My mom knows about us sleeping together Pt 1 & 2
Xia Qingshu put the two strips of pregnancy test sticks in his pocket. As soon as he walked into the office, he saw Chen Zhiyu fiddling with his computer.

He walked over with his head down and dejectedly called out, “Mr. Chen.”

His face was pale and tearful, as if he was suffering from some serious illness.

Chen Zhiyu froze in his heart, “Why, are you sick? Where are you uncomfortable?”

“Mmm.” Qianshu hummed like a kitten, his face wrinkled as if about to cry.

Chen Zhiyu is not a medical student, so he doesn’t know what HCG means, but one indicator is more than 400 times higher, so it’s not very good to think about.

“Do you want to go to the hospital to check again?”

Xia Qingshu pinched the “squadron leader” in his pocket.

What else should be checked? It’s basically diagnosed. Two bars?! He is not a woman and cannot be pregnant.  Well, there is only one outcome – cancer.

He sighed helplessly.

Chen Zhiyu was frightened, and immediately gave him a holiday and asked him to go to the hospital for a good checkup, and he should not come to work until he was cured.

At the same time, Chen Zhiyu secretly wrote down the name of the indicator, and ask about it the next time he met Xia Shan.


Xia Qingshu got a leave and did not go to the hospital, but went to the toilet again, got into the last compartment, and locked the door.

Before going to the hospital, do a self-examination.

Xia Qingshu washed his hands with disinfectant, opened the Baidu entry on his mobile phone, and looked at himself in the mirror to check for swelling.

He pinched himself for a long time, but couldn’t squeeze out the tumor mass, but instead made himself excited. It is the time of growth and development, and a little stimulation can easily rub out the fire.

Half an hour later, Xia Qingshu came out of the toilet with a trace of exhaustion in his shrewd eyes.

Self-test result: normal function.

He should still go to a regular hospital for a checkup.

Xia Qingshu immediately took a taxi to the hospital and went to a urology department. The doctor read the report and attached great importance to it, and issued a lot of checklists for him to test. Seeing him frowning, he briefly explained a few words to prepare him.

If the disease is diagnosed, the early cure rate can reach 90%, and he will not die. However, excision surgery is necessary.

When Xia Qingshu heard the word “excision”, his heart thumped.

Looking up at the sky at a forty-five degrees angle, his face was unhappy. Although the usual desires are not so strong, if the little tree has been cut, what fun is there in the future life?

He was only in his twenties. He used to be busy with his studies, and he had to shoot commercials and perform in his spare time. He didn’t even have time to watch a few pornographic films. It can be said that he was very innocent.
Less than two months after crossing over and it will be “cut off” …This book plot development of “Exclusive Favourite” is simply too heartless.

It’s been really bad. First, he transmigrated into a book for no reason. Although the cannon fodder he inhabited was mentally handicapped, he was in good health, but the result now, his body has defects.

Can this world get better.

No wonder those articles about pornography in Jinjiang are locked up. Locked well, no disaster.

The bean sized tears came down his cheeks and rolled down. On the day of transmigration, he was forced to “lose his virginity under drug influence” and did not cry. At this time, he couldn’t bear it any longer, and the tears flowed out one by one. That is the most precious thing a man has!

During the examination, when the blood was drawn and also when the urine was tested, Xia Qingshu kept crying silently. The laboratory doctor thought he had a terminal illness and kept comforting him.

Terminally ill? What’s the point of life if a man doesn’t have that thing. His life is over.

Xia Qingshu finished the examination and went home to wait for the verdict.  Along the way, he was speechless and condensed, as if he had been expelled from the male gender.

In the midst of grief, the phone rang. It was Xia Yubin who called, and he called him “younger brother” as soon as he opened his mouth.


In the Xia family mansion, the lights are bright. Xia Yubin took a report and knocked on his brother’s door excitedly.

“Brother, Xia Qingshu is really our younger brother!!”

Xia Shan took the report and saw the bottom result on the laboratory test list – “The relationship is 99.99%”.

He was shocked, and immediately stood up and walked out, “Go tell mom and dad!”

In the master bedroom, Chen Qixi was lying on the bed, Xia Jing had a pair of presbyopic glasses on the bridge of his nose, and was looking over the inspection report of the hospital that year.

It was a four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound report made by Chen Qixi when she was 22 weeks pregnant. On the report, you could see the outline of the baby’s face.

The two looked at each other and sighed silently.

Back then, in the hospital, every newborn would have an identity bracelet wrapped around their hands, and they would not take it off in even the shower. They would not take it off until they were discharged from the hospital. They do not know how they lost the bracelet. Since discovering that Xia Yubin is not their biological son, Chen Qixi and Xia Jing have never stopped searching. Chen Qixi felt heartbroken when she thought that her own son might be suffering who knows where.

