XX Revitalizing Treasure
Although Xia Yubin packed his bags and it looked like he was leaving on his own initiative. But to discerning eyes, including the Xia family’s three aunts, a driver, a cat, a dog and a parrot, all felt that his departure was not simple.

Xia Yubin had only packed a school bag with a few changes of clothes, but now he had no choice but to fill it with his usual belongings and drag a medium-sized suitcase with him.

When he left, Chen Qixi and Xia Jing came out to see him off, waving goodbye to him.

Although they still cared for him and told him to take care of his health, they did not mention the word “come back” and instead told him to be filial to his biological parents. He knew that as long as Xia Qing Shu was there, he would not be able to return anytime soon.

Although his biological parent’s house was not a villa, it was still a garden house. He had observed before that the environment of the community was good, and he could barely live there, so he could only temporarily wrong himself.

When he becomes a star in China, he and Chen Zhiyu will be able to live in a better house than the Xia family. When the time comes, he will make the entire Xia family regret their lack of understanding of people.

Xia Yubin dragged his suitcase with him and took several deep breaths before plucking up the courage to knock on the door. Although Xia Lao Er’s family was uneducated and vulgar, they were still his biological parents, so he could just bear it.

Xia Yubin had to call Xia Lao Er

It turned out that Xia Lao Er and Li Xiao  had moved to Old Man Xia’s house to “do their filial duty”. Xia Yubin sneered in his heart and said, “Xia Lao Er and his wife really cared for Xia Qing Shu, they left a nice garden house and went to a shack, so that Xia Qing Shu wouldn’t be harassed by their extreme relatives.

But it’s a good thing that he will be living alone.

Xia Yubin: “Dad, can you ask Qingqiu to open the door for me, I’m dragging my luggage at the door.”

Xia Lao Er was silent for a moment and stammered, “…… Qingqiu is asleep.”

Xia Yubin: “Then tell me the door lock code.”

Xia Lao Er: “Uh…ah..uh…I can’t remember the password.”

Xia Yubin heard the other party’s perfunctory words and was a bit annoyed, but suppressed his anger and said, “Dad, do you want me to live on the street? My foster parents kicked me out for Xia Qing Shu’s sake ……”

Only then did Xia Lao Er say, “Yu Bin, why don’t you come to grandpa’s place, your mother and I will hit the floor and let you sleep in the bed.”

Old man Xia’s house was only thirty-eight square feet, or a shack, and it was stuffy and hot, not to mention that there was also Uncle Xia’s family living inside, plus the two of them, a total of eight people crammed in.

How could he live there?

The two brothers, Xia Sang and Xia Ju, are thieves and of bad character, and the items he brought with him are expensive. Xia Yubin’s face was a little tense and he asked patiently, “Dad, are there any valuable items at home? I promise not to touch.”

Xia Lao Er: “No….”

“Then what is the problem?” Xia Yubin was a little annoyed.

“That is Qing Shu’s house ……” Xia Lao Er was afraid that his son would be overly concerned and hurriedly explained, “It was bought with Qing Shu’s compensation money, and we have no right to control it, or else, you can give Qing Shu a call, of which, there is no room for you their either, you’d better come over here to grandpa ……”

Xia Yubin took a deep breath, “What about the house you bought before? Where is it, give me an address, I’ll go live there.”

Xia Lao Er was silent for a moment, “……that’s also Qing Shu’s house, it’s written in Qing Shu’s name. Or we can book a room for you at Rujia….”

Xia Yubin couldn’t hold back any longer, and turned his hand to hang up the call.

Xia Qing Shu, Xia Qing Shu, he really met a ghost. Everyone is turning towards Xia Qing Shu.

Isn’t Xia Qing Shu already dead?!

The fact is that these people are blind. Xia Qing Shu, that useless straw fool, is it useful to be so nice to him? Xia Yubin was so angry at the doorstep of Xia Lao Er’s house that he stomped his feet.

