This child is too jealous!
Xia Qingshu slept until almost noon,  the guest room door was closed and there was a lot of noise outside, as if there were many people.

He woke up in a daze, forgetting something. Shaking his head, he suddenly remembered that last night Chen Zhiyu was going to take a bath. He was afraid that his benefactor would fall, so he said he would guard the door, but he fell asleep when he lay down on the bed.

He got up from the bed in a panic, wondering if Chen Zhiyh had fallen last night. It was dawn now, so even if he had fallen, he would have gotten up on his own. There were so many people outside, so it shouldn’t be too hard for Chem.

After analyzing the situation calmly, Xia Qing Shu did not panic. He calmly took a shower and changed his clothes, and then opened the door to go out. The ward was full of flowers and fruits, and relatives were coming and going to visit him.

Chen Zhiyu had already eaten breakfast and when he saw Xia Qing Shu, he looked very calm and told him to go and have breakfast by himself.

When Xia Qing Shu had finished his breakfast, Xia Lao Er called to say that he had made bone broth and had it delivered.

As the ward was already crowded, Xia Qing Shu asked Xia Lao Er to wait in front of the hospital and he went to pick it up himself. When he got the soup, the lift broke down. Chen Zhiyu’s ward was on the 11th floor and the floor was not very high, so Xia Qingshu simply climbed the stairs.

He pushed open the door of the fire escape, and just as he stepped in, he was pushed by someone behind him.

Xia Qing Shu turned his head to look and found that it was He Chen.

He Chen did not look well, a handsome face green with white, white with black, his expression resentful like a deep boudoir husband, staring at him with a deadly stare.

Xia Qing Shu was taken aback.

The “substitute” had come to his door!

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and fired a “death ray” with his mind.

This was useless against He Chen, who cornered him, his face was three parts gangster, three parts unrestrained and four parts resentment, staring at Xia Qing Shu with a deadly stare.

Xia Qingshu clutched the soup to his chest and asked in a small, whispered voice, “What are you doing?”

He Chen took a step back, giving the other party a little breathing space, and said leisurely, “Is he that good?”

Although his tone was arrogant, there was a tinge of resignation plus a hint of resentment in it, which Xia Qing Shu caught keenly.

Xia Qinshu:”…..”

After tilting his head and thinking about it, it should be the stand-in thing.

Didn’t he like Xia Yubin, even if he used him as a substitute, he should not have cared. What was he trying to do now with a resentful face?

Xia Qing Shu shook his head, indicating that he really couldn’t understand the other party’s words.

He Chen snorted, “How is Brother Zhiyu better than me?”

This question was much better answered, and after thinking it over, Xia Qingshu realised that he didn’t know the two men very well, but if he had to look deeper, he did know Chen Zhiyu a little better. After all, in the book, Chen Zhiyu had a bigger role.

Xia Qingshu clutched his thermos bucket and replied seriously, “Since you want to know, then I’ll begrudgingly say a few words. He is more generous than you, will not be ridicule me for no reason, he is virtuous, and cherishes his body very much.”

He Chen interrupted loudly, “I’m still a bachelor too, a virgin!”

Xia Qing Shu: “….”

Big brother, what about being a man, no need to be so competitive. You are a virgin. You can be a virgin. Man, do you need to be so loud?

Xia Qing Shu turned his ears with his index finger and continued, “He took the initiative to invite me to dinner and saved my life.”

He Chen interrupted again, “I’ve also invited you to dinner.”

When school first started, He Chen invited the entire dormitory to dinner, and on the night after dinner, Xia Qing Shu climbed into He Chen’s bed.
Seeming to remember something, He Chen was a little excited, “You just want me to invite you to dinner? What do you want to eat, I’ll take you there.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

Did he look that much like the king of dry rice?

“Classmate He Chen, are you unable to live independently without my love?!”

He Chen stood aside, his eyes darkening, not saying anything.

“Classmate He Chen, I suggest you become a star, then more people will like you and there will be no shortage of me.”

Xia Qing Shu complained in a thin voice, “Never seen such a vain person!”

