Xia Qinshu will be moved to sleepless nights.
“Mom, are you, are you alright?” Xia Qing Shu grabbed the sheet on the bed, blocking his waist and abdomen, and panicked as he propped himself up from the bed.

His eyes were a little uncomfortable, and after subconsciously rubbing his eyes, they became even redder.

Chen Qixi’s heart sank and tears filled her eyes.

“Ah? Why are you crying?” Xia Qingshu hurriedly went to get the tissues, remembering what he was holding in his hand just now, didn’t dare to pull a tissue, and directly stuffed the whole box of tissue to Chen Qixi.

Chen Qixi held back her tears, “Qingshu, have you seen the hot search?”

Xia Qingshu was confused, “Seen what?”

Chen Qixi’s reaction was so strong that Xia Qing Shu seriously suspected that something else had happened that was shockingly huge.

It was all because the article was so bloody that he couldn’t get out of it once he opened it. He didn’t know what kind of big melon he missed.

Chen Qixi took his phone and pressed the off button, “Qing Shu, promise mommy that you won’t look at your phone today.”

Mom is afraid that you will not feel well or think about it.

Xia Qingshu nodded meekly, “Okay.”

It’s right not to look at it because it hurts his health to read too much.

Seeing that the other party was still worried, Xia Qing Shu said, “Mom, don’t worry, it’s not going to affect me, it’s just something that was said on the internet, it’s not going to hurt me.”

Maybe the next moment, something new will appear, and soon the matter will be suppressed. The memory of the internet users, not more than seven days later, they’d have moved on. Once this sentence came out, the tears in Chen Qixi’s eyes finally couldn’t be wrapped up and flowed down.

At this time, having suffered so much, having endured such severe slander and defamation, Qing Shu still held back his pain and forced a smile to comfort them. She had never seen a child so sensible. So understanding that it made one’s heart ache. When compared with Xia Yubin, the difference was obvious.

Xia Yubin was usually understanding and considerate too, and after so many years of raising him, it was not like he was never without affection, but she found that although Xia Yubin was sensible, the understanding and kindness he showed was all for a purpose.

For example, last time he had fetched a basin of water and offered to wash and massage her feet, and while doing so, had been discussing a well-known foreign painter with him, expressing his fondness for him. The next day, she was informed that the painter would be coming to China for an exhibition of his paintings. Since Yubin had said he liked it and it was almost his birthday, it made sense to buy him a painting just in time to give it to him.

On second thought, it was too much of a coincidence.

On the surface, Xia Yubin was very nice to Qing Shu and seemed to be thinking of him, but behind his back, he was secretly working with Zhou Qian to bully Qing Shu. Now he even slandered Qing Shu.

Qing Shu had agreed to come home but the first day he had to go through such an embarrassing situation. Chen Qixi was overwhelmed with motherly love and wanted to give all the good things to Qing Shu to make up for what he had suffered.

“Good boy, mum won’t let you suffer.”
Chen Qixi wiped away her tears and after a brief make-up session, she took a photo with Xia Qingshu and asked Aunt Wang to help her take a family photo.

Chen Qixi was ready to announce Xia Qingshu’s identity in advance.

In the family portrait, except for Xia Ji who was away on business, Xia Yubin was not in it either.

Xia Yubin stood in the shadows, looking at the bustling family, his heart suddenly chilled.

The previous agreement was to recognize Xia Qing Shu back and not to announce his adopted son’s identity to the public, only to say that Xia Qing Shu was lost at birth.

When Xia Qing Shu fell ill and delayed his primary schooling for a year, Xia Lao Er changed the age of his account book to one year younger. The Xia family had previously discussed it and said to the public that Xia Qingshu was Chen Qixi’s fourth son and that it made sense for him and Xia Yubin to be one year apart.

Now, the Xia family has changed their minds. Chen Qixi was going to declare to the public that Xia Qingshu was his biological son, while he, Xia Yubin, was the adopted son.

The Xia family was going to give up on him completely.


In the ward, Chen Zhiyu was lying on the hospital bed, and Secretary Li was contacting the Zhou family to withdraw the hot search.