Just stay in a hotel for a few days. He Chen’s family had opened many five-star hotel chains in China, and he used to go and stay there for free.

Xia Yubin thought and called He Chen.

Unexpectedly, He Chen was also evasive and vague on the phone. He hung up the phone after a few words, and he couldn’t get through again. Only then did he remember that he had not contacted He Chen for a long time, as he had been busy with Xia Qing Shu during this period.

Although He Chen’s family was also rich, he was still a student and had limited money at his disposal, and his father had an illegitimate son, so the uncertainty of who would be in power of the He family in the future was too high.

He is not as rich and generous as Chen Zhiyu.

Although it is true that in his last life He Chen was devoted to him and in this life he is still devoted to him, he could not be ignored and still needs to spend time maintaining the affection.

He’ll just pay for his own hotel stay. Xia Yubin called for an online car-hailing service, chose a mid-priced hotel, got in the car, and when he was packing his backpack, he realized that there was a room card in the bag.

A room card for the Intercontinental Hotel.

Who gave it to him?
With a little thought, he had the answer.

Apart from Xia Qingshu, Chen Qixi, Xia Jing and Xia Shan were all possibilities.

Xia Yubin smiled comfortably, it seemed that the Xia family had not completely given up on him after all, and within the Xia family, there were those who had discerning eyes. The only reason why the person was so careful as to put the room card in his bag was because he was afraid that Xia Qing Shu would be too concerned.

Damn Xia Qing Shu, one day he would take back what was originally his.

He changed his destination on his mobile phone and headed to the Intercontinental Hotel with peace of mind. Check-in went very smoothly and he simply washed up and went to bed. Until around midnight when a figure sneaked in and he was left feeling sore and weak.

The next morning, Xia Yubin woke up with a start and was dumbfounded to see Zhou Qian sleeping beside him and a floor of condoms. He had a splitting headache and could no longer control it, his face instantly contorted, “Ahhhhhh! Zhou Qian, why are you here?!!!”

Zhou Qian, sleepy-eyed and woken up by the sharp voice, was also dumbfounded, “F*ck, how come it’s you?!”

He had left Xia’s house last night after successfully giving away his room card with glee. Staying at home until midnight, he took the other room card, opened the door and there was actually someone in the bed.

He had long heard that Xia Qing Shu was a restless one, used to climbing into bed. Even after being with Chen Zhiyu, he was still flirting with others everywhere.

When Zhou Qian thought of Xia Qing Shu’s beautiful and seductive appearance, he became so excited that his body trembled with excitement. He sneaked in and got carried away  fora moment.


Xia Yubin was so angry that he gnashed his teeth and almost lost his soul. He made all kinds of calculations, but he didn’t expect that this room card was put in his bag by that little deflated calf Xia Qingshu.

Xia Yubin squeezed his hands tightly and grabbed the bed sheet, “tearing”, tearing the thin blanket in half.

Xia Yubin clenched his hands tightly, grabbed the sheet, and with a “tear” sound, the thin blanket was torn in half.

Zhou Qian was yawning and was taken aback by the other party’s actions. Last night, he thought the other party was Xia Qing Shu, listening to the other party’s panting, especially energetic, but now looking at Xia Yubin’s fierce face, last night’s excitement was all washed away, instantly making him sluggish.

Xia Yubin and Xia Qing Shu are about the same size, and Xia Yubin’s skin is also smooth, but not as fair as Xia Qing Shu’s. His features were not also not as  beautiful and delicate as Xia Qing Shu’s.

Although Xia Yubin was his best friend, to be fair, he was indeed more than a star and a half inferior to Xia Qing Shu. There was a bit of regret.

Zhou Qian thought this, and his face had a very ugly expression.

Xia Yubin had been staring at Zhou Qian viciously and was simply furious when he noticed the change in his expression at this point, “Zhou Qian, who are you doing that disgusted look for?”

Zhou Qian did not expect his expression to be that obvious, although the other party was not Xia Qing Shu, he did indeed go too far.

