He loves me very much
Chen Zhiyu, as the richest man in China and a role model for thousands of netizens to learn from, is really unable to take the initiative to ask for credit.

However, it was also the first time that he made such an out of the ordinary move, but the other party didn’t know anything about it, making him feel like something was stuck in his throat.

If the other party didn’t know, it meant he did it in vain. Capitalists never do free labor.

On second thought, Chen Zhiyu could take a detour. He picked up the phone and called Xia Shan.

Xia Shan was about to ask Chen Zhiyu for an explanation, but he didn’t expect the other to call on his own accord, so he picked up the phone with curses-

“Chen Zhiyu, you horse-faced dog, I thought you were my best friend, but I never thought you would do something so heartless and beastly!

Chen Zhiyu was confused, he just condemned the unscrupulous media, personally defended Xia Qingshu, and let the other party go bankrupt.

The whole thing was still fresh in his mind, he has done so much for Xia Qing Shu, but in return, he got a merciless abuse.

Xia Shan, are you fucking blind? !

Chen Zhiyu bit his lip, wanting to curse back, but the other party was his best friend and Xia Qingshu’s brother, so he couldn’t get the harsh words out of his throat and just said in a gruff voice, “What did I do wrong?

“I can’t tell you clearly on the phone, where are you, I’ll come and find you myself?”

Xia Shan put down the phone and drove to find Chen Zhiyu in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, he rushed to the hospital bed and grabbed Chen Zhiyu’s collar, shouting at him in a fury.

“What the hell is going on with you and Qing Shu?!!!”

Xia Shan had always been calm and arrogant, but this was the first time he had ever expressed his emotions like this.

Chen Zhiyu knew that the other party must have encountered something serious and he should calmly deal with it.

But he had not received any message from Xia Qing Shu now either, and he was also angry in his heart, “What’s going on, don’t you have internet access, can’t you see what I’ve done?!”

“I’ve clarified that I am not supporting him! The unscrupulous media has also apologized, they are still at risk of bankruptcy, what more do you want from me?!”

Chen Zhiyu finished yelling and calmly said, “Shan, let go of your hand and talk nicely.”

“The last time you approached me for a chat, there were nail marks all over your neck that day ……” Xia Shan held his breath, his teeth grinding out a soaking loud sound, “The last time you had sex with that person, was it Qing Shu?”

Chen Zhiyu’s eyes flickered and asked rhetorically, “He confessed to you?”

Confessing his fondness for him to his new family so soon.

Tsk, fool.

“He confessed my ass! He doesn’t know anything, I guessed.” Xia Shan said angrily, “Chen Zhiyu, did you fucking charm and rape my brother?!!! And did you do something to him afterwards, how else would he know nothing about it?!!!”

Chen Zhiyu was silent.

Even though Xia Qing Shu had denied that he was unaware of what had happened that night, he had always thought that Xia Qing Shu’s ignorance was feigned, and even the bright red “guardian’s sand” on his hand was an elaborate trick to get his attention. He was just too lazy to expose the other side.

It turned out that Xia Qing Shu really didn’t know.

He didn’t know anything about men and women, but he knew how to be silly and nice to him. He was like a pure white piece of paper, the bright moonlight in the sky, flawless and clear.

But luckily, Xia Qingshu’s fondness for him was truly there.

Chen Zhiyu was silent for a moment and told the story of the two men who had been drugged with “spring breeze blowing trumpet” , it was so strong that he woke up in a daze and didn’t see the person next to him. If not for the mess on the bed, he would have thought he was just having a spring dream.

It turned out Chen Zhiyu was also a victim.

Xia Shan calmed down and questioned in a cold voice, “Why didn’t you kick Qing Shu out after you first found him in your bed?! Don’t have terminal cleanliness cancer, you don’t even want to shake hands with people. Don’t you wash your hands after shaking them! He was in your bed, why did you still manage to talk to him quietly and calmly until the medicine took effect?!”

Xia Shan was calm, but still angry.

His good and innocent brother had just been found, and before he could enjoy his happiness, he was faced with so many bad things, who would not be angry.

Although Xia Shan was annoyed, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was something fishy, “Did you see my brother’s good looks and became “excited”?

Chen Zhiyu: “I….”

He was about to kick Xia Qing Shu out, but Xia Qing Shu said he was his fan and wiped his tears in front of him again, saying that he was being bullied like a pitiful kitten.

According to his iron-blooded capitalist nature, he would have “invited” the person out without blinking an eye or a heart, even if he was paralyzed and about to lose his head. He couldn’t understand why he had gone soft at the time. He even let his bodyguard go and buy him clothes.

