Are you still waiting for me?
The three children of the Xia family included; the eldest Xia Shan, the second Xia Ji, and the third Xia Yubin. The two older brothers were not very friendly to Xia Yubin, their relationship was average.

Xia Shan always believed that it should have something to do with family education.  The Xia family is a medical family. The parents are usually busy with work, and family members rarely participate in activities together.

He is seven years older than Xia Yubin. He went to a boarding school in primary school. Xia Yubin was just born when he also went to various training classes during the holidays. So he didn’t know much about how to get along with him as brothers.

Seeing Xia Yubin’s aggrieved and weeping appearance, his first impression was not distressed, but that it looked hypocritical.

Just a few words and he makes such a wimpy expression, not at all as lively as the rest of the Xia family. Sure enough, genes have a huge impact on personality.

However, Xia Yubin is his younger brother, and he will not ignore it when his younger brother is wronged.

Xia Shan: “Don’t go in, I’ll send him away. Such an uneducated person is definitely not our child.”

Xia Yubin nodded obediently.

The eldest brother is like a father, and Xia Shan has a lot of right to speak at home. If he said this, it means that he has a bad first impression of Xia Qingshu.

He is well versed in emotional psychology and knows the importance of first impressions.

Since Xia Shan was disgusted after meeting for the first time, under his influence, everyone in the Xia family would also show indifference to Xia Qingshu. Such a comparison would highlight his good qualities.

“Brother, don’t be angry, what if he is really your younger brother.” Xia Yubin looked humiliated, “How about I take the cup he drank from and have it tested in private, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t like me, as long as my mother will be at ease.”

Thinking of his distressed mother, Xia Shan pursed his lips and thought for a moment, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll do it.”

Xia Yubin Xizi frowned as if holding his heart, looked back three times then left.

Xia Shan went back to the room and saw Xia Qingshu drinking juice from a cup.

Didn’t you just keep clamoring to leave, why are you still here?
Could it be that after knowing that the Xia family was rich, he regretted it.

When Xia Qingshu saw him come in, he put down his cup and thanked him earnestly, “I’m leaving, thank you for your hospitality.”

He hadn’t had dinner yet after work, and had Xiao Qi enthusiastically pulled him to eat. He had to thank him and leave.

After Xia Qingshu thanked him, he turned sideways around Xia Shan and went to the boss with the folder.

He’s really gone?

Xia Shan looked at his back thoughtfully.

Xiao Qi was a little anxious, “Why, why didn’t you keep him here?”

Xia Shan closed the door and wrapped his arms around his waist, “What did you just say?”

His mother’s thoughts and worries had become an illness. If his own youngest brother behaved badly, he would not be allowed to enter Xia’s house. There can be one less person in the family, but not one more stirrer of the pot.

Xiao Qi lowered his eyebrows and stood aside, whispering, “He’s fine.”

Xia Shan glanced at him.

It can be seen that Xiao Qi likes Xia Qingshu very much.
Xiao Qi doesn’t talk much, and is introverted. If he can get his liking, Xia Qingshu’s character should not be too bad, it should be Yubin who had the misunderstanding.

The serious thanking just now looked very polite, and Xia Qinshu didn’t look like an uneducated child.

Now that he looked at it carefully, those words are actually not too wrong. Yubin should look for his biological family. It’s not a big problem. He can bring Xia Qinshu and teach him personally how to mind his words.
Xia Shan glanced at the glass of water that Xia Qingshu had drunk on the table, and actually hoped that he was from the Xia family.
He was taken aback by the sudden thought in his mind. It was the first time they met each other and they didn’t know each other, so how could he suddenlu take the initiative to make excuses for him?

He shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​taking the cup to test DNA. Even if he wanted to test, he had to get Xia Qingshu’s consent.


The venue was very large, Xia Qingshu found the manager and explained his intention, and the manager took him to the room where Chen Zhiyu was.

Chen Zhiyu was surrounded by many people, he was the focus of the audience, and everyone was scrambling to talk to him. Xia Qingshu stood at the door, ready to go over when there were fewer people.

Xia Qingshu’s skin is dazzlingly white, and his eyes are delicate. No matter where he stood, he became an existence that cannot be ignored. Chen Zhiyu glanced out of the corner of his eye and found him.

Chen Zhiyu was talking to the project partner , the partner this time is a strong woman, Sister Wang. Although Sister Wang is married, she is beautiful and charming. She brought her younger sister today, and she was praising her for being simple and sensible. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that it was her younger sister who fancied Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu continued to speak without changing his face, but he was distracted, and kept paying attention to Xia Qingshu.