Zhou Qian pouted his mouth and pulled out an ugly smile, “I didn’t! Yu Bin, don’t take it to heart. It was purely an accident, it’s all Xia Qing Shu’s fault, he was the one who promised me first …… Hey, I don’t know what’s going on either.”

Zhou Qian smacked his lips, although Xia Yubin was inferior in all aspects, he was disappointed…but he couldn’t express it, afterall they were all brothers.

Xia Yubin’s face was blue and he stared at Zhou Qian with a deadly glare, not saying anything.

When Zhou Qian saw that the other party’s face was still gloomy, he continued, “Don’t be angry, you owe my family that twenty-five million, I’ll pay you in private one hundred thousand yuan?”

Xia Yubin said angrily, “What kind of person do you take me for?!”

Zhou Qian hurriedly waved his hands, “No, don’t misunderstand! Not at all! I have a small question….”

Xia Yubin roared, “You say it!”

Zhou Qian was aggrieved, he had offered 100,000 but the other party was still so fierce, “Yu Bin, you don’t have any experience, how come you are so….well….. skilled?”

Xia Yubin did not answer, glanced at him and said in a cold voice: “Zhou Qian, what happened today, I do not want any third party to know.”

This was his first time in this life, he made sure it was reserved for Chen Zhiyu, but he didn’t expect that by mistake, he let Zhou Qian, the one-eyed dragon, take advantage of it. But luckily, there was no scientific standard for judging a man’s first time, and when the time came, it was perfectly fine for him to act like it.

Xia Yubin gritted his teeth, wanting to rip apart that little punk Xia Qing Shu!

He held back his physical discomfort and sent several text messages to Mr. Wu to finalise a meeting time.

What was it like to see the number of followers soar from zero to six million and still steadily increasing overnight?

One word: awesome!

Xia Qing Shu had been in the entertainment industry and knew the significance of these fans. He was so pleased with himself that he overlooked Chen Zhiyu.
It was only after Chen Zhiyu left with a cold face that he realised, as an afterthought, that the other party seemed to be angry. He then swiped to the two tweets Chen Zhiyu had posted and knew about Chen Zhiyu’s clarification for him.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t tweet easily, and as the richest man in China, one of his tweets had a high commercial value. Although there was also Chen Qixi’s stand to declare his identity, he clearly knew that this attention was basically coming from Chen Zhiyu.

Chen Zhiyu is probably just as worried as Xia’s family that he has a burden on his mind and came over to see him early in the morning while he was gloating like a fool, holding on to his six million followers.

Xia Qing Shu was not a little white-eyed wolf, and after thinking clearly about the incident, he carried a fruit basket and was about to go to Chen’s group to express his reparation and gratitude.

When Xia Jing knew what he wanted to do, he rummaged through the cupboard and found two bottles of “XX Revitalizing Treasure” for Xia Qing Shu to take with him.

Xia Qingshu: “Dad, Zhiyu is very young, so you should keep this.”

Xia Jing had a good-looking appearance, and even when he was winking, he still looked serious, “Dad doesn’t need it. Some young people seem to be fierce, but they are actually very bad inside.”

“You just take it, he’ll like this.”

Xia Qing Shu couldn’t understand the logic of gift-giving among middle-aged people, a fruit basket was too shabby anyway, he didn’t refuse, bringing XX Revitalizing Treasure to Chen’s group.


Secretary Li stood beside Chen Zhiyu reporting on his work, somewhat trembling, not knowing how he had touched his boss’s bad side today and had his year-end bonus deducted.

The front desk reported that Xia Qingshu had arrived, Secretary Li’s spirit was greatly shaken, his heart secretly said, the savior has come. As expected, the boss was still clouded with gloom one second, but after hearing Xia Qingshu’s visit, the gloomy cloud faded away with the naked eye.

Secretary Li hurriedly patted his horse, “I’ll let him in right away.”

Saying that, he was about to go to open the door.

“Wait.” Chen Zhiyu grunted, “I’m busy here, let him first have a seat at reception.”