After saying that, he stole a glance at He Chen, a hint of disgust mixed in his soft eyes.

He Chen: “….”

He Chen exasperatedly explained, “Our family and the Xia family have a marriage contract, I just learned that you are the Xia family’s child, that marriage contract could possibly be me and you, Chen Zhiyu is my brother, in the future is your eldest uncle……”

“You are unclear about your eldest brother like this, so what are you talking about!!!”

He didn’t know if he was irritated by those words Xia Qing Shu just said, or because he confirmed the relationship between Xia Qing Shu and Chen Zhi Yu, He Chen was very angry. When He Chen looked at Xia Qing Shu’s smug little face, his expression changed and he reached out and pushed him towards the stairwell.

Xia Qingshu stumbled a few steps and fell on the stairs. He Chen bent down high and looked down at him, one leg stomping beside him and surrounding him.

“You and Brother Zhiyu, what exactly is your relationship?!”

His eyes glowed with a cold light, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up not as if he was smiling, but more ruffian. He Chen looked at Xia Qing Shu mockingly and calmly, “You just like to seduce people so much, don’t you?”

There was no one in the fire escape, and the slightest sound in the empty walkway was infinitely amplified. Especially the word “seduce” was pronounced with a mocking tone and was particularly mean.

Xia Qing Shu was a bit aggrieved, he had not seduced anyone, he was also forced to transmigrate. But he knew that the original body’s persona was like this. He wanted to retort, but because of his lack of strength, he could only squeeze out a few faint words from his bright red thin lips, “…… I didn’t ……”

“I was seduced by you, shouldn’t you be happy?!”

He Chen leaned his body harshly, aggressively forcing Xia Qing Shu to lift his head and look directly at him.

“Speak up, weren’t you just being eloquent? What’s wrong now? Are you dumb?”

Xia Qingshu pursed his lips, his brow furrowed, and didn’t say a word. His little face was a little white, his mouth puckered and his cheeks puffed up, angry and anxious.

One pair of pretty eyes was wide open, like a furious kitten.

Pleased by this expression, He Chen grunted twice and straightened up his body. He grabbed Xia Qing Shu’s wrist and tried to pull him up.

“You can’t get too close to Brother Zhiyu, you know? That’s your eldest brother.”

Xia Qingshu was a little wound up as he mumbled, “You let go of me, it hurts…”

The cat hummed as if it hadn’t eaten.

One moment he said he seduced someone, and the next moment it was some kind of elder brother and younger uncle issue, it was too much of a waste of ethics.

Xia Qing Shu was angry. When he was angry, his face would turn red and pink. His teeth clenched his lower lip, and his chest rose and fell as he gasped for air.

What a person, who has the right to talk about him like that!

Xia Qing Shu opened his mouth to scold him, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his wrist was caught tightly by He Chen. He Chen unconsciously brought him into his arms, wanting to hear clearly, what he was trying to say.
Xia Qing Shu put his hand against his chest and shoved the thermos bucket into his arms. Because of the “substitute” incident, Xia Qing Shu was a bit guilty, and because He Chen had been talking nonsense as soon as they met, he didn’t know what he was trying to say. But seeing how angry he was, he must have been very disgusted with himself. He had just heard about the Xia family and the He family having a marriage contract, and knew nothing about it at all. He took two steps back, lifted his head to look at He Chen, and seriously explained.

“I don’t know about that marriage contract, and I have no intention of acknowledging my relatives, so put a million hearts into it, I will definitely not interfere with you and Xia Yubin from it.”

After hearing Xia Qing Shu’s words, He Chen stood motionless. It took him a long time to realize, “So this is what you mind … don’t worry, I’ll get right on it.”

After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

Xia Qingshu looked at his back and thought to himself: I’m afraid this person has some serious illness that cannot be cured!

He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

After He Chen left, Xia Qing Shu continued to climb the stairs, and after climbing two floors, he was so tired that he was gasping for breath.

What happened? After being sick, even his strength was not good enough.

