Ultra sound, Pregnant?!
Xia Jing came over in less than half an hour.

When he entered the room, Xia Qing Shu was huddled on the sofa, like a weather-beaten sapling. When he saw Xia Jing, he didn’t even call out to him, but “hummed” twice in grievance.

Xia Yubin’s face turned white: this familiar smell of “tea” was even stronger than his.

Xia Jing had a square face and a serious look. When he entered, he carried his own authority and everyone looked at him in silence. He was not the kind of unreasonable person and he didn’t make any comments, but rather first asked Xia Lao Er about the situation.

Xia Lao Er briefly described what had happened, and his eldest aunt added, “We can’t blame Yubin for this, it’s all because we can’t stand it and fight for Yubin. If Qing Shu has it, then so should Yubin and Qing Qiu.”

Xia Yubin stood beside Xia Jing and did not say anything. His face was calm, and he seemed to know how to behave without fighting.

Xia Lao Er said, “It’s not that we don’t want to give it to Yu Bin, it’s my father-in-law’s and mother-in-law’s. I don’t have the right to decide. In the past, my wife and I were busy with work, so we often put Qing Shu at his grandparents’ house and the old man raised him.”

The implication is that it was because Xia Qingshu was loved by the the old man that he gave him the land.

Xia Yubin had never even met the old man, so by definition, he could not have a share of the land. Even his wife was adopted, and the three boys, including Xia Qingqiu, were not related to him, so the gift was entirely the old man’s preference.

Xia Qing Shu secretly gave Xia Lao Er a thumbs up, at a critical moment, he became dependable.

After hearing this, Xia Jing’s face was somewhat serious, “Yu Bin, I told you that you should refuse something that is not yours, instead of fuelling the flames and holding on to a sliver of luck.”

Xia Qing Shu thought to himself, “This biological father is quite sensible, he doesn’t seem to be biased. I just don’t know if this look of blame was faked for outsiders.”

Xia Yubin weakly explained, “Dad, I really didn’t want ……”

Xia Jing’s tone took on a stern tone: “If you were adamant that you didn’t want it, would your elder aunt still be forcing Qing Shu in your name? If you were adamant that you didn’t want it, I wouldn’t have received this phone call.”

Xia Qing Shu nodded in his heart, “You are absolutely right.

Xia Yubin didn’t say anything, lowering his head numbly, crossing his hands and squeezing them, gently sniffling.

To onlookers, it looked like a child who had been reprimanded by a strict father, very aggrieved. Secretly, Xia Yubin was so angry that her teeth ached.

Why were they both biased towards Xia Qing Shu? Xia Lao Er was biased and so was Xia Jing. If Xia Lao Er had been a little fairer, he would have let Xia Qing Shu take out the land and divide it into three equal shares, one for each of the three children. He was the child of the family, so why should he not be given any share at all?

When Xia Qing Shu dies, the land will fall into the hands of old man Xia, who will sell it and divide the money among his family. It would be better to share half of it with him, and he could still help against Old Man Xia and Eldest Uncle Xia.
Since Xia Lao Er is so biased, don’t blame him for not giving a helping hand when the time comes.

Xia Jing was partial and so obviously biased, just wanting Xia Qing Shu to go home. Xia Qing Shu that fool, is he that good that everyone is helping him?

Xia Yubin lowered his head and sat upright, looking like he knew his mistake.

Xia Jing was in a slightly better mood.

“Qing Shu, I promise you, Yu Bin won’t want anything from you. Do you want to come over to our place and have some fun, mum has prepared a room for you and the cinnamon tree at home is bearing fruit, let some brothers pick it for you to eat.”

“Sure.” Seeing Xia Yubin defeated, Xia Qing Shu was very happy, “Don’t forget about that matter of finding Zhou Qian to confront him, you guys.”

Hearing that Xia Qing Shu was willing to go back with him, Xia Jing’s serious face was piled with smiles as he promised, “When you get home, I’ll call Zhou Qian to the house.”

Xia Qing Shu nodded in response and told him to take Xia Yubin away first, he would have Xia Lao Er send him later.

As soon as Xia Jing left, Xia Qing Shu called the community security guard to drive them away.

