Innocent big eyes
Three doors were blocked to find Xia Qing Shu all by million luxury cars, the east door parked three Porsches, the south door parked five Lamborghinis, the west door is the most understated, only a black Bentley. The rich generation is not surprised by such a configuration, after all, some students home butler’s vehicles are Audis

But Xia Qing Shu’s family is different, his grandfather drove a tricycle, his eldest family ride is a no need to scan the code shared bike, his dad did drive a small car, but a second-hand Santana, their family can not even afford to buy a luxury car tires. He decided to ask Xia Lao Er first.

Sapling: [Dad, did grandpa ascended the throne?

Xia Lao Er: [Child, although he and our family have no blood, but you also can not curse him to death ah].

Sapling: […… I did not curse him, Dad, look carefully, did I ask if the Lord ascended to heaven? It’s is he ascended to the throne?

Xia Lao Er: [Alas, look at the splits, your grandpa was hospitalized.]

Sapling: [Let Lord Xia take care of his health, he is now the only bloodline of the royal family]

Xia Lao Er: [Well. Come back early from school, made your favorite Dongpo]

Sapling: [Dad, someone at school is looking for me, I’ll throw the dice, 1 and 2 go to the east gate, 3 and 4 go to the south gate, 5 and 6 go to the west gate.]

Xia Lao Er: [Qing Shu, you finally made a friend? [/spread flowers] [/congratulations]]

Sapling: [[/dice]]

Sapling: [2, I’m going to the west door]]

Xia Lao Er: [Child, 2 is going to the east gate.]]

Xia Qing Shu turned off his phone and decided to go to the west gate first. When one is indecisive, someone helps you make a choice before you realize that you actually want to choose another one. The west gate is the closest to the school building, and there is only one car at the west gate. He doesn’t know who exactly is coming for him, with so many luxury cars, so he guessed the other party is not small.

This private school was very big, the campus was designed with a Soviet style garden, he turned around and around along the garden path and finally got lost. He stood at the corner, ready to ask someone, but saw two boys hiding by a rockery, not knowing what to do, Xia Qing Shu was in an awkward position, walking backwards was a dead end, and walking forwards would have crashed someone’s private meeting. He thought about it and squatted down. Only has to wait for the other party to go away and then he leaves.

“Brother Yu Bin, has He Yuan still come to pester you lately?” A boy said angrily, “If he comes to pester you again you tell me, I’ll smack him to death!”

“Sam, don’t be like this, no matter what, he is also your brother.” The man called brother Yu Bin’s voice was low and soft, “I don’t want you to make your family angry at me again.”

“Him? How can he be my brother if he’s a bastard? Brother Yu Bin, your matter is no small matter.” The boy’s tone was a little excited, “Brother Yu Bin, I just learned that our two families have a tendency to join in marriage, I will definitely do my best to fight for you.”

The first thing one needs to do is to get a good idea of who this brother Yubin is, it’s the protagonist shou of “Exclusive Favour”, Xia Yubin.

Xia Qing Shu was sighing a second ago that he had come across an innocent campus romance, not quite in line with the style of this dog blood danmei novel. But it turns out that two brothers fell in love with a man at the same time, not only a family reunion, but also a big fight, such was the correct way to open the “exclusive favor”.

Xia Qing Shu’s legs squatting felt a little numb, the two were still talking, with no sign of walking away at all, he simply leaned against the wall and sat on the ground.

“Ah Sum, I don’t deserve you to be so nice to me.” Xia Yubin’s voice was a bit choked, and only after a long time did he break off and say, “Sam, I’ll tell you a secret, I’ll only tell you, maybe after I tell you, you might not feel good about me.”

“Brother Yubin, you’re not looking for an excuse to reject me, are you.”

“Ah Sum, don’t think that way. Actually, I …… I’m not the Xia family’s child, the hospital nurses carried the wrong one back then …… They searched everywhere to find the biological child ……. The object of your union will not be me ……”
“How is it possible …… Uncle and Aunt Xia are so good to you, don’t worry, even if they get the biological child back, you are still my brother Yu Bin ……”

The two spread more and more dog food, Xia Qing Shu leaned against the wall and drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, a stern voice woke him up – “Xia Qing Shu, what are you doing here?!” Xia Qing Shu opened his eyes and found two boys looking at him in surprise.

“I’m sleeping, ah?” Xia Qingshu’s voice was soft with a bit of unawake daze.

“Sleeping?!” The boys snorted coldly, “You’re not following me on purpose, are you?”

Although the boy said a questionable sentence, but the tone is very sure.

The boy was very annoyed, “Say, what the fuck did you hear?

