How can he refuse such a deep.....
No way, how could Zhiyu have “shriveled” up?

Chen’s mother couldn’t believe it, and Zhiyu didn’t look like he couldn’t…

But when she thought about it, her best friend’s husband, who loved to fish, was also tall and big, and sometimes his trousers were so tight that they bulged out and he looked so explosive.

There was even a time when she was envious.

If it wasn’t for her girlfriend’s complaints, she would have thought he was the legendary “turbocharged pile driver”.

Without warning, she was weakened and shrivelled up.

Nowadays, kids know how to do things early, usually boys know how to do things by the time they are 13 or 14, and young boys are so greedy for that kind of thing that they have nothing better to do than jerk off.

He was twenty-five years old, and with all the men and women around him, he had never had intimate contact with anyone. As far as she could remember, Zhiyu had never even “wet” his bed sheets or underwear.

It was so abnormal!

Chen’s mother looked up to the heavens in silence, it was true!

Zhiyu’s outward male virtue was just his protective shield.

It’s not easy for Zhiyu to carry the burden of the Chen family legacy while suffering in silence and pretending to be strong and abstinent for fear of worrying his parents.

Chen’s mother almost thought that the Chen family was going to go extinct and poured five cups of “Tieguanyin”.

Xia Qingshu did not know what to make of it, and sat stupidly by the side maintaining his affectionate persona.

The president’s mother looked a bit abnormal.

Chen’s mother looked at Xia Qingshu with mixed feelings.

When she thinks about how she forced Zhiyu to go on blind dates, let Zhiyu have dinner with a girl without knowing, pretended to be sick so that Zhiyu could get married to celebrate the occasion, and now she has to force away the little beauty that Zhiyu had a crush on …….

What a lot of pressure Zhiyu is under!

There are two main things she had to do right now. One is to find a doctor while hiding it from Zhiyu, this disease, which has both psychological and physical effects, can put too much pressure on the patient, and she has a fair relationship with the Xia family, a pharmaceutical family, so she can turn to them.
Secondly, Xia Qing Shu should be driven away as planned. Fortunately, Xia Qing Shu was not too bright in the head, plus she did not reveal too much and it looked like he did not know the inside story, just in case he came back to his senses and used it as blackmail.

To let Xia Qing Shu leave, she must not let Zhiyu know, and she must also make Xia Qing Shu’s departure sensible.

Chen’s mother coughed twice after thinking it through. She took out her tablet and flipped open a picture of Chen Zhiyu and He Chen as children, “Look, Chen and Zhiyu look alike.”

Xia Qingshu nodded, “It’s a bit similar.”

Chen’s mother: “When they grew up, they actually looked alike too, it’s just that they had different hairstyles and dressed differently, but their eyes were still quite similar.”

Xia Qingshu thought about it, and it was indeed true.

But he didn’t quite understand what the president’s mother meant, she had just hammered him for using He Chen as a stand-in, wasn’t it right for the two to look alike, so there was no need to put so much emphasis on it.

They do look alike, both are handsome, except that He Chen’s eyes go down at the end and he looks ruffian and hanging. Chen Zhiyu’s eyebrows were sharp and looked cold, handsome in a different direction.

Chen’s mother finally reached her hand towards Hermes again and fished out a card.

Xia Qingshu’s eyelids jumped and he was posed with the desire to refuse, only to hear Chen’s mother say, “Xia student, Zhiyu and you are strangers after all, but Sam can…Sam he has been in good health since he was a child ……”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Is it appropriate to push your son’s admirer to a brother-in-law?

Chen Zhiyu, your mother is also too heartless and  un-conscience to human relationships!


Chen Zhiyu was talking to his department manager in the Chen Group office.

Secretary Li knocked on the door, wanting to say something but not doing so.

Chen Zhiyu dismisses the manager with a few words, “Go ahead.” Since Chen’s mother had expressed her wish to interview Xia Qing Shu, he had been sending someone to follow, so he thought things must have come to a head.