Maybe …..this is the legend he never believed in …… Fate?
The “spring breeze plays the trumpet” has two herbs, one that was kept in the bedroom and the main one that was placed in the bathroom. The primer was colorless and odorless, and he absorbed the medicine unknowingly during the time he was talking to Xia Qing Shu. Then by the time he smelt the main medicine in the bathroom, it was too late.

Xia Shan clenched his fist and made a move to hit Chen Zhiyu, “What the fuck are you talking about?!”

After all, having been brothers for so many years, Xia Shan’s fist didn’t fall in the end, he was a bit sad and finally just mumbled, “Qing Shu is really too miserable.”

Xia Shan threw away Chen Zhiyu’s collar and sat down in a dishevelled manner.

What he was most angry about was that the two of them had had sex and that Qing Shu had been bullied  but Qinshu himself didn’t even know about it.

But on second thought, maybe that was a good thing, not knowing, so he wouldn’t be hurt.

He wasn’t going to let anyone else know about it either, and the family would have to be doubly kind to Qing Shu in the future to make up for all the suffering he had endured.

“My hard-working  brother ……” Xia Shan couldn’t help but sigh, “Does anyone else know about this matter?”

Chen Zhiyu: “No, just the two of us.”

Xia Shan let out a bitter laugh.

It was so ironic.

Xia Shan’s expression was painful as he sat alone next to Chen Zhiyu, his brow furrowed, occasionally glaring at Chen Zhiyu viciously and sighing alas every now and then.

To Chen Zhiyu’s eyes, it was very harsh.

His eyelids twitched and he said leisurely, “Is it that much of a disadvantage to sleep with me?”

He was Chen Zhiyu, the light in the hearts of thousands of men and women, how many people lined up to approach him and he didn’t even bother. He wanted to turn his phone on so that Xia Shan could open his eyes wide and take a good look at how the netizens were screaming to marry him and sleep with him. Even aside from his status as the richest man, his face is still on point! How come in Xia Shan’s eyes, sleeping with him feels like he has been beaten for eight days.

“That night, I was still a virgin ……”

However, Xia Shan threw an eye knife over and Chen Zhiyu shut his mouth.

“That’s it for this matter, let’s stop here, since Qing Shu doesn’t know, let’s not open his scars again, let’s pretend that nothing happened.”

Chen Zhiyu was a bit unhappy, was he that frustrated, and scarred?!

Maybe when Xia Qing Shu finds out, he’ll even exclaim, “I got what I’ve alway wanted”.

“No, I’ll tell him myself when the time is right.” Chen Zhiyu thought about it and said, “I’ll take care of it.”

Xia Shan stared at Chen Zhiyu for half a moment, carefully observing the subtle expressions on the other party’s face.

After understanding the other party’s meaning, he clenched his fist and became angry again, “What are you responsible for? Don’t you fucking want to have a son to carry on the family name?! Can your family accept my brother? If you go outside and have a wild son, what will my brother do?”

After all, they had been friends for many years, and after yelling, Xia Shan realized that he had lost his temper and forced himself to calm down.

Chen Zhiyu retorted, “When did you ever see that my family can influence my decisions?

Xia Shan didn’t say anything.

“Xia Shan, I’ll tell you the truth today,” Chen Zhiyu sat up straight, “I won’t have a son! All my family’s assets will be donated to the country after I die!”

Xia Shan thought about his family affairs and his personality, he could really do such a thing, so he kicked the stool in front of the hospital bed down with a sulking kick, “You like Qing Shu?”

Chen Zhiyu grunted and did his best to suppress the upturned corners of his mouth, “It’s not like you don’t know about me.”

Of course Xia Shan knew, this best friend of his planned to be pure of heart and soul for the rest of his life, the path he had practiced in his last life was probably the Dao of ruthlessness, there was no way he could like anyone.

Xia Shan snorted, “Then what are you talking about?!”

Chen Zhiyu sneered, “I’m just asking you, have you asked Xia Qing Shu himself for his wishes? Xia Shan, in my eyes, you don’t make decisions for others without permission.”

Xia Shan thought for a moment, “You mean that Qing Shu likes you?”

Chen Zhiyu hummed twice and half tilted his head, looking out of the window, restraining the corner of his mouth from rising, “You left out one adjective, ‘very’.”

Xia Qingshu was very fond of him.

Xia Shan looked over in confusion. He didn’t want to believe it, but he knew Chen Zhiyu, a man who was somewhat narcissistic, but wouldn’t make a decision easily without being completely sure. He was so vocal about it, so there was a good chance that Qing Shu, nine out of ten, he likes him.

