My peanuts are gone
“You didn’t prostitute!!”

Does that even God damn count as whoring?! He was the richest man in China, how could he prostitute himself.

He wanted to open up Xia Qing Shu’s heavenly head to see what kind of brain circuitry it was that would say such a thing! There was also that damned “Shougongsha”, anyone with a normal IQ would not think that the red mole on his hand was a sign of purity.

Chen Zhiyu closed his eyes. Inhale……Exhale.

In his twenty-five years of living, no one had ever been able to mobilize his emotions like this. Xia Qing Shu was considered the first person.

“Mr. Chen, can you keep your voice down?” Xia Qing Shu leaned on the edge of the car window, “sadly” looking out the window at the crowd and the trees, trying to remember the plot.

In the original book, Chen Zhiyu was invited to give a speech at the school and Xia Yubin received him as a student representative. Facing Chen Zhiyu, the richest man in China, Xia Yubin was not submissive and or arrogant in his approach, successfully attracting Chen Zhiyu’s attention, and then, Chen Zhiyu started his pursuit of Xia Yubin ……

Xia Qing Shu read the novel while skipping parts and doesn’t know where it was now.

When he wasn’t talking, he looked like a lost deer, his long raven-feathered eyelashes blinking, looking distinctly well-behaved.

The two were silent.

Chen Zhiyu decided that he would not discuss the topic with him for now, if he continued to talk to this person with abnormal brain circuits, he would probably die of anger. After about five minutes, Xia Qing Shu spoke first, “Mr. Chen, are you going to give a speech at our school?”

Chen Zhiyu sneered in his heart, although the little fool spoke unreliably, he was quite concerned about his schedule. He had just agreed to an invitation from the University of R, and the little fool knew about it already.

Yes, next Monday.” Chen Zhiyu stared at the back of his snow-white neck for two seconds, the stuffy breath in his chest subsiding, “You …… Why don’t you call me brother anymore?”

After all, when we first met, Xia Qing Shu opened and closed his mouth with “brother”, his voice was sweet and soft, his heart and eyes were full of him.

It was quite something.

“My mother said that anyone who asks me to call him brother without a blood relationship is a scumbag.” Xia Qing Shu turned his head, tilted his head and asked in a naive and small voice, “Mr. Chen, do you want me to call you brother?”

“……. Forget it.”

The conversation broke abruptly and Xia Qingshu got out of the car, sweetly saying goodbye to Chen Zhiyu, “Bye, Mr Chen.”

As he waved, the vermilion mole on his wrist was extraordinarily enchanting, like a cluster of fire that fell under Chen Zhiyu’s eyes.

After Xia Qingshu left, the annoying smell of lemon milk, also disappeared.

Xia Qingshu returned to school with his backpack on, and had just entered the school through the west gate when he noticed someone holding up a camera to photograph him. He waved at the camera, smiled and headed for the faculty office.

According to his research, the public school costs over 300,000 yuan a year in tuition fees, and Xia Lao Er’s family earns over 200,000 a year, with all the family’s savings going to his tuition, and His five-year-old brother is often ill, his medical bills costing tens of thousands a year, the family was struggling.

Xia Lao Er is frugal and most of the family’s income was sent to Grandpa Xia. Now that he has disassociated himself from Old Man Xia, he decided to drop out of school to save more money for his brother’s medical treatment.

He went to the Registrar’s Office to ask about the procedures for withdrawing from school, which had only been at for half a semester, and wondered if he could get a small refund at his discretion.

The teacher at the Registrar’s Office was very kind, and when he heard that he wanted to withdraw, he persuaded him for a while and then gave him the relevant documents to fill out and bring back. With the information in hand, Xia Qing Shu went back to his dormitory to pack his things.
The dormitory was a four-room suite, each with a bedroom and a separate bathroom in the bedroom and a common living room inside the suite.

When he came out, he found someone sitting on the sofa in the living room, it was He Chen who had just scolded him.

