Pregnant people are prone to imagination!
After Xia Jing returned home, he went straight to the bedroom and told Chen Qi Xi about Xia Qing Shu’s coming home.

Although Chen Qixi’s acting skills are superb, she has grown old and has a limited range of role choices. She is also very picky when looking through variety show invitations. After encountering setbacks in finding her son in recent years, she became frustrated and spent most of the day lying in bed.

When she heard that Xia Qingshu was willing to come home, one minute she felt weak, but the next minute she seemed to be in a state of shock and got up from bed, “I have to go and set up the room for Qing Shu.”

Chen Qixi changed into her pajamas, called the housekeeping company and arranged for someone to clean up the room, after a lot of work, her white face turned red and she was more energetic.

In the past few years, Chen Qixi’s health was not good, and Xia Jing took her to all the famous doctors and had all the tests done, but there was no improvement. He knew that his wife was suffering from a heart problem, and he was happy to see that Qixi was getting better.

“By the way, why is Qing Shu willing to come home?” Chen Qixi asked.

Xia Jing frowned and told what had happened at Xia Qing Shu’s house.

Chen Qixi also frowned, “Yu Bin is not shallow-eyed, how could he be like this?”

Xia Jing sighed, “I don’t know, I personally raised Yu Bin, as a rule, his character wouldn’t be too bad, but what I saw today was really disappointing.”

In Xia Jing’s eyes, it looked like Xia Yubin had done nothing, but more like he was secretly urging Old Man Xia and Eldest Uncle Xia to seek justice. There was no way to defend himself as Xia Lao Er was like a steamed bun, and he spoke in a soft spoken manner, finally forcing Xia Qing Shu to shrink pitifully on the sofa, which was heart-breaking to watch.

Chen Qixi heard that Xia Qingshu was being bullied, and her heart seized up, “Ah Jing, that child Qing Shu has a good character, decent conduct, and when he was aggrieved, he first considered respecting his elders and did not respond back to them directly back, such a character is very much like you.”

Thinking of Qing Shu’s grievance, Chen Qi Xi felt doubly uncomfortable, “Ah Jing, when Qing Shu comes back, you should teach him well that he can’t be resigned when he encounters bad things, he has to learn to fight back, my heart aches when I think of him growing up in such a difficult environment.”

Xia Jing said comfortingly, “That boy looks like you, he should have a good life. Since we found him, let’s treat him better. There are many properties in the family, so if he likes anything, we can divide it into his name, and we can still see him start a family.”

Chen Qixi felt a little better, “In a few more years, I can help him look after his wife. I want to take care of my body and help him take care of my grandchildren in the future.”

“Qing Shu is good looking, our grandson must be good looking too.” Chen Qixi began to look forward to the future, “I can even bring my grandson on the show in the future.”

The Xia family lived in a detached villa, as their three sons had not yet started a family and all still lived together. The villa has four floors, Xia Jing and Chen Qi Xi live on the fourth floor, and the three brothers live on the second and third floors. Although the villa was large, there were no spare rooms.

Seeing Chen Qi Xi choosing a room for Xia Qing Shu, Xia Yubin very sweetly helped, “Mom, there is a big room on the ground floor, the one connected to the garden.”

Chen Qixi was a little hesitant, “That’s the flower room.”

That room on the ground floor was indeed very large and used to be used by her as a flower room, but then she lost interest in raising flowers and left that room empty for a bit of miscellaneous things.

“That room is well-lit and ventilated, and it’s still easy to get in and out.” Xia Yubin finished and added, “I think it’s great.”

There was a small door next to the flower room, and usually the maids went in and out through that small door. And their rooms were also on the ground floor, right next to the flower room. Wasn’t arranging Qing Shu’s room on the ground floor an obvious expression of dissatisfaction?

Chen Qixi glanced at Xia Yubin and said, “Yubin, I think, it’s better to vacate your piano room.”

The piano room and the study on the first floor were next to each other, connected to a large balcony with a good view and plenty of space. By combining the piano room and the study, it would be perfect for Qing Shu to use as a bedroom, and the room was right next to Xia Shan’s bedroom, which was stable and reliable, so there would be a way to look after him.

Xia Yubin: “Mum, where do I put my piano?”

Chen Qixi: “You can put your piano in the flower room.”

Xia Yubin: “But outside the flower room is a small door for the aunties to enter and exit, it’s a bit noisy.”

Chen Qixi: “Didn’t you say it’s easy to get in and out and you think it’s great?”

Xia Yubin: “……”

After thinking it over, Chen Qixi found someone to move the piano and said solemnly, “Yubin, Qing Shu will be here soon, mum wants you to be nice to him.”

Xia Yubin gritted his teeth and nodded his head. In the past, when he had proposed putting the violin in the flower room, Chen Qixi said that people would come and go there and it would affect his practice. Now, for the sake of Xia Qing Shu, he had said no, but Chen Qi Xi still wanted to move the piano down there.

What exactly is so good about Xia Qingshu, they all surrounding him, afraid that he will be bullied. When he moves in, he will definitely expose his true colors.

In the private hospital, Xia Qing Shu tore up the report sheet and threw it into the toilet after reading it. He still hadn’t fully accepted the fact that he was pregnant.

How could a man get pregnant?

And the doctor in the laboratory didn’t react much, just gave a polite “ah”, giving the impression that men have babies, though rarely.

He arrived at Chen Zhiyu’s ward in a daze and stood at the door, but didn’t want to go in. He had insisted that he was an innocent boy and refused to admit that he had had sex with Chen Zhiyu in order to stay alive, and had shown the “guardian sand” on his arm several times.

He is now in a real-life version of “pretending to be a virgin with a baby”.

What’s more, he didn’t know how he should feel about facing Chen Zhiyu.