Xia Qing Shu sat down on the stairs to rest and turned on his mobile phone. As soon as it was switched on, he received a message. The message was from the doctor, the test results were out, he didn’t have cancer, the area was healthy, the doctor asked him to go and take a blood test and an ultrasound when he was free.

If he didn’t have cancer, then he didn’t need to have it removed! If you don’t die from a disaster, you will have good luck later. The ancestors didn’t deceive.

Xia Qing Shu was happy, he even gained energy and continued to climb the stairs with the thermos bucket in his arms. When he was exercising, his mind was most active, and as he climbed the stairs, he pondered that in the original book, He Chen, because he and Xia Yubin were alumni, he had first access to the ‘attack’.

What time is it now, He Chen is actually still a virgin. Man, and he didn’t look like he was lying with that look. After his fate as a canon fodder character changed, the main plot seemed to have deviated as well.

Before climbing even two floors, Xia Qing Shu was once again so tired that he was gasping for breath. His stamina was really poor lately, he had to make time to exercise.

By the time he climbed up to the twelfth floor, the bone soup would be cold.

He was climbing to the mezzanine level of the two floors when he suddenly heard someone talking.

“Mum, I’m not going, my son is three years old and people can look at him.” A petulant girl snapped.

“Che, don’t you know, some people just like those who have had babies, otherwise he wouldn’t refuse so many pretty young girls? Have some confidence in yourself!”

Xia Qing Shu stopped, ready to return along the road, not wanting to interrupt a mother who was pushing her daughter to get ahead.

“Come here and I’ll give you a whisper.” The older woman lowered her voice, “I’ve heard that Chen Zhiyu has a problem, he is impotent.”

Xia Qing Shu: ?

It’s dog’s blood!

“Is this something he, a poor passer-by, can listen to?”Xia Qing Shu thought with deep doubt.

To be honest, Zhiyu brother is tall and big, broad shoulders and back, quite sturdy, he is actually impotent?! Is this true?

“He can’t give me babies and you still want me to marry?!” The woman sneered, “He looks so tall, but is actually a silver wax bullet.”

“Fool, it is good if he is impotent, you bring your son, just in time to inherit the family business. When you have money, what kind of man can’t you get?!” The woman’s mother laughed, “You will hold your good grandson in a while. Now, come to your cousin and uncle to perform a few talents. Maybe they won’t like you, but will lije our good grandson, and directly adopt it. ”

The woman was a little hesitant, “Mom, is this possible?”

“Why not, can’t you see, today your second grandfather brought five grandchildren alone, good grandson, behave better later and grandma will buy you toys.”


“If you can’t, I’ll bring your sister with me.”

“My sister is only sixteen.”

“What’s wrong with sixteen, sixteen is fresh and young!”
Xia Qing Shu: “……”

These two mothers and daughters were crazy for money.

Xia Qingshu knew about Chen Zhiyu’s family history, a single heir from nine generations and a huge inheritance in his family. Earlier, Chen’s mother talked to him because she wanted him to stay away from Chen Zhiyu and not delay Chen Zhiyu from having a son.

In the original book, Chen Zhiyu likes the same sex and was willing to make an enemy of the whole world for Xia Yubin, the Chen family is destined to be extinct. Now that the plot has long deviated, and last night Chen Zhiyu flat out said he didn’t know Xia Yubin well, and even He Chen is still a virgin, he wondered if he can try to break Chen Zhiyu straight?

Chen Zhiyu is his saviour, and he doesn’t want to see his benefactor’s family go extinct. After all, one has to try to find out if one he can actually impregnate.

Xia Qing Shu carried the thermos bucket and quickly returned to the ward. When he raised his eyes, he saw a mother and daughter standing next to Chen’s mother, who had a little boy in front of her, singing. After singing, the woman pushed her son forward, “Good boy, go and give your mother-in-law a kiss.”

Chen’s mother picked up the little boy and walked him around in front of Chen Zhiyu’s hospital bed, as if unintentionally, “Zhiyu, do you see if mum is holding the baby correctly?”