When He Chen saw him, he visibly froze, having just missed him in the dim light of the garden, but now that there was no shade, his vision was more strongly impacted.

Xia Qing Shu had changed his clothes, and looked as if he had been reborn, so beautiful that it was impossible to ignore. He Chen unconsciously blurted out, “Do you think you can get my attention by dressing like this?”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

It seemed to be someone the original body liked.

Xia Qing Shu faintly glanced at the other party and then withdrew his gaze.

He Chen was very sunny and handsome looking.

Sorry to disappoint you buddy, the Xia Qing Shu who liked you has disappeared.

Seeing that Xia Qing Shu ignored him, He Chen was a little exasperated as he stopped the other party’s way, “Did you copy from Brother Yu Bin, you really don’t learn do you?”

Brother Yu Bin likes to wear white shirts and jeans and Xia Qing Shu’s outfit is almost the same as Brother Yu Bin’s.

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

He almost forgot that he is the canon fodder to the protagonist Xia Yubin. Against the backdrop of his sinister and vicious behaviour, it showed Xia Yubin’s superb appearance.

“What did I do?” Xia Qing Shu asked, really wanting to know how vicious he was.

He Chen sneered, opened his phone and threw it into Xia Qing Shu’s arms.

Xia Qing Shu caught the phone and opened the school forum, seeing the top post #New School grass of the Year election# followed by a fiery red burst of words.

He clicked into the post and there were several close-up photos of him on the front.

“Mmmmmm, nice shot.”

The photos had his side face in class, his bright as a lotus flower smile as he entered the school, fresh and energetic, like an angel fallen from the sky.

Sunny, bright and fresh.

[This, this is the school flower from another school going in the wrong venue, right?

[Can I call him my wife?

[Asking weakly, can I take him home to warm my bed if I choose?

[Upstairs you’re thinking of farts ……taking my wife away]

Xia Qing Shu’s small face flushed, “This, is this a serious school grass selection?”

He pulled down and found that he had the first votes, behind him was none other than Xia Yubin, oh, and He Chen, who also had a high number of votes and was vaguely trending to overtake Xia Yubin.

He Chen had star shaped eyebrows, he looked arrogant and domineering, with a smile that made him look very handsome. On the other hand, Xia Yubin’s looks were not bad on their own, but in a crowd of photos of handsome men, they were a bit dull.
He really wanted to know how he was elected as the school’s top school grass last year.

He Chen coldly snorted, “You think I’ll look at you just because you’ve been elected as the school grass?”

How could this person be like this?

Xia Qing Shu tossed the phone back to He Chen and asked in a low voice, “Did I take the photo? Did I vote? Did I make the post?”

The bombardment of such soulful questions rendered He Chen speechless.

“Did I dress like this and ask you to look at it me?”

Xia Qing Shu was exasperated, he is obviously wearing an ordinary shirt, how did it enter He Chen’s brain he was wearing something extroadinary like lingerie……

He Chen was very angry, “These people only look at the face, they do not know that you are a full scumbag, you…such low character like you, what qualifications do you have to be chosen as the school grass?!”

“You’re not even as good as a hair on Brother Yu Bin’s body!!!”

Before, He Chen and Xia Qing Shu were in the same dormitory, and they were living in one room without any problems. When He Chen invited his roommate to dinner and was recognized as the young master of the He family in the south of the city, the vain Xia Qing Shu began to pester He Chen.

On one occasion, he took advantage of He Chan’s drunkenness and climbed into his bed to touch his ass. If not for the other two roommates, Xia Qing Shu would have been beaten to death.

He had a very bad impression of Xia Qingshu. How could someone with such a corrupt character be elected as the school’s grass? He felt deeply that only someone as talented as Xia Yubin was qualified to be elected as the school grass.

Xia Qing Shu was also very angry, he had done nothing and he was called a loose character, he was so angry that he blushed red.

“Then you go and expose me.”

This kind of immodest election, he didn’t want to be part of either.