Xia Shan and Xia Yubin pushed open the door and came in, “Mom, I found my brother!”

A simple sentence broke the strange dullness in the room.

After listening to Xia Shan’s words, Chen Qixi’s eyes suddenly lit up, grabbed Xia Yubin’s hand, and asked three times in a series of “Really? Really? Really?”

“Mom, really, his name is Xia Qingshu, He’s my classmate.” Xia Yubin helped Chen Qixi up from the bed with a smile on his face, “Mom, I have his phone number, I’ll ask him to come over immediately.”

After that, Xia Yubin took out the phone, found Xia Qingshu’s number, and dialed it.

While waiting to be connected, Chen Qixi held Xia Jing’s hand tightly, shaking slightly. Her eyes were fixed on the phone, there were thousands of words to express, but she didn’t know where to start.

“Qingshu, I’m Yubin.” In order to let Chen Qixi and Xia Jing hear Xia Qingshu’s voice, Xia Yubin turned on the speakerphone, “Please forgive me first, I took your drinking cup, and after inspection, you were found to be the lost child in our family, please come over here, okay? Mom and Dad really want to see you…”

Xia Yubin’s voice was sometimes excited and sometimes choked, loaded with slow joy, joy from the heart, and didn’t feel lost because of his status as an adopted son.

Even in order to let Xia Qingshu come., his tone was mixed with a little humble request.  It sounds like there is no problem on the surface, but in actual analysis, it can be said that it is very green and tea-like, and there is also a faint moral kidnapping.

Xia Qingshu was crying silently while holding the mobile phone. Hearing this green tea speech, he felt very sullen. To defeat a Green Tea, one must stand on a higher moral ground than him, because only magic can defeat magic!

Xia Qingshu said in a low voice, “What kind of inspection did you do without my permission? Why should I forgive you? If everyone who makes a mistake can be forgiven, then the country’s judicial organs are useless!”

“If you took my saliva to create clones, wouldn’t this world messed up?”

“Your actions are very disrespectful and morally corrupt!”

“Please apologize immediately and stop damaging my reputation!”

Xia Yubin: “…”

You are fucking mentally retarded, like I will want to use you to create clones and see more of you.
If it weren’t for his rebirth, he would have almost uttered foul language and collapsed the two life persona of a white flower.  Xia Yubin’s eyes reddened, tears welling up in his eyes, frowning slightly, a lotus swaying in the wind.

Chen Qixi and Xia Jing were both stunned.

Xia Qingshu’s tone was blunt, and instead of finding the joy of his biological parents, there was a kind of resistance and dissatisfaction with being unconcealed. The originally expected happy scene did not appear, and the current atmosphere is rather awkward.

Chen Qixi thought too much about finding her son, and after hearing he has been found,  her face improved. But she frowned when she heard Xia Qingshu’s rejection.

Xia Yubin covered the microphone with his hand, held back his tears, and squeezed out a wry smile at Chen Qixi and Xia Jing embarrassedly, “Dad, Mom, Qingshu is usually not like this, maybe he encountered something unhappy?”

He glanced at Xia Shan, hoping to get his approval.

Xia Shan furrowed his brows and did not say anything.

“Big brother has seen Qingshu, he is a very good child.” Xia Yubin continued, “Dad, Mom, Qingshu is usually a little playful, maybe it’s a joke, I will immediately apologize to him, he will definitely come.”

Chen Qixi sat up from the bed and waved his hands quickly, “Why let him come, it’s time for us to see him.” After speaking, he was ready to change his clothes.

If it weren’t for the adult’s oversight, how could the baby be lost, maybe Xia Qingshu heard the news for the first time, and it was normal for him to be conflicted.

Xia Yubin didn’t hold the phone tightly, and Xia Qingshu could hear what was said over there. He hummed impatiently, “Don’t come, don’t come, I’m in a bad mood.”

He didn’t come to work today and stayed in the hospital for a long time. Faced with the risk of “cutting eggs”, how could he still be in the mood to deal with Xia Yubin.

Xia Shan was just overwhelmed by the joy of finding his younger brother, only then did he react and question Xia Yubin, “You didn’t get Xia Qingshu’s permission to take his saliva sample for testing?!!”

Last time, Xia Yubin suggested it and he refused at the time, he did not expect Xia Yubin to make an assertion.

Xia Yubin hesitated for a while, then nodded, “I’m sorry eldest brother, I was afraid of missing out, my parents have been looking for my brother.” He turned to Chen Qixi and said, “Mom, Qinshu looks very much like you.”

Xia Shan frowned : “You are indeed wrong, you should have got Qingshu’s consent before the test.”

Xia Jing persuaded, “It’s true that we should get the other party’s consent first, it’s not Yubin’s fault, he is also anxious.”

