Fifty million?!”
Not only the two brothers Zhou Chuan and Zhou Qian, but even the police felt incredible.

Generally, the civil compensation is 700,000 to 800,000 yuan. 50 million should be highest ever for a civil compensation.

Zhou Chuan laughed, the surprise and smile on his face were just right, “Brother Zhiyu, I haven’t heard you joking for a long time.”

“No kidding.” Chen Zhiyu was surprised, “Isn’t it only fifty million? Why is it like five billion in your eyes?”

He paused, his face showing a strange expression, “Why, the business situation of the Zhou family has not been very ——“

Although Chen Zhiyu, like them, is a descendant of an aristocratic family, the people he usually comes into contact with are their parents or grandfathers. For them, Chen Zhiyu has a very sense of distance, because he is an old fox.

In the circle, Xia Shan and Chen Zhiyu have a good relationship. Two years ago, Xia Shan followed him to invest in a small project and earned a small amount of hundreds of millions in half a year.

50 million is really nothing to Chen Zhiyu, who is worth hundreds of billions. He just bought a private jet with a starting point of one billion. He even felt that Xia Qingshu was asking for little. If he was beaten, he would directly bankrupt the other party.

This little fool, acting so much for a mere five million.

Zhou Chuan saw Chen Zhiyu being so polite to people for the first time, and Xia Qingshu looks like that, could it be…

Zhou Chuan glanced at Xia Qingshu lying on the bed again, the more he looked, the more beautiful he became, and Chen Zhiyu’s care for him was a little too special.

Certainly so.

Zhou Chuan was very sure of his own thoughts. Although 50 million may seem like a lot, if you can catch up with Chen Zhiyu through Xia Qingshu, you will definitely earn more than 50 million.

The expression on Zhou Chuan’s face turned a few times, and his perfunctory attitude suddenly disappeared, as if he really recognized his mistake and wanted to make up for it.

“I haven’t officially taken over the management of the family, not like Brother Zhiyu,” Zhou said. “I’ve always wanted to ask Brother Zhiyu for some business advice. I wonder when Brother Zhiyu is free?”

Chen Zhiyu glanced at Xia Qingshu, who was lying on the bed, “on the verge of dying”, “His matter has not been resolved.”

The implication is that 50 million is given. Discussions can only commence after the payment.

“I’ll call to make arrangements right away. With this money, I can still call the shots.” Zhou Chuan laughed. “We also cover the follow-up treatment for Xia. I will arrange a nurse immediately to take care of Xia throughout the process.”

Zhou Qian’s eyes froze with fright. Brother, what’s with this price? HE didn’t touch him, but he would have to pay 50 million? !

Is he studded with diamonds?!


Xia Qingshu was dizzy.
Just two words…Fifty million?

Are you sure it’s not Vietnamese Dong, Korean Won, and Japanese Yen?

At first, he was worried that Chen Zhiyu the lion would open his mouth, which scared the big buddha away, and let him draw water in a bamboo basket but he was really helpful.

Zhou Chuan’s face was a little stiff, and Zhou Qian’s face was completely black. If Zhou Chuan had not held him tightly in private, he would have jumped up and started scolding.

Zhou Jiahao is rich and true, even if he pays 50 million yuan, it will not hurt his bones.

But the Zhou family is not stupid. If everyone came to the lion to speak up, and with the speed of Zhou Qian’s misdeeds, ten Zhou families would not be enough to pay.

At this time, Zhou Chuan, had several thoughts flashing in his mind

Chen Zhiyu said two words,and as a result the other party will immediately pay 50 million yuan, and his attitude has changed greatly.

Xia Qingshu glanced at Chen Zhiyu, as if he saw the words “wealth code” on his face.

Xia Qingshu estimated that the Zhou family could pay up to 5 million by his own tossing, and if he got 50 million with the help of Chen Zhiyu, he would owe Chen Zhiyu a huge favor.

In the original book, Chen Zhiyu is the biggest villain, not only rich, but also insidious. He could fight against Xia Yubin’s harem by himself, and if he gets involved with him, he will be killed or injured.