Chen Zhiyu is a little cranky, slapping his keyboard to a clanging halt.

“Which entertainment company started this? Don’t want to develop anymore?”

Secretary Li responded, “Quanming  Entertainment.”

This gossip entertainment company used to love to make up stories on the  boss too, and in order to attract traffic, it once did a special issue that put Chen Zhiyu’s “P” and various big and small flowers together to compare sizes. The boss also saw it at the time, but laughed it off. He didn’t know why he could be so angry this time.

But he didn’t dare ask, if the boss answered with a guilty conscious and the story poked him right in the heart, he really didn’t know how to take it.

Chen Zhiyu knows his popularity in China, and he knows how to use his popularity to stand up for his family’s business promotion, and he is also well aware of the two sides of traffic and the viciousness of black fans. He has not been spared by the water army hired by the opposite company. When they smeared the company’s products, reputation as well as share price, he did not panic and just quietly waited for the company’s PR to solve the problem. Usually this kind of gossip news, he did not even put in his eyes.

But this time it was about Xia Qing Shu ….Xia Qingshu is sensitive and fragile at heart, and when he saw his leg being hit by an electric pole, he cried and was heartbroken. Such a simple and kind-hearted young boy was vilified and net violated by the keyboard warriors on the internet.

All because he liked him. Because he liked him so much, he had to face the Internet’s abuse and vicious slander.

Chen Zhiyu had mixed feelings in his heart. He was the cause of this incident, and he should be the cause of its demise.

The thought that the child may be crying silently under the covers at this time, suffering great pain but still maintaining his original heart, holding on to his beliefs despite his family’s discouragement, and retaining this lovd for him even if he is an enemy of the world ……

His heart was seized.
“Get the lawyers over here and draw up the legal documents, I want to sue Quanmin Entertainment until they go bankrupt!”


Five minutes later, Chen Zhiyu’s Weibo microblog went online.

@ChenZhiYu: “Quanmin Entertainment’s malicious slander has caused serious impact on my reputation, seriously infringing on my rights and causing fluctuations in Chen Group’s share price, I have collected relevant evidence to pursue the infringers’ legal responsibility and claim damages.”

[lawyer’s letter + fresh stamp]

[Evidence: Stock price fluctuation loss of hundreds of millions/]

[Chen Zhiyu’s own beautiful self-portrait photo/]

[/lawyer’s index finger pointing at person’s photo: you’re in trouble!]

The Weibo post was just sent out and was quickly taken over by the masses, with the comment section abuzz with excitement.

“Honey, you finally showed up, I almost thought I lost my marriage!”

“F*ck, dad just …… Compensation for the loss caused by the fluctuation of Chen Group’s share price, Quanmin entertainment is real miserable!!!”

“Miserable my ass, are the people they slandered not miserable? I think dad did the right thing, such unscrupulous eye-catching public numbers should be fixed!”

“Quanmin Entertainment is full of shit, and last time they spread rumours about brother being in love!!!”

“Thank you papa for your righteous hammer!”

“Thank you dad for the hammer of justice!”



Chen Zhiyu then went on to @ several big V’s who reposted the Quanmin Entertainment Weibo, commenting, “You are limited to five minutes to stop harming and apologize to the victim in writing!”

Chen Zhiyu’s micro blog, which is usually taken care of by a dedicated person, is to publish some corporate culture and product promotion, suddenly posted two micro blogs in a row, for not a corporate but a personal incident.

Such a move was truly intriguing.

Everyone became more and more curious about the identity of Xia Qing Shu.
What kind of holy spirit is this little brother who has Chen Zhiyu defending him like this?

“Dad, who exactly is this little brother?”

“It’s sad, but millions of words converge into two words: bless!”

“How can Dad be in love, dad said he would be single forever! We have to have faith in dad!!!”

“Maybe it’s a relative’s kid, what’s wrong with having a meal together?!”

“I also think, this little brother looks so good, I’m rushed!!!”

Within a few minutes, Quanmin Entertainment deleted the microblog and sent three small essays of a thousand words in a row to confess their mistakes, and those big V’s who repostdd the microblog, also apologized.