Xia Yubin He stood beside Xia Jing and thanked in a low voice, “Thank you Dad. ”

Xia Jing added, “Don’t be cruel to Yubin, even if you find Qingshu, Yubin and us are still a family.”

Xia Qingshu listened and rolled his eyes, Xia Yubin didn’t ask for permission, he secretly took his saliva for testing. On the surface, it was for the sake of his parents. In fact, he was showing his affection in public and gave him a slap in the face. He said that he was wrong, but did not apologize to him.

In the original book, Xia Qingshu is Xia Yubin’s control group, and he is also compared with Xia Yubin in everything. Hearing such words of bragging easily aroused that damned desire to win.

Chen Qixi took the phone from Xia Yubin’s hand, “Son, your name is Xia Qingshu, right, I’m your…. Mom, Chen Qixi, you can call me Aunt Chen if you want, I want to be with you. Can you say a few words?”

Chen Qixi’s voice was gentle and delicate, and she tried it carefully, for fear of scaring him away.

Xia Qingshu didn’t refuse, “Yes.”

Chen Qixi got a positive answer and was excited, “I heard that you are Yu Bin’s classmate, where do you live, how are your parents treating you now…”

“I won’t be his classmate any more, and I’ll drop out.”  “Why? If there is a problem, we can help.”

“I don’t want to learn anymore, I’m going to the superstar society.”

Xia Qingshu never thought of recognizing his relatives so he spoke directly, without scruples.

Chen Qixi: “…”

The silence of the other party was also expected by him.

After all, a slightly normal family would not want to recognize a second-rate son as a son.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qixi was silent for a few seconds and asked, “Qingshu, Mom…Auntie wants to see you, can you?”

“…..What do you want to see me for?”

“You were born to me in  October . I love you, I want to see if you are doing well, I want to hug you, but I don’t know how you are doing…” Chen Qixi choked as she spoke.

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then there was the sound of sobbing.

Xia Qingshu’s attitude softened a little, “…I’m not in good health, I have some serious illness, I’m poor in study, I love vanity, small minded, and my temper is not good…. there are a lot of shortcomings, I will add more later… I look like this, do you still love me?”

Xia Qingshu thought, if he is like this, the other party should be disgusted with him now and will give up.

However, Chen Qixi almost blurted out, “Of course, the love of parents is unconditional. Everyone in the family loves you, they all want to see you, they want to take you home, and we will all treat you well!”

Xia Qingshu: “…..”

Is that okay? !

“If we meet each other, will you be partial to Xia Yubin? If so, you don’t have to come find me.”

He can’t be an ‘Exclusive Favourites’ control group tool person!

Chen Qixi did not feel offended by the other party. For Xia Qingshu, their family are strangers, and facing strangers, proper vigilance and resistance are the normal reactions of an ordinary person.

“How could that be? Mom, dad, and brothers will treat you well, and Yubin will treat you too.” Chen Qixi slapped her face deliberately, “Yubin, you are not allowed to bully Qingshu.”

Xia Yubin wiped away the tears and pulled her back . Holding Chen Qixi’s hand, he smiled softly: “Mom, he is my younger brother, how could I bully him.”

After Xia Qingshu knew that he was the bead of a wealthy family, he didn’t immediately recognize his relatives happily, which was a bit unexpected to Xia Yubin. But the reactions of Chen Qixi and Xia Jing were expected.

The Xia family has been looking for their biological son. In order to meet Xia Qingshu and fulfill their obsession, Chen Qixi and Xia Jing will definitely compromise everything. It can be predicted that Xia Qingshu will be very favored after returning to the luxurious family. But the Xia family pays attention to discipline and upbringing. Xia Qingshu’s mindless work is fine at first, but over time, everyone in the Xia family will inevitably get tired of it.

Although the eldest brother Xia Shan is cold and arrogant, he is the most fair and just in life. Don’t look at him being angry because of Xia Yubin’s assertiveness. In the future, if Xia Qingshu makes mistakes, he will treat him equally, and maybe he will be even more angry.

The second brother, Xia Ji, is gentle and elegant on the outside, but he is very sick at heart. He made mischievous mistakes when he was a child, and was once had his hand almost broken by the second brother with a ruler as he smiled, even now it still hurts in the rainy season. If Xia Qingshu falls into the hands of the second brother, the consequences can be imagined.

He has always been aware of the overall situation, understanding, and reasonable… Unlike Xia Qingshu, who is so arrogant and stupid, in this way, the Xia family will one day know how good he is and make up for the regret of the last life.

Thinking of this, the unpleasantness in Xia Yubin’s heart disappeared, he smiled, “Qingshu, I am your brother, I will treat you well.”

Who knew that Xia Qingshu didn’t play cards according to the routine, and did not stage a drama of brotherly love. Instead, he talked about “poisonous peanuts” and “brain stem damage” directly.

