Chen Zhiyu shrivels
In the private room of Century Tea House No. 1.

Zhou Qian was boringly stirring the glass of sugar water in front of him, Xia Yubin sat opposite him, put his fork on the fruit, and pushed the fruit plate over.

“Qian, eat more blueberries, it’s good for your eyes.”

“You couldn’t say anything on the phone, you insisted on meeting,talk.” Zhou Qian had just finished corneal surgery and had gauze wrapped around his left eye.

After Xia Qingshu was beaten into the hospital last time, he and Xia Yubin never met in private again. Maybe it was because it was too embarrassing, and Zhou Qian didn’t go to school either. The two usually kept in touch every day, but this time they both avoided each other very tacitly.

Xia Yubin forked a bunch of blueberries from the fruit bowl and sent it to Zhou Qian’s mouth, “You eat first, then talk slowly after eating.”

Zhou Qian suffered a big loss in the Xia Qingshu incident. First, he was detained for a day and a night, and then he swallowed up his apology and paid a huge amount of compensation.

Under the influence of the Zhou family, the school only took a big demerit to him and did not expel him, but he felt so ugly that he had no face to go to school again. After corneal surgery, Zhou Qian chose to drop out of school. After his eyes were healed, he will go abroad to find another school to hang out with, and come back in a few years.

Compared to Zhou Qian’s embarrassment, Xia Yubin stayed out of the matter, saying that he could afford another 25 million, but there is still not a shadow of this. Although 50 million is not too much for the Zhou family, he is still a little aggrieved to let him bear everything by himself.

Xia Yubin has been his friend for many years. The other party put on a gesture of begging for peace, and Zhou Qian also stepped up. He glanced at the blueberry that was brought to his mouth, smacking his lips, and still ate it.

When Xia Yubin saw that the other party’s attitude was not as rigid as before, he said, “Xia Qingshu is the Xia family’s biological child.”

Zhou Qian was stunned for a moment, and when he pulled the wound on his left eye, he made a “hiss” in pain, “What did you say?!”

Xia Yubin clenched his teeth, squeezing his hands, he nodded to Zhou Qian, “My parents said, in order to let him come home, they will send me out.”

Zhou Qian pressed his forehead and roared in indignation, “What’s wrong with my uncle and aunt? Don’t they love you the most?!”

Seeing that the other party was truly upset for him, Xia Yubin choked up a little, “Xia Qing Shu said that you and I had teamed up to bully him and they should confront you, and if I had a part in bullying him, he wanted his parents to cut me off, and I also have to apologise to him in front of the whole school.”

Zhou Qian said angrily, “A  confrontation only, let him come, how can I betray my friends!”

A smile was squeezed out of the sad face, and Xia Yubin’s eyes were full of tears, “Qian, thank you, You are still the best to me.”

“When did he recognize your relatives?” The Zhou family and the Xia family are family friends, and they also knew about the Xia family looking for a child, but they didn’t expect that the child turned out to be Xia Qingshu.

Zhou Qian leaned his legs against the legs of the table, shaking faster and faster, “Although they share blood, they haven’t seen each other for so many years, I don’t believe how deep the relationship is. How could they be so biased? Didn’t brother Xia Ji love you the most, what did he say?”

“Second brother went on a business trip and hasn’t come back yet.” Xia Yubin had a sad face, but his tone was still unhurried, “Xia Qingshu asks for a lot, and the parents listen to everything, and the eldest brother is more inclined to him. Now he is acting arrogant and still refuses to come back.”

After listening to the other party’s description, Zhou Qian was not so angry as he was at first, and laughed, “When he returns to Xia’s house, he will be reprimanded by Uncle Xia within a month.”

Don’t look at Zhou Qian as lawless, but he is very disciplined in front of his elders. Among the four major families of Chen Zhou and Xia, the Xia family has the most rules.

After Zhou Qian finished speaking, he waved to Xia Yubin, “I know his secret.”

Xia Yubin’s eyes lit up, and he put his ears close.

Zhou Qian laughed evilly, “Xia Qingshu and Chen Zhiyu sleep together.”

Xia Yubin was shocked.

how is this possible? ! !

Chen Zhiyu should obviously like him!

In his previous life, Chen Zhiyu kept a polite social distance with everyone for his sake, and abided by etiquette. Even if he loved him deeply, he strictly followed the rules of marriage first.

How can such an ascetic and conservative person be….

Absolutely impossible! !

