Zhou Qian was full of anger, and as soon as he went out, he met Xia Yubin. Xia Yubin was at the entrance of the inpatient department, not knowing who he was waiting for.
Seeing Zhou Qian, Xia Yubin greeted him with a smile, “Qian, are you alright, I’m so worried about you.”

He looked Zhou Qian up and down and breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s okay, I didn’t sleep all night worryied.”

Seeing the red marks on Zhou Qian’s wrist by the handcuffs, his eyes turned red again, “Qian, You were bullied in detention? How could they do that!”

Zhou Qian was stinking, tired and hungry. At this time, he just wanted to go home. He was a little unhappy in his words, “Why did you pretend you didn’t know me in the ward just now?”

“Qian, I’m afraid that Xia Qingshu will be suspicious.” Xia Yubin seemed to have already thought about his words, and he didn’t stop talking, “I know he is the type you like. If he finds out that we know each other, it will be difficult to make an appointment next time. Qian, I’m thinking of you, if you think what I’ve done before is too much, I can now follow you back to the ward and talk to you in front of Xia Qingshu.”

As Xia Yubin said that, he was about to take Zhou Qian back to the ward.

Zhou Qian shook off his hand, “No need, I believe you.”

He used to think that Xia Yubin was simple and kind, but after being reminded by his brother, he suddenly realized. Xia Yubin’s seemingly caring words did not actually help at all, and instead wanted to take himself out.

“Qian, I will definitely help you.” Xia Yubin said.

Zhou Qian frowned, “Why are you helping me? You obviously hated him and brought him to me.”

It was the same since the past. Several of his ex-boyfriends were brought to him by Xia Yubin “inadvertently”. Those boys are either better than Xia Yubin, or they are more prominent than Xia Yubin in one way.

Of course, after becoming his little boyfriend, they will become inferior to Xia Yubin. Otherwise, how could Xia Yubin, whose appearance can only be regarded as mediocre, become the school grass.

If it wasn’t for Xia Yubin, he wouldn’t have known that there was someone like Xia Qingshu. Although based on Xia Qingshu’s appearance, he would have found  out sooner or later, but Xia Yubin took the initiative to bring him.

Xia Yubin paused, he did not expect Zhou Qian to say such a thing. No matter what he did in the past, Zhou Qian would take the initiative to take the blame.  After meeting Xia Qingshu, Zhou Qian also changed.

But this little thing didn’t bother him at all.

Xia Yubin’s eyes were full of tears, and the expression on his face was precise, as if he shared Zhou Qian’s sadness, and could not wait to suffer on his behalf.
“I’m sorry, Qian, it’s my mistake, Xia Qingshu has always been stupid, I can tell you like him at a glance, righg? I Know that he was acting stupid which caused us to have gastric lavage, and now you are detained.”

Hearing the words “stomach lavage” and “detention”, Zhou Qian’s heart ignited again, “I will kill him sooner or later.”

Seeing Zhou Qian’s appearance, Xia Yubin breathed a sigh of relief, “Qian, I will help you.”

Zhou Qian glanced at him and said, “Xia Qingshu has to be compensated fifty million yuan for medical expenses. If your family pays half of it, even if you help me,  I won’t mention you.”

Xia Yubin was shocked: “Why do you pay so much?”

Zhou Qian remembered Zhou Chuan’s words, but did not say Zhou Chuan’s plan, “He has brain stem damage and is dying.”

“You don’t need to pay so much even if you die?” Xia Yubin was a little anxious: “He was fine when I went to see him just now. Did he lie to him, he looks stupid, but in fact…”

Zhou Qian was a little impatient, and turned around to leave, “Don’t talk, I’m going home.”

He wants to go home quickly, take a shower, sleep and eat. After such a big incident, even if his parents dote on him again, he will be scolded. All his pocket money has been confiscated, and the sports car he just bought is gone.

Oh, it’s annoying to think about.

It was all Xia Qingshu’s fault, oh no, Xia Yubin would also bear half of it.

Zhou Qian had just taken two steps when he found that the corner of his clothes was being held by Xia Yubin.

Xia Yubin frowned, and raised his head with pity, “Qian, you know about my family’s situation, I…”

In the past, when Xia Yubin made such an expression, Zhou Qian would have already softened his heart.

It’s just that he has seen Xia Qingshu’s pitiful appearance, and he now sees that Xia Yubin is very pretentious.

He has not eaten nor slept all day, and he is still tired and flustered. At this moment, his patience was gone, “What’s wrong with being the adopted son, they have raised you for more than ten years. Your almost twenty years, but still so emotional, only 25 million, your Xia family can’t afford it?”

“Qian…” Xia Yubin stretched out his hand, but Zhou Qian had already walked away quickly.
Zhou Qian wouldn’t lie to him, why did he pay so much? Fifty million is enough to buy Xia Qingshu ten lives.

Xia Yubin watched Zhou Qian get into the private car, and he turned back to the ward.

Xia Qingshu is in a single ward, the door is closed, and the curtains are blinds, which are half closed. He walked cautiously to the window and looked in through the half-opened shutters.

Xia Qingshu was lying on the bed, and Chen Zhiyu was sitting beside the bed.

Xia Qingshu had a look of spring, and he didn’t know what he was talking about. Chen Zhiyu looked away, and the two were talking back and forth.