“Xia Yubin has already bullied me! He also bullied me with Zhou Qian! I didn’t go to school because I was afraid of revenge from the two of them!”

Xia Yubin: “…”

After Xia Qingshu finished speaking, he asked directly, “How do you punish Xia Yubin? You say it first, if I’m not satisfied with the punishment, I won’t compromise easily.”

Chen Qixi looked at Xia Yubin, “Yubin?”

Xia Yubin’s eyes turned red again, “I, I didn’t, the peanuts were given to me by Zhou Qian, I don’t know anything…”

Chen Qixi and Xia Jing stared at Xia Yubin, frowning.

Xia Shan also remembered why he felt familiar when he heard Xia Qingshu’s name before. The last time Xia Yubin was hospitalized for gastric lavage, it was because she stole Xia Qingshu’s peanuts. No wonder Xia Qingshu was very impatient at the first sentence when he received Yubin’s call. When a normal person receives a call from a bully, it is a good practice not to hang up directly.

The Xia family has strict family rules and will never tolerate campus bullying.
Xia Jing immediately reprimanded, “Yubin, what’s going on?!”

Xia Yubin raised his head, tears welling in his eyes, “No, I didn’t bully Qingshu, it’s all Zhou Qian, I don’t know anything… .. I was hospitalized, but I didn’t have anything…”

While clearing the responsibility, he also sold a miserable sight. The green tea art is engraved in his bones, he is very familiar with it.

As soon as Xia Yubin cried, his beautiful appearance and pear eyes brought rain, which was comparable to the heroine of Qiong Yao.

However, the people present were not in the mood to appreciate it. Xia Shan even showed blue veins on his forehead.

Why are you crying again? Can’t you just talk. Although they are not related by blood, they also grew up in the Xia family, so why are they so hypocritical.

But now is not the time to scold Xia Yubin, the top priority is to appease Xia Qingshu, Xia Jing picked up the phone, “Qingshu, Dad will criticize Yubin, you can ask for anything you want.”

Xia Qingshu: “Since he said it has nothing to do with him, I don’t want to wrong him. You find Zhou Qian and let him confront Xia Yubin. If he admits they bullied me together, you can punish him and he has to apologize to me in front of the whole school.”

“No problem, we will never let you be wronged.” Xia Jing After replying decisively, he asked carefully, “Then… can we come to you?”

Xia Qingshu thought for a while, and continued to set up his villain persona, “If you want me to recognize me, you must send Xia Yubin back to his biological parents.”

“This…” Xia Jing hesitated.

Although Xia Yubin is an adopted son, but after raising him for so many years, he also has feelings.     The Xia family has been looking for their biological son, but has no plans to send their adopted son back.

“No? No, forget it!” Xia Qingshu made a gesture to hang up.

“Don’t!” Chen Qixi shouted into the microphone eagerly, hesitated for a moment, and said, “…Yes.”

After Chen Qixi finished speaking, she apologized to Xia Yubin, “Yubin, Qingshu is not in good health. , he has a bad temper, and is arrogant, you are sensible, you let him go, there are your biological parents, you leave in the next few days, they will treat you well. When he calms down, we will pick you up again, You and Qingshu are my children.”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

Chen Qixi’s remarks are simply a template for the cannon fodder supporting role.

Generally, the protagonists of the books and the strong are treated like this, and there will inevitably be a face-slap plot in the later stage.  And he is the most miserable cannon fodder.

Xia Qingshu: “You…”

Wouldn’t you like to think about it again? So easy to say yes? Don’t you want to take care of your adopted child’s mood? Shouldn’t she think that he is very arrogant and uneducated, and it is better to adopt a son, and then give up recognition?

Xia Yubin thought so too.

However, the other party agreed, and Xia Qingshu couldn’t take it anymore and reported his home address, “Okay then, come and see me. I say it again, I’m very difficult to get along with.”

At this moment, he felt that he Very much like a big villain who has succeeded in a conspiracy. Not far from death.

Xia Qingshu called his parents and told them to come back quickly, and go to the kindergarten to take Xia Qingqiu home early. He had just explained the situation to them and Xia Qingqiu, but before the dad could inquire, Chen Qixi and Xia Jing came over.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Qixi hugged him and shed tears. Xia Shan and Xia Jing were full of tears, and their eyes followed Xia Qingshu’s every move.

While Xia Yubin tried his best to act moved, he was secretly looking at the house. In his last life, he didn’t look for his biological parents. He always thought that his biological parents were very poor. He didn’t expect that they lived in a good-quality garden house.

After introducing each other, Chen Qixi held Xia Qingshu’s face and looked at it carefully, “What happened to you when you said you were sick? Our family is a medical family, and your father is also a famous doctor. If you have any difficulties, you can say anything.”

