He is crazy about me
In less than half an hour, the ambulance drove into the most luxurious private hospital in the city with a beep.

Before the car had even stopped, Secretary Li was waiting at the hospital’s main entrance with seven or eight people. Chen Zhiyu was carried out on a hospital bed and pushed to the radiology department. Xia Qing Shu followed him, running along the way.

Secretary Li, with his men, ran on the other side, like a flock of ducklings chasing after the mother duck.

Chen Zhiyu narrowed his eyes and stared at the group of people following behind Secretary Li, asking, “What are they for?”

Secretary Li returned, “Boss, bedside escorts and temporary nurses.”

“Am I going to be paralysed?” Chen Zhiyu’s tone was mocking.

Secretary Li froze and fell back a step. He had worked beside the boss for many years and knew his temperament well. What mattered was the desire of these people to serve the boss, and the grandeur of the process of selecting them. The more the carer shows his desire for the job, the more he is doing a good job. Is it that you don’t like the people? Or was it that the people weren’t enthusiastic enough?

The secretary glanced back at the group behind him and wondered…no, he had told them to be more enthusiastic when they met the boss before they arrived. When these people were chasing the bed, they were working very hard and their faces were very expressive, more sad than if it were the death of their own father.

Secretary Li did a quick analysis but couldn’t make sense of it. When he stood still, he saw Xia Qing Shu, who was waiting for him at the door.

Xia Qing Shu’s eyes were red, and the anxious eyes were very different from the impatience of his previous refusal to work overtime. He was so skinny and small, standing on tiptoe, looking into the emergency room with his neck hooked, quite like a young wife looking forward to her husband’s return.

Secretary Li slapped his thigh and realisation dawned on him. He held up a hand to steady the seven temporary nurses who were following behind him.

“You are dismissed, and I will settle the related expenses.”

Secretary Li dismissed the temporary escorts, handed the boss’s change of clothes to Xia Qing Shu, sent a message to the boss, and left work early.

Boss, this is all I can do for you.

While waiting, Xia Qingshu called home to explain the situation. Xia Lao Er knew that Xia Qingshu would be accompanying Chen Zhiyu and brought him toiletries. He was so worried that he knew Chen Zhiyu had been injured to save Xia Qingshu and almost stayed with him personally.

He didn’t know who leaked the news, but Chen Zhiyu’s injury became known to the media and several reporters came to the hospital entrance. Xia Qingshu found the hospital security guards and sent the reporters away, and put Chen Zhiyu’s personal belongings into the VIP single ward in advance. After everything was taken care of, Chen Zhiyu was pushed out by the nurses.

There were two rooms in the VIP ward, apart from the patient’s room, there was also a smaller guest room. The nurse gave a couple of instructions and left. Xia Qingshu pushed the wheelchair and took his benefactor into the ward, and only then did he have time to ask about his condition.

After being hit by a hard object, Chen Zhiyu had a slight bone fracture in his leg bone, which did not require surgery, but his leg was also in a cast and he could not move very easily.

“Brother Zhiyu, does it hurt?” Xia Qingshu looked at the other man’s plastered leg and gently poked it with his finger.
Chen Zhiyu shook his head.

The leg injury was not as serious as he thought, and he could take conservative treatment and go home tonight. Without Xia Qing Shu here, his original plan had been to go home. He was in a VIP ward with new sheets, and he still felt that the hospital bed was not very clean, having certain high requirements for cleanliness and hygiene. But he had promised to let the boy stay in bed with him, so if he went home, wouldn’t the child be very disappointed.

Chen Zhiyu looked up and found that Xia Qing Shu’s eyes were still a little red at the corners and his lips were tightly pursed, looking petulant and fragile. Just now he had cried a lot, if he knew he did not need to stay in the hospital tonight , he didn’t know how sad the little guy would be, probably he’d hide and secretly cry all night.

A boy who is such a crybaby? Forget it, let’s make an exception for him.

Chen Zhiyu decided to stay in the hospital tonight, he fulfilled his wish to accompany the child to the bed. He looked at the child’s red face, his heart softened, and he blurted out, “Why don’t you blow it for me? Maybe if you blow it, I won’t be in pain.”

Xia Qing Shu: “?”

This, what kind of strange request is this….

Did his head get hurt too? No, it was clearly the calf that was injured, the electric pole didn’t hit the head, he had read all the reports. Besides, he was in a wheelchair, his feet were off the ground, his IQ was high, how could he make such a childish joke?

Xia Qing Shu took two steps back and carefully observed Chen Zhiyu, trying to find the slightest trace of head damage on his face.

