”Aren’t you finished yet? The auspicious time is almost over!” The eldest uncle urged outside the door.
This is an urban house, that’s worth millions. The uncle’s family of four is still huddled in a 38-square-meter shack with the grandparents, and it is difficult to take a step. As long as they achieve their goals, they will move the whole family to this big house in the city center.

“Uncle, I’m talking to grandpa, and I’ll leave after that.”

The people outside listened and quieted down.

Lord Xia was trembling with anger at Xia Qingshu’s “Korean blood” theory, “Xia Lao Er, teach him a lesson! How can we let him smear our Xia family blood like this!”

Xia Lao Er walked over to Xia Qingshu helplessly and kept winking at him, “Qingshu, apologize to Grandpa, or Dad will hit you, ah~”

Xia Qingshu took out a shiny silver knife from under the pillow, with a childish and innocent face, and his voice was trembling.

“Dad, just now Grandpa said I was a fool. I heard that fools kill people and it seems that they don’t go to jail, right?”

Xia Qingshu for the first time inhis two lives threatened others with a knife, and his heart beat faster.

He didn’t want this either, he just didn’t want to be beaten.

The old man looked terrified, “You, what are you doing?!Xia Lao Er, don’t worry about your stupid son yet?”

Xia’s fathre: “Qingshu, you, put down the knife and say something if you have something to say.”

Xia Qingshu held the silver saber, his hands trembled unbelievably, but he still pretended to be strong and said, “Grandpa, if you are beaten, you would also have to fight back.”

He was thin, with little flesh on his body, and his strength was pitifully small, one could easily take away his knife. But those unusually stubborn eyes made people dare not act rashly.

Lord Xia was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, “You, you want to kill your father?!”

“Is patricide serious?” Xia Qingshu asked shamelessly as he didn’t understand the laws of this world.
“Of course!” Xia “Sir” scolded sharply, “Patricide is a heinous, heinous, and evil crime!! You will go to the eighteenth level of hell! And you will also be sentenced to death!”

Xia Qingshu shook his head and thought, “Then I won’t cut my father, I will cut my grandfather. Cutting my grandfather is not patricide.”

Old Man Xia: “…”

“If you hit me first and I chop you, that’s called self-defense, and the law can’t control me.”

“Grandpa, do you still want to hit me?”

Holding a silver knife in his hand, he waved it in front of Lord Xia.


The old man Xia felt a heart attack.

“Lord Xia, do you still want Dad to beat me?”

“No, no beating……”

“Then you admit your mistake to me.”

“…You son of a bitch, how could I, Xia Yingming, admit my mistake to you… Alas, you..you…don’t come here, I’m sorry… I’m sorry, I admit my mistake!”

“Finally, we can talk properly.” Xia Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief, put down the silver knife, and said with a heavy expression: “Grandpa, let me tell you, there is something wrong with the uncle’s bloodline.”

“Grandpa, look at your appearance. You are handsome and suave. Although you are old, you are still a handsome old man. You don’t know how many old ladies go dizzy when you go out.”

The old man smoothed his beard and raised his head arrogantly, “That’s right, for the old ladies who danced in the square, your grandmother made a lot of noise for me.”

Xia Qingshu: “And then look at uncle, the fat head, big ears, wide nose and rosacea, he hasn’t inherited your heroic appearance at all.”
The old man Xia didn’t speak, how could he admit that the eldest son, whom he valued most, was ugly.

How could the heirs of their royal bloodline be ugly?!

“Grandpa, your family can’t afford a mirror but can’t you still pee at public bathrooms ah?” Facing the anger of the old man Xia, Xia Qingshu took a step back in fear, and whispered, “Grandpa, the appearance of the uncle really has nothing to do with you. ”

The old man Xia was speechless for a while, and after thinking about it carefully, he forced out a few words: “Your uncle looks like his mother.”

“My dad is handsome, like you, and I’m handsome, like you. The uncle has a pair of triangular eyes, and the two cousins ​​have crooked mouths and eyes. They don’t look like our Xia family genes.”

After saying that, Xia Qingshu raised his arms, with full of sense of a second coming and shouted;

“We can’t let foreign blood taint the inheritance of our Xia family!”

The corners of Grandpa’s eyes drooped, with a look of caring for the mentally handicapped, completely unpersuaded at all, “Silly child, he has only his handsome looks, alas, it’s a pity.”

In the eyes of old man Xia, Xia Qinshu and Xia Lao Er were both stupid pigs, not as good as Xia Sang and Xia Ju and always suppresses the second child of Xia. The second child is honest and pitiful. He doesn’t know how to resist when he is scolded

Regarding the matter of Xia Qingshu and Xia Sang, the old man can completely relied on his identity to let the Xia Lao Er give up the house. But when he went to go through the formalities, he found out that he had to pay a 3% tax for adopting a house, which was about 240,000 yuan. The old man couldn’t get such a huge amount and finally came up with this trick.

