Xia Qingshu’s voice was not loud, but very soft, put out through the microphone, sounded sticky, like a chilled lemon flavored soda, sweetly bubbling.
This confession, which is missing its protagonist, is not serious, but more like a child’s prank, just to piss off the person in front of him.

After all, in China, Chen Zhiyu is known as the “national boyfriend”, and there are many people who like him, and almost every day, people post their friends to marry him.

The credibility of Xia Qing Shu’s statement was not too high.

Next to him were Chen Zhiyu’s fans, who said, “I also like Mr. Chen Zhiyu.”

“Yo, my boyfriend is so popular.”

“F*ck, my husband is being confessed to again!”

The crowd of onlookers grew, and He Chen couldn’t say anything to Xia Qingshu and slipped away.

Chen Zhiyu had just stepped out of the lift when he heard Xia Qingshu cupping the microphone and saying seriously that he liked him.

He stopped in his tracks and hooked his lips.

“Boss, do we need to clear the scene?” The bodyguard covering beside him asked.

“No need.” Chen Zhiyu put on his sunglasses and turned to enter the special passage.

“Isn’t that Sam, it’s his birthday today and he’s having a party here.” Xia Shirt turned back to follow Chen Zhiyu and teased, “Ugh, everywhere you go, you have fans. If you fail in business in the future, you can go to the entertainment industry, it’s bound to set off a bloodbath.”

“It’s just my little friend who likes me.” Chen Zhiyu glanced sideways, glancing into the noisy crowd.

Xia Qingshu was standing in front of the makeshift stage, smiling and laughing.
His eyes were clean and beautiful, as if they had been dipped in a clear spring.

Perhaps because of his young age, his features are soft, not like the recklessness and wildness of a teenager, but with a beauty that cannot be described.

Most of the eyes of the people around were focused on him.

As for his cousin, He Chen, he stood in front of Xia Qing Shu like a dull goose that accompanied him.

Xia Shan didn’t expect the man walking in front of him to suddenly pause and almost bumped into him, “Why aren’t you walking?”

Chen Zhiyu came back to his senses and picked up his thoughts, “I’ll fail in business?”

Xia Shan shook his head, “No, just kidding.”

Chen Zhiyu: “Bloodbath? Since when are you in the entertainment circle?”

Xia Shan was a bit helpless, “Xiao Xiao keeps talking about it in front of me all day.”

“Xiao Xiao, that eighteenth thread you recently bagged?” Chen Zhiyu frowned, “I heard you’ve been very busy lately, I think you can’t leave the tender land.”

“Just a little something to relieve the boredom.” Xia Shan sighed, “I’m really busy with family matters, my mother is so worried that I’m sick now.”

“You haven’t found your real brother yet?”

The Xia family found out some time ago that their youngest son Xia Yubin was not born to Xia’s father and mother, although they had raised Xia Yubin for twenty years and had a good relationship with their adopted son. But Xia mother and Xia father were so determined to find their son, Xia mother was so overwhelmed with thoughts that she fell ill all of a sudden.

“How can it be so easy?” Xia Shan said.

The Xia family is in the medical industry, the time period of his brother’s birth, the hospital’s maternity information has long been available, but because the time was too long ago, some people moved, demolition, and there were mothers from other areas. He has been trying to find one of the out-of-town mothers for a while.

Almost to the door, Xia Shan tapped Chen Zhiyu twice on the shoulder, “Xiao Xiao is here today too.”
“Teach him to be careful.” Chen Zhiyu had just crossed into the venue when he was surrounded by acquaintances.

Xia Shan was carrying two glasses of wine and looking for someone to go to.


Xia Qing Shu took the papers and waited in the lobby after asking the lobby manager. A good-looking boy who looked about his age approached him and gave him a look, “Hello, may I ask you, looking for someone?”

Xia Qing Shu nodded his head.

The boy sized him up from head to toe and said in a soft voice, “You come with me.”

Xia Qing Shu said hesitantly, “Do you know who I am looking for?”

The boy nodded, “I know.”

He stared at Xia Qingshu again, as if confirming something, “You forgot, to bring your invitation, right? Security is very tight, I’ll take you in.”

After the boy finished, he took two steps forward, seeing that Xia Qing Shu didn’t move, he stood still waiting for him, pursing his lips and looking ahead, not daring to look at him again.

Xia Qing Shu felt that this boy looked a bit familiar, but he couldn’t remember exactly where he had seen him before, and seeing that he was thin and small, he couldn’t put himself in harm’s way, so he followed him.

“Is Mr. Chen Zhiyu there?”

The boy froze and replied in a whisper, “I think so.”