His expression was serious and his eyes were wide open. After crying, the redness at the end of his eyes had not yet disappeared, and the small mole at the corner of his eyes was flanked by a cloud of red haze, becoming more and more eye-catching. The pink lips were slightly puffed up, and the lips were luscious. Even a person as tough as Chen Zhiyu, who was firm at heart, was tempted to tease Xia Qing Shu when he saw how well behaved and pretty he looked.

It was only after Chen Zhiyu had finished that he felt it was inappropriate.

What was wrong with him? How could he have said something so naughty?

But what was said was like water that had been thrown out, and there was no way to take it back. He glanced at Xia Qing Shu and immediately sat upright, trying to cover up his mistake.

Chen Zhiyu’s features were sharp, his jawline was cold and hard, and his thin lips looked thin and unfeeling. When he is serious, his look is comparable to that of a news network announcer, with clear eyes and righteousness. He is particularly good at intimidating people. Chen Zhiyu is all hugely arrogant and upright look, on the contrary made Xia Qing Shu a bit sneaky.

Fine, a small request from the benefactor. It is just blowing the wound, it is not like asking him to go up to the mountain or into a sea of fire. The answer is yes.

Xia Qing Shu finished his psychological construction and squatted down. He slowly approached his leg, which was in a cast. Afraid of hurting the other side, he gently cupped his hands to the plastered leg, lips half open, like exhaling, and gently breathed out. Then, half tilting his head up, like a deer, his voice moistened and asked, “Brother Zhiyu, is it less painful now?”

Seeing that Chen Zhiyu did not say anything, Xia Qing Shu propped up his body a little and half squatted in front of Chen Zhiyu, “Shall I blow once more?”

Chen Zhiyu’s body involuntarily shook a little and nodded blankly. Perhaps, he can consider, when the leg is healed, whether to fulfill the child’s dream.

Xia Qing Shu blew on the plastered leg several times.

At first he wondered if Chen Zhiyu’s head had been hit by an electric pole, then he saw Chen Zhiyu’s face slowly turning red and sweat on the tip of his nose, as if he was having a hard time.

Xia Qingshu was instantly alerted, “Brother Zhiyu, what’s wrong with you?”

Chen Zhiyu came back to his senses and said in a hoaarse voice, “Nothing ……”

He looked breathless, his face flushed and his brow furrowed as if he was holding back something.

Xia Qing Shu concluded that he must have something, but was just too embarrassed to say it, and hurriedly ran to the nurse station to call the nurse lady over. The nurse rushed over and rechecked Chen Zhiyu.

His blood pressure and other things were normal, but his heart rate was a bit fast, otherwise it was nothing serious, probably due to excessive blood loss. So he was advised to take rest and avoid strenuous exercise. Xia Qing Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

“Brother Zhiyu, wash up first.” Xia Qingshu pushed Chen Zhiyu to the bathroom, washed his hands first, then disinfected them, and finally unwrapped his toothbrush. The toothpaste cap was a bit tight, and when he squeezed it hard, he didn’t control the force, so the toothpaste shot out like a white thread, splashing far away and spraying some on his nose and cheeks.

Xia Qing Shu had been like this since he was a child, he was a bit careless and confused. He reached up and wiped a hand on the tip of his nose and instead of wiping the toothpaste off, he smeared it everywhere.

He cupped some water and wiped it on his face, trying to wash the toothpaste off. The toothpaste turned into a white foam when it met the water, and it hung in a quivering mass on the tip of his nose and on his cheeks.

“Brother Zhiyu, sorry, wait for me, I’ll be ready in a minute.”

Chen Zhiyu glanced at him lightly.

The white floculents hanging from his pink cheeks, coupled with that unbelievably pretty face, was particularly evocative. Before he had time to take a closer look, Chen Zhiyu immediately shifted his eyes. If it wasn’t for the quick change of sight, he might have had to secretly pinch himself again.

Chen Zhiyu propped his hands on his wheelchair and stood up on one leg, propping himself up on the edge of the washbasin.

“You go out.”

“Don’t you need any help?” Xia Qing Shu put down the toothpaste and toothbrush.

“I’m taking a shower, how can you help?” Chen Zhiyu’s eyes shifted down and landed on his hand holding the toothpaste.

Xia Qingshu’s bony fingers were thin and looked a little smaller than the average adult male’s hands, wet and also stained with some white flocculent material. His fingers were so white that the knuckles of his finger bones were permeated with pink, even the nail caps were pink. The fingers curled up and stood still without moving, a kind of overwhelmed by rejection.

Chen Zhiyu froze, perhaps, can let the little friend bee presumptuous for a while.