Secretary Li stepped back and did not say anything.

What are you busy with? You’ve been staring at this page of PPT for half a day.

Only today did he realize that there were times when the boss, such a high-quality elite male, could also be pretentious.

When he went to Xia’s house today, he personally escorted him, and when he went, he still had a face of expectation. It was probably because he was angry with Xia Qing Shu again. This Xia Qingshu is not very old, but his ability to anger the boss is not small.

Now that Xia Qing Shu took the initiative to come to the door, and the boss still treated him like this, deserved to be single.

Secretary Li was slandering in his heart for awhile when Chen Zhiyu spoke up, “Secretary Li, let me ask you something.”

Secretary Li: “Boss, please speak.”

“I have a friend.” Chen Zhiyu said.

This familiar opening line, ah, Secretary Li’s two ears perked up and he shot up.

“I… That friend… recently, there is a suitor who is chasing him very hard.” Chen Zhiyu thought for a moment and emphasized, “That friend of mine has many suitors, and this suitor is the one who is chasing him the most, but, this suitor is very introverted and shy.”

Secretary Li was puzzled, “The suitor is introverted and shy, how does your….. how does your friend know that he is being pursued hard?”

Shouldn’t an introverted and shy person be very subtle?

“That doesn’t need to be your concern.” Chen Zhiyu said blandly, “I…..my friend asked how to get the suitor to confess his love again?”

Secretary Li: “Can’t you get your friend to ask directly?”

Chen Zhiyu waved a look over, “If he could ask directly why would there be need to ask you?”

Secretary Li: “Are you ……is your friend planning to accept the other party?”

Chen Zhiyu remembered this morning, Xia Qingshu was holding his phone and giggling for a mere six million followers, he coldly snorted, “…… Let’s see how the other party behaves.”

Secretary Li: “If he doesn’t intend to accept, why does he want the other party to confess his love again?”

Chen Zhiyu: “Why are you asking so much?”

Secretary Lee: ?

Aren’t you the one who asked first?

“Forget it, I see that you don’t have any experience of being courted either.” Chen Zhiyu waved his hand, “Let Xia Qing Shu come in.”

Secretary Li: “……”
It was another day of trying to blast the boss.

Xia Qingshu was holding a basket of fruits and carrying two bottles of ‘XX Revitalizing” bottles in his hands, he probed into the office and averted his eyes in panic after meeting Chen Zhiyu’s two eyes.

What he had done this morning was too much, and he was a little embarrassed, but with the good Chinese tradition of coming here, he still spoke in a stiff voice, “Brother Zhiyu, can I come in?”

Chen Zhiyu nodded slightly and Secretary Li tried to retreat, but was fixed in place by a look from Chen Zhiyu, “Continue.”

Secretary Li: “……”

Continue with what? Continue with the bullshit about “your friend’s” relationship problems?

Secretary Li, who was highly trained and professionally qualified, proceeded to discuss with his boss about the high level of international economic changes.

Xia Qingshu was really bored, “Brother Zhiyu, what are you guys talking about, I can’t even understand. If you guys are busy, I’ll go out and wait.”

Secretary Li said, “Not busy, we are simply analyzing the direction of the international market economy, feel free to sit down.”

Xia Qing Shu gave a thumbs up, “So profound!” He pursed his lips and his beautiful eyes shone with a slight glint, his heartfelt admiration was sincere and not pompous, which easily boosted the other party’s self-confidence.

Chen Zhiyu cast an appreciative look at Secretary Li.

Secretary Li shut his mouth and retreated behind his desk, giving the main battlefield to Xia Qingshu.

“Brother Zhiyu, thank you for the tweet.” Xia Qingshu held the fruit basket and “XX Revitalizing Treasure” and placed them on the desk.

Because of his identity, in his previous life, he was the focus of the crowd everywhere he went, and everyone he met was a helpful and enthusiastic person. After he crossed over and his identity changed, he realized that warm-hearted people were not everywhere, but more people with calculations of interests and malicious intentions.