On the phone, he was squeamish and pretentious, but when we actually met, he sat obediently on the side, quiet and sensible. If Xia Yubin acts like a little white flower, then when Xia Qingshu doesn’t speak, he is more like a white lily who is indifferent to the world. His appearance is charming, but his eyes are as pure as a clear spring, both bright and weak. He looks almost exactly like Chen Qixi when she was young.

Chen Qixi used to be sought all over the country with a pure and high-level face. Xia Jing liked him very much when he saw him and surrounded him with Chen Qixi to ask questions.

Xia Qingshu whispered, “I’m a little sick.”

He was originally mentally handicapped, but now that he is no longer mentally handicapped, but he has to cut eggs, it’s really not easy to speak.

Although he was related by blood, Xia Qingshu was still a little wary when he first met everyone in the Xia family.

But in Chen Qixi’s eyes, Xia Qingshu is a sensitive and soft-hearted child who longs for love and is afraid of being hurt. One cannot belittle themselves without self-confidence, its because of low self-esteem. The sharp thorns erected aggressively are his protective colors. Like a lonely little hedgehog.

Chen Qixi, Xia Jing and Xia Shan’s heart went soft. Chen Qixi secretly made up her mind that if Xia Qingshu accepted her as a mother, she would love him unreservedly.

“Child, don’t be afraid, don’t worry, we will help you.”

Xia Shan had retrieved Xia Qingshu’s medical records and had a general understanding of his “mental” condition. He pulled Chen Qixi’s hand and winked at her. Xia Qingshu’s illness is private, there are so many people here, it is not convenient to ask.

Chen Qixi understood, the topic changed, and she began to ask other things.

Chen Qixi and Xia Jing were pulling Xia Qingshu, and they were very enthusiastic. On the contrary, Xia Lao Er and Li Xiao-in-law faced Xia Yubin, but they were a little unable to speak.

The last time Old Man Xia took the whole family for a blood test and a paternity test, he knew for the first time that he was not Old Man Xia’s biological son, and that he also knew that Xia Qingshu was not his biological biological son. He and his wife thought about it all night. The son they had raised for so many years had a deep relationship with them. They neither planned to find their biological parents nor their biological son, so they just ignored it.

Who knew that his biological son took the initiative to find him.

Although Xia Lao Er didn’t understand famous brands, he also saw that Xia Yubin was well-dressed and the clothes on his body were expensive at first glance.

Xia Yubin took the initiative to inform him of the situation, Xia Lao er was still a little cramped. While Xia Qingshu was going to the toilet, he grabbed him and asked secretly, “Cub Miao, I don’t think he is my own.”

Through the crack of the door, Xia Lao er pointed at Xia Yubin’s head and said, “He has a lot of hair, and his hairline is not high. Didn’t you say that Dad was bald?”

Xia Qingshu saw that Xia Yubin’s hair was quite thick, “Dad, don’t worry, it will disappear sooner or later.”

He pointed out Looking at the bald head Xia Lao er and said, “Your today is his tomorrow.”

Xia Yubin was sitting on the sofa drinking tea, and suddenly felt a chill on his head.

Xia Lao Er wanted to say that they didn’t look alike. He had a Chinese character face, Li Xiao-in-law had a disc face, and Xia Yubin had a melon seed face, but there were too many people outside, so he couldn’t ask too much.

Chen Qixi said that she wanted to take Xia Qingshu home, but Xia Qingshu did not agree immediately. After the two families had a meal, Chen Qixi did not dare to force it, and asked him to think about it, and led the Xia family back first.

After learning Xia Jing’s identity, Xia Lao Er began to shake again, “Cub, you are rich  and the conditions are better than ours. You will definitely get a good education when you go back. Forget about this home.”

“If I don’t recognize them, I won’t have to go back, besides you will always be my parents.”

Xia Qingshu felt that there was no old man Xia to interfere, and Xia Lao er was okay with him, and he was used to getting along with the man, the family has money, Life was not worrying, he does not want to recognize his relatives, and refuses to be cannon fodder.

Xia Yubin didn’t look like a good bird at first glance. He was probably full of bad water, so he was waiting for him.

He is sick now and needs to rest, and he is not in the mood to deal with Xia Yubin at all.

Xia Lao Er was moved to tears by his words, afraid that he would feel long-winded, he dared not say too much, and left him alone to think about life.

Xia Qingshu was lying on the bed on Baidu, registered an account and went to CNKI to check relevant information. Suddenly, the phone rang and the caller was Secretary Li.

“Qingshu, how many buildings and units does your house have?”

Xia Qingshu didn’t answer immediately, still wondering why Secretary Li asked this, Secretary Li explained, “I heard that you are sick, we happened to pass by your community today, to come and see Look at you.”

“By chance?”
“…Hey, it’s just that coincidence.”