Although 50 million is good, it is still a question whether it can be safe. In the face of money, Xia Qingshu decisively chose life.

Xia Qingshu “weakly” pulled Chen Zhiyu’s sleeve and whispered, “Brother, fifty million is a lot.”

Chen Zhiyu said with a smile, “Not much, they can afford it.

Then he said to the two brothers of the Zhou family, “Look, I don’t even dare to ask for money for beating the child like this.”

Saying that, he lovingly touched Xia Qingshu’s hairy head, “He wasn’t very smart in the first place, but now it’s even more serious.”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

Can you please leave, I only want my five million.

However, Xia Qingshu couldn’t do anything, only blinked his big eyes and was forced to accept Chen Zhiyu’s “help”.

Listening to Zhou Chuan and Chen Zhiyu saying a few words, Xia Qingshu quickly turned his little head, and also came up with some ideas: Zhou Chuan thought he had an unspeakable relationship with Chen Zhiyu, and wanted to use him to pick up the big tree of Chen Zhiyu.

He dared to take Zhou Chuan as a buddha, only for Zhou Chuan regarded him as a tool to climb the “wealth code”.

Xia Qingshu remembered Chen Zhiyu’s ascetic character design. In the book, Chen Zhiyu has many people who like him because of his appearance and family background. Almost every day, people “ran into” with him, “accidentally” spilled coffee, black tea, red wine, etc. on his clothes, ran too quickly “accidentally” jumped into his arms…

Almost every time they go out, the bodyguards will catch a lot of “admirers”.
Chen Zhiyu really hates these “admirers”. Once the company finds people with such signs, they will all be fired, and Chen’s enterprise will never hire them. The whole company knows that President Chen Zhiyu is abstinent and cold, and that men and women should not get close to him.

Chen Zhiyu will never be friends with people who think about him.

Xia Qingshu didn’t want to die, but he hoped to draw a clear line with Chen Zhiyu. He thought about it and whispered to Chen Zhiyu, “Brother, I have something to tell you.

Chen Zhiyu: “Speak.”

“It’s a whisper.” Xia Qingshu pursed his lips, and his cheeks quietly climbed a little blush. He shrunk under the quilt, revealing a small white face.

The little mouth pouted slightly, and the eyes drooped, like a little stray puppy holding a sign “for adoption”.

Xia Qingshu just wanted to pretend to be pitiful. But he didn’t know that his appearance, coupled with his pitiful expression, has a sense of sight that “the wind destroys the flowers, you pick them up”.

Especially the small mole at the end of the eye, which seems to be alive, scratches people’s hearts.

Zhou Qian was stunned, his mouth was half-open, his heart was beating wildly.

Chen Zhiyu had to stand up in front of Xia Qingshu, “Please wait outside, everyone.”

Zhou Qian stood still, Chen Zhiyu squinted at him, “What? 50 million is not enough to learn a lesson? Do you want to add more?”

Zhou Chuan feared the iron and pulled Zhou Qian out of the ward.

“Fifty million, the child wants cash.” Chen Zhiyu stared at the Zhou Chuan brothers and went out, “I’ll give you three hours.”

Zhou Qian was dragged out of the room by Zhou Chuan, and the young master became angry again, but in front of Zhou Chuan, he did not dare to be too presumptuous, “Brother, my arm hurts.”

Zhou Chuan lowered his voice and snorted, “You still know pain, I see your eyes sticking to Xia Qingshu.”

Zhou Qian twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile, “Brother, you know my hobbies.”

He likes weak and beautiful boys, and Xia Qingshu grows according to his tastes. He is so delicate and weak that he can be kneaded into various poses when held in his arms.

Zhou Chuan whispered, “That’s not someone you can get your hands on.”

Zhou Qian was in a hurry and his voice was a little louder: “Why?!”

He has already lost 50 million, and he still hasn’t tasted any sweetness. Next time, he must be fully prepared to make it difficult for Xia Qingshu to fly.

Zhou Chuan glanced sideways at the ward, and made a word “Chen” with his mouth.