In just five minutes, Xia Qingshu yawned three times, bent down and pinched his calf twice, and checked his phone once. His small mouth was pouted, and his eyes were watery, as if he was aggrieved and angry.

Tsk, kids really can’t hide their emotions.

Chen Zhiyu moved to the side, avoided Sister Wang’s sister, and invited the bodyguards to whisper, the bodyguards then evacuated the people surrounding him.

With only Chen Zhiyu left in the room, Xia Qingshu walked over to hand over the documents and asked in a low voice, “Mr. Chen, can I go home?”

Xia Qingshu couldn’t help yawning.
After sleeping in the car for so long, why did he want to sleep again?

The corners of his eyes were a little red, and the eyelashes were moist. The small mole at the end of the eye was rubbed, and there was a ring of redness around it.

The eyes are confused and dazed, like a cat that hasn’t woken up.

“I asked you here to run errands, how can you leave so quickly?” Chen Zhiyu took a look and moved his eyes away.
“It’s half past nine.” Xia Qingshu’s tone was a little stiff, and his nose hummed softly. This is a suburb, it’s not easy to call a car, how can I get home later. This internship, he wants to resign immediately.

Thinking of resigning, Xia Qingshu said confidently, “It’s getting dark, doesn’t your company let employees get off work?”

Xia Qingshu has always been well-behaved and naive in front of Chen Zhiyu, speaking slowly and quietly.
The is the first time he had such an impatient tone.

Chen Zhiyu thought to himself, he is really not happy.

He thought of the two Wang sisters who were dressed up beautifully, and then saw Xia Qingshu who was in a bad mood. Everything became clear.

Tsk, so much jealousy!

Just given permission to like him and he pushed his nose and face like this!

Chen Zhiyu’s face instantly turned cold. When he had a cold face, his eyes were half-squinted, the sharpness in his eyes almost condensed into a solid body, as sharp as a knife and axe.

Xia Qingshu was startled by him, he took a step back and wanted to yawn again. It is really not polite to yawn in front of others,  so Xia Qingshu choked back the yawn that was in his mouth.

The yawn can be held back, but the physiological tears in the eyes gathered more and more. Soon, he had red eyes and a red nose.

The entire eye sockets were wet, and the teardrops hung on the raven-feathered long eyelashes, trembling to fall off and it was extremely pitiful.

Chen Zhiyu paused his breath and put away the messy aura.

He lifted his watch to check the time, and it was half past nine. The company got off work at 5:30, came by car at 7:00, the child waited for two hours, and saw the person they like being surrounded by people, it is normal to be a little temperamental.

His heart softened, and after thinking for a while, he said, “I don’t like that girl.”

Xia Qingshu: ? ?

Chen Zhiyu said warmly, “There is a buffet downstairs. After eating, let the driver take you back.” He paused, “Or after you finish eating, take a walk around, I will be finished soon.”
“The lemon-flavored soda in the restaurant is very good. Drink.”

Xia Qingshu heard that there was food, and the driver sent him home, his eyes lit up, his tone softened, and he said,

“That’s fine.”

His words were soft and he spoke slowly, Dragging a long tone, a little coquettish.

Chen Zhiyu felt a little itchy in his ears and waved his hand, “Go now”

Xia Qingshu turned around and ran fast.

Chen Zhiyu looked at the trembling back running, shook his head and chuckled.

Look at him go quickly, it’s really like a rabbit in the forest, he can’t be seen in the blink of an eye, and he almost fell.


Holiday Inn’s seafood buffet has a wide variety of fresh dishes, and all kinds of sashimi can also be fished. Before transmigrating into the book, Xia Qingshu’s family was wealthy and he had eaten a lot of good things, but today, he felt particularly hungry.

He ordered a glass of unsweetened lemon juice and yawned as he drank it.

In the summer before, he would have a bad appetite and lose a few pounds. After transmigrating, he had eaten and slept a lot recently. Not that he was  not troubled, he has a good appetite, and the food tasted delicious.

After eating the buffet, Xia Qingshu found the driver and asked the driver to take him home. The driver did not dare to make an assertion, so he called Chen Zhiyu and asked Xia Qingshu to wait in the car for a while.

Xia Qingshu was full of food and drink, and fell asleep shortly after getting in the car.

As he was sleeping he suddenly felt that someone was pushing him

“Are you still waiting for me?!”

Xia Qingshu opened his eyes dizzily and nodded.

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