Two bars!!
He Chen’s birthday, because he is an 18-year-old adult, the He family attaches great importance to it, and the two floors of the top floor of the hotel are booked. The juniors entertained at the bar, the elders finished their meals, gave gifts, and gathered in the private room to chat.

Women’s topics are always the latest and most fashionable, but no matter what they talk about, they can turn the topic around to Chen Zhiyu.

Who made Chen Zhiyu a recognized golden bachelor in the circle, countless pairs of eyes stared at him.

However, he devoted himself to his career, all his skills were lit up to make money, and he never revealed the intention to fall in love at all.

If family members or their own juniors or distant relatives can marry into the Chen family and sit on this golden thigh. It can be said that they will be able to lie down and count money in the future.

Although Chen Zhiyu has a cold personality, he is still filial on the bright side, and he caters to his mother with a lively mind. After all, Chen Zhiyu’s face will remain two points of affection in her presence

“Sister, Yuanyuan knows that you like bags and I specially brought one back from abroad. I heard that it is a limited edition.” It was Chen’s mother’s sister, Chen Shuang, who was also He Chen’s mother, and He Yuanyuan was her best friend’s daughter.

Mother Chen thanked her, but did not pick up the bag, and pulled her sister into a whisper, “Zhiyu seems to be seeing someone.”

“Ah?!” Chen Shuang covered her mouth, her eyes widened, and she revealed a trace of gossip excitement in her surprise. , “When did it happen? Who is it?”

Chen Zhiyu, the dragon’s son-in-law, whom everyone is watching the entire rich circle couldn’t really have hidden this. But hearing that Chen Zhiyu actually has someone, she can’t hide her excitement.

“You don’t know.” Mother Chen sneered.

“Ordinary person?” Chen Shuang advised, “Your family is so rich, you don’t need to marry for profit. Ordinary people are good, true love.”

“No.” Mother Chen sighed and beckoned her sister to come closer, with a hint of fatigue in her tone, Powerless, “It’s a man.”

As their children grow older, parents’ standards for mate selection for older unmarried youth were decreasing every year. Mother Chen has lowered the standard of a daughter-in-law from “a virtuous, beautiful, filial, homemaker and versatile woman” to “a woman”.

Unexpectedly, the son finally got enlightened, but the other party was a man.

“Zhiyu is the only child!” Chen Shuang said sullenly, “What should we do? Have you ever approached the other party?”
Since he is an ordinary person, he should be able to use the ability to spot money. Although the rules of the gentry are simple and crude, they are easy to use.

There’s nothing money can’t handle, and if there isn’t, it’s just  not enough money.

“I didn’t look for him, I just inquired briefly. Zhiyu has been single for so many years, and finally met one, and we are not the kind of unsympathetic parents.” Mother Chen completely took it seriously, “Besides, our family Zhiyu’s self-control is so strong, it’s no big deal to indulge once in a while. The other party looks stupid, and he doesn’t seem to be able to keep Zhiyu.”

“That’s right.” Speaking of her nephew, Chen Shuang was as proud as her sister, “Zhiyu is not a person who is greedy for pleasure. That kind of ‘instinct’ can’t happen to Zhiyu at all. Maybe the other party was pestering Zhiyu. And Zhiyu that child taking the overall situation into consideration…..”

“Hopefully.” Mother Chen put her hands together, “The Chen family can’t be broken.”


At this time, Chen Zhiyu, who was outside the car door, sneezed.

He originally wanted to end it early, but he didn’t expect to meet an old friend. The company founded by the old friend had a little problem, and he hoped to hear his opinion. He really couldn’t shirk, and it took a while.

He thought Xia Qingshu had left long ago, but as soon as he opened the car door, he saw the boy curled up in the back seat like a kitten.

Waited for him until he fell asleep.

“Didn’t I tell you to go first?”

Xia Qingshu shook his head twice, he was embarrassed to say that he had eaten too much and accidentally fell asleep, so he could only blink and whisper, “You didn’t leave, how could I… …”

Halfway through his words, he closed his mouth. Not knowing what to think, he looked over timidly, “Today’s overtime pay…?”

“Three times more, let secretary Li calculate it for you.”

Xia Qingshu pursed his lips and smiled.

The villain is not as ferocious as the legend, the company benefits are good, he also allowed paid sleep ah.
“Let’s go, I’ll take you back first.”

Xia Qingshu’s cell phone flashed, and he realized that he had accidentally turned the cell phone to mute, and there were more than ten missed calls, all of which were called by Xia Lao Er.