Chen Zhiyu added, “The bed climbing thing, I investigated it afterwards, he initiated it.”

Like the actual hammer.
Xia Shan rubbed his head in annoyance, “I don’t care.”

Chen Zhiyu looked at Xia Shan and gave a mysterious and unpredictable smile.

“Why are you getting so greasy?” Xia Shirt snorted, “Believe me, I’m going back to ask Qing Shu.”

Chen Zhiyu stopped him, “Don’t, little boys have high self-esteem.”

Xia Shan thought about it and thought it was right.

“If you dare to tease my brother, I’ll chop you up.” Xia Shan could sort of see that although Chen Zhiyu was stubborn and wouldn’t admit to liking Qinshu, he didn’t verbally refuse.

“If you don’t like him, just say it clearly before it’s too late …… Be more polite when you refuse, don’t make him sad ……”

Chen Zhiyu was a person he still knew better, except for being a little tougher in personality, there were no major flaws. Although in his eyes, no one was good enough for his brother, but since Qing Shu liked him, he really had no way to interfere. Although Chen Zhiyu was a man with seven emotions, his character was not bad. But it was really hard to get him to move his heart.

How could Qing Shu fall for such a stone Bodhisattva? Qing Shu’s life was really too bitter.

“Why don’t you hold off for a while and wait for him to move on …… Little boys like a lot of things, maybe after a while, Qing Shu won’t like you anymore.”

The more Xia Shan thought about it, the more he felt right and finished to leave.

“Why are you acting like an old mother.” Chen Zhiyu called out to him, “By the way, is Qing Shu home?”

Xia Shan looked at him and told him to let go of his fart.

“Why doesn’t he check his phone?”

Xia Shan: “No, mum is afraid that he would be burdened with thoughts, so she put the phone away for him.”

Chen Zhiyu was relieved.

No wonder there was no news and no concern.

Chen Zhiyu suddenly looked forward to it, what kind of surprised expression should the little friend have when he knew that he had done so much for him!

Xia Qingshu has been sleepy since he became pregnant. Chen Qixi thought that he was overly sad and thoughtful left him to rest. He specially instructed everyone in the Xia family, cats, dogs and parrots, not to wake him up. It was ten o’clock and he was still sleeping with his head covered.

At eight o’clock, an unexpected guest arrived at the Xia house.

Chen Zhiyu had the habit of waking up early to work out, but his leg was too injured to do so, so he got up just after six. After briefly attending to his official duties, Chen Zhiyu directed his driver and arrived at the Xia family home.

At eight o’clock sharp, Chen Zhiyu sat down in the Xia family’s living room.

As soon as Xia Shan came home last night, he told Xia Jing that Qing Shu liked Chen Zhiyu, but he didn’t say anything about the two of them having slept together.

Xia Jing is very torn and anxious, how can such a good son like Chen Zhiyu!

On the surface, Chen Zhiyu looks tall, strong and handsome, a perfect choice for a son-in-law, but he knows that Chen Zhiyu has a hidden illness. He practices medical and knows that the disease cannot be cured and that he can only rely on medication to maintain a happy married life. He had just started to feel sympathy for Zhiyu, and now this man was preferred by his own son.

What a sinful thing to do.

Aoki didn’t know any better and didn’t know the importance of that event to the marital relationship. One must follow the rules.

After a long night of thinking about how to hint to Qing Shu in a subtle and subtle way, Xia Jing decided to take Qing Shu to the urology department the next day to see the state of impotence. The current situation of impotence patients, casually introduce Qing Shu to a few quality males, whether in business or entertainment, as long as they are not Chen Zhiyu, they can try to keep contact.

The love of young people looks vigorous, but it is like a storm, it comes and goes quickly. Maybe after his eyes are opened, he won’t like Chen Zhiyu anymore.

He just didn’t expect Chen Zhiyu to come early in the morning.

“Uncle Xia, I’ve come to see Xia Shan about something.” Chen Zhiyu said.

“What an unfortunate coincidence, Xia Shan had an early morning flight.”

As Xia Shan was not here, Chen Zhiyu should have left, but in line with the traditional Chinese virtue of “since am already here”, Chen Zhiyu “reluctantly” stayed for breakfast.

During the breakfast, Xia Jing made some small talk about Chen Zhiyu’s condition, but Chen Zhiyu kept his mouth shut and avoided talking about it.