“Yes, me and the boss.”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

Sure enough, in the book the attackers never went to work, wandering around all day and night, still earning tens of billions easily every year.

Just after seeing everyone from the Xia family, he was not in the mood to receive the boss,

“To be honest, it’s not very convenient.”

Secretary Li turned his head and glanced at Chen Zhiyu, “Boss, this…”

Chen Zhiyu glanced coldly Looking at Secretary Li, he didn’t speak, and his expression was unclear.

Secretary Li understands that this is a signal to deduct the bonus. The boss must visit the sivk today.

He then followed suit: “What’s the inconvenience for you to say, the corporate culture of Chen’s Group is family, you are a part of the family when you entered the Chen company, if the family is sick, there is no reason to not care, we will Satisfy your every wish.”

“The adults are not at home.”

There is only one big boy in the family who is ill but still strong-willed, but does not want to do business.

“Qingshu, you are an adult, we are not bad people, we are acquaintances.”

“My house is small and dirty, I’m afraid of soiling your shoes…”

Chen Zhiyu was rejected when he visited the sick in person. Hearing this, he twitched his fingers calmly. As far as he knows, Xia Qingshu’s family is indeed in difficult times. Both Xia’s father and Xia’s mother are low-level workers. Xia Qingshu was sick and had no money to go to the hospital when he was a child.

The few times they met, he also wore the same white shirt. The white shirt was the school uniform of R University, and the collar had been washed with raw edges. His other classmates basically lived in villas at home, and their clothes were expensive and changed every day.  A boy of this age has strong self-esteem, and is especially afraid that his sweetheart will see his embarrassing side…

Chen Zhiyu closed his eyes, as if he saw Xia Qingshu’s stubborn appearance when he maintained his self-esteem.

He raised his hand and motioned for Secretary Li to continue asking.

Secretary Li bit the bullet and said, “If you don’t tell me, we’ll ask…”

He originally wanted to ask the guard, but suddenly thought of Xia Qingshu’s father who delivered meals every day, come rain or shine, so he changed his tune, “Let’s just ask Your dad.”

Xia Qingshu’s refusal was already obvious, and for some unknown reason, he was a little helpless: “I’m just an ordinary, simple and unknown intern.”

Just to ask for a sick leave, the boss will come to the door to offer condolences in person, is it  necessary ?

Secretary Li thought to himself, you are not ordinary at all, you stand out from the crowd.

At the board meeting this morning, the boss’s whole family came, and the boss’s mother pulled him to ask about Xia Qingshu’s situation, with various hints in her words. He was greatly shocked – that beautiful looking simpleton Xia Qingshu really had an unclear relationship with the boss. Then, the series of unreasonable actions by the previous boss have reasonable explanations.

Secretary Li was accustomed to the arrogance and extravagance of rich people. At first, he thought that the boss was the only clear stream of cleanliness in the capital world.

Later, after working for a period of time, he blocked too many Yingying and Yanyan for the boss. He thought that the boss did not have such worldly desires. Later, when the boss began to fall in love with ‘fishing’, he blindly guessed the boss was importent.

It now appears that the boss just hadn’t met the right person. It turns out that the boss likes someone like Xia Qingshu.

But looking at Secretary Xia’s actions, doesn’t the boss seem to be having wishful thoughts?

“Your dad’s phone number is 13…” Xia Qingshu had filled in the emergency contact number when he joined the company, and he could find out at a glance.

Xia Qingshu was in a hurry: “…Oh, I said, I was afraid of my poor family giving a poor reception.”

If Xia Lao er knew that Chen Zhiyu was coming home, he would definitely kill him and make a whole table full of Han Chinese cusines. In order not to waste food, he reported the building and room number to the other party, and went back to the room to continue lying on the bed.

Secretary Li instructed the driver to drive the car into the community and glanced at the boss inadvertently from the rearview mirror.

The boss leaned on the seat, closed his eyes, and drew circles with his fingers on his legs.

Seemingly expressionless, but actually relaxed. That look is definitely greedy for Secretary Xia’s….

How can a normal man have no normal physiological needs, and he is not a master of ruthless way like the wuxia novels. Besides, the masters of ruthless Taoism in the novels have never succeeded in repairing their hearts.
He hoped the boss will fall in love and work less overtime, so that he can take an annual leave.

The black Bentley drove into the community and parked in the basement parking space. Secretary Li asked carefully, ” Boss, do you need me to accompany you?”

With him there, at least there is a buffer. Although some people can make money, they are emotionally bland. It can be seen from the last few times the boss met Xia Qingshu, his face with filled with anger.

Chen Zhiyu waved his hand, “No, you guys wait in the basement.” Maybe the child will become fine as soon as he meets him.

Those who are in love are so fearless. Secretary Li was very worried.


Xia Qingshu opened the door and watched Chen Zhiyu standing alone at the door.