“Xia Qing Shu, you fucking face, I clearly refused you many times, you still follow, and also eavesdropping, too fucking insidious. If you follow me again, believe it or not, I’ll get someone to break your legs!” The boy’s voice was loud, and some people around slowly looked over.

“Isn’t this He Chen He Shao?”

“Who is he cursing? Holy shit, Xia Qing Shu!”

“What? Which one, the one that dresses up like a Christmas tree every day?”

“I just saw him on the school forum, someone was asking who he was.”

“Xia Qing Shu actually looks like this!”

“Why can’t I look like this?!”

Xia Qing Shu rubbed his eyes and cocked his head to look at the person who spoke.

“…… F*ck!”

The person who just questioned Xia Qing Shu’s looks, cursed and twisted his face away, the tips of his ears were red. Xia Qing Shu tried to stand up, only to find that his legs were numb and he couldn’t get up.

“Xia Qing Shu, I asked you a question? What the fuck are you doing following me all day long?!” The boy who just scolded him was ignored and was out of anger. His expression was so disgusted that if Xia Qing Shu didn’t answer again, he might hit him.

He walked up to Xia Qing Shu and stretched his hand to touch his knee.

“Hiss–” Xia Qing Shu’s leg was numb and suddenly touched, the whole leg was like an electric shock. He hugged his leg and looked over with tears in his eyes. A pair of beautiful eyes half closed up, wet pupils like distant mountains hidden fog like hazy. They were something else.

“Wait a minute, okay ……” The nasal cavity issued a small and aggrieved grunt. He Chen froze and stammered,             “You, what’s wrong with you?”

He wanted to say that he did not exert force, but when faced with the other party’s small aggrieved face, he couldn’t say a word.

“You give me a hand, okay?” Again, it was that helpless, heart-softening voice. He Chen blankly stretched out his hand and pulled him up. A tender little hand, as if there were no bones, soft beyond words. When he held it, he didn’t want to let go.

“Thank you.” After Xia Qing Shu stood up, it took some effort to pull his hand out, blinking twice at the other party with big innocent eyes, “Who are you? Why do you say I’m following you?” His expression seemed to be saying, “This student, are you mistaken? I don’t even know you.”

Please stop your self-serving behavior. He Chen came back to his senses, and in order to cover up his just disorder, he roared, “You send me 800 tweets a day, and now you ask me back who I am?!”
“Is that so? Open WeChat for me to see?” Xia Qing Shu checked all the communication chat software, basically no one paid attention to him, could this person be his friend. Eight hundred a day, should still be a good relationship with friends.

“The phone out ah.” Xia Qing Shu whispered urging.

“No, I deleted it!” The boy was a little irritated.

“Alas, then there is no more.” Xia Qing Shu looked at the other party with slight disgust, “Don’t you touch me, I really don’t know who you are?”

He Chen was so angry that he lost his words. It was clearly Xia Qing Shu who was pestering him, and now he was backpedaling and making this innocent expression.

He Chen wanted to bite him …… Bite on that lying mouth.

Seeing the other party’s exasperated look, Xia Qing Shu scratched his head, “Could it be that you are …… Xia Yubin?!”

“……” He Chen was about to explode, “I’m He Chen!”

“You’re looking for me for something?” Xia Qing Shu patted the dust on his body, “If there’s nothing I’m leaving.”


“There are still people looking for me at the west gate.”

Xia Qing Shu finished, carrying a shoulder bag, turned on his legs and ran away. Surprisingly, he did not look at He Chen for a moment.



“Doesn’t Xia Qing Shu like He Chen? His nymphomania is back?”

“What’s going on? Love is not eternal, and it’s normal to stop loving.”

“So I have a chance.”

“I’m going to ask for a weibo.”

“Wait for me, I’ll go too.”


After such a long delay, Xia Qing Shu thought the people waiting for him had long gone. He didn’t expect to see someone greet him just after he walked out of the west gate, “Xia, this way.”

A man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a formal dress waved at him. Xia Qing Shu walked over and asked politely, “May I ask what you want to see me about?”

“Hello, Xia, I’m Secretary Li, our boss is looking for you.” Secretary Li said while pulling open the car door. Chen Zhiyu sat in the back seat of the black Bentley, his eyes heavy and staring at him righteously.
“Get in.”

The man was dressed in a black suit, his features hidden in dark shadows, revealing everywhere the reserved coldness of a superior man. Being looked directly at by those unfathomable eyes, Xia Qing Shu instantly froze, his pupils all dilated by a circle.


One night. The object of love came to the door! What to do? He should have known to go to the East Gate. Sure enough, destiny is unavoidable.

Chen Zhiyu saw the other party looking at him in a daze, he lowered his head and hooked the corners of his lips, moving inside to make way.