“You think we are stupid and pay him 50 million easily. If Chen Zhiyu hadn’t stepped in, we wouldn’t have given him a penny… I didn’t eat meat, and I also lost face.”

Zhou Qian did not feel the strangeness of Xia Yubin, immersed in his own thoughts, chattering, “My brother said, Xia Qingshu must have been wrapped up by Chen Zhiyu, no wonder he looked like a chaste warrior in front of me, yet in fact, he’s a well-played slut. Come on, think about what he looks like, how can a normal person look like him, with a charming look in his eyes, and when I think of it  it’s hard….. If Uncle Xia knew about it , I can’t say whether he will still recognize him or not… Yubin, did you listen to me?”

Xia Yubin came back to his senses, “I’m listening, you continue.”

Zhou Qian laughed evilly, “As I said, find an opportunity to let Uncle Xia and Aunt Chen know about his relationship with Chen Zhiyu.”

Xia Yubin hesitated, “Are you sure about them…?”

Zhou Qian: “Of course, you didn’t see Chen Zhiyu when he looked at him, his eyes couldn’t wait to stick to him. If it wasn’t for Chen Zhiyu, would I be able to let him go?! I would make him unable to get out of bed!”
Xia Yubin bit his lip, “How could Chen Zhiyu like him, he is so stupid, talking, and he doesn’t understand style…”

Zhou Qian interrupted him: “It’s this kind of beautiful little pepper that is full of energy, soft, weak, and stubborn… Don’t care how they get it on, you find an opportunity to reveal this matter.”

“Oh.” Xia Yubin nodded, then hesitated again, “The twenty-five million…”

“That won’t work, I can’t call the shots.” Zhou Qian quickly waved his hand. Because of the huge compensation, pocket money was deducted, and his favorite sports car was taken back. He has been very low-key at home recently. It was rumored by Zhou that Xia Yubin had to bear half of this matter, and he could not be the one to blame.

Xia Yubin said calmly, “Qian, it’s not that I won’t give it, if I give it, wouldn’t it prove that I bullied him too. Tell Brother Zhou Chuan to take it easy, wait until the parents hate him, he will then be at your mercy. ”

Zhou Qian thought for a while and nodded.


In the second private room of the Century Tea House, Mama Chen and He Chen were sitting together.

He Chen played games with his mobile phone, “Auntie, what are you looking for with Xia Qingshu?”

Mother Chen heard that Xia Qingshu and He Chen were classmates. She was afraid that it would be too abrupt to call the other party directly, so she asked He Chen to help a middle-man.

” I ask a little thing, tell your aunt, what kind of person is Xia Qingshu?”

After that night in the hotel, Zhiyu went to the school to find Xia Qingshu several times. At first, Mama Chen didn’t care much. After all, Zhiyu was famous for his strong self-control, self-discipline, and no desires.

Unexpectedly, Xia Qingshu actually entered the group company for an internship and directly entered the secretariat.

You must know that the secretary of the Chen Group, who can connect with Zhiyu in person, is the position closest to the president of the entire group company, which can be described as the foot of the emperor.

Without Zhiyu’s approval, Xia Qingshu would never be able to drop into the secretariat by air. Interns in colleges and universities would at most do odd jobs at the front desk.

It can be seen that Zhiyu is more or less concerned about Xia Qingshu.

She wanted to see Xia Qingshu for two purposes. First, to remind the other party that the families of the two sides were very different. Zhiyu’s identity as a ninth-generation single heir who was destined to marry a woman and inherit the lineage, so that the other party could stop thinking about marrying into a wealthy family.

Second, she had seen the photos of Xia Qingshu and had a simple investigation of him – he looked good, but the most important thing for a wealthy family was not a beautiful skin. She didn’t know what kind of interesting soul the other party has thay he can get two points of favor from Zhiyu.

It is best to analyze Xia Qingshu to find out Zhiyu’s preferences and impart some experience to her future daughter-in-law.

He Chen didn’t know why his aunt wanted to see Xia Qingshu, and said casually, “He’s silly, he doesn’t look very smart.”

Not knowing what to think, He Chen lowered his head and smiled, “He likes me.”

Chen’s mother was shocked: “How is it possible, he likes Zhiyu!”

Xia Qingshu pestered Zhiyu, delusionally flying up the branches to become a phoenix and marrying into the Chen family. She has seen a lot of people who approach Zhiyu with such delusions.

She was absolutely certain that Xia Qingshu was also such a person.