Xia Qingshu did not expect that Chen Zhiyu still wanted to take a bath when his foot had becomd like this, what an exquisite man. He had one foot in a cast and it could not touch the water, so when he took a bath, he should lift his injured leg. Should it be lifted in a “one” or a horizontal fold? It would be quite difficult to take a bath, but if the ligaments of the body were a little bit worse, the bath would not be successful.
Xia Qing Shu wanted to ask if the other party could do the splits, but felt it was impolite, so he just tentatively expressed his enthusiasm, “Brother Zhi Yu, I ……can I help lift your feet?”


Chen Zhiyu’s face showed doubt, meaningfully sizing up the other party.

Xia Qing Shu thought of the other party’s male virtue attribute, ran outside to get some thing and ran back in a breeze. The ward had prepared disposable eye masks, so Xia Qingshu returned to the bathroom and put them on, “Brother Zhiyu, don’t worry, I can’t see anything with this on.”

Guaranteed to help keep your feet up high and not get a bit of water on them.

“Can’t see a bit?” Chen Zhiyu reached out and waved his hand in front of him.

“Yes.” Xia Qingshu took off the blindfold and handed it over, “Check if you don’t believe me.”

His eyelids were a little red and swollen, and the tears on his eyelashes hadn’t dried, glistening with bright water. The nose was also a little red, setting off the surrounding skin, which was even whiter and more hydrated.

He was sincere in his repayment, no messy acting added, his eyes appeared pure and clear. The way he held the eye mask and looked up at him with his eyes was attractive.

Chen Zhiyu sucked in a sharp breath, this well-behaved little friend even wanted to wear an eye mask just to help him take a bath.

This is also….It was too presumptuous.

He looked down at his leg, which was wrapped in a cast. Not very convenient. In the end, he used what was left of his male virtue to force down the charming thoughts.

Wait a minute, wait until the leg injury heals, the nurse just said that no strenuous exercise is allowed recently.

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath and stabilized his mind.

When he was just blown on his leg, he actually lost his cool. Had he not been sitting in a wheelchair with a blanket on his leg, the consequences would have been unthinkable. There was no way something like that could happen to him again.

Instead, this little friend, sharing a room with him, would be too happy to sleep.

Chen Zhiyu took another deep breath, then picked up the eye mask and said in an unmistakably decent tone, “Get out, if you fall, who will be my bed escort in the middle of the night? Just use a plastic wrap around it and I’ll manage.”

Yes, can’t believe he forgot one can wrap clingfilm around it. No need for splits.

Xia Qingshu nodded, surprisingly feeling a hint of pity growing within his heart, “Brother Zhiyu, you wash inside, I’ll stand outside, if anything happens, you call out to me.”
Chen Zhiyu looked at him casually for a moment.

Guarding his bath …… The kid is actually so crazy for him.

Chen Zhiyu glanced at his trousers and gave a smile of understanding.

Xia Qing Shu looked at the other party’s expression and just felt odd. But he had met too many odd things today, even doing things like blowing wounds, such an expression was really nothing and he didn’t take it to heart.

He added a word of reassurance, “Don’t worry, I’ll come in with an eye mask on.”

Chen Zhiyu took the blindfold in his hand, it was a disposable blindfold given by the hospital, the fabric was a bit thin and not really flattering to wear, more or less he could see some of the features of his legs through the openings underneath.

Xia Qing Shu’s eyes were shining brightly, so rich with emotion that they were almost overflowing.

Just looking at an ankle, how can you be so happy?

The kid must have had a hard time sleeping all night.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t poke holes in the other’s little heart. He only had a cracked bone, he wasn’t lame, and he still had the ability to take care of himself in a bath. He sat back in his wheelchair and graciously lifted his leg, which was in a cast, “Let’s wrap it with plastic wrap.”

Xia Qing Shu helped him wrap his leg and yawned several times.

“Go lie down on the guest bed for a while, don’t stand guard, I’ll call you if something happens.”

“Mm-hmm.” Xia Qingshu nodded in agreement.

Chen Zhiyu was in this luxurious ward which was a suite with two bedrooms, aside from the main bedroom where the patient slept, there was a guest bedroom next to it which was a bit smaller. The guest bedroom was fully equipped with things and had a bathroom.

He went to the guest bedroom to put his things away and wanted to lie down on the bed to rest, but as soon as his head hit the pillow, he felt drowsy. He wanted to sleep.

No, Chen Zhiyu was still in the shower, so he couldn’t sleep yet.

So sleepy, how closing the eyes only for about ten minutes, no no, for five minutes is enough …………

Chen Zhiyu finished his shower and opened the door, which was empty. The person who promised ten minutes ago that he would always be at the door, disappeared. In the guest room, there was a subtle purring sound.

Xia Qing Shu was lying on the bed in the guest room, sleeping soundly.

Chen Zhiyu: “………”

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