“Come up!”

A tone that does not tolerate refusal.

Fingers squeezing the school bag strap, Xia Qing Shu clutched his school bag and reluctantly crossed into the car. He did not have time to sit still, Chen Zhiyu smelled that cheap and poor quality lemon milk again. He moved out a little bit without a trace, and opened the car window by hand.

After the car started, Xia Qingshu peeked at Chen Zhiyu with the corner of his eyes, pursing his small mouth and stealing glances, not expecting to be caught in the act by Chen Zhiyu.

“If you want to see me, just look at openly.” Chen Zhiyu put down the tablet in his hand and looked over towards him. Xia Qing Shu blinked at him generously and put his school bag between them.

“What can you drink?”

“Milk tea.”

Ten minutes later, the car drove to the forest park, pulled over to the curb, Secretary Li carried two cups of milk tea, and then left with the driver. Xia Qing Shu took out a cup of milk tea, inserted a straw, and took a big sip. The taste is good, more pearls, and added coconut nuts. No one said anything in the car, only the sound of Xia Qing Shu sucking at the milk. He doesn’t know how long it took, but after a sigh, Chen Zhiyu’s voice rang out.

“What is your request?”

Xia Qing Shu swallowed the drink in his mouth, inclined his head and let out a silent question.

“That incident last time …… What do you have to say to me?”

Xia Qing Shu shook his head, “Nothing.”


“There really isn’t.” Xia Qing Shu nodded affirmatively, then asked rhetorically, “You came to me, aren’t you the one who has something to say to me?” He tilted his head, his beautiful eyes flashed, his lips were stained with milk tea, and his lips were eye-catchingly bright. He didn’t know if it was because of restraint or fear, he shrank into a ball and spoke in a small voice.

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, a little exasperated to turn his head. After five minutes, Chen Zhiyu spoke again, “That thing, what do you think?”

Xia Qing Shu asked in a thin voice, “Which thing?”

Innocent and pitiful eyes, proving that he really knows nothing.

Chen Zhiyu: “……”

Xia Qingshu tilted his head, naively revealing two small tiger teeth: “I react slowly, if you do not say something clearly I really do not know how to answer.”
Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath and closed his eyes, “We …..that thing about sleeping.”

Xia Qingshu snorted: “sleep ah, I sleep every day, you, is your sleep very special?”

Chen Zhiyu finally could not help it, a crack appeared on the reserved face: “We did that thing that night…Love that thing!”

Xia Qing Shu covered his ears with both hands, showing a panicked expression. Chen Zhiyu finally felt physically and mentally relieved.

“You, you don’t talk nonsense, don’t ruin my reputation ah!” Xia Qing Shu finished trembling and stretched out her left hand, a vermilion red mole shining brightly on his snow-white arm.

“I … guardian shougonsha is still there.”

Chen Zhiyu covered his forehead and did not want to talk.

“I am a pure virgin male.”


“I’ve never even held someone else’s hand before. You, you don’t slander me.”


“Mr. Chen, do you still have something to do? No, I’m leaving, I have class this afternoon.”


Chen Zhiyu pressed the lock button in the car, his tone was all sinister, “Don’t go!”. He pulled Xia Qing Shu’s hand, holding down the red mole, said in a stern voice, “This is a mole, not some messed up guardian for the pure, we slept and had an inappropriate relationship!”

Xia Qing Shu plucked up, “Noo, an inappropriate relationship?!”

Looking at the other party’s panicked expression, Chen Zhiyu finally felt relieved. He sneered and looked at the other party with a condescending look, “Yes, we had a very improper physical relationship.”

Xia Qing Shu looked like a frightened bird, his beautiful eyes teary-eyed, as if in the other party’s firm eyes, he finally realized that he was impure. He blinked his eyes and murmured, “That night ……”

Chen Zhiyu nodded firmly.

“But my guardian’s……”

“That’s fake, it’s just a mole!”

“Then I..?”

“Not a male virgin!”

“Impossible, you lied to me!” Xia Qing Shu sniffed, pretending to be miserable, a clear tear slid down his cheek-droop-and fell to the wrist vermilion mole. The vermilion mole was circled in the teardrop, hazy and delicate. The young boy’s teary eyes, pretending to be strong but looking miserable, “Shougongsha is obviously still there!”

The other party’s look is too pitiful, Chen Zhiyu heart went soft. How can the little fool be so stupid and not even understand that he had sex with someone, still stubbornly refusing to admit it. He cleared his throat, ready to persuade Xia Qing Shu, but heard Xia Qing Shu choke, “I didn’t get your money, it doesn’t count as…… whoring …… right?”

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