He Chen picked up his phone and commented under Xia Qing Shu’s photo: “This person is of low character, lustful and greedy for money, lecherous. He is extremely slutty and has an extremely disorderly private life.”

Someone in the comments quickly replied, “F*ck, there must be a problem with this man, to slander my wife.”

“Really? Really? I want to see my wife lewd/slutty ……”

“This comment looks like a person who wants to eat alone ……”

“Eating alone kills the whole family!!! You can’t monopolize your wife, if you can’t control our bull?!”

He Chen’s comment was quickly followed by hundreds of replies below, the male college student’s imagination was enough to make people blush.

Xia Qingshu wanted to see what he had posted and hooked his head to it, but He Chen, his face dripping red, shielded his phone tightly and refused to let the other boy look at it.

When Xia Yubin knocked on the door, he saw He Chen and Xia Qing Shu staring at each other with wide eyes.

After asking what was going on, Xia Yubin smiled and came over to take his hand, “Qing Shu, the drama club has an event, didn’t you really want to go see it before, I’ll take you there.”

Xia Qing Shu looked down at the hand that was being held tightly, “No, I want to go home.”

Xia Yubin frowned, “Qing Shu, are you angry with us?”

Xia Qingshu blinked and didn’t say anything.
He Chen whined behind him, “Brother Yubin, don’t be so nice to him. He’s just a little white-eyed wolf.”

Xia Yubin smiled, “Qing Shu, I heard that someone outside is looking for you, have you found them?”

“No. ……”

“Qing Shu, why are you wearing your school uniform today? Huh, not wearing any accessories today either.”

Seeing how familiar the other party was, Xia Qing Shu put down the luggage in his hands and asked, “Are we good friends?”

Xia Yubin: “Of course.”

Xia Qing Shu: “Then why didn’t you help me when He Chen scolded me in the garden earlier?”

He Chen: “……” When did I ever scold you?

“Aren’t good friends supposed to help each other out?”

Xia Yubin: “Sorry Qing Shu, I was shocked, I didn’t know why Sam was so mean …… I pulled him, but he was too strong, I’m sorry ……”

Then Xia Qing Shu watched as Xia Yubin cried, until the eyes were raining with tears.

Xia Qinshu:”……”

Never seen such a refreshing and refined lotus tea!

“Brother Yu Bin, how can you be blamed for this? It’s obviously him eavesdropping on us.” He Chen became even angrier and glared viciously at Xia Qing Shu.

“Don’t cry, I’ll go with you.” Xia Qing Shu opened his duffel bag, “You help me choose a dress and accessories.”

“It’s good that you don’t blame me.” With tears on her face, Xia Yubin found some rose lace-trimmed t-shirts with holes and a dark green beaded necklace from her pocket, and laughed through tears, “Qing Shu, this looks good.”

Xia Qing Shu didn’t take it: “This is for you, You can wear it to the drama club with me.”

Xia Yubin: “……”

Xia Qingshu: “Didn’t you say this looks good, wear it if it looks good.”

Xia Yubin: “Qing Shu, I, how can I want something from you?”

Xia Qingshu grabbed his wrist and put the dark green beaded necklace around his neck, then grabbed some small trinkets from his bag and put them on his hands.

“Oh my, it looks so good on Brother Yu Bin. If you take me like a friend, you’ll have to keep wearing it.”

Finally, he pretended to be angry and added a sentence, like a child’s temper, “If you don’t wear it, you don’t like me, I don’t want to be your friend.”

Xia Yubin: “……”

He Chen coldly snorted, “Whatever is dirty and smelly just put it on Brother Yu Bin!”

At Xia Qing Shu’s insistence, Xia Yubin put on a rose red lace-trimmed non-mainstream T-shirt and wore a lot of accessories on his body.
Xia Qing Shu was satisfied that although a tea, it didn’t look like a lotus anymore.