Since Chen Zhiyu was there, there was no problem, so Xia Qing Shu felt relieved to follow him over, “What’s your name? Are you also a secretary?”

The boy walked ahead, “My name is Xiao Qi, you can call me Xiao Xiao, I, I’m an actor.”
“Actor, huh?” Xia Qing Shu suddenly remembered, no wonder he felt familiar with the opposite side. Xia Qing Qiu recently loved to watch a live-action cartoon “The Adventures of LalaBear treasures” in which the third male lead was a koala brother played by Xiao Qi.

The actors in “The Adventures of Lala Bear treasures” were all dressed up in a very peculiar and non-mainstream way, except for this koala brother who was considered normal and Xia Qingqiu remembered him right away.

“You’re Brother Koala, aren’t you?” Xia Qing Shu stepped forward and stared at Xiao Qi’s face, “That’s you, my brother likes you so much, can I take a picture with you later?”

Xiao Qi’s face instantly reddened and he nodded hesitantly.

A charity reception was being held in the auditorium on the third floor, and the security guard looked at Xiao Qi’s invitation before letting them in.

The auditorium was very large and the reception was crowded, with guests gathering in twos and threes, so it was not easy to find anyone. Xiao Qi stood on tiptoe and looked around, gesturing for Xia Qingshu to follow him.

Xiao Qi said a few words to the bodyguards and led Xia Qing Shu a private room and knocked on the door. The private room was a small parlour and Xia Shan was sitting alone on a sofa in the corner.

There was only one floor lamp on in the room, and a lot of information was placed on the small coffee table in front of him. Xia Shan half closed his eyes and rubbed his temples a little tiredly.

When he saw Xiao Qi, Xia Shan eyes lit up for a moment, and then when he saw Xia Qing Shu behind him, he was puzzled and his tone was a little stiff.

“Your friend?”

Xiao Qi looked at Xia Shan and then turned his head to look at Xia Qing Shu, embarrassed and red in the face, when he was shy, he stammered a little, “Not a friend, I thought, he, was your brother.”

Xia Shan stretched out and gestured for Xiao Qi to sit next to him.

Xiao Qi was still explaining, “Auntie’s young photos, he looks like, I thought ……”

When she was young, Xia’s mother was a famous beauty in the entertainment industry, and Xiao Qi was amazed and impressed when he saw the photos of Xia’s mother’s life when she was young.

During this recent period, he vaguely heard that Xia Shan was looking for his brother, as if his brother had gotten into some kind of trouble.

Then he saw Xia Qing Shu waiting for someone downstairs, and he brought it up.
Only then did Xia Shan stand up and walk over to Xia Qing Shu, carefully examining him.

The boy stood in the shadow of the light, and his delicate facial features had an adrogynous beauty. Looking at him, he was at least seven or eight similar to his mother.

With a swell of spirit, Xia Shan turned on all the lights in the room.

The teenager was shaken by the lights and raised his hand to shield his eyes. The little expression on his wrinkled nose was also very similar to his mother’s.

In order to find his biological brother, Xia Shan had seen too many photos in the meantime, and he had arranged to test any child with a slight resemblance to his parents’ face. But he had never seen a child who looked so similar to his mother.

Xia Shan stepped forward and took Xia Qing Shu’s wrist in his hand, “What is your name? Where does your family live? Where is your hometown? How old are you this year? What are your parents’ names?”

Xia Qing Shu was startled and broke away from Xia Shan’s hand and took two steps back, looking at Xiao Qi helplessly, “You’ve mistaken him for someone else, haven’t you?

Xiao Qi didn’t expect Xia Shan to react so strongly and stammered to persuade him, “You, if you have words, say them slowly, don’t scare people ah.”

Xia Shan also felt that he was too abrupt, he cleared his throat and began to introduce himself, “Sorry for the rudeness, I didn’t mean any harm. My name is Xia Shan, I have a younger brother who I recently found out was carried out of the hospital by mistake when I was a child, and you look a lot like my mother, so ……”

After hearing Xia Shan’s explanation, Xia Qing Shu blinked.

Xia Shan’s dress was elaborate, with an aristocratic air in every move, revealing the smell of money from top to bottom.

He knew that he was not born to Xia Lao Er, but had no intention of finding his biological parents. XiaLao Er who, despite his foolishness, had treated him quite well.

Little did he know that he might be the lost child of a wealthy family.

Not bad for “Exclusive Favourites”, this monstrous dog blood!

Xia Qing Shu was just about to tell the other party that he was not born to his parents either, when the door opened again and Xia Yubin stood in the doorway, calling out “Big Brother” to Xia Shan.

A light flashed in his head and Xia Qing Shu nervously refused, “The person you are looking for is definitely not me!”

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