Chen Zhiyu finished his coffee and ate his biscuits just as the logistics pulled up the surveillance and sent it over with an edit.
The surveillance date showed that three days ago, a middle-aged man carrying a vegetable basket delivered three dishes and one soup, the meal was packed in a red box. When you zoom in, you can clearly see the word “Xia” in black on the box.

He didn’t leave after the delivery, but waited until closing time to see the meal being thrown away, before leaving in dismay.

The next day, the middle-aged man came back, drove his car to the side of the road and put it away, said a few words to the person in the passenger seat and got out to put the food away. After putting it away, he returned to the car, keeping his eyes on the fan lounge.

After a few minutes, the middle-aged man got out of the car, waved for a taxi and spoke to the person in the passenger seat again. The passenger door opened and a familiar figure stepped down, none other than Xia Qing Shu.

Chen Zhiyu tapped his mouse and the corners of his lips curled up in a look of understanding.

On the third day, the middle-aged man came again, this time the passenger seat was not Xia Qingshu, but a middle-aged woman, who, by the looks of it, and the middle-aged man should be married.

After delivering the meal, the two of them sat in the car until closing time.

Seeing this, what else did Chen Zhiyu not understand.

This boy just likes him that much?

Bringing his mum and dad to deliver the meal!

To chase him, the whole family was dispatched.

The kid was sincere even though he looked dumb.

Chen Zhiyu turned off the surveillance video, pursed his lips and shook his head.


Xua Qingshu bought a garden house,  because its is a model house, the cabinets were all ready and they could move immediately.

Xia La Er was busy repaying his debt these days, while Xia Qing Shu took his brother to move. The original house was rented out, and then for the rest of the money, Xia Qing Shu intends to take out part of it for Xia Lao Er to open a restaurant, and the rest he would invest.

Xia Lao Er was originally a chef and he loved cooking. After hearing Xia Qing Shu’s intention, Xia Lao Er was reluctant at first, how could he ask for his son’s money.

It was money that his son had paid for with his life, and it was to be used for medical treatment. Although his son did not seem to be in any serious condition now, he was afraid of a relapse one day.

Under Xia Qing Shu’s strong request, Xia Lao Er considered for a few days and finally made a decision.

“Qing Shu, you pay the money and are the boss, I will work for you and open a western restaurant.”
Xia Qing Shu was a bit surprised, “Dad, aren’t you a Sichuan cuisine master?”

Xia Lao Er cooked chopped pepper fish head, diced rabbit with double pepper and cold pot frog which was delicious. If he hadn’t tasted his handiwork, he wouldn’t have funded the restaurant.

Xia Lao Er’s face was stony, “I can go and learn.”

Xia Lao Er not only learns by himself, but also pulls five-year-old Xia Qing Qiu along with him.

Xia Qingqiu wears a small apron every day and helps wash the dishes while reciting, “Articulate the rings and knot the grass, lie on the ice and seek the carp.”

The family teamed up to repay the favor.

Xia Dong delivered to Chen Zhiyu for several days in a row, at first with coffee and dessert, and later with steak and pasta. The doorman told Xia Dong that the president had eaten all the food sent to him.

Xia Lao Er did not believe it at first and went over to ask in person, the doorman recognized him and told him to deliver it at 12:15 sharp in the future, which was President Chen’s lunch time at that time.

After the 50 million yuan compensation arrived, Xia Lao Er had been anxious and consulted many people, and his friends all said to reassure him that there would be no worries when Chen Zhiyu intervened in the matter.

He was the most powerful businessman in the world, Chen Zhiyu, the richest man in China, the “father” of many people.

According to knowledgeable friends, in Xia Qingshu’s case, the payout was supposed to be 500,000 yuan maximum. So the 50 million was only paid out on Chen Zhiyu’s behalf.

In Xia Lao Er’s heart, Chen Zhi Yu is the living Bodhisattva, helping the Xia family to administer justice, punish evil and promote good, and is the Xia family’s great benefactor.