“Can you wait a minute, I’ll call back.”

Xia Lao er was very anxious, it was already twelve o’clock, Xia Qingshu hadn’t come home yet, and the phone was picked up as soon as the call was connected, with a very anxious tone, “Qingshu, ah , why haven’t you come back?”

“Dad, I’ll be right back.” Xia Qingshu said, “You don’t need to pick me up, this is the suburbs, and it takes more than two hours for a trip.”

Second child Xia: “Why did you run so far, did you work seriously for Mr. Chen?”

Xia Qingshu: “Of course, I work seriously, and Mr. Chen paid me three times the salary.”

Xia Lao Er: “How was the first day of work? Did anyone bully you, did Mr. Chen treat you well?”

Xia Qingshu: “Mr. Chen is very good to me, don’t worry, he will even send me home.”

Xia Lao Er: “Then you must repay Mr. Chen well.”

Xia Qingshu: “Well, don’t worry, I will definitely work for Mr. Chen wholeheartedly.”

Xia Qingshu’s voice on the phone was not loud, and Chen Zhiyu stood in the wind, the soft voice still digging into his ears along the wind.

“…Mr. Chen is nice, and treats me well…”

“…I like Mr. Chen, for him, with all my heart…”

Chen Zhiyu was holding a cigarette, biting his teeth, the popping beads cracked, and the smell of Chuanbei loquat was inhaled into his lungs, which was refreshing.

Xia Qingshu’s voice was waxy, and especially clear in the quiet summer night.

The child is silly, but he has his own persistence and stubbornness.  He is also very filial, comforting his parents and not letting them worry.
After Xia Qingshu finished the phone call, he ran and jumped over. When he saw Chen Zhiyu, his eyes were bright, as if full of stars.

Instead of being frustrated by being left out all night, there was a little excitement.

The excitement of seeing someone you love.

…Does he need to be so happy to be able to share a car with him? The truth is he could get a lot more than just these simple things..

Sitting in the car, Chen Zhiyu instructed the driver to send Xia Qingshu first.

Xia Qingshu thanked him, put his head on the car window, and dosed off after a while.

Waiting for him for so long must have exhausting.

Chen Zhiyu instructed the driver to drive smoothly and adjust the rear air conditioner to a suitable temperature.

Alas, silly boy, liking me is fruitless.


The next day, Xia Qingshu slept until almost nine o’clock before being woken up by the alarm. After waking up, he felt sluggish, and felt like he could fall asleep until tomorrow morning.

Why was he suddenly so sleepy?

The Chen Group stipulates that those who work overtime over 10 pm can come to the company at 10 pm the next day.

Xia Qingshu arrived on the dot, everyone was busy, and after saying hello, they went their separate ways.

He found his seat and sat down, his head dozed off little by little, and when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly received a call from the second child of Xia, “Miao cub, the hospital called just now, saying that they will send your examination report. When you get to the e-mail box, do you want to take a look?”

“Okay.” Xia Qingshu was just bored, so he took a look when it was almost time for lunch.
In the previous life, his father was a medical doctor, and he would also read some relevant examination reports. Normal data is generally not marked in red, and abnormal data will be followed by symbols such as ↑↓.

Xia Qingshu opened the mailbox to check the report.

All the test indicators are normal, only one of the blood test hcg indicators is abnormal. The normal value should be less than 5, but this indicator has reached 2000, which is 400 times higher.

For this indicator, he once heard his father say that if a woman’s hcg exceeds the standard, she is pregnant. If a man’s hcg exceeds the standard, he may suffer from testicular, testicular tumor cancer.

His father had a male patient who, joking with a friend, used a pregnancy test that showed two bars and was later diagnosed with testicular cancer.

Impossible… He’s still so young…

Xia Qingshu took a leave of absence and went downstairs to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick.

One test, two bars.

Xia Qingshu: “……”


Chen Zhiyu was in a good mood today, and the door of the president’s office was wide open, and he has been paying attention to the movement of the secretary’s office next door. As soon as Xia Qingshu came, he knew.

Today, there was work out and he needed to bring a secretary to run errands. After Chen Zhiyu finished the work at hand, he went to the secretariat to pick someone. But Xia Qingshu was not there, the seat was empty, and the computer was on, so where did the person go.

He walked to the computer and looked at it lightly. It turned out to be the little secretary’s physical examination report.

He glanced at it casually.

Huh, how come an indicator exceeds the standard by more than 400 times.

Is the little secretary sick?

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