Secretary Li reported, “Ms Chen looked very lost after meeting Xia Qing Shu, she gave a card to Xia Qing Shu and Xia Qing Shu didn’t take it.”

Chen Zhiyu did not have much expression on his face, such an outcome was originally expected, “How much money did my mother prepare?”

Secretary Li: “It should be eight figures.”
“He didn’t ask for a penny?”

Secretary Li: “Yes.”

Chen Zhiyu: “Got it, get out.”

His mother looked lost, indicating that she hadn’t achieved her goal, and Xia Qingshu’s choice speaks for itself ……Tsk, quite stubborn.

After the Zhou Qian 50 million incident, Chen Zhiyu thought Xia Qing Shu was a money grubber, his two eyes were shining brightly when he saw money, like a little hamster that found a treasure.

He didn’t expect ah, money-hungry people also have weaknesses.

“You book a private room, for two people, in a secluded environment.”

Since Xia Qingshu had rejected Ms. Chen, he couldn’t be indifferent and had to give that little fool who didn’t want money a little reward.

Chen Zhiyu thought about it, “Wait, not a private room, book the whole restaurant.”

“Okay.” Secretary Li remembered the schedule and reminded, “Boss, you have a cross-country video conference tonight.”

The regular meeting of the heads of foreign branches, where the other party would report to the boss on the company’s operations over the past six months, was still relatively important.

“Change it to tomorrow night.

Secretary Li was inwardly shocked. The laborious boss who was so dedicated to his work had cancelled the meeting to have a date with someone. The person for the appointment was most likely Xia Qingshu who had taken the day off to be interviewed by Ms. Chen.

Was the Chen group going to welcome a new boss?

Secretary Li raised his eyes to look at his boss’s confident look and always felt that there was still a bit of a long way to go.  This afternoon when he accompanied his boss to visit the sick, Xia Qingshu’s refusal was obvious, and also last time, when he asked Xia Qingshu to work overtime, Xia Qingshu also looked unhappy.

Listening to Ms Chen, it seemed that Xia Qing Shu had climbed into the boss’s bed, which he was sceptical about – it wasn’t that Xia Qing Shu had climbed into the boss’s bed, but that the boss had abducted Xia Qing Shu!

After all, the boss is already twenty-five years old. He has experienced the ups and downs of society, and he has seen the capital game of intrigue and tricks between business heroes. He has rich social experience

On the contrary, Xia Qing Shu is 18 or 19 years old, just starting his first year of college, still a clean and innocent boy who does not know the dangers of society. Having just started university and having glimpsed a little of the prosperity of society, he was at an age where he was extremely susceptible to temptation.

These thoughts flashed by, and Secretary Li suppressed the shock in his heart and continued, “After meeting Xia Qing Shu, Ms. Chen rushed to Xia’s house in the west of the city without stopping, and stayed for about an hour, when she came out, Ms. Chen looked a little better, and now Xia Jing is visiting and is in the parlor.”

“Xia Jing?” Xia Shan’s father.
He was usually close to Xia Shan, but didn’t know Xia Jing very well, and didn’t know what he was doing over here.

“Let him in.”

Chen Zhiyu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands folded, looking at the sunset in the distance.

Xia Jing was entrusted by someone and had to make a run for it. He and Chen Zhiyu’s mother, Chen Rao, had been high school and college classmates for eight years. When Chen Qiqi had three sons in a row, Chen Rao was very envious and came to consult the secret recipe for having a son.

He was also familiar with Chen Rao’s family situation, as he had only one son, Chen Zhiyu, and his family had a fortune to inherit. When he heard Chen Rao’s request for help today, he was also surprised.

Chen Zhiyu looked like a dragon and a tiger, how could he be like this? However, this disease is not visible from the appearance. Many tall and majestic men have unspeakable sufferings.

