snorted coldly and turned his head away, unruly and arrogant.

Xia Qingshu pulled the quilt up and asked foolishly, “Grandpa, are you finished? I want to go back to sleep.”

After saying that, he lay down again, hugging the pillow.

The Xia family: “…”

The eldest aunt smiled, walked to the bed, and said earnestly, “Eldest nephew, don’t you know how serious the consequences of being expelled from the Xia family are?!”

Xia Qingshu revealed a head, and his eyes were blank, “Is it serious, I don’t know?”

His cousins in the hall nodded, “Of course it’s serious, our Xia family has the blood of the royal family! After being expelled, you will be a commoner!”

Xia Qingshu thought for a while, nodded, and seemed to understand.

Auntie: “If you’re afraid, hurry and apologize to grandpa, then go through the formalities before the Civil Affairs Bureau gets off work!”

Everyone thought that Xia Qingshu had given in, but he turned over and fell asleep again.
The old man was so angry that he blew out his beard and glared, and stomped his feet on the floor with a “thud”.

With so many people watching, Xia Qingshu couldn’t sleep. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked weakly, “What’s the use of royal blood? Can I eat it? Will Guo Jia give me money because of it? Can royal blood mean you get a house?”

There was silence in the house.

After a while, the crisp voice of the five-year-old brother Xia Qingqiu rang out, “Brother, you can’t, if you have royal blood and want to get a house, then you are thinking of eating farts.”

“Oh, so it’s like that.” Xia Qingshu said seriously, “Grandpa, I don’t want the royal blood, I just want my house and land.”

He couldn’t sleep anyway, so Xia Qingshu sat up and asked in a low voice, “Family, it’s the house that’s important, isn’t it?”

Having said that, his eyes filled with doubt, and he murmured in a low voice, “You guys didn’t know such a simple truth, did you?”

“Does your average IQ exceed 60?”

“I reckon 58, can’t be more than that.”

Uncle Xia’s family: “…”

The eldest uncle felt a sudden headache with this stupid boy, he looked at his brother and sister-in-law, and finally walked up to Xia Qingshu, “Eldest nephew, are you stupid? Of course, the royal blood is important! You can buy a house with money, but the royal bloodline is priceless!”

In order to prove that he was right, the uncle finished speaking and looked at his wife, and then the aunt, his cousins and the grandparents all started nodding vigorously.

Xia Qingshu also nodded along: “Grandpa, I’m indeed stupid. With my current IQ, I shouldn’t be able to carry the royal blood. In order not to shame the family, I only want my house.”

He lowered his head, pinched his fingers, and said in a small voice, “After the eviction, can you cut off the relationship between grandfather and grandson?”

The eldest uncle’s family: “…”

The old man and the uncle’s family couldn’t do anything about Xia Qingshu, so they poured their anger on Xia’s father, pointing at him and scolded him. Xia Lao Er had no choice but to stay and persuade Xia Qingshu.

The others waited in the living room, while Dad Xia and the old man persuaded him in Xia Qingshu’s bedroom.

Xia Lao Er frowned, “Qingshu, grandpa is also doing it for your own good, so that you can have something to fall back on for the rest of your life. Get up quickly and get things done with your cousin.”

Xia Qingshu carefully looked at the second child of Xia. He had a straight face, thick eyebrows, thick lips, little hair left.

Xia Lao Er’s facial features are five points similar to the old man’s, and the old man’s hair was even more pitiful. He doesn’t know whether the royal bloodline is inherited or not, but the baldness gene was definetly passed down from generation to generation.

Xia Qingshu held his head with both hands, touched his thick hair, and secretly made up his mind to buy peaches, black sesame seeds, and black shouwu later to counter this gene in advance.

However, the eldest uncle in his fifties has thick and lush hair, and the first cousin has long black and supple hair. It is said that he wants to wear a “money rat tail braid”, while the second cousin, who is almost thirty also easily maintained the traditional non-mainstream “cockscomb explosion”, which is not like a proper heir to a royal blood lineage.

“I really can’t do anything about you guys,” Xia Qingshu complained in a low voice, “Just now you were calling me stupid, but now you insist on making a fool to be the heir.”

Xia Lao Er, Xia Old Man: “…”

“Dad, give me a moment, I have something to tell Grandpa.” Xia Qingshu put his legs together and sat in front of the old man obediently.

The old man thought he was going soft and snorted coldly, as he continued being high strung.

“Grandpa, eldest uncle’s family has no royal blood.” Xia Qingshu thought for a while, “The uncle’s family has *** blood.”

The old man was so angry that he slapped the table with a loud bang. “Nonsense, the Xia family is the direct bloodline to the emperor, how could we be involved with Koreans.”

“Grandpa, I have evidence.” Xia Qingshu took a step back in fright.

“Say it!” The old man clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and looked at his second son next to him, “If you can’t say why, I’ll let your dad beat you to death!”

“When they come to my house, they think everything they see is theirs.” Xia Qingshu vowed and said in a low voice, “This shows they must be of *** blood ah!”

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