The words implied that your mother wanted to hold her grandson. Chen Zhiyu didn’t even lift an eyelid and calmly replied, “Mom, I’m at work.”

Such scenes of child-raising were a daily occurrence.

Chen’s mother also did not feel left out, and left holding the little boy. She put down the “toolman” little boy, and next to him were five other little boys waiting to perform their talents. If one guessed correctly, these are the grandchildren of the second grandfather the woman spoke of earlier.

In the eyes of these people, it was as if the Chen family had become extinct. They did not hide their desire for money, dissing each other and competing to perform, while Chen’s mother looked on in amusement. Xia Qing Shu walked over and whispered, “Brother Zhiyu, did they make any noise to you? Do you need me to get rid of them?”

Chen Zhiyu typed a line into his notebook and lifted his head up to look at him. It didn’t bother him that these people were pleasing the fuck out of him so that his mother wouldn’t come and bother him.

Seeing that the other man didn’t say anything, Xia Qingshu, fearing that his benefactor had suffered, came closer and said, “Brother Zhiyu, just now I heard that woman say that she wanted to bring her son and marry you.”

Chen Zhiyu finally responded, trailing off in a lazy tone, “Oh?”

Xia Qing Shu explained in a whisper, “Really, I just climbed the stairs and overheard it.”

Chen Zhiyu turned off his computer and leaned against the back of the bed, quietly surveying Xia Qingshu, “What do you want to do?”

He knew exactly what these people had in mind. These so-called relatives, in his eyes, were like leprosy, they wouldn’t cause him any substantial harm, two words would send them off, they couldn’t even make the slightest storm. It was a bit disgusting, but he didn’t care too much when when they pestered his mother.

“I’m afraid you’d be tricked by them, if it’s inconvenient for you, I can help you get rid of them.” Xia Qing Shu frowned, genuinely worried about his benefactor.

Xia Qing Shu thought that Chen Zhiyu might have been so used to seeing these profit-oriented people that he was resistant to marriage and having children, and suddenly meeting the ‘pure’ white lotus Xia Yubin, he directly fell into the mud. He had to guard his benefactor and chase away those who had no good intentions, so that he would not be misled into the mire.

Chen Zhiyu nodded, “Go ahead.”

While Xia Qingshu and Chen Zhiyu were talking, Chen’s mother had been watching with a little distraction, even though she was teasing the young child, she kept watching Xia Qingshu run up and down the stairs. And although her own son was working, the corner of his eyes kept falling on Xia Qingshu.

If it wasn’t for his physical condition, her son was a bull who could work for 24 hours straight without a break, and such things as distractions at work, she once thought, would never happen to her son. Now her good son had taken the initiative to shut down his computer and chat with Xia Qingshu.

Chen’s mother covered her chest, feeling that the little boy singing and dancing and doing cartwheels next to her didn’t even smell good anymore.

Her Zhiyu, why can’t he find someone who can have a baby?

Chen’s mother had just met Xia Qingshu and thought that this boy was not easy, hooking up with her good eldest son while using her great nephew as a stand-in, one cannot start a confrontation head-on with such a person. Now watching Xia Qingshu and Zhiyu chatting passionately and not daring to take offense, Mama Chen only felt her chest throbbing and very uncomfortable.

Not saying anything, Mama Chen left without a word of greeting.

As soon as Chen’s mother left, the flatterers knew that they would not be able to get a good deal from Chen Zhiyu, so they also left.

The ward suddenly fell silent.

Xia Qing Shu brought out the soup that Xia Lao Er had made, served a bowl of it and put it in front of Chen Zhi Yu, “Brother Zhi Yu, you should drink some bone soup, it’s good for calcium.”

Chen Zhiyu said thank you, “You put it away, I’ll drink it when it’s cold.”
Xia Qing Shu opened his phone, dug out his moments, found a selfie of Xia Yubin, put it in front of Chen Zhi Yu, and tentatively said, “Brother Zhi Yu, our classmates all think he is good looking, he is also the school grass, I think he is very average looking, what do you think?”