Zhou Qian came back to his senses, “You said Chen Zhiyu and Xia Qingshu?!”

“Impossible!” Isn’t Chen Zhiyu claiming that men and women should stay away, last time he was joking with Xia Yubin, Chen Zhiyu either had the X function not working, or he was an eunuch, how can anyone in their twenties be a virgin.
But if the two of them really had something to do with each other, then Chen Zhiyu’s sudden appearance, it would make sense.

And Xia Qingshu just looked like that, even if the Buddha was alive, it would be difficult to resist his temptation.

This little bitch is hooking up everywhere.

Zhou Qian looked like he couldn’t eat, and his heart was like a knife. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, but thinking of Chen Zhiyu’s methods, he could only sigh bitterly.

Zhou Chuan patted him on the shoulder: “We can’t give 50 million in vain. I will inform the Xia family. Xia Yubin also has a share in this matter. We are half to blame.”

Zhou Qian opened his mouth to defend himself, but he didn’t say a word.


After the people in the way left, only Xia Qingshu and Chen Zhiyu were left in the ward.

“Let’s talk.” After Chen Zhiyu finished speaking, he glanced at Xia Qingshu inexplicably.

Xia Qingshu’s cheeks were stained with two blushes, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she half bit her lips.

Beauty matters.

Chen Zhiyu paused in his heart, touched his nose, and coughed, “What’s the matter?”

“Brother, in fact, I have someone I like very, very much.” Xia Qingshu held his chest with both hands, looking like a young deer cherishing spring.

He glanced at Chen Zhiyu quickly, and lowered his eyes quickly.

The long eyelashes like crow feathers cover the eyes, but they can’t cover the sprouting infatuation in them. Although he didn’t say it clearly, it was self-evident who he liked.

“Who is that?” Chen Zhiyu also acted stupid with him and glanced at him inadvertently.

After seeing Xia Qingshu eating noodles with his own eyes, he concluded that the little fool was acting, but now that the traces of Xia Qingshu’s performance were so obvious, he thought it was Xia Qingshu’s true feelings.

Instead of playing “Hard-to-get “, he decided to play straight ball instead?

“I won’t tell you.” Xia Qingshu bit her fingernails with a guilty look on her face.

“Then why did you tell me this?” Chen Zhiyu asked again.

“I’m afraid that if I die, no one will know.”

After Xia Qingshu finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Chen Zhiyu again, and then lowered his head shyly.
Goosebumps were all over his body.

“The person who is about to die, still eats spicy food?” Chen Zhiyu opened the phone and showed the photo again.

In the photo, Xia Qingshu is holding a paper bowl,  face is covered in sweat, her face is flushed, and she looks very good.

Even the powder is beautiful.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

I don’t know why the other party keeps holding on to his fuss, he pursed his lips and said quickly and anxiously,

“That is my favorite food. If I die, I won’t be able to eat it any more. Before I die, I tried to eat it again incase I never got the chance to again.”

This logic is also hard core.

Chen Zhiyu: “…”

Forget it, let’s reveal this first. Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath and continued the previous topic,

“How much do you like him?”

Xia Qingshu tilted his head and thought for a while, and pursed his lips: “For him, my marriage contract with my childhood friend Xia Sang has been ruined.”

This is the true. He not only regretted his marriage, but also gave up his right to inherit a knighthood. He paid a lot for this relationship unilaterally.

Xia Qingshu was almost moved by himself.

“Xia Sang?” Chen Zhiyu’s tone changed suddenly, “When did you have a marriage contract?”

“That’s all over.” Xia Qingshu turned into a literary youth, squinting.


Neither of the two spoke, and there was only silence in the huge ward.

There is also the faint milky fragrance wrapped in lime flavor, lingering on the tip of his nose.

Chen Zhiyu half-closed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about. When Xia Qingshu felt that he would slam the door and leave, when Chen Zhiyu suddenly stood up and said deeply,

“I allow you to like me.”

The index finger wiped his nose, and the lemon milk smell seemed to be reluctant to disappear.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

He said that he will hate and stay away from people who like him, what’s this situation?!

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