“Lao Er, are you kicking me out?” Old man Xia was sitting on the sofa, holding the sword of “raising grace is greater than birth grace”, not moving. He hadn’t even eaten dinner, so how could he possibly leave. He had seen Xia Lao Er take out fresh chicken, duck, fish and vegetables from the fridge. Xia Lao Er was a good cook, so they had to pack up the leftovers.

The eldest aunt continued nibbling on melon seeds, “Lao Er, it is our duty as children to support the elderly.”

This is something she learned from Xia Yubin, she doesn’t need to know what it means, she just needs to say it to bluff people.

Xia Lao Er took off his apron and opened the gate, “This is Qing Shu’s house, since you all treat him like an outsider, this is not a place for you to stay either.”

He thought of this group of people ganging up on Qing Shu and he became angry. Li Xiao stood behind her husband and whispered, “We still have to be filial to the elderly, we are not throwing you out, we are also packing up and leaving together, we are moving to Dad’s place, we will be as filial to our parents as our elder brother and sister-in-law are. If you want to go to the clan, you won’t be able to take advantage of the situation.”

After saying that, they went into their room to pack a change of clothes. The two of them can endure hardship, so they could live anywhere.

Old man Xia’s house was already cramped with six people, and now he had to make room for Xia Lao Er, so it would be even more cramped. Old man Xia did not want to, and neither did Uncle Xia’s family.

If Xia Lao Er really wanted to follow the example of his two family members, then the old woman would be worked to death.

Xia Lao Er gathered two pieces of clothing and put them into his backpack, “It is my responsibility to support the elderly, it has nothing to do with Qing Shu, you don’t have to touch a single cent of Qing Shu’s money.”

Old man Xia and eldest uncle Xia were not that easy to get rid of, “Then let’s eat before we go, Lao Er, you go ahead and cook.”
They knew well Lao Er’s temper, when they finished eating, they would say a few more words to dissuade him from following and leaving, and after a while, he would have calmed down.

“Dad, it’s alright, if they don’t leave, I’ll call the police.” Xia Qing Shu said, “Although I don’t have a scholarship like Xia Yubin, I do know that they are trespassing and will be detained by the police.”

Uncle Xia’s wife: “……”

With Xia Yubin gone, they couldn’t get any good out of Xia Qing Shu.

The security guards came quickly and stood at the entrance, the group of nesters immediately left in the dust.

After Old Man Xia and the others left, Li Xiao was still packing up her things. Xia Qing Shu asked, “Mom, they’ve all gone, you don’t have to go.”

Xia Lao Er said, “If we don’t go, they will come again. Your mother and I are going to stay for a few days, aren’t we going to be filial, we’ll do what your eldest uncle’s family does.”

Xia Qing Shu slapped his thigh, “I should have known, otherwise I wouldn’t have let Xia Yubin go, and brought him along to be filial to the elderly.”

Xia Lao Er said, “That’s right too, bring him along next time, he’s a filial boy.”

Xia Qing Shu gave Xia Lao Er a look, not knowing if he was serious about this statement or simply sarcastic.

Xia Qingqiu carried a small suitcase and asked in a milky voice, “Mom and Dad, you’ve left, what about me?”

Xia Qing Shu picked up his younger brother, “You’re coming with me to enjoy happiness!”

Xia Qingqiu gave him a bite on the cheek, “Brother, you are so kind, you are the only brother I know.”

Xia Qing Shu suddenly remembered the purpose of his return home, being interrupted by the old man Xia’s family, he almost forgot, “Dad, do you have cousin Xia Mei’s WeChat? You push it to me for a while.”

“Why are you also asking about Xia Mei?” Xia Lao Er took out his phone, flipped out the number and sent it to Xia Qing Shu.

“Who else was asking?”

Xia Mei was Xia Dong’s sister, Xia Dong and Xia Lao Er ran a restaurant together, and Xia Qing Shu had met her a few times.

Xia Mei was very pretty, not the kind of pretty that flaunts, she had a gentle and bland beauty about her, usually not very talkative, her presence was weak, a quiet beauty. She is fair-skinned, not smooth and not very sociable. Xia Qing Shu thinks that she fits Chen Zhiyu’s “little fool” requirement for a spouse.

Xia Qing Shu wanted to bring Xia Mei to Chen Zhi Yu to see him. Last time he heard Xia Dong say that Xia Mei was not in a very good mood and stayed in the house all day, so even if it didn’t work out, he could take a walk and make a friend.
“Xia Yubin also asked today.”