Xia Qingshu still has land under his name, and after selling the land, their Xia family’s ancestral hall can be renovated with money.

When Xia Sand is rich, he will then find another woman to have a child and continue the blood of the Xia family. He pressed his second son Xia Lao Er, thinking that Xia Qingshu would not dare to make trouble.

Seeing that the old man was unmoved, Xia Qingshu pushed him to the door and opened a crack, “As the saying goes, father is bald, look at your hair volume, my father’s hair volume, it’s almost about zero. The hair of the uncle’s family is full. It’s dense, and even a fool can see that there is a problem. Grandpa, in order to keep the title of the family from being left to others, I suggest doing a paternity test.”

“Paternity test?” Grandpa shook his head, “No, it will be very expensive.”

The old man and his wife have a pension of  about 4,000 a month and support six people. It’s very hard and they often had to weigh what has to be paid or bought.

Xia Qingshu said softly, “Your unlucky second child will pay.”
Xia Qingshu took the hem of Xia Lao Er and begged pitifully, “Grandpa, do a check and be rest assured. Our Xia family has a throne to inherit, and this pure blood cannot be broken in your hands, ah, otherwise if die tomorrow, how will you face the ancestors of the royal family under Jiuquan?”

“Woooo, what are you doing looking at me like this, so fierce, everyone will die, do you want to be immortal? Wuwu, I’m not cursing you to death, you know I’m stupid and can’t speak, forgive me this time, forgive me Grandpa our Xia emperor.”

Xia Qingshu didn’t want to get married, he was so scared that he forced himself to use such a stupid pitiful tone when speaking all these lines.

Hearing the title of “Grandpa Emperor”, the corner of the old man’s mouth couldn’t help turning upwards, “Then you better be quick, don’t miss the auspicious hour.”

Although Xia Qingshu is stupid and one could not fully believe what he says, the bloodline was too big a deal for old man Xia to be careless. He immediately decided to go to the hospital for a paternity test.

Moreover, he was almost eighty years old, and he still didn’t know his blood type, so he just went to the hospital to record the inheritance of the Xia family’s royal blood using scientific means.

The uncle’s family quit, “You don’t have to waste money on a paternity test. Why don’t you take the money and have a good meal.”

He took Xia Lao’s things as his own again.

Xia Qingshu is almost certain of the *** blood of the uncle’s family.

He promised that after the paternity test, they will eat seafood for three days in a row, and the uncle’s family stopped making trouble. Of course, the money for eating seafood is still from unlucky Xia Lao’s pocket.

Unexpectedly, the most resolute opponent was the grandmother. After the old woman understood what paternity testing was, she jumped three feet high, sometimes complained of a headache, and sometimes said that she had a stomachache, but she refused to go out.

Xia Qingshu was only suspicious at first, but now that the old woman looks like this, there is really must be something wrong with the bloodline of Xia Ju’s family.

“They all came out of my belly. What’s the use of a test?!” The old woman stirred up so much trouble that they didn’t mention the paternity test. Relying on her strength, she tried dragging Xia Qingshu to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Xia Qingshu had no choice but to pick up a self-defense kitchen knife again tremblingly.

Grandpa Huang was just threatened by the silver knife, and now seeing the bright kitchen knife, the corners of his eyes twitched.
Everyone here is the inheritor of the pure blood of the Xia family, and he was feeling distressed if anyone would get hurt.

In the end, Grandpa Huang flexed his power, and the old woman couldn’t handle it. The Xia family was ready to go to the hospital for a paternity test.

The unlucky second child of the Xia family chose a package, paternity test and blood test. The paternity test results take three hours to come out, and the blood type test is very fast, and the results come out in ten minutes.

In order to record the royal blood of the Xia family, Xia Lao Er’s family, Xia Ju’s family, the old man and woman, a total of ten people, had their blood checked.

As soon as the blood type results came out, Xia Qingshu was happy.

The old man and the old lady are both blood type A, and both sons are blood type B, and meaning, neither son is biological.

“Grandpa Huang, the Xia family’s Jiangshan is dead!”

The strangest thing is that the blood types of Xia Qingshu and Xia Lao Er do not match.

Xia Qingshu: I didn’t expect that there would be an unexpected harvest… He turned out to be a real child of someone else…

The old man and the old woman had never studied biology and did not understand blood types. The staff explained it to them for a long time, but they still refused to believe it. Finally when they got the paternity test report and saw the words “unrelated” written, the whole family was dumbfounded.

The old man was furious:

“What’s the matter, I was personally standing at the door of the delivery room, it’s impossible to hold wrong baby?! Is there something wrong with your inspection!”

In the 1970s and 1980s, most rural production depended on midwives, who gave birth at home.

“I watched your grandma give birth to the two with my own eyes.”

“Grandpa Huang, I know this.” Xia Qingshu raised his little hands high and spoke positively, “Uncle and my father were born by grandma and another man!”

“Humph, where is my real grandfather!”

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