The Xia family agreed that last night’s incident was too much of a shock to Qing Shu, causing him to blush and lounge in bed on purpose. Since Qing Shu likes Chen Zhi Yu, they hope that Chen Zhi Yu will be able to use his residual energy to cheer Qing Shu up.


The Xia family had the intention to make him stay and Chen Zhiyu didn’t really want to leave, so he wandered around the Xia family alone for two hours without seeing Xia Qingshu, he found Xia Qingshu’s room and knocked twice at the door.

“Qing Shu.” Chen Zhiyu’s voice rang out.
He woke up when someone knocked on the door, he had just woken up and was still a bit fuzzy, he didn’t hear whose voice it was and said in a dumb voice, “Come in, the door is unlocked.”

Chen Zhiyu opened the door and drove his wheelchair in. The blackout curtains were drawn, the room was a little dim, the mosquito extinguisher in the corner emitted an eerie blue light, and the central air-conditioner emitted a humming sound of air supply.

Xia Qing Shu is covered with a cool quilt, like a lazy cat under the covers, his hair sticking up in locks, his eyes blank.

The door opened and light shone in. Xia Qing Shu squinted and was a little surprised to see who was coming.

“Brother Zhiyu, what brings you here?!” He sat up in a daze, his pajamas hanging east and west on him, and rubbed his eyes.

Only after rubbing his eyes did he notice that the neckline of his pyjamas was wide open, with most of his collarbone showing, and hurriedly fumbled to straighten the neckline again.

“What, I can’t come in?” Chen Zhiyu drove his wheelchair and slowly moved to the bedside.

The whole room smelled of Xia Qing Shu. The best part was that refreshing lemony leafy smell, and the second best thing was it mixed with a slight creaminess and a light mellow fragrance. He didn’t know if he had smelled it too many times, but Chen Zhiyu suddenly found that the more he smelled such a lemony and creamy scent, the more he craved it.

“I came to……” No, it’s not the right time.

Xia Qingshu asked, “You want something?”

He was a little angry when he got up, but it was his benefactor who woke him up, so Xia Qingshu took a deep breath, sitting lazily and not showing a hint of annoyance.

Not completely awake, his face was red and flushed with the marks of the sheet, saliva clinging to his lips and giving off a thin shimmer in the dimly lit chamber. A physiological tear hangs in the corner of his eye, falling just above the tear mole, crystal clear.

After straightening his pyjamas, Xia Qingshu reached up and pulled at his messy hair twice, unable to resist yawning.

He was really little a child, he was still primping himself at this hour.

“I came to find Xia Shan, but he’s gone.” Chen Zhiyu gave him a look and said, “You go back to sleep, I’ll leave you alone.”

After saying that, he calmly sat in the wheelchair and looked at Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

Brother, being stared at like this, normal people can’t sleep, right?

“Go to sleep, don’t mind me.”

“……I have no more sleep, I’ll get up.” Xia Qingshu sighed and asked softly, “What time is it?”

Chen Zhiyu didn’t answer and asked instead, “Don’t you have a mobile phone, asking me?”

Xia Qingshu glanced at him.

Chen Zhiyu suddenly felt that his intention was too obvious with that comment just now and remedied the situation, “I’m sitting, it’s not too convenient to move with my phone.”

“Oh.” Xia Qingshu scratched his head twice, looked around and found his mobile phone on the bedside table. He picked it up and pressed it, but it was out of battery.

The phone had been kept at Chen Qixi’s place overnight, and after the storm died down the next day, Chen Qixi put it in Xia Qingshu’s room, but forgot to charge it.

Chen Zhiyu drove the wheelchair and handed him the charger on the desk, “Charge it.”

Xia Qingshu’s phone was a bit old and the battery performance was not very good, after the charging cable was plugged in, it did not respond for quite awhile.

Chen Zhiyu stared at the phone and asked, “Did you sleep well yesterday?”

Xia Qingshu also noticed his excessive attention to his phone at the moment and replied, “It was okay, I went to bed before ten o’clock and had a dreamless night.”

“……” Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, a little excited.

The little fool doesn’t know yet!

Today, he could see the little fool getting excited with his own eyes. Getting excited, and shy after knowing the truth. He will want to approach but will be afraid of being rejected. He will like him more and more and his expression would get deeper with adoration.

This time, the phone finally responded, the black screen lit up and showed a successful link to the charger.

Chen Zhiyu nudged the phone with his chin, “It’s charging up.”


Then an eerie image appeared in the room: Chen Zhiyu was sitting in his wheelchair guarding the bedside, quietly watching Xia Qingshu turn on the phone.