He was very familiar with Chen Zhiyu in his last life. Chen Zhiyu has a strange personality, and he will not have the patience for unfamiliar people and things.

This situation now shows that he has a close relationship with Xia Qingshu.

And Xia Qingshu was ill, Chen Zhiyu should have taken the initiative to visit.

Xia Yubin clenched his fists with both hands, his face pale. He took a deep breath and told himself not to panic. It was the same in his previous life. Xia Qingshu tried to get involved with Chen Zhiyu, but Chen Zhiyu killed him.

In two more months, Xia Qingshu will be dead. When he dies, the world will go back to the way it was.


Zhou Chuan took the Xia Laoer to get the money.

50 million in cash, a full 550 kilograms, equivalent to the weight of ten adults. Xia Lao Er and Li Xiao invited several relatives at home, drove five cars, and spent most of the day before finally depositing all the money in the bank.

There was an extra 50 million in the bankbook. When Xia Lao Er walks, he was always in a state of flying.

After the money arrived, he thought he was dreaming, so he made a video call to Xia Qingshu, “Miao, Miao cub, fif-fif-fifty  million?”

His face trembled, stuttering like a repeater.

“Dad, there is a lot to do.” After the money arrived, Xia Qingshu’s illness was more than half cured, and he was able to sit up immediately, “Come back quickly and discharge me from the hospital.”
“Discharged…discharged from the hospital? Miao miao, you can’t give up treatment!” Xia Lao Er snorted and cried, “The money is all yours, it’s all for your treatment.”

“Dad, I’m in good health, that’s for  mental damage.”

“How much spirit can lose fifty million?”

“The moon is so big, come back soon, our *** relatives are here!”

The fact that Xia Qingshu received 50 million in spiritual compensation was soon known to his family. Before Xia Lao Er arrived at the hospital, Uncle Xia’s family came to visit.

The eldest aunt was carrying a plastic bag in her hand. He didn’t know what was in it. XiaSang had cut his hair short, and the second cousin didn’t have his hair permed. The whole family was in good spirits.

“Qingshu, I brought you supplements.” The aunt’s expression was soaring, “This is a good thing that Xia Sang brought back from the company, and most people can’t buy it if they want to.”

Xia Qingshu took the bag and saw that it was all gifts from the supermarket, and it was the kind of stock with a shelf life of only one week. The average person really couldn’t buy it. If you buy it, you can’t smash the supermarket.

Isn’t the second cousin not working?

He looked up, and the aunt looked like a peacock that opened its feathers at any time, with a look of “My son has found a job, come and ask me quickly”.

The second cousin has wax oil on his head, like a high-quality male who is popular on the Internet. He wore a golden watch on his hand, and in just three minutes, he had already checked the time several times.

Apart from not burning his head, the second cousin was still the same. After entering the ward, without being greeted, he spontaneously picked up the supplements on the table and started to eat.

Xia Qingshu shouted to the second cousin, “Smecta.”

“Yo, Smecta, Yi-Nei! Baa!!” Xia Qingshu waved his hand to his second cousin playfully, and gestured earnestly, “Ah, Xiba.”

“Did he turn silly at the thought of fifty million.” The eldest aunt thought of the number “fifty”, unable to stop the trembling at the end.

“Yours, Big Stick’s, Alaso?”
Xia Qing Shu saw that the eldest uncle’s family looked puzzled and he was even more puzzled himself, “Don’t you have *** blood? How come you can’t understand it?”

The eldest uncle jumped in anxiety, “Who said that?! I am the most proper heir of the Xia family!”

He had managed to appease old man Xia before he was able to continue gnawing on the old man, he must not let Xia Qing Shu stir up the pot again.

“Eldest uncle, the paternity test report is all out, your real father is definitely **, your family is all ***.”

Xia Qing Shu pointed at his second cousin who was drinking his stuff and eating a biscuit, “Look, even my ward is treated as his own home, he’s stealing my food again.”

Xia Sang slapped his brother on the back of the head and showed the gold watch he was holding, “My monthly salary is two thousand three hundred eighty-five and two yuan. When I put it all in my bag and it bulges up so big that our whole family can’t even use it, do we need to steal your food?

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Two thousand three hundred and eighty-five and two yuan …… Is it necessary to remember so clearly?

“Then what are you doing here?”

The elder cousin dug in his pocket for half a day and pulled out an absent-minded red rose: “I, now that I’m working as a supervisor in Dafaicai, today, I am here to propose a marriage to you.”

Xia Sang, the first cousin, had found a job and was considered a half decent person, and he was the first son of the Xia family. At this time, he was still willing to accept Xia Qing Shu, wouldn’t Xia Qing Shu be moved to tears of joy.

Instead of shedding tears of joy, Xia Qing Shu was so amused that he rolled back and forth on the bed several times.

“I would like to ask how many years of earning two thousand three hundred and eighty-five and two yuan a month would it take to have fifty million dollars.”

Xia San: “……”

Xia Qing Shu: “The answer is 1746.88 years. Borrowing another five hundred years from the sky wouldn’t be enough.”

“I, a multi-millionaire. How can I possibly look at a big rich manager mm.”

“For the record, I’m not looking down on getting rich, I’m just looking down on you.”

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