He Chen slipped his hand, made a big move for the other party, and took the box lunch. He raised his head and argued, “Our classmates all know that he has publicly confessed to me, and stalked me. If you don’t believe me, go to our school and ask. ”

What’s going on?

Mama Chen was a little annoyed that there would be such a person playing with feelings around Zhiyu, and Xia Qingshu’s first impression in her heart plummeted.

Such people, no matter the cost, must be sent away.

He Chen smiled indifferently, “I rejected him.”

Chen’s mother was a little unhappy again, how could Zhiyu pick up what others didn’t want.

She turned her head to look at her eldest nephew, He Chen had always been a hairy boy in her eyes, and after taking a closer look, she realized that he was already so old. He looks handsome, similar to Zhiyu by three points, but his appearance is still inferior to Zhiyu by seven points.

Chen’s mother: “Then he liked you before, but now he likes Zhiyu.”

He liked him so much that he forced her, the mother, to go out in person.

“I’ve seen him pestering Brother Zhiyu.” He Chen put away his phone and snorted, “I think he just wants me to be… jealous.”

A simple sentence denied Xia Qing Shu’s fondness for Zhiyu

Not knowing what to think, He Chen smiled, “Don’t look at him being stupid, he has a lot of tricks.”

Mother Chen couldn’t believe it, but felt that this nephew was a little too confident.

To make you jealous, he went to roll into Zhiyu’s bed?
Is that even possible?

The two were about to have a heated discussion about who Xia Qingshu liked when the waiter opened the door and Xia Qingshu appeared at the door.

He was wearing a simple white T-shirt, which was oversized, and there was something indescribably thin and eloquent about his thin body wrapped in a wide garment.

In order to meet Chen’s mother, Xia Qing Shu had purposely dressed up, making himself look like an extremely strong cuscuta flower.  It seems soft, but it is extremely tough. If you are not careful, you can entangle with the other party to the point of death, and it is difficult to cut off the grass and uproot it. Unless you give it money of course.

Mother Chen looked up, her eyes met, and her silky eyes collided with sparks in the air, and Xia Qingshu seemed to hear the sound of “crackling”.

“Auntie, hello.” Xia Qingshu pretended to be defeated, took the lead to show weakness, bowed his head and said hello.

“Hello, classmate Xia.” Mother Chen’s sitting posture was very dignified and upright, like a Buddha in the deep palace.

She turned her head to look at He Chen, “A Chen, you go out first, me ans classmate Xia will have a few words alone.”

He Chen stood up and looked at Xia Qingshu casually, “I’m right next door, I’ll come over after you finish. .”

After He Chen left, Chen’s mother raised her hand to signal, “Student Xia, take a seat, I ordered Tieguanyin, do you know if you are used to drinking it?”

When she raised her hand, the huge sapphire diamond ring on her finger was dazzling. of light.

Xia Qingshu glanced at Chen’s mother, and the other party was obviously prepared.

Chen’s mother is well-maintained and looks in her early 40s. A fragrant suit brings out the elegance of a lady. The diamond necklace around the neck is a set of bracelets and rings, which are expensive and exudes the smell of money.

“Auntie, you asked me to come, what’s the matter?” Xia Qingshu’s eyes fell on the Hermes bag beside Chen’s mother.

This bag is not big, a medium-sized bag, it wouldn’t even hold 100,000 yuan in cash, and the bag is not full at first glance, so, it seems things will be settled with a bank card or a check.

“Student Xia, I said will say it clearly.” Mother Chen looked at Xia Qingshu carefully.

The skin is white and tender, unlike the effects that have achieved through medical beauty, Xia Qingshu’s face is naturally tender, enough to squeeze out water.

He looks quiet and beautiful, that she didn’t want to come off as a demon.

If she were a few decades younger, she would like this type of guy too.

Why isn’t he a woman?

Alas, what a pity.

Chen’s mother’s thoughts flew a little.

Originally, she wanted to tell Xia Qingshu not to pester Chen Zhiyu, but after hearing He Chen’s words, she was a little hesitant. Afraid of making a full out of herself, Mother Chen asked, “I heard that you like… Zhiyu?”

Xia Qingshu put his legs together and nodded.

“I heard that you like my eldest nephew too?” Mother Chen explained, “It’s He Chen.”

Xia Qingshu shook her head: “I don’t like him.”

“Really?!” Kind of happy.

Sure enough, such a beautiful boy should like Zhiyu.

Mother Chen said again, “Then why did you confess to He Chen in public before?”