The phone turned on slowly and Xia Qingshu was a little impatient, pressing it twice with no response, “let’s charge it a little longer.”

Chen Zhiyu turned his wheelchair around and slowly moved towards the bedside table, “Let me take a look.”
“Okay.” Xia Qing Shu handed the phone over.

The phone was also a little bit temperamental, after it reached Chen Zhiyu’s hand, it suddenly turned on smoothly, and all the apps that Xia Qing Shu had opened yesterday, restarted. Chen Zhiyu casually swiped at it twice and a text appeared in front of him.

“On the bus, Chen Zhiyu sat in the last row hugging Xia Qinshu. Relying on the fact that no one saw them, he slowly put his hand into …… Xia Qing Shu’s face turned red, and couldn’t hide his shyness, ‘Brother don’t’ ……”

Chen Zhiyu just glanced at it, his eyes issued a silent question.

Xia Qing Shu: “!!!”

The fan-fiction that he read yesterday was a passionate homoerotic.

He bounced up from the bed and snatched the phone from the other man’s hand, laughing “hehehe” twice in an attempt to get away with it, pretending to know nothing as he muttered to himself, “Oops, it’s almost eleven o’clock, I have to get up.”

Chen Zhiyu curled his mouth wickedly, not intending to let the other man go, “What’s that?”

“Hehe.” After Xia Qing Shu giggled again, in the end, he said weakly, “I accidentally clicked on the wrong post when I was going through weibo last night, so I just casually looked at it, mainly to see if there were any inappropriate comments that slandered Brother Zhiyu.”

“So… What was written ah?” Chen Zhiyu had also grown up from a rebellious youth, and although he didn’t like it, he knew what homoeroticism was.

He only took a glance at it and clearly understood the general content inside. This kind of homoeroticism was usually for love power, and could also be specially customized according to one’s preferences, so he didn’t know which kind Xia Qing Shu had.

The child’s desire was getting higher that he had to turn to fan fiction.


The story is called “A Different Kind of Transportation”, and specifically describes Chen Zhiyu’s “interesting” experience of civilian life and taking public transportation for Xia Qing Shu.

The title was in bold and capital letters, and Xia Qing Shu guessed that Chen Zhiyu had seen the beginning, “It says you take the underground, bus or something, I read it and then didn’t look, how could Brother Zhiyu take the bus, it’s pure nonsense.”

As a rule, when it comes to this, the topic should be revealed, but Chen Zhiyu, contrary to his normal practice, continued to pursue the question, “Well, I really have not taken public transport, what has been written, tell me.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

“It’s not very well written, are you sure you want to hear it?”

Chen Zhiyu nodded, “Sure.”

Xia Qingshu babbled, “That article says you …… didn’t have any change for the bus ride and threw in five hundred yuan at once ….”

Chen Zhiyu: “What did the comments say?”

Xia Qingshu thought of the group of chickens in the comments that couldn’t be managed in a steel cage and whispered, “The comments said that you were stupid and had too much money, but don’t worry, I’ve already scolded them back.”

Chen Zhiyu drove his wheelchair and moved closer, the lime like creamy scent seeming to rain down on his nostrils.He lowered his head, rubbed his nose and took a deep breath.

“Thank you, then.”

Xia Qingshu scratched his hair, “This is a small thing, it’s nothing to worry about.”

He grabbed his phone and quickly closed those messy pages. When he clicked into Weibo, he was caught by the hot search floating at the top.

Chen Zhiyu drove his wheelchair half a step back, leaving enough space for the other party.

Xia Qing Shu swiped his phone, his lips half open, his eyes slowly lighting up.

Chen Zhiyu sat quietly to the side, not knowing why, far apart, he actually missed the rich, creamy scent he had just smelled. His heart hung in the air. He didn’t even realize it himself, but at this moment he was in a state of being stupefied and begging for praise. He began to imagine what kind of excited look the little child would have on his face when he saw it.

He was such a cry-baby, he would be in tears, right, and how should he calm him down?

How would he react if he confessed again?

He was sorry, he can’t say yes to the little friend yet, he’s just allowed the boy to like him.

This love is destined to go through the wind and rain.

Putting down the phone, Xia Qing Shu’s little face flushed red. The long raven-feathered eyelashes twitched up and down from excitement. He looked very happy, a flicker of light in his eyes.

Here it comes.

Chen Zhiyu sat up straight and drove his wheelchair slowly closer.

Xia Qingshu lifted his mobile phone up and put it in front of Chen Zhiyu’s eyes, his soft voice could not hide his excitement.

“I have six million fans!”

“I’ve become an overnight sensation!”

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