Chen liked Western food, so Xia Lao Er went to learn how to cook Western food. He and his nephew, Xia Dong, came up with the idea of opening a Western restaurant. They even have a name for it, “The Healing House”.

Healing = Zhiyu

He will bring Chen Zhiyu food for one day when he is around, so that Chen Zhiyu can feel the warmth of home.

Xia Qing Shu was then speechless. It felt like this 50 million had bought Xia Lao Er’s life out.

But this was Xia Lao Er’s business, he didn’t know much about catering, so he just let him be.

Think of it as letting Chen Zhiyu try out the dishes.

Xia Lao Er was in charge of putting together the chef team and Xia Dong found the shop to decorate, both of them were practical people who did practical things and were soon busy.

But even when he was too busy to eat, Xia Lao Er would bring Chen Zhiyu his meals. Sometimes he would go in person, sometimes Li His wife would go, and if he really couldn’t find the time, he would ask a deliveryman to send it over.

Every few days, Xia Lao Er would also go over and interview the doorman himself:
“Does Mr Chen have much leftover food?”

“What is Mr. Chen’s favourite dish?”

The doorman asks the secretary, who feeds back Chen’s post-meal comments to the doorman, who then tells Xia Lao Er, who improves them according to Chen Zhi Yu’s taste, and almost every time a meal is delivered, Chen Zhi Yu eats it all.


Chen Zhiyu ate different Western foods for a month, but Xia Qingshu never showed up.

He only knew to send food, not even a phone call or text message.

Chen Zhiyu thought to himself, “The kid is too simple, honest and silly.

He really shouldn’t know anything about what happened between the two of them that night.

Even if he didn’t know, Chen Zhiyu suddenly didn’t want him to really know,  it wasn’t bad to be so naive and clueless.

That day, Chen Zhiyu saw an internship schedule on Secretary Li’s desk.

Every year, Chen’s Group would offer internship places to major universities, and the University of R had applied for three places this year, one of which was Xia Qingshu.

The interns who came to Chen’s Group had the chance to stay, therefore, usually the schools recommended fresh graduates, Xia Qingshu was just a freshman, how come he was recommended here? If students from other years wanted to intern at Chen Group, they would need to go through the back door.

Xia Qing Shu’s family was ordinary, unlike other students who were rich, and could get a place through connections, which means Xia Qing Shu must have fought hard for it.

Just don’t know what he sacrificed.

It was all his fault for being too charismatic.

Chen Zhiyu picked up the application and asked carelessly, “When is the intern coming?”

“It will be tomorrow.” Secretary Li said.

“So soon?”

“Yes.” Secretary Li finished his reply and gave Chen Zhiyu a look. It felt as if Mr. Chen was particularly happy after knowing that the intern is coming tomorrow.

Secretary Li glanced at the list of interns and saw the name “Xia Qing Shu”.

During this recent period, Secretary Li felt more relaxed than ever as she was not in charge of Mr. Chen’s lunch. With Xia Qingshu’s internship, there was no one to serve Mr. Chen’s meals, so would he have to go back to his old job?
Mr Chen is very fussy about his meals, he would break his bowl if he didn’t like it, but after a month of “love bentos”, his mood has improved and he hasn’t worked overtime for almost a month.

He hoped Xia Qing Shu’s internship won’t keep him from making lunch.

Xia Qing Shu’s bullying by Zhou Qian has caught the attention of the school, and he was given him a place for an internship and a chance to study for a postgraduate degree. He had already submitted an application to withdraw from the school, waiting to go through the process, and did not want to come to the Chen Group for an internship.

However, the school had recommended several places to the Chen Group and Xia Qing Shu was the only one chosen. The teacher felt that this opportunity was rare and asked him to consider it.

When Xia Lao Er found out about it, he brought him in person with trembling hands, saying that “one should be grateful and know how to repay a favour”.

Xia Qing Shu went anyway just to reassure Xia Lao Er. The Chen Group is such a big company, and interns usually do some sifting and netting work, so it is impossible for them to have the opportunity to contact the president.

Unexpectedly, just after he finished the formalities, a person who called himself Secretary Zhang led him upstairs.