At Chen Rao’s request, he had to make a trip himself.

“Uncle Xia, what brings you here?”

“I heard that an acquaintance is interning with you, so I dropped by to see you.” Xia Jing said.

This type of illness tended to be more psychologically burdensome, and unless the patient took the initiative to talk about it, it was not good for outsiders to pick it out. Xia Jing smiled and was ready to chat with him and put the other person at ease to gain trust.

“Oh, who is so dignified as to have Uncle Xia come over personally?” Chen Zhiyu changed into his standard business smile and invited Xia Jing to sit down.

The Xia family was quite well established in the medical field, it was very easy to arrange for one or two people to work, and he wondered who it was that didn’t work for a pharmaceutical company but had to intern with him, and could make Xia Jing pay so much attention. Could it be Xia Yubin, Xia Shan’s unrelated brother?

He had met Xia Yubin twice, and Xia Yubin looked at him very strangely. Xia Shan had also mentioned to him that Xia Yubin wanted to come to him for an internship, and he asked Secretary Li to arrange it. He didn’t know whether had come or not, and in which department.

Could it be that Xia Yubin didn’t think he could get close to him and asked Xia Jing to be his lobbyist?

When dealing with people like Xia Jing, you just have to think more. There are no pure feelings in the business world, only eternal interests.

Xia Jing smiled, “My son, Xia Qing Shu.”

Chen Zhiyu: ?

Seeing the other party’s stunned look, Xia Jing explained, “We just found out, I’m sure you know it, the child that was lost as a baby, we finally found him.”
Xia Jing sighed, somewhat helplessly, “The kid was having trouble and didn’t want to come home, so I came over to find out about his working environment. When he’s figured it out, we’ll definitely be hosting a banquet to formally introduce him to everyone, so I’ll give you a heads up first, for fear that the boy will cause you trouble.”

“Congratulations to Uncle Xia in advance.” Chen Zhiyu suppressed the emotions within his heart and said lightly, “He’s no trouble at all, it’s just that he’s really stubborn when it comes to his feelings.”

Xia Jing smiled, “Please take care of Qinshu more.”

Chen Zhiyu: “No problem, don’t worry Uncle Xia.”

The two of them chatted about Xia Qing Shu for a few more moments before Xia Jing suddenly asked, “Zhiyu, the weather has been a bit hot recently, are you uncomfortable?”

A hint of doubt flashed across Chen Zhiyu’s eyes, “No, I’m fine as can be.”

Xia Jing found that the other party was resolute and kept his illness a secret, not willing to reveal it at all, so he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. Such an outstanding nephew generation, but he had this disease.

Many young girls in the Xia family are quite fond of Zhiyu and have asked Xia Shan to help match them up.

A family like the Chen family is not worried about getting a wife, and in the future, Chen Zhiyu’s wife will only be for show. He wondered whose daughter will be tossing and turning in the lonely night sleepless.

He could not ask too many questions and turned the conversation back to his son, whom he had just found.

The two spoke for more than half an hour before Xia Jing excused himself and left. Although Zhiyu this nephew was tight-lipped about his condition, he knew everything about the subject of Qing Shu. They seemed to be on good terms.

Xia Jing thought to himself that if Qing Shu was willing to come home, he could ask him to keep an eye on him.

After Xia Jing left, Chen Zhiyu was still surprised that Qing Shu was the youngest son of the Xia family.

Nine out of ten of Xia Jing’s words were Xia Qing Shu related, and it was not hard to figure out that Xia Jing was sent by Xia Qing Shu to brush up his goodwill in front of him.

This little thing, seemingly silly, has a lot of heart.

He hasn’t even formally acknowledged his parents, and he’s letting his real father come over to get close ……

So you like me that much?

Wouldn’t the little thing be happy and cheerful when he hears the news that he’s having dinner with him tonight.

Maybe he’ll make a big fuss over him at dinner…a big confession…

How should he refuse such a profound love?


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