“What did he ask?” Xia Qing Shu was alerted. Xia Mei’s name hadn’t appeared in the original book, but Xia Yubin was asking, and Xia Qing Shu inevitably thought more about it.

“He just asked a couple of questions about Xia Mei’s recent situation, I’m not really sure, but he didn’t look like he knew Xia Mei either.”

After Xia Qing Shu added Xia Mei through Xia Lao Er’s push, Xia Mei quickly came through.

Perhaps Xia Yubin had heard Xia Mei’s name somewhere, Xia Qing Shu didn’t care.

Secretary Li called him and asked him to help take care of Chen Zhiyu as he had to go back to the hospital to change his medication.

When Xia Qing Shu rushed to the hospital, Chen Zhiyu had not yet arrived. Remembering that the doctor had texted him to go for a check-up, he registered a number and went to the urology department again.

The doctor gave him an order for a blood test and ultrasound. After paying the fee, he went to the testing department and queued up for the test.

After having his blood drawn, Xia Qing Shu came to the ultrasound room and saw several pregnant women lined up at the entrance, all of whom were accompanied by someone next to them. Xia Qing Shu found an unoccupied stool and sat down.

“Little brother, are you an adult, what kind of examination are you having?” A middle-aged elder brother next to him was also one waiting, and when he saw the lone Xia Qing Shu, he climbed up to talk to him.

“I’m 19, having an ultrasound.”

“I can’t tell, your similar to my brother who is in junior high school.” The middle-aged elder brother glanced at his medical record book, “Accompanying your girlfriend?”

“No, I’m having a check-up.”

The middle-aged elder brother sounded a little excited as if he had found a soulmate, “Me too, yeah.” After saying that, he looked around his stomach with slight surprise, “Little brother, you’re only 19, how come…?”

Xia Qing Shu did not know what the other party meant and opened his mouth to ask, at this time, the doctor called the number and the middle-aged man stood up, holding his waist with one hand and rubbing his stomach with the other, swaying and walking into the ultrasound room.

It was only then that Xia Qing Shu noticed that the middle-aged man’s belly was bulging out a bit. Although it is normal for a middle-aged man to have a beer belly, he had never seen any middle-aged man walk like a pregnant woman.

After waiting for a few minutes, the middle-aged man came out after the examination. Xia Qing Shu walked over and pretended to meet him by chance, “Brother, did the examination go well?”

The middle-aged man flicked the ultrasound report twice and laughed, “It went well, look, my son is squeezing his fist, so cute.”

Xia Qing Shu took a look and the ultrasound report slip showed the image of a baby.
“Big brother, aren’t you waiting for your wife?”

The middle-aged man laughed, “My wife is at work.”

Saying that, he rubbed his stomach and said proudly, “My wife is afraid of pain, and women die nine times in childbirth, it just so happens that I have a special physique, so why don’t I just do it?”

The pregnant women around the room cast envious glances.???? The man carried a baby for this wife.

Looking at the middle-aged man’s distant back, Xia Qing Shu only felt a little annoyed. Suddenly, he remembered the pregnancy test from before. He couldn’t be pregnant, could he?!

The recent change in appetite, drowsiness, and always smelling strange scents.

Most likely ……

Clang! It was as if a thunderbolt had exploded on his head, Xia Qing Shu only felt a dizziness, he held the wall with one hand to stabilize his body.

Calm down calm down …. No results yet, this is just his guess. You have to vomit if you are pregnant, and he hasn’t vomited yet.

Just thinking about it, he felt his stomach flip and he walked over to the bin and bent over for a dry heave.

Oh no, no, no.

Xia Qing Shu only felt that the sky was falling down. Hearing his name called, he walked into the examination room disoriented and finished the test like a walking corpse.

When he got the report, he took a closer look – 6+ weeks pregnant

Sure enough. How could he be pregnant? What kind of world is this, a man can get pregnant? What does a guy get pregnant with?!

“Wuuuuuuu, why is he pregnant?

Tears fell like broken pearls, snapping down.

He was fine, why did he have to read that damned book, was it because Jinjiang novels were only full of NSWF and didn’t seem good?

Thinking of the strange setting popular in Tang Shiwen books, Xia Qing Shu rushed to the toilet and fished up his clothes to check them….luckily, they were flat.

Being too sad, he didn’t notice that someone was following behind him.

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