Xia Yubin usually dresses in light colours, he is very thin and his delicate look was lovable. Wearing a rose t-shirt and accessories, he has a sense of “ugly people make a lot of mistakes”.

Under the backdrop of Xia Yubin, Xia Qing Shu is even more fresh and handsome.

He wanted to know what the other party was up to, so he followed him with his bag on his back.

Xia Yubin was the vice president of the drama club, and when he arrived, many of the younger students gathered around and called him senior. In the drama club, Xia Yubin’s strange costume did not arouse anyone’s curiosity. On the contrary, Xia Qing Shu, with his outstanding appearance, attracted a lot of attention.

Xia Yubin seemed to have really brought him to see the play, and gave him a front row seat and went off on his own.

Xia Qing Shu took out a bag of fish skin peanuts from his school bag. Xia’s mother would prepare a little snack for him every day, with peanuts, fruit, and chocolate.

After eating two peanuts, he suddenly felt a burning sensation in his stomach and a bit nauseous, so he quickly ran to the bin and threw up the peanuts.

Had he eaten bad peanuts?

He put the peanuts on the table and went backstage to get some water. After drinking and rinsing his mouth, he felt a little better.

Behind the stage curtain, Xia Yubin pulled back the curtain to reveal a slit and pointed at Xia Qing Shu in the audience, “How’s that, not bad, right?”

A man stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, smiling in a sinister manner, “Where did you find that little sweet cake, it looks delicious.”

Xia Yubin: “I’ve brought you the man, the rest is up to you.”

Xia Qing Shu came back from getting water and found that the fish skin peanuts and small snacks he had put on the table were missing. He was so angry, he was going to eat them while watching the play.

He checked his school bag and found that it too had been moved, with a pair of worn underwear and a TT with a love symbol painted on it sitting in the outermost bag of his school bag. This, who put this there, it’s disgusting.

Xia Yubin had gone to a lot of trouble to bring him to the drama club just to find a pervert. A pervert to disgust him? It was indeed disgusting.

He knew that Xia Yubin had a perverted hairdresser, Zhou Qian, and they had a good relationship. Zhou Qian likes to torment pretty boys. Anyone he takes a fancy to will receive a TT from him, foreshadowing a kidney-killing relationship between the two. The abusive relationship between Zhou Qian and his young boyfriend is exactly the kind of sub-CP in Exclusive Favourite.

He didn’t expect this disgusting man to fancy him.

Xia Qing Shu looked up, there was surveillance at the entrance of the auditorium and his position was in the surveillance range. However, it was troublesome to apply for the transfer of surveillance. His family background was mediocre, and the school could not possibly transfer surveillance for him because of a trivial matter.

Even if they did, if they found out who was responsible, it would only become an irrelevant lecture and would have no effect on them at all. It is very likely that Zhou Qian was the one who put this disgusting stuff in his school bag, and Zhou Qian is very good to Xia Yubin and would not give him up. It is basically useless to report the teacher. The pervert would instead become more excited by his ineffective resistance.

Oh, what should he do?

Xia Qing Shu was so “anxious” that he was on the verge of tears, and it was only after a long time that he whispered to the students around him, “My peanuts are gone!”

After about ten minutes, he saw a sign on the wall saying, “If you have any problems, call the police”, so he picked up the phone and called 110, “Uncle police, my peanuts have been stolen.”

On the other side of the phone, he was very nice, “Look carefully, you might have dropped them on the floor.”

Xia Qing Shu said in a weak voice, “Uncle police, I searched but couldn’t find it, there is a CCTV here, can you help me transfer the CCTV and see who took it?”

His action drew the attention of the surrounding students, many of whom thought it was too trivial for him to call the police after dropping the bag of peanuts and asking for a surveillance transfer.

The caller also thought it was trivial and was reluctant to send the police. The other side even said that next time he would be treated to two packets of marinated peanuts.

Xia Qing Shu cried and said into the phone, “Uncle police, those peanuts are what my family uses to drug rats, people will die if they eat them!”

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