Xia Yubin was so tactful that he had to give his benefactor a heads up.

Chen Zhiyu glanced at the phone. Wasn’t this Xia Yubin?

He glanced at Xia Qingshu again, who had a sullen little face, but looked like he was righteous. In fact, what was going through his mind was simply self-evident. The child had mentioned Xia Yubin in front of him three times, what else could it be if not jealousy?

Chen Zhiyu pretended not to see through the other party’s little thoughts and casually said, “It’s not bad.”

Not bad?

Xia Qing Shu was a little nervous, “Brother Zhi Yu, look more carefully. Look, his nose is collapsed and his eyes are too wide apart, like a big-headed fly. Brother Zhiyu, it’s not me who’s gossiping, I heard he has several boyfriends.”

He was anxious, the little jealous man was anxious.

Chen Zhiyu returned slowly, “Oh, you bring the phone over a bit. On second look, he does seem a bit ordinary.”

Chen Zhiyu pretended to look at his phone, but in reality, he was always watching Xia Qing Shu’s expression. Having cried last night, Xia Qingshu’s eyes were still a little red at the corners, and the teary mole at the end of his eyes seemed to be lying in a piece of beautiful pink jade, brightly coloured. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and the eyes were full of longing, as if he could not help but shed tears if he complimented Xia Yubin one more time. For a moment, Chen Zhiyu wanted to see him in tears again. The child’s anxious and angry look was also strangely appealing. His cheeks were red with anxiety.

Tsk, he was nineteen years old and still acted like he hadn’t grown up.

“What are you mentioning him for?” Chen Zhiyu gave him a knock on the head.

Xia Qingshu had a lot of hair, and his head felt fluffy. Chen Zhiyu dropped his hand and twiddled his fingers.

“Ah ……” Xia Qingshu didn’t expect the other party to ask this and replied haphazardly, “I heard …… You seem to like him ……”

Because of the baseless fabrication, Xia Qing Shu was a little lacking in confidence, and the last few words were said with a breathless voice, the volume as thin as a gnat.

In Chen Zhiyu’s ears, it sounded like a kitten humming, more like..acting like a spoiled child.

Chen Zhiyu thought, “This boy is so jealousy…… quite cute.”

Seeing that the other party didn’t answer for half a day, Xia Qing Shu delicately offered a plan, “Brother Zhiyu, you mustn’t like him.”

Chen Zhiyu got addicted to teasing people and laughed, “Why can’t I like him?”

Xia Qing Shu earnestly explained to her benefactor, “He is the King of the Sea, the King of the Sea you know, the kind that likes several people at the same time, he likes you, but he likes others too, you will never get his full heart.”

According to the plot, you will fight with the other seven men for the sole domination of Xia Yubin, and your head will break. You stay away from Xia Yubin to keep safe.

Chen Zhiyu looked at the other party’s stubborrn and serious expression, hooked up his lips, his eyes played back and forth on his face, and turned off his phone, “I don’t like this type.”

Xia Qingshu let out a sigh of relief.

“Brother Zhiyu, what kind do you like then?” Xia Qing Shu felt that if he didn’t like him now, there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t like Yubin later.

If he had someone he liked, he wouldn’t be looking at Xia Yubin, right?

Chen Zhiyu carelessly glanced at Xia Qing Shu, his eyes flashed with a fine shimmer, and he laughed, “I like a white skinned, dumb-headed goose, who doesn’t hide his emotions, his happiness and anger on his face – a little fool.”

The words “little fool” were deliberately alliterated, with some unspoken reference.

“Little fool?” Xia Qingshu nodded repeatedly and wrote down his benefactor’s preference, “I’ll keep an eye for you.”

Xia Qingshu was inwardly shocked, it turned out that the Eunuch liked the less intelligent ones. No wonder he didn’t like any of the ones introduced by Chen’s mother, they were all too smart. Xia Qing Shu remembered that his father had a niece who was white and looked introverted and simple, and she fitted the bill.

Let her come over this afternoon and he sees if the benefactor will like her.

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