“Brother Zhang, what kind of work do I have to do?” In the lift, Xia Qing Shu and Secretary Zhang got close.

“There’s a lot of work to do, serving our boss with food, drink, sleep, and reporting to the secretariat on all the big and small matters of the company.” Secretary Zhang had a small round face, and when he smiled, his eyebrows drooped downwards.

“Our president is a workaholic, as long as the president is not off duty, we have to be on duty. Other companies are 996, but here we are 007, as long as we don’t work to death, we will work to death.”

Xia Qing Shu was shocked and asked timidly, “Brother Zhang, this intensity of your work is so intense that the donkeys in the production brigade are scared to hear about it.”

Secretary Zhang laughed, “I’m just kidding, Qing Shu, don’t be nervous, although our work is intense, our pay is high and our benefits are good, many people envy us. As long as we serve the boss well, there will be a lot of money, and if we work for a few years. When I earn enough money, my wife will kick him.”

Xia Qingshu wiped his sweat, “Are you all so unrestrained in front of Mr. Chen?”

“No, we don’t dare to say anything in front of him. Haha, Qing Shu, I like you too much.”

The secretariat was right next to the president’s office, and Secretary Li, whom he had met earlier, was the secretary-general, responsible for all the instructions given by President Chen.

Secretary Zhang introduced Xia Qingshu to everyone. Xia Qingshu looked tender-faced, good-looking and sweet-talking, so he quickly mingled in with the other secretaries. In no time, he was being dragged to take a paid squat.

“The boss has been in a good mood lately, he hasn’t worked overtime for days, I must have kept my body for a year and a half and I made God moved”

“Screw you, let me tell you ah, the boss he’s in love ……”

“Ah ah ah!!! No way …… Who is it! That can make president fall in love!”

“I heard he’s a good cook and delivers meals every day without fail ……”
“How does he look?”

Ouch, Xia Qinshu ate a big melon as soon as he arrived.

“Listen to what our secretary said, it is a student at R University, Xia Qing Shu, you are also the R University, have you see no him ah?”

Xia Qing Shu pretended to wash his hands, but in reality, he pricked up his ears and listened quietly, eating melons vigorously, suddenly being cued, a bit did not react, slowly and leisurely shaking his head, and nodding again.

It should be Xia Yubin, after all, the original book plot is like this ah, Chen Zhiyu falling in love with Xia Yubin was a matter of time.

“Come on, tell me.”

He just wanted to eat a melon in a mundane way, but he didn’t expect it to suddenly turn into a scorpion. At the urging of the crowd, he simply said a few words, ” Do I look good? Then know he is as good looking as me. Handsome and pure, the school grass of our school.”

After all, he is the main character, can he not look good?

“Character well, he is fraternal, caring, sociable and well organised.”

Ending up with seven or eight admirers, he is a king. Can you do that without some organisational and time management skills?

“That good?”

“Mmmm, quite excellent, just a bit of a glutton.”

The last time he stole his peanuts, he got caught, thus getting his stomach pumped.

The group of people were so happy with their melons that they didn’t notice anyone entering the toilet, and when the person came up to them, they were all shocked and their bladders tightened suddenly.


Chen Zhiyu stood behind them, his face serious. With his shirt buttoned to the top one and his hair meticulously silky against his scalp, his voice was stereotypically stern, “What are you talking about?!”

“Nothing, we’re taking the new young secretary to familiarize himself with the company, so we won’t bother you when opening the floodgates boss.”(peeing)

The secretaries skillfully dispersed in a flurry, and Xia Qing Shu followed in a swarm to the outside. He doesn’t  know which one of the lackeys pushed him and closed the door with his backhand, and ordered without authorization. “Secretary Xia, you serve the boss.”

Xia Qing Shu: “………..”

Serve him? How?

“Handsome, pure and excellent?” Chen Zhiyu slowly and leisurely walked up to Xia Qing Shu and gave him a meaningful glance, “I’ve never seen such a narcissistic person.”

Xia Qingshu: ??

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