Xia Qingshu became vigilant. How did you bring the topic to He Chen?

Really?!” Chen’s mother was surprisingly a little pleased to hear the answer.

Sure enough, such a beautiful boy should like her Zhiyu.

Chen’s mother added, “Then what was the matter with you confessing your love to He Chen in public before?”

Xia Qing Shu got alert. How could the topic be brought back to He Chen?

The following process; is she not supposed to ask him how much he likes Chen Zhiyu, then he says that he likes him so much that he dares to be separated from the king only when the mountains are free of angles, followed by Chen’s mother starting to slap out the cheques, which he is reluctant to take at first, but finally the cheque amount became bigger and bigger and he was finally forced to compromise.

“I, I don’t remember.” Xia Qingshu quickly evaded the question, tilted his head to think for a moment, and replied softly, “I don’t like He Chen, although He Chen is also very good, but I like only Chen Zhiyu from the beginning to the end alone, auntie.”

He thought he said it very clearly, but his beautiful and soft appearance with the soft and hesitant tone were always easy to imagine.

Chen’s mother stared at him for a while, and suddenly realized: “You actually used Achen as a substitute!”

Xia Qingshu: “…??”

Chen’s mother: “Unexpectedly, you would do such a thing for Zhiyu. !”
He Chen and Chen Zhiyu are cousins, and their eyebrows were three-points similar. When they were taken out when they were young, people would say they are brothers.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was right.

His poor eldest nephew, the eldest nephew who was smug at first, suddenly became a substitute.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

If I said yes, can you add more money please?

Chen’s mother put her hands on her chest, her chest was up and down because of the violent breathing, and He Chen, who was in the cubicle with his ears on the wall: “…”

Substitute? ! He turned out to be a substitute!

That idiot used him as a stand-in! !

“Bang dang!”

A cup was shattered in the next room.

Xia Qingshu glanced at the door and blinked. This He Chen is handsome and upright, but he actually listens through walls!

It’s unbelievable!

Mother Chen took a few deep breaths and calmed down, “Because Zhiyu is too far away from you, so you approached Achen. Unexpectedly, by coincidence, you had the opportunity to approach Zhiyu, and then gave up Sam.”

Xia Qingshu : “…”

Auntie, you have read too many dog ​​blood novels…

Mother Chen sighed, “Achen is so pitiful!”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

Your nephew is indeed pathetic, a person who used to be good, suddenly turned into a substitute in your mouth.

He Chen: “…”

Suddenly, his body felt cold and shaky. Although he didn’t do anything, there was a sad feeling of being abandoned by a scumbag.

Xia Qing Shu raised his head, his mysterious and inscrutable eyes mixed with remorse, reluctance and struggle, his yearning expectation for his lover was portrayed by him in a perfect way.

“Auntie, please forgive me, this has nothing to do with Zhiyu, everything is my fault, I am in too deep ……”

Xia Qingshu lifted his face with tears in his eyes, but he was extremely firm.” However, I will never let go.”

His eyes revealed three parts love, three parts softness and four parts firmness, like a water lily swaying in the wind and rain, despite the wind and rain, he still sticks to his heart. Stubbornly making people heartbroken.

In the eyes of Chen’s mother, she went a little soft-hearted.

“I know that my son is too good to be controlled by anyone.” Chen’s mother said helplessly, “But my family’s Zhiyu has different identities, and we always want to have a son to pass on our blood. Our Chen family has a lot of wealth, and there are countless seniors in the country. Most of the shopping malls, even the courtyards at the root of the imperial city, belong to our family… There are also countless Qing Dynasty porcelains, paintings and calligraphy, and swords from the Warring States…everything is worth a lot of money, someone has to inherit…”

Xia Qingshu:…

Are you here to persuade me to quit, or to show off your wealth in Versailles?

Hearing Chen’s mother listing the collections at home, Xia Qingshu pretended to be extremely shocked. After half an hour, he was sleepy.

When he was in a trance, he saw that Chen’s mother took the Hermes bag and reached out to dig in it.

Xia Qingshu clenched his toes, and came to spirit, is it finally going to start?

Mother Chen took out a tablet.

Good good good, you can scan the QR code to pay.

Xia Qingshu reached into his jeans bag, typed the password to unlock it, and opened the QR code for payment.

Wait, so easy? ! Don’t you want to ask a lawyer to ask the other party to write a contract or something, otherwise you will be sued for extortion….