Although their first meeting was unpleasant, Chen Zhiyu offered his help several times without asking for anything in return. The last time he stood up to block an electric pole this time, he faced the entertainment media, and he even helped him claim $50 million in medical compensation.

A thousand words come together in one sentence – Brother Zhiyu is really a great guy. In the future, he will treat Chen Zhiyu as if he were his own brother.

Xia Qing Shu silently moved Brother Zhiyu up two places in his heart to be on par with Xia Lao Er.

Chen Zhiyu glanced at the fruit basket placed on the table and the black wrapped gift box next to it and his eyelids twitched, “What’s this?”

Xia Qingshu’s small white face flushed, pushed the gift box in front of him, “This is the tonic my father asked me to bring you, to nourish your body.”

Chen Zhiyu kindly smiled, “Is this all you have to thank me with?”

“Of course it’s more than that.” Xia Qing Shu immediately straightened his back and clenched his hands into fists, like a little rooster with high morale, “Brother Zhi Yu, in the future, no matter what you need help with, just ask, but wherever I can be of use, I will definitely go through fire and water!”

Xia Qingshu’s gaze was firm and his voice was full of energy, his soft voice was so thick with unspoken words that Chen Zhiyu felt something was wrong.

But what exactly wasn’t right, he thought for a while, but didn’t figure it out.

Secretary Li said a big f*ck in his heart, was Xia Qingshu trying to tie the knot here?

There was a ready-made fruit basket on the desk, but if the boss was a little bit on the right side, he should have seen the two bottles of XX Revitalizing Treasure and the one bottle with Xia Qing Shu.

Secretary Li found an excuse and slipped away like there was oil of his feet.

After Secretary Li left, Chen Zhiyu didn’t hold back and greeted Xia Qingshu, “Come here.”

Xia Qingshu walked over, took the information Chen Zhiyu handed him and scanned it.

It was a lawyer’s letter, saying that National Entertainment had slandered, defamed and fabricated rumours, causing a serious impact on the image of the Chen Group and its products, causing fluctuations in the share price of the Chen Group as well as laying hidden dangers for the future development of the group, and that National Entertainment should bear all the losses.

In a word, let National Entertainment lose money, 500 million.

Xia Qing Shu was shocked: “Brother, you really lost that much?

Chen Zhiyu confidently spread his face, “No, just want the other party to learn a long lesson.”

Xia Qing Shu suddenly realized, once again transformed into a little ass-kisser, “So it’s to make an example of the chicken and the monkey, so no one will dare to make up nonsense about brother.”

Chen Zhiyu laughed lightly, satisfied with Xia Qing Shu’s sudden change of title, “The compensation money will come in, we will each have half.”

Xia Qingshu: ?!

“Brother, I can’t take it!”

No merit, he didn’t do anything, how could he be willing to share the money. Besides, it was already great that he had gained so many fans because of this incident. This compensation money, he could never ask for it.
Chen Zhiyu said disdainfully, “I’m giving it to you so take it, just now you were saying that you would do anything, and now you are singing the opposite?”

Xia Qing Shu was shocked by the other party’s arrogant  and dictatorial tone, and his heart was in awe, worthy of being a boss, worthy of admiration.

“Then…. I’ll be respectful?”

In his last life, although Xia Qing Shu’s family was very well off, he had always been a little money-grabbing. He would save up his little coffers, buy the kind of bank wealth management that would pay out every day, and then have a look at the day’s earnings when he had nothing to do. He was so obsessed with saving regularly that he earned the nickname “Little Grandet”.

When the other party suddenly wanted to give him a share of the money, Xia Qing Shu had some small expectations in his heart. His heart was like a deer in the headlights, thumping like a deer.

His cheeks were also tinged with two blushes, and he looked more and more attractive.

Brother is such a wonderful person!

Xia Qing Shu was so happy that the tips of his ears and cheeks gradually warmed up. The exposed skin looked like it had been powdered, red and tender.

