Seeing Xia Qingshu standing dumbfounded, Chen Zhiyu handed the phone over, “Take it.”
Xia Qingshu held the phone with both hands, not looking at it.

Chen Zhiyu glanced at him and walked calmly into the cubicle, closing the door behind him.

The door was not closed tightly, leaving a crack. Xia Qingshu could see the other man’s back with a slight tilt of his head.

Chen Zhiyu was tall, with broad shoulders and a tight waist and hips, and just by looking at his back, he was not inferior to the big stars that walked the catwalk.

The sound of water “prickling” came.

Xia Qingshu saw from the corner of his eye that in the compartment, Chen Zhiyu raised his hands to comb his hair while pouring water

Just watching that action looked cool

The handsome man tilted his head slightly, his eyes half-lidded, his eyes lost in thought.

With both hands inserted into his scalp, he slowly brushed his hair back.

With a look of enjoyment, he shakes his head slightly and his hair sways lightly with it.

Laid-back and sexy.

However, this handsome man was letting off steam at the moment.

Xia Qing Shu was a little worried that he would piss himself, after all, without external support, he would easily eject. And the other party was still swaying.

Having just heard Secretary Zhang say that the secretary had to do everything and they left him behind to serve Chen Zhiyu, he was afraid that Chen Zhiyu would make some strange request.

Xia Qingshu stared nervously at the crack of the door, secretly praying that when the other party solves his physical problems, he should take the usual path and not get his pants wet because of playing handsome.

Chen Zhiyu lifted his trousers, and when he looked back, he saw Xia Qing Shu looking at him with shiny deer eyes.

After meeting his eyes, he panicked and turned his head away again, pretending that nothing had happened.

“What are you staring at me for?” Chen Zhiyu walked out of the cubicle in a dashing manner, then slowly and methodically sized up Xia Qing Shu from head to toe.

Xia Qingshu was wearing a black T-shirt that was a little too big and hung crookedly on his lean shoulders. There was a spotlight right above his head, the warm yellow light tilted down from overhead, and from Chen Zhiyu’s angle, he could see a curved collarbone through the light.

The snow-white skin was as fine, white and translucent as milk. No wonder he smelt of milk.

Chen Zhiyu snorted lightly and averted his gaze.

“Uh, no, I didn’t look ……” Xia Qingshu quickly swept over Chen Zhiyu’s trousers and leather shoes, and quickly lowered his head again without looking away.

The trousers were dry at the zip and so were the leather shoes. The gun technique was quite good.

It’s great not to be asked to do something weird.
Xia Qing Shu was bitten by a mosquito last night and had some allergies, and when he buried his head, the whole back of his neck was exposed. It was coloured red.

He cowered in order to reduce his presence in front of Chen Zhiyu, his head so low that his chin was almost against his chest. So there was some lack of oxygen due to the head being down too far and some pink flushing of the face and ears.

“…Why are you so red? You…” Chen Zhiyu didn’t expect that with a casual joke, Xia Qingshu would be so ashamed that the roots of his neck would turn red, obviously it was the child who took the initiative first, but it was just too funny to not tease.

“Give me the phone.” Chen Zhiyu did not intend to expose him and changed the subject, taking the phone and putting it in his trouser pocket, washing his hands leisurely and soothingly, “Hand wipes.”

Xia Qing Shu pulled out two pieces of hand wipes and handed them over, still with his head slightly bowed.

Chen Zhiyu followed Xia Qing Shu’s gaze and saw on his own trousers. These trousers were from a brand of high-fashion that had recently become popular. This brand preferred to come up with designs that showed off the beauty of curves and were more flattering compared to other brands of high-fashion.

These trousers showed off his impressive figure.

The place where the little fool had just looked was self-evident.

Chen Zhiyu hooked his lips and smiled, “How come you’re here for your internship, have you recovered from your illness?”

Xia Qing Shu rubbed his head, “I’m almost well enough, my dad asked me to thank you.”

In order to repay the kindness, Xia Lao Er hated to come as secretary himself. Afraid that Xia Qing Shu would not come, he picked him up and dropped him off in the morning,  and would be coming over to deliver lunch at noon later.