Mother Chen unlocked the tablet, clicked on the photo gallery, and pulled Xia Qingshu, “Look, this is the gold mine of our family, this is a courtyard house, and this pair of gilt double-eared plum bottles are national treasures, used by Emperor Kangxi, and this bronze tortoise, from the Warring States period…”

Xia Qingshu: “…..”

He yawned, his mouth a little itchy, “Auntie, if Mr. Chen can’t give birth to a son, what will he do?”

Chen’s mother was interrupted from showing off her wealth and frowned, “How is it possible, Zhiyu just doesn’t want to, if he wants to? It’s no problem to get seven or eight.”
She scratched the tablet with her hand, and smiled casually, “Don’t you know best whether he can or not?”

Xia Qingshu: “!?”

He never had kids before, how could it be clear, he didn’t know at all.

When Chen’s mother saw that the other party was silent, she raised her head and gave the other party an expression of “you are pretending to be pregnant with a baby”.

The beautiful eyes turned back and forth, Xia Qing Shu looked down and squeezed his fingers, “Auntie, what are you saying, I don’t understand.”

“We’re all adults, what’s not to understand.” Chen’s mother put down the tablet, pinched the jeweled ring on her finger and opened up the sky, “Then let me ask you, who did you sleep with on the night of August 4? What did you do?”

“That day with Mr. Chen ……” Xia Qing Shu’s cheeks were flushed and she was very shy, “But we didn’t do anything, we just slept normally.”

Chen’s mother laughed lightly and gave a “haha” back to show her disbelief.

Xia Qingshu had vehemently denied what happened that night in front of Chen Zhiyu, and there was no way he would admit it in front of his mother now.

He once again offered up his “guardian of the pure”, “Auntie, look at this mole, it has a great origin.”

Chen’s mother had heard the story of the “guardian sand”, her eyes twitched and she didn’t even bother to refute that it was fake.

But Xia Qing Shu did not look like he was lying. It was only logical that Xia Qingshu was madly infatuated with Zhiyu, rushing up to get close to him. How could he hide the fact that he had sex with him, he would have surely made a big deal out of it in order to drive away other suitors around Zhiyu.

However, Xia Qing Shu persistently denied ……

Chen’s mother eyed Xia Qingshu suspiciously countless times, still unable to find a single flaw in the other’s expression

A tiny seed of doubt sprouted in Chen’s mother’s heart as she steadied her mind and asked, “You guys just slept that night and didn’t do anything?!”


“Did you wake up with any strange sensations? Like a soreness in certain parts of your body?”

“No, I slept very well and slept until dawn.”

“Then why did you come out of the room …… so weak in the back that you couldn’t straighten up and your legs and feet were shaking?”

“The bed was too soft and I couldn’t get used to sleeping that’s why my back hurt.”

Xia Qing Shu tilted his head with an innocent face, stating that he had no idea what Chen’s mother was talking about.

Chen’s mother got nervous, she had heard that Xia Qingshu was not too smart, even if he was 24K pure stupid, he should know that he had done that kind of thing.

She had also investigated afterwards, and in the room, there were still a few broken condoms.

That night, at least several times…the condoms….If it was only one, that she couldn’t tell, but if it was several times, how could it not be?

“You didn’t do …… bad things?”


“You didn’t feel a thing?!”

“Absolutely not a single feeling.”

Chen’s mother’s face turned from red to white from white to blue, gradually losing its blood.

Those condoms looked like they were used, but they weren’t ……Could it be that his Zhiyu, had, a hidden, disease!

Chen’s mother closed her eyes and thought…

–The last few years, he has become more and more averse to dating, and he doesn’t talk about having a son to carry on the family business, and when he does, he is cold-faced and doesn’t even give a fuck.

Even if the most beautiful woman was lying naked in his bed and he was drugged with X, he would be able to get rid of her without changing his face and then change the sheets himself, and maybe even call two board meetings.

And, to top it all off, Zhiyu has recently taken up fishing!

Her best friend’s man loves to fish, and she knows the unspoken rule of the jungle that nine out of ten men who love to fish have a problem with that aspect.

It’s hard to believe that ……

If it is really what she thinks, the reason for all the previous perversions has been found.

Chen’s mother covered her forehead, only to feel all the stars in front of her eyes, the sky is spinning, almost fainting.

Facing Xia Qing Shu’s pure and sincere face again, she fell headlong onto the sofa like a bolt from the blue.

Her Zhiyu, is it that he ‘shrivels’!

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