Secretary Li asked, “Boss, are you still suing?”

Chen Zhiyu sneered, “Sue, if we said we’d let him go bankrupt, we’ll let him go bankrupt!”

Chen Zhiyu’s words, were worth every word and fell without regret.

Immediately afterwards, CCTV named the unscrupulous marketing accounts and listed Chen Zhiyu as a positive figure: Chen Zhiyu is a role model for everyone surfing the internet to learn from, so please, while you are relaxing on the internet, keep your eyes open, purge the dirt and give the internet a clear sky.

A short while later, veteran movie queen Chen Qi Xi, who hadn’t moved in a million years, also posted a message on her Weibo account.

Let me introduce to you my youngest son, Xia Qinshu. He looks good. [flowers/][flying kisses/][flowers/][flying kisses/]

With pictures: [Chen Qixi and Xia Qingshu/] [Xia family potrait/] [Xia Ji’s single photo/]

Once this weibo post came out, the stigma on Xia Qing Shu was completely washed away. Since he is Chen Qixi’s son, he will not be kept. Chen Qixi was married to the owner of the leading Chinese medicine company. The scenes of vigour and pomp were obvious to all. The son of such a wealthy family could not possibly be so degenerate and self-serving as to do something so shameless.

Xia Qing Shu was being kepr by someone else? It’s more likely that he was keeping others!

This incident was likely filmed secretly when Chen Zhiyu was with a friend’s kid. Maybe hi parents were also present, and the unscrupulous Quanmin entertainment has deliberately dropped them out.

The photo attached by Chen Qixi was not blurred at all, showing Xia Qing Shu’s beautiful features clearly. He originally has a small face, very photogenic, and just smiling lightly at the camera gives people a visual impact and enjoyment.

When this Weibo post came out, it quickly overtook the “adopted” hot search and took the headlines.

Some people asked if the youngest son was Xia Yubin, as the Xia family clearly has three sons. How did you change people?
Chen Qixi replied, “Xia Yubin is the adopted son.”

If Xia Qingshu’s phone was left on, he would have found that his Weibo followers were soaring at a breakneck pace, accumulating over five million followers in one night.

The semi-retired Chen Qixi was a great beauty back then, not only was she good looking, her acting skills were also full of spirit, only since her marriage, she faded out of the entertainment industry and was voted the most unfortunate star back then.

After Chen Qixi gave birth to her sons, fans used to fantasize that it would be fine if her sons looked like her and took her class. It was not to be expected that her two sons would look like Xia Jing, not like the star, but more like the bodyguards behind the star.

The youngest son was revealed some time ago that he was going to make his debut and everyone was in a state of confusion and speculation as to who her youngest son was.

Xia Qingshu and Chen Qixi’s facial features are seven or eight times similar, even three times more impressive than Chen Qixi back then, and the comments underneath were simply neat and tidy:.

“Debut!!! Debut!!!”


The next comments were simply unanimous: “Debut!

“Debut! Debut!!!”

Mixed with some face licking and drooling comments.

In a bizarre way, Xia Qing Shu became an overnight sensation.


After dealing with the lawyer’s letter and posting two microblogs in a row, Chen Zhiyu lay comfortably on his hospital bed, his phone set aside, taking a couple of glances every now and then.

The kid will be moved to sleepless nights when he finds out he fought on the internet for him, killing it on Weibo!

Chen Zhiyu has his computer in his hand, the computer page had work information. He looks twice at the computer, looks at the phone. The phone is as quiet as a chicken in the night, no message.

Chen Zhiyu looked towards the door again, maybe the kid had come running in the wind to stay in bed with him.

A trot, with a slight sweat on his head, tugging his phone in his hand, too rushed to look at it, then rushing up to him with a grateful face, calling out to his brother with a cry…..Just imagining it, Chen Zhiyu felt short of breath and poured two large glasses of cold water.

He waited for a ling time. Not a single phone call, not a single text message, no one came, nothing.

Chen Zhiyu: What’s going on?! Does he not look at his phone?!

“Secretary Li, you send a mobile phone to Xia Qing Shu!”

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