He did not let Chen Zhiyu in immediately, but looked behind him.

Chen Zhiyu wore a set of haute couture, a black suit on the outside, a vest of the same color on the inside, and dark black cuffs, looking noble and elegant, not like he came to visit a sick person, but to a catwalk.

Xia Qingshu glanced at the scorching sun outside the window, fearing that he would suffer from heat stroke, and quickly let him in.

Chen Zhiyu said with a smile, “No one else, just me.”

Be happy.

Xia Qingshu gave an expressionless “Oh” and whispered, “Didn’t you say you came to visit the sick? Why did you come here empty-handed?”

He was not greedy for any health care products, but just wondered why the other party didn’t have the basic etiquette for visiting the sick, not at all. impolite.

Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly, “I’m here in person, isn’t that enough?”

Xia Qingshu blinked his big eyes: “Huh?”

Chen Zhiyu rubbed his head, pretending not to see the surprise on the other side’s face.

Xia Qingshu: I was surprised but not happy.

Thinking of Chen Zhiyu’s cleanliness attribute, Xia Qingshu found a pair of disposable slippers for Chen Zhiyu. The slippers were souvenirs given to Xia Lao Er when he participated in a middle-aged and elderly tour group.

Chen Zhiyu wanted to say no, but when he saw the shiny  ground, he said in his heart that the house was a little small, but it wasn’t dirty.  Although Xia Qingshu’s house has no valuable furniture, the interior decoration is quite satisfactory, and there is not a single piece of decent art, but it is very clean. The pair of disposable slippers embroidered with “Peony Sunset Red” on his feet are the cheapest items he has ever worn.

Chen Zhiyu ignored the discomfort on his feet and asked, “Where is the discomfort, is it better? Did you go to the hospital for a checkup?”

Xia Qingshu brought him a bottle of Nongfu Spring with the word “gift” on it, and hesitantly said, “It’s nothing, much better.”

Chen Zhiyu took the water and thanked him. He didn’t drink it, and put the water back on the table as it was, “Did you catch a cold when you slept in the car last night?”

Xia Qingshu shook his head, “No. ”
Chen Zhiyu looks cold, and his voice is low and hoarse, and his tone of voice carries the coolness of a thousand-year-old snow-capped mountain, which often makes people shudder. Even if he is caring, he is not warm enough to make people unable to ignore his identity as a cold-blooded and violent villain.

In the original book, because Xia Qingshu tarnished his chastity, he was not ashamed to show off. So, Chen Zhiyu became angry and sent Xia Qingshu into the brothel for others to play with, causing Xia Qingshu to die tragically.

After he transmigrated, although he still tarnished Chen Zhiyu’s chastity, he showed that he valued chastity more than Chen Zhiyu, and even showed the “guardian sand” on his wrist several times.

The way the two communicated was like the class president of the male virtue club and the class representative of the male virtue club, maintaining a strict social circle.

After so many encounters, Xia Qingshu is not as afraid of him as he was at the beginning. Chen Zhiyu just seems to be tough but his three views are correct, as long as one does not touch his sore points, he will not lose his temper and will get along well.

And because of Chen Zhiyu’s support, Xia Qingshu won 50 million for nothing. Although Xia Lao er cooks every day to repay his gratitude, Xia Qingshu can’t do nothing to show.  After thinking about it, Xia Qingshu squeezed a smile on his face, and he was not as resistant to Chen Zhiyu’s visit at the beginning,

“Then let me make you a cup of tea? Do you like “Biluochun” or “Dahongpao”?”

“It’s okay.” Chen Zhiyu was afraid of his Picky tastes will hit the other’s enthusiasm, “Anything.”

A simple answer.

Xia Qingshu didn’t drink tea, but he also knew a little about high-end tea varieties. He opened the cabinet and saw only a pack of tea brought by Mr. Xia Jing. The price tag on the outer packaging was not torn. The price tag said: 3 yuan.

3 yuan is too cheap, I don’t know if the other party can drink it.

The wrapping paper is quite high-grade and green, with the words “High-grade tea: “Biluo Dahongchun” written on it.

Xia Qingshu quietly tore the price tag off the outer packaging while the other party was not paying attention, turned to block the outer packaging of the tea leaves, poured some tea leaves into the disposable cup, and put a piece of dried lemon.

Filled with boiling water, Xia Qingshu put the paper cup on the table, “Mr. Chen, Biluochun and Dahongpao, I put a little of each, the taste may be a little mixed.”

Chen Zhiyu pretended not to have seen the other party’s small movements, picked up the paper cup, and watched the water float He blew on the unidentified plant debris, and took a shallow sip. After drinking, he was thoughtful.

Lemons again.

A black piece of lemon slice floated on the water, without fragrance or taste.