Xia Qing Shu stood at the door of the ward for half a day, when suddenly the door opened and a man in a Taoist robe came out and waved a duster at Xia Qing Shu’s face.

“What are you doing?”

He froze, how could there be a Daoist priest in the hospital?

The Daoist priest held a magic weapon in his hand, chanted two incantations at him in a divine manner, and turned back to the ward. Xia Qing Shu pushed the door into the ward and saw the Daoist priest holding the magic weapon and leading two disciples, scattering rice all over the ward.

Seeing Xia Qingshu enter, Chen’s mother’s face did not show much emotion, she just gave him a faint glance and averted her gaze, smiling and staring intently at the Daoist priest.

Chen Zhiyu was lying on the hospital bed and the nurse lady was changing his medicine.

Xia Qing Shu was too guilty to look at him and quickly walked to the guest room where he had slept last night and sat down on the bed.

The Taoist priest was hired by Chen’s mother to exorcise the evil spirits and pray for blessings, and left after doing the spell.

After the Taoist priest left, Chen’s mother called Xia Qingshu out and treated him in a kinder manner, “Student Xia, there is something to inform you. From now on, don’t call Chen Brother Zhiyu, change your way of calling him.”

Xia Qing Shu froze, not knowing what to say. What should I call him if not Brother Zhiyu?
Should I call… The baby’s father?!  He looked down at his stomach, he had obviously thrown the test report away and not shown it to anyone. How did it get out?

Xia Qing Shu’s nose was sore and his eyes were a little moist.

Seeing Xia Qingshu dumbfounded, Chen’s mother didn’t get angry and smiled as she slipped a piece of jade in his hand, “This is a change of name fee.”

Xia Qingshu’s hand shook and he almost dropped the jade. He raised his head and looked in horror at Chen Zhiyu, who was lying on his hospital bed, nodding at him like nothing was wrong and telling him to take the jade.

“I …… I’m not changing it.” Xia Qingshu handed the jade back to Chen’s mother, then looked down and pursed his lips, not saying anything.

He hadn’t decided to have a child yet? Why should he change his mind?! His heart was stirring, his heart was surging, waves were rolling in ……

Why are you guys so calm?!

Chen’s mother didn’t seem to see his embarrassment, instead she pulled him and shoved the jade back into his hand again, “Xia student, don’t worry about holding it, take a look at this jade’s fineness and moistness, it seems to be worth a fortune, indeed this jade is very expensive, taking it out to auction you can change to at least a suite, but we have plenty of this kind of jade in our family, just keep it.”

Xia Qingshu: Is this the time to show off your riches?

Chen’s mother went to grab Xia Qing Shu’s hand, but Xia Qing Shu put his hand behind his back and just wouldn’t take it.

Chen’s mother: “You child, why are you so stubborn?”

Chen Zhiyu saw that his mother was making things difficult for Xia Qingshu and spoke up to obstruct her, “Mom, have you been tricked?”

Chen’s mother’s shoulders shrugged and her fists clenched, “How is that possible, the master said, just change your name, if you can’t give birth to a son, he’ll bring his head to the table!”

Qinshu’s small face turned red. Did you even calculate the sex of the child? Xia Qing Shu fell headfirst onto the sofa, his eyes empty and listless. It was already hard to be pregnant, and to have the sex of the baby in his belly discussed in public, especially when the grandmother was a patriarch.

Xia Qingshu seemed to have his soul drawn out, and he felt that his whole person was not well.

Chen Zhiyu: “Qing Shu, what’s wrong with you?”
Xia Qingshu’s eyes were red, his head drooped, and he shook his head with a dull expression. He didn’t feel so bad; he was just a little suffocated.

“It’s just a name change, why are you so sad?” Chen’s mother looked Xia Qing Shu up and down, left and right, front and back, with a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth.

“The master said that Zhiyu’s name is in conflict with the Goddess who sends sons, so if he changes his name, he is guaranteed to have a son within three years!”

Xia Qing Shu: ?

It turned out that Chen’s mother had asked the Taoist priest to change Chen Zhiyu’s name to one that would be conducive to the birth of a son – Chen Luixi.

Chen Zhiyu was the owner of many companies, so he couldn’t just change his name, so they had to let people call him that in private.

He used to be called “Brother Zhiyu”, but now he should be called “Brother Luixi”.

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Can you finish your sentence at once? Pregnant people are prone to imagination, okay?

Xia Qing Shu touched his chest and felt his heart’s anger smooth out a little bit.

Chen Zhiyu suddenly had his name changed, and his face didn’t have much of an expression, his mother had done so much to get him to have a son, this could only be considered normal.

“The master said that Zhiyu’s five elements lacked water and that his destiny carried a true dragon, so he chose the word Luixi.” Chen’s mother said smugly, “Xi, three dots of water, and  qian for dry. ”

“I know it, auntie, I just have a little problem, I can’t understand it a bit.” Xia Qing Shu wiped the false sweat from his head and squeezed his small hands with a genuine look of seeking advice, “Didn’t you say that brother Luixi lacked water in the five elements, and although “Xi” has three dots of water, it means dry.”

Xia Qing Shu was shocked for no reason, and he pretended not to understand Chen’s mother’s thinly veiled anger as he actively sought advice for the sake of the Chen family’s son’s birth plan, “Besides, the pronunciation of ‘Luixi’ is the same as ‘dry cleaning’, and dry cleaning has nothing to do with water.”

Chen’s mother: “……”

Xia Qingshu: “Auntie, although I’m not as capable as that Taoist priest just now, nor am I very smart, I think it’s better to just call it dry cleaning.”

Chen’s mother looked like, “You don’t say anymore I don’t want to hear it.”

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