“If your father won’t let you, then you won’t thank me?”

“I want to thank you too.”

“How are you going to thank me?”

Xia Qing Shu didn’t know whether it was a brainstorm or a stroke of inspiration, and blurted out, “By giving my body?”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the air around him suddenly froze.

Chen Zhiyu’s face was serious, the look between his eyebrows was sharp to the naked eye, and the low pressure all over his body made it hard to breath.

Xia Qing Shu unconsciously took two steps back.

Sure enough, it was the villain, when he got fierce, he carried a heavy shadow that enveloped the entire bathroom, as if Li Bai was about to open a big move.

Fire him.

Hate him.

Tell him to get lost.

Isn’t that how you treat a stalker?

Chen Zhiyu exhaled slightly, silently straightening the silver cuffs around his wrists and stared thoughtfully at Xia Qingshu.
His eyes carried a look of scrutiny, and with just two glances, he was able to see through Xia Qing Shu completely.

Seeing that the other party did not speak for half a day, Xia Qing Shu blinked and asked in a thin voice with pursed lips, “You agree?”

The glee in hiz words could not be hidden. Those beautiful eyes were filled with anticipation, and the small mole at the end of his eyes seemed to come to life and become animated.


Chen Zhiyu calmly turned around and calmly left without leaving a single drop of water behind.

Xia Qing Shu: This is a done deal, right?  (≧◇≦)

Xia Qingshu joyfully returned to the secretary’s office and waited to be dismissed.

He waited until the end of the day before Secretary Li came to talk to him.

“Xia Xia, how did you feel on your first day of internship?”

“Pretty good, the colleagues are friendly and the working environment is good.” Xia Qingshu had done some miscellaneous work such as copying documents all day, the secretaries were very busy and did not always have time to chat.

Thinking about leaving, Xia Qing Shu was very relaxed and spoke without any mental burden, “The boss is also nice, I heard the treatment is good, my classmates were envious when they knew I came here for my internship, it would be great if I could stay here forever.”

Secretary Li nodded, “That would be great, I might need Secretary Xia to work overtime tonight.”

Xia Qingshu: “……Okay, yes???!!!”

Wasn’t it a dismissal? How did it become overtime?

What was he supposed to do overtime, copy documents overtime?

“Don’t worry, we will count three times the overtime salary into your internship salary.”

Xia Qing Shu felt a sense of relief when Secretary Li finished.

Xia Qing Shu: “Secretary Li, I can’t do anything ……”

“Student Xia, don’t be modest, you are the best intern ever at Chen Group.” Secretary Li shouted his appreciation at him, a rainbow of farts praising him as more hardworking and down-to-earth than a steel worker, and better at laying eggs than the hens in the production line.

Last night Secretary Li got up in the middle of the night to change the baby’s diaper and didn’t sleep well, so today he made some small common sense mistakes, and when the boss found out, he didn’t scold him for nor did he not dock his bonus, he even cheerfully told him to revise it properly.

He even wondered if it was raining red from the sky.

Every time he met Xia Qing Shu, the boss behaved abnormally. He wished Xia Qing Shu would stay forever.

“The boss has a reception tonight and needs an assistant to run errands, here’s a document for you to send over by the way.” Secretary Li finished, opened his mobile phone, called the company driver, personally shoved Xia Qingshu into the back seat, fastened his seat belt. Waving and watching waved the car drivee away.

Xia Qing Shu was still in a dumbfounded state when he got into the car.

He was waiting to be sacked, how come he had somehow been added to his shift?

But delivering a document should be easy, just think of it as running an errand. Xia Qing Shu sent a message to Xia Lao Er to report the overtime work.

Xia Lao Er was very happy and told him to repay his kindness and do his best.

During the rush hour, the traffic was congested and the driver drove smoothly. Xia Qing Shu leaned back, his head against the car window, and fell asleep in no time.

When he woke up, he found that the car had just gotten off the highway.

“Driver, where is this going?”

The driver told him that the place they were going to was called the Bashans Holiday Inn, which was a famous resort in the suburbs, a two-hour drive from the city, where Mr. Chen was staying.

The driver left after dropping Xia Qing Shu off.