Unconciously, he glanced at Xia Qingshu. The hair is fluffy and the color is darker, which makes the small face the size of a palm more fair and delicate. The ends of the eyes are raised upwards, with long and curled eyelashes, which looked charming. Such a beautiful and cute little boy, just by looking at him from a distance, he seems to be able to smell the fragrance on his body.

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath.

The lemon smelled slightly fresh

“Today I have one more thing besides visiting the doctor.” Chen Zhiyu put down the paper cup, wondering if it was because the tea was too bitter, his expression looked a little grave.

“Go ahead.” Xia Qingshu took a small bench and sat opposite Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu clenched his hands into fists and coughed, “The last time you and I…slept together, my family knows about it.”

? !

Xia Qingshu was stunned for a moment, and quickly lowered his head to play with his fingers, naive and ignorant.

“What are you talking about, I don’t understand…” Why are you still mentioning that, is this guy a top student from the male virtue club?

With a cold face, Chen Zhiyu tried his best to help the other party recall, “Oasis Hotel, Room 503, August 4th.”

The other party’s eyes were so burning, and Xia Qingshu had to raise his head to deal with it. He pinched his fingers and asked in a low voice, “Last time I slept… did you want me to pay half of the room fee?”

Chen Zhiyu: “…”

In the eyes of the other party, Xia Qingshu continued to say softly, “I slept half of the bed, and I should bear half of it. How much is it, I’ll call you…”

“It’s not about the money!!” His family is big, he is the richest, who needs to split a hotel room fee? !

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath and interrupted him, “My mother may have misunderstood, she knew that you and I… after sleeping together, you came to the group company for an internship, thinking that we… I would… she will look for you to ask you questions.”

Xia Qingshu was startled: “What are is she  asking?! I’m an innocent big boy!” He rolled up his sleeves, revealing the eye-catching “guard sand” for the Nth time.

Chen Zhiyu had anticipated his actions, restrained the twitching corners of his eyes, and pressed his arms down, “Don’t worry too much, they are just panicking, don’t be afraid, just tell the truth.”

“Ohh.” Xia Qingshu lowered his head , the neck turned red.

Too embarrassed to lift it up.

Chen Zhiyu’s eyes passed over Xia Qingshu’s tender face. It was just the wishful thinking of a little boy, he himself was not tempted, and his mother would definitely not be moved. It was inconvenient for him to stop them from meeting, and the more he tried to stop it, the more interested his mother would be.

The little boy’s mind should not be disturbed too much.

Chen Zhiyu briefly described his family relationship –

He is a single heir to a family of nine-generations, and his mother dreams of holding a grandson, so she is more concerned about his personal problems. But he has always been restrained and discplined, always maintaining a proper social distance with others, and there has never been any scandal around him. The appearance of Xia Qingshu has attracted great attention.

But because Xia Qingshu is a boy, he can’t let Chen’s mother realize her wish to hold two grandkids in three years, Chen’s mother is a little nervous.

“My mother is very gentle, but she’s just a little obsessive about certain things.”

After hearing his words, Xia Qingshu’s heart swayed, “Auntie…is she going to throw a check in my face?”

It’s a good thing!

Chen Zhiyu concentrated: “…that’s not so…I’m not sure, don’t take anything she says seriously….”

For the sake of having an heir go the family, she is capable of doing anything.    “It’s okay, let Auntie come, I’m not angry!”

Xia Qingshu tensed the corners of his mouth, making himself look like he was determined to die.

In fact, the deer in his heart was rambling, and he never thought that in his lifetime, he would experience such a Mary Sue plot with such a modern urban magic twist.

How should he behave so that Mother Chen’s cheque slap can be more quick. This is a great time to achieve financial freedom. The money for medical treatment had reduced.

In order to convince Chen Zhiyu that he can handle it, Xia Qingshu also vividly described the matter of Old Man Xia inheriting a knighthood, proving that he has enough experience to deal with such incidents.

“When will Auntie come? I’m not afraid of her!”

Xia Qingshu held his small fist to the side of her head, pursed her small mouth, and frowned slightly.

Because of the small calculation in his heart to set himself up as a lover, so that he can sit on the ground and raise the price, the corners of his pursed lips trembled slightly, and his eyes were only firm on the surface, but in fact, his eyelashes trembled while holding back a smile.

Chen Zhiyu stared at him and took a deep breath.

Xia Qingshu looked as if he was ready to and pretended to be strong, like a child who was refusing to admit his mistake while trying to assert himself after beaten by his parents yet he was wronged.

It was heart breaking.

Chen Zhiyu thought to himself that after this incident, the child should be compensated a little.

Less than half an hour after sending Chen Zhiyu away, Xia Qingshu received a strange call. The other party claimed to be Chen Zhiyu’s mother and wanted to meet and talk with him.

Xia Qingshu: Here it is…   \ ( > < ) /

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