He is blushing!

Chen Zhiyu smiled in awe, giving a little sweetness to a little kid, he immediately became excited like this.

Xia Qing Shu doggedly walked to Chen Zhiyu’s side, opened the fruit basket and asked in a small voice, “Brother, do you eat fruit, I’ll peel an apple, no ah …… Do you drink tonic medicine? This is good stuff, my father said, you must use it, I pour you a cup?”

Chen Zhiyu thought to himself, he hadn’t even agreed yet, and this little friend was in a hurry to replenish his body. He was too eager.

“Pour it.”

Xia Jing was highly skilled in medicine, and since it was Xia Jing who shouted to bring it over, there must be no problem, so Chen Zhiyu nodded his head and gestured for the other party to pour the medicine.

“Brother, you are so nice ….” Xia Qingshu hummed a little song in his heart, pouring Chen Zhiyu a cup of “Revitalizing Treasure”.

Chen Zhiyu took the cup and was a bit puzzled, “Do I have to drink so much?”

Xia Qing Shu read the instructions, 50ml once, three times a day, Xia Jing had instructed Chen Zhi Yu to triple the dose, a large cup was almost 200ml, no problem, “My dad said, drink all that.”

Chen Zhiyu held the cup of black liquid and took a small sip. It was sweet and sour, and tasted good, so he smothered it in one gulp.

After drinking the “Revitalizing Treasure”, Chen Zhiyu’s body felt hot, and the tip of his nose was slightly sweating, and a part of his body was stirring with a desire to rise. He couldn’t imagine that the drug would have immediate healing effects when he drank it, and he gave a little push to suppress the stirring.

“Brother, how is it, is it still okay?” Seeing Chen Zhiyu finish drinking, Xia Qing Shu’s eyes shone with light as she brought his face over. The pink lips opened slightly, exhaling the breath outwards. His long raven-like eyelashes blinked, looking more and more shy.

Chen Zhiyu stared at his partner’s reddened face and shimmering red lips for a moment, dazed.

He didn’t know if it was the influence of the drug, but in front of Xia Qingshu’s eyes, which were filled with love and admiration, Chen Zhiyu felt a little lost in himself. The smell of lemon milk at the tip of his nose found the right moment to swarm through all his limbs and fill his heart to the brim. Chen Zhiyu’s heart skipped a beat as he drove his wheelchair slowly towards Xia Qing Shu.

“Would you like another cup?” Xia Qingshu took the empty cup, both eyes wide open, his pleasing appearance looking obedient.

“I don’t have a problem with it, but I’m afraid some people can’t stand it.” Chen Zhiyu curled his lips.

Only after saying that, did he feel that this statement was greatly inappropriate. He was so clean, why was he opening up an ambiguous mode in broad daylight?

After a brief 0.5 seconds of weakness, Chen Zhiyu looked at Xia Qing Shu and found that Xia Qing Shu had his head lowered as if he was shy.

I blame myself for being too charming.

Chen Zhiyu confidently lifted the bangs in front of his forehead.

“Brother, then I will fill it up again for you.”

As expected of the evil overlord, drinking tonic medicine was like drinking water for fun. Xia Qingshu poured a cup again, and when he handed the cup over, it was held by Chen Zhiyu along with his hand.

Xia Qingshu frowned slightly. What?

What’s the point of squeezing his hand? And squeezing so tightly.

Xia Qing Shu didn’t dare to move, afraid that if he did, he would spill the tonic medicine. He heard that it was Xia Jing’s exclusive recipe and it would be a waste to spill it.

As he was wondering, the door suddenly opened and Chen’s mother came in with a doctor in a white coat.

Chen Zhiyu came to his senses and loosened his grip on Xia Qing Shu’s hand.

This little thing, the mind is getting more and creative. The tactics were surprisingly so sophisticated.

Fortunately, he had enough determination, but if his determination was a little bit weaker, he would definitely fall into Xia Qingshu’s plan.

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