Xia Qing Shu took the information and walked into the hotel lobby, ready to find someone to ask.

A group of teenagers walked out of the elevator jokingly and the young man in white in the middle was dazzling, none other than He Chen.

He Chen was well-dressed and had a gangly smile on his lips. He was surrounded by a group of teenagers of about the same age, his head half tilted and his light-coloured eyes full of sunshine.

Seeing Xia Qing Shu, He Chen visibly froze.

There were small murmurs from around the room.

“Isn’t this the Christmas tree? I don’t think he was invited to the birthday banquet for Young Master He, why is he here?”

“Aren’t people allowed to come and play?”

“What’s that in his hand, it’s not a hand-drawn greeting card, is it?”

“Weak question, am I the only one who thinks he’s good looking.”

“…… Actually, me too.”

These were supposed to be his classmates, and he didn’t know any of them except for He Chen. To avoid greeting them, Xia Qing Shu turned around sharply and pretended not to see them.

Standing still for a while, Xia Qing Shu thought He Chen and the others had gone far away, but to his surprise, He Chen walked straight towards him.

“Xia Qing Shu, what are you doing here?”

“Something.” Xia Qing Shu gave a perfunctory sentence, not even bothering to look at him.

“Are your injuries better?”
“…… It’s good.” Seeing that the other party was here to care about himself, Xia Qing Shu couldn’t be too indifferent and turned around to answer in a good-natured manner.

“That’s good. Is that for me?” He Chen glanced at the folder in Xia Qing Shu’s hand, his voice a bit small, “A birthday card …… It’s not too shabby. Do you want to come along ……”

He Chen paused, realizing that his tone was inviting and immediately corrected himself, “I don’t mind if you want to participate …….”

“No, thanks.” Xia Qing Shu coldly refused.

He Chen did not expect the other party to be so difficult and his voice suddenly rose, “You!”

The two teenagers were tall and their faces did not lose out to those of the entertainment industry so they were already attracting a lot of attention, Xia Qingshu was afraid he would make a racket and cause a crowd, he said in a small voice, “You invited Xia Yubin, I have a problem with him, I can’t play together, happy birthday to you, I won’t go.”

His voice was soft, and to He Chen, the refusal was not too firm, but rather had a sour taste, as if asking He Chen to make a choice.

He Chen’s face instantly turned red as he gritted his teeth and said, “Xia Qing Shu, how could I possibly give up Brother Yu Bin for you?!”

His voice was a little too loud, and the people waiting at the side heard him, looking over with odd glances and occasional whispered murmurs.

Xia Qingshu didn’t need to guess what they were saying, they were probably saying, “Don’t even take a look in the mirror, how dare you want to compete with Brother Yubin.”

Xia Qing Shu sighed, did he have a dog licking face, he had denied it so clearly, why did they still think he liked He Chen?

The hotel lobby was having an event and there were two microphones placed by the stand.

Xia Qingshu grabbed a microphone and cleared his throat, “Classmate He Chen, let me tell you solemnly, I don’t like you at all, please don’t bother me again!”

His eyes were clear and light, and he stood upright, like a small poplar facing the wind. His look was too clear and his gaze too pure to be adulterated at all.

On the contrary, He Chen’s face turned red, like a suitor who couldn’t stop thinking after being rejected. He was so embarrassed that he could not open his mouth for a while.

Some passers-by even advised, “There is no grass at the end of the earth, young man, he has already refused, don’t pester him anymore.”

“I… how could I possibly like him? Huh?” He Chen snapped back, “It’s obvious that he likes me, he even climbed into my bed ……”

Passers-by didn’t believe it at all, “Young man, don’t think nonsense, this little brother is not even looking at you with love, let others go and you will be free, don’t get in the way.”

Xia Qing Shu found the passers-by interesting and chatted with them, “Mm-hmm, big brother, you persuade him, to stop bothering me.”

He Chen couldn’t pull it off and yelled in exasperation, “He doesn’t like me, so who does he like?!”

Xia Qingshu thought for a moment, “I like Mr. Chen Zhiyu.”

The soft voice spread out through the microphone in all directions.

Chen Zhiyu heard this